diff --git a/resources/lang/af-ZA/cachet.php b/resources/lang/af-ZA/cachet.php index 53c241082172..ae1b500ba054 100644 --- a/resources/lang/af-ZA/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/af-ZA/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/af-ZA/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/af-ZA/dashboard.php index dcba33f39a91..5a8820b25d38 100644 --- a/resources/lang/af-ZA/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/af-ZA/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Schedule', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1] You have logged one incident.|[2,*] You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Create Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Geskeduleerde Instandhouding', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|[1] You have logged one schedule.|[2,*] You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/ar-SA/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ar-SA/cachet.php index 14e7749615a7..4e77fed3f7d3 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ar-SA/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ar-SA/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] النظام يعمل | [2,Inf] جميع الأنظمة تعمل', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] النظام يواجه مشاكل | [2,Inf] بعض الأنظمة تواجه مشاكل', 'major' => '[0,1] النظام يواجه مشاكل أساسية | [2,Inf] بعض الأنظمة تواجه مشاكل أساسية', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ar-SA/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ar-SA/dashboard.php index b684d09c6762..2a86fe9c478a 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ar-SA/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ar-SA/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'الأعطال و الصيانة', 'incidents' => 'الأعطال', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'إنشاء قالب', 'incident-templates' => 'قوالب الأعطال', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'تحديثات حالة العَطَل :incident', - 'count' => '{0} لا تحديث|[1] تحديث واحد|[2] تحديثين|[3,*] عدة تحديثات', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'إنشاء تحديث حالة جديد للعَطَل', 'success' => 'تم إنشاء الحالة الجديدة المتعلقة بالعَطَل.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'صيانة', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'مُبرمَجة على :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'إضافة إجراء صيانة', diff --git a/resources/lang/ca-ES/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ca-ES/cachet.php index 40dda6ee9bf7..9a364faf715e 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ca-ES/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ca-ES/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistema en funcionament | [2, Inf] Tots els sistemes estan en funcionament', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Actualment el sistema està experimentant problemes| [2, Inf] Alguns sistemes estan experimentant problemes', 'major' => '[0,1] El servei està experimentant una interrupció major| [2, Inf] Alguns sistemes estan experimentant una interrupció major', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ca-ES/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ca-ES/dashboard.php index 66fbfe59c676..08a6f128f22f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ca-ES/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ca-ES/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidències i manteniments', 'incidents' => 'Incidències', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Crear plantilla', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Interrupció programada', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/cachet.php b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/cachet.php index 1ff19eb16f67..605f5f7c44d8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Služba je v provozu|[2,Inf] Všechny služby fungují bez problémů', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Služba má problémy|[2,Inf] Některá ze služeb má problémy', 'major' => '[0,1] Služba má celkový výpadek|[2,Inf] Některé služby mají celkový výpadek', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/dashboard.php index 6bcbe76a8d73..1b42fe985f39 100644 --- a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidenty & Plán', 'incidents' => 'Incidenty', - 'logged' => '{0} Nejsou hlášeny žádné incidenty, dobrá práce. | Zapsali jste jeden incident. | Nahlásili jste :count incident(y).', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Vytvořit šablonu', 'incident-templates' => 'Šablony incidentů', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Vytvořit novou zprávu k události', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Plánovaná odstávka', - 'logged' => '{0} Žádná údržba není v plánu, skvělá práce.|Je v plánu jedna údržba.|Je v plánu :count údržb.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Naplánováno na :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Přidat plánovanou údržbu', diff --git a/resources/lang/da-DK/cachet.php b/resources/lang/da-DK/cachet.php index 9165147a1609..0af629a75f99 100644 --- a/resources/lang/da-DK/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/da-DK/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Systemet virker korrekt|[2,Inf] Alle systemer virker korrekt', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Systemet har i øjeblikket problemer|[2,*] Nogle systemer har i øjeblikket problemer', 'major' => '[0,1] Systemet har i øjeblikket store problemer|[2,*] Nogle systemer har i øjeblikket store problemer', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/da-DK/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/da-DK/dashboard.php index 9cc617987d88..3e0d350535a2 100644 --- a/resources/lang/da-DK/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/da-DK/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Hændelser og Vedligehold', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} Ingen åbne hændelser.|[1] Der er én åben hændelse.|[2.*] Der er :count åbne hændelser.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Create Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Hændelsesopdateringer til :hændelse', - 'count' => '{0} Nul opdateringer |[1] Én opdatering |[2] To opdateringer | [3, *] Flere opdateringer', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Opret ny hændelsesopdatering', 'success' => 'Din nye hændelsesopdatering er oprettet.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Vedligeholdelse', - 'logged' => '{0} Der er intet planlagt.|Der er 1 planlagt.|Der er :count planlagte.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Planlagt til :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Tilføj planlagt vedligeholdelse', diff --git a/resources/lang/de-DE/cachet.php b/resources/lang/de-DE/cachet.php index d44ef91b4224..d733602b1578 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de-DE/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/de-DE/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System funktioniert einwandfrei|[2,Inf] Alle Systeme funktionieren einwandfrei', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Das System hat momentan Probleme|[2,Inf] Mehrere Systeme haben momentan Probleme', 'major' => '[0,1] Das System hat ein schwerwiegendes Problem|[2,Inf] Mehrere Systeme haben ein schwerwiegendes Problem', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/de-DE/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/de-DE/dashboard.php index 536ee0bfaf8d..d340e501350c 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de-DE/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/de-DE/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfälle & Wartungsarbeiten', 'incidents' => 'Ereignisse', - 'logged' => '{0} Es gibt keine Vorfälle, gute Arbeit.|[1] Du hast ein Vorfall gemeldet.|[2,*] Du hast :count Vorfälle gemeldet.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Vorlage erstellen', 'incident-templates' => 'Ereignis Vorlagen', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfall Aktualisiert für :incident', - 'count' => '{0} 0 Aktualisierungen|[1] Eine Aktualisierung|[2] Zwei Aktualisierungen|[3,*] Mehrere Aktualisierungen', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Vorfall-Update erstellen', 'success' => 'Deine neue Vorfall Aktualisierung wurde erstellt.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Wartungsarbeiten', - 'logged' => '{0} Es gibt keine Zeitpläne, gute Arbeit.|Du hast einen Zeitplan erstellt.|Du hast :count Zeitpläne gemeldet.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Geplant am :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Planmäßige Wartungsarbeiten hinzufügen', diff --git a/resources/lang/el-GR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/el-GR/cachet.php index b58465f3a0e4..ce52bf2a7ea2 100644 --- a/resources/lang/el-GR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/el-GR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Το σύστημα βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία[2,Inf] Όλα τα συστήματα βρίσκονται σε λειτουργία', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Το σύστημα αντιμετωπίζει προβλήματα|[2,Inf] Κάποια συστήματα αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα', 'major' => '[0,1] Η υπηρεσία αντιμετωπίζει μία σημαντική διακοπή|[2,Inf] Κάποια συστήματα αντιμετωπίζουν μία σημαντική διακοπή', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/el-GR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/el-GR/dashboard.php index 727c962f8de9..060a5e61dad6 100644 --- a/resources/lang/el-GR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/el-GR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Περιστατικά & Πρόγραμμα', 'incidents' => 'Περιστατικά', - 'logged' => '{0} Δεν υπάρχουν περιστατικά, καλλή δουλειά.|Έχετε καταγράψει ένα περιστατικό.|Έχετε ανάφερει :count περιστατικά.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Δημιουργία προτύπου', 'incident-templates' => 'Πρότυπα Περιστατικών', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Προγραμματισμένη Συντήρηση', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Προγραμματισμένη στις :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/en-UD/cachet.php b/resources/lang/en-UD/cachet.php index 13a996089742..0072aa245cb9 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-UD/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-UD/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => 'crwdns1397:0crwdne1397:0', + 'good' => 'crwdns1437:0crwdne1437:0', 'bad' => 'crwdns1398:0crwdne1398:0', 'major' => 'crwdns1399:0crwdne1399:0', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/en-UD/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/en-UD/dashboard.php index 79898cfc05c0..6a5fdf250707 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-UD/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-UD/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'crwdns1400:0crwdne1400:0', 'incidents' => 'crwdns953:0crwdne953:0', - 'logged' => 'crwdns1401:0{0}crwdnd1401:0[1]crwdne1401:0', + 'logged' => 'crwdns1438:0{0}crwdnd1438:0[1]crwdne1438:0', 'incident-create-template' => 'crwdns955:0crwdne955:0', 'incident-templates' => 'crwdns956:0crwdne956:0', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'crwdns1402:0crwdne1402:0', - 'count' => 'crwdns1403:0{0}crwdnd1403:0[1]crwdnd1403:0[2]crwdne1403:0', + 'count' => 'crwdns1439:0{0}crwdnd1439:0[1]crwdnd1439:0[2]crwdne1439:0', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'crwdns1404:0crwdne1404:0', 'success' => 'crwdns1405:0crwdne1405:0', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'crwdns1410:0crwdne1410:0', - 'logged' => 'crwdns1411:0{0}crwdnd1411:0[1]crwdne1411:0', + 'logged' => 'crwdns1440:0{0}crwdnd1440:0[1]crwdne1440:0', 'scheduled_at' => 'crwdns980:0crwdne980:0', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'crwdns1412:0crwdne1412:0', diff --git a/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php b/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php index adaedf984306..34346f5f8260 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ 'days-of-incidents' => 'crwdns1194:0crwdne1194:0', 'time_before_refresh' => 'crwdns1434:0crwdne1434:0', 'banner' => 'crwdns1195:0crwdne1195:0', - 'banner-help' => 'crwdns1435:0crwdne1435:0', + 'banner-help' => "crwdns1435:0crwdne1435:0", 'subscribers' => 'crwdns1197:0crwdne1197:0', 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'crwdns1427:0crwdne1427:0', 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'crwdns1198:0crwdne1198:0', diff --git a/resources/lang/en-US/cachet.php b/resources/lang/en-US/cachet.php index 8339fcaad79f..50948b0f6b36 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-US/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-US/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is currently experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The service experiencing a major outage|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing a major outage', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/en-US/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/en-US/dashboard.php index 2be9eca95950..56d568badccd 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-US/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-US/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Schedule', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Create Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Scheduled Maintenance', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/es-ES/cachet.php b/resources/lang/es-ES/cachet.php index 75f559ba2205..f3d7363e1775 100644 --- a/resources/lang/es-ES/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/es-ES/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistema operativo | [2,Inf] Todos los sistemas están operativos', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] El sistema está actualmente experimentando problemas | [2,Inf] Algunos sistemas están experimentando problemas', 'major' => '[0,1] El servicio está experimentando una interrupción mayor | [2, Inf] Algunos sistemas están experimentando una interrupción mayor', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/es-ES/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/es-ES/dashboard.php index 335514ee8b7b..42b39f94d3cf 100644 --- a/resources/lang/es-ES/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/es-ES/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidencias y horario', 'incidents' => 'Incidentes', - 'logged' => '{0} No hay incidencias, ¡buen trabajo!|Has registrado una incidencia.|Has reportado :count incidencias.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Crear plantilla', 'incident-templates' => 'Plantillas de incidente', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Actualizaciones de incidentes para :incident', - 'count' => '{0} cero actualizaciones |[1] una actualización |[2] dos actualizaciones | [3 *] Varias actualizaciones', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Crea una nueva actualización de incidente', 'success' => 'Su nueva plantilla de incidentes ha sido creada.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Mantenimiento programado', - 'logged' => '{0} No hay planificaciones, buen trabajo.|Has registrado una planificación.|Has registrado :count planificaciones.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Programado para :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Agregar mantenimiento programado', diff --git a/resources/lang/fa-IR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/fa-IR/cachet.php index 4379981995ea..d47aee362bf1 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fa-IR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/fa-IR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] سامانه فعال است | [2,Inf] همه سامانه‌ها فعالند', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] سامانه در حال حاضر دچار اشکال است ‌| [2,Inf] برخی از سامانه‌ها دچار اشکال شده‌اند', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/fa-IR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/fa-IR/dashboard.php index f12e04624288..8bea9eed55a2 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fa-IR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/fa-IR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Schedule', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'ایجاد قالب', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'تعمیرات زمان‌بندی شده', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'زمان‌بندی شده در :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'افزودن تعمیرات زمان‌بندی شده', diff --git a/resources/lang/fi-FI/cachet.php b/resources/lang/fi-FI/cachet.php index a5bf73db4d53..cc832dbd1c93 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fi-FI/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/fi-FI/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] järjestelmät ovat toiminnassa| [2, Inf] Kaikki järjestelmät ovat toiminnassa', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] järjestelmässä on tällä hetkellä ongelmia| [2, Inf] Joissakin järjestelmissä on ongelmia', 'major' => '[0,1] Palvelussa on merkittävä katkos| [2, Inf] Joissakin järjestelmissä on merkittävä katkoksia', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/fi-FI/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/fi-FI/dashboard.php index 8260752c0033..4e223f8dd202 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fi-FI/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/fi-FI/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Tapahtumat & ajastaminen', 'incidents' => 'Tapahtumat', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Luo mallipohja', 'incident-templates' => 'Tapahtumamalli', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Luo tapahtuma malli', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Ajastettu tapahtuma', - 'logged' => '{0} Täälä ei ole ajastettuja tapahtumia, hyvää työtä | Olet ajastanut yhden tapahtuman | Olet ajastanut :count tapahtumia.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Ajastettu :timestamp alkaen', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Lisää ajastettu tapahtuma', diff --git a/resources/lang/fr-FR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/fr-FR/cachet.php index 3a9bd9466f83..bffacbc86ef0 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fr-FR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/fr-FR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Système opérationnel|[2,Inf] Tous les systèmes sont opérationnels', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Le système rencontre actuellement des problèmes|[2,Inf] Certains systèmes rencontrent des problèmes', 'major' => '[0,1] Le service rencontre une panne majeure|[2,Inf] Certains systèmes rencontrent une panne majeure', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/fr-FR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/fr-FR/dashboard.php index 37cd1cdf233d..e8c6fe6e83d7 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fr-FR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/fr-FR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Planification', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} Aucun incident, bon travail.|Vous avez un incident signalé.|Vous avez :count incidents signalés.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Créer un modèle', 'incident-templates' => 'Modèles d\'incident', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident mis à jour pour : incident', - 'count' => '{0} Aucune mise à jour|[1] Une mise à jour|[2] Deux mises à jour|[3,*] Plusieurs mises à jour', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Créer une mise à jour d\'incident', 'success' => 'Votre nouvelle mise à jour d\'incident a été créée.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Maintenance Planifiée', - 'logged' => '{0} Aucune maintenance en cours, félicitations.|Vous avez une maintenance planifiée.|Vous avez :count maintenances planifiées.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Planifiée à :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Ajouter une maintenance planifiée', diff --git a/resources/lang/he-IL/cachet.php b/resources/lang/he-IL/cachet.php index 2fa09e9e381f..c688a17899c0 100644 --- a/resources/lang/he-IL/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/he-IL/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/he-IL/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/he-IL/dashboard.php index 4264695c25ee..71eb09d8064a 100644 --- a/resources/lang/he-IL/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/he-IL/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Schedule', 'incidents' => 'אירועים', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Create Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'תחזוקה מתוזמנת', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/hu-HU/cachet.php b/resources/lang/hu-HU/cachet.php index e15dad3da62c..3edb6b02cd3e 100644 --- a/resources/lang/hu-HU/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/hu-HU/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Rendszer üzemképes|[2,Inf] Az összes rendszer üzemképes', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] A rendszer problémát észlelt|[2,Inf] Több rendszer problémát észlelt', 'major' => '[0,1] A szolgáltatás jelenleg nem elérhető|[2,Inf] Több szolgáltatás nem elérhető', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/hu-HU/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/hu-HU/dashboard.php index 66be54d8d0ca..c19b62aa2f26 100644 --- a/resources/lang/hu-HU/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/hu-HU/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidensek & Ütemezés', 'incidents' => 'Incidensek', - 'logged' => '{0} Nincs semmilyen incidens, szép munka.|Ön egy incidenst jelentett.|Ön összesen :count incidenst jelentett.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Sablon létrehozása', 'incident-templates' => 'Incidens Sablonok', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Új incidens frissítés létrehozása', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Ütemezett karbantartás', - 'logged' => '{0} Nincs semmilyen ütemterv, szép munka.|Ön egy ütemtervet regisztrált.|Ön összesen :count ütemtervet regisztrált.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Ütemezve: :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Ütemezett Karbantartás létrehozása', diff --git a/resources/lang/id-ID/cachet.php b/resources/lang/id-ID/cachet.php index 33e59e643cfd..07a3390d843c 100644 --- a/resources/lang/id-ID/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/id-ID/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1]Sistem operasional|[2,*] Semua sistem operasional', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1]Sistem ini sedang mengalami masalah|[2,*]Beberapa sistem mengalami masalah', 'major' => '[0,1]Sistem mengalami masalah besar|[2,*]Beberapa sistem mengalami masalah besar', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/id-ID/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/id-ID/dashboard.php index 4e18482f6b0e..09852a4d1bd8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/id-ID/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/id-ID/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Insiden & Penjadwalan', 'incidents' => 'Insiden', - 'logged' => '{0} Tidak ada insiden, bagus.|[1] Anda mencatat satu insiden.|[2,*] Anda melaporkan :count insiden.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Buat Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Template Insiden', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Update insiden untuk :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Nol Update|[1] Satu Update|[2] Dua Update|[3,*] Beberapa Update', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Buat update insiden baru', 'success' => 'Update baru insiden anda berhasil dibuat.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Pemeliharaan', - 'logged' => '{0} Tidak ada penjadwalan, mantap. | [1] Anda mencatat satu jadwal. | [2,*] Anda melaporkan :count jadwal.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Dijadwalkan pada :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Tambahkan Jadwal Pemeliharaan', diff --git a/resources/lang/it-IT/cachet.php b/resources/lang/it-IT/cachet.php index fc3e3e573fdd..761150b86578 100644 --- a/resources/lang/it-IT/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/it-IT/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistema operativo|[2,Inf] Tutti i sistemi sono operativi', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Il sistema al momento presenta problemi|[2,Inf] Alcuni sistemi presentano problemi', 'major' => '[0,1] Il servizio presenta presenta un grave problema|[2,Inf] Alcuni sistemi presentano un grave problema', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/it-IT/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/it-IT/dashboard.php index aae40fe2f9d8..1f28d4e82d04 100644 --- a/resources/lang/it-IT/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/it-IT/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Segnalazioni & Pianificazione', 'incidents' => 'Incidenti', - 'logged' => '{0} Non ci sono segnalazioni, ottimo lavoro.|Hai notificato una segnalazione.|Hai notificato :count segnalazioni.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Crea Modello', 'incident-templates' => 'Modelli di segnalazione', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero aggiornamenti |[1] Un aggiornamento |[2] Due aggiornamenti | [3, *] Diversi aggiornamenti', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Crea nuovo aggiornamento incidente', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Manutenzione programmata', - 'logged' => '{0} non ci sono pianificazioni, buon lavoro. | Hai annotato una pianificazione. | Hai riportato :count pianificazioni.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Pianificato alle :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Aggiungi manutenzione programmata', diff --git a/resources/lang/ja-JP/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ja-JP/cachet.php index 91679fe034c5..d6dc7d4789a8 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ja-JP/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ja-JP/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '全システムが正常に稼動しています', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '一部のシステムに問題が発生しています', 'major' => 'システムに深刻な問題が発生しています', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ja-JP/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ja-JP/dashboard.php index a9bdf13bd5ea..873d2cee3739 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ja-JP/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ja-JP/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'インシデント & スケジュール', 'incidents' => 'インシデント', - 'logged' => '{0} 良いですね。インシデントはありません。|インシデントを1件登録しました。|あなたはインシデントを :count 件 報告しています。', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'テンプレートの作成', 'incident-templates' => 'インシデント・テンプレート', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => '計画メンテナンス', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/ko-KR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ko-KR/cachet.php index 19375a81adb9..8ce26c71eed1 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ko-KR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ko-KR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ko-KR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ko-KR/dashboard.php index 2482872fbc56..6e8aca59fbf0 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ko-KR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ko-KR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => '문제 및 예정', 'incidents' => '문제', - 'logged' => '{0} 아무 문제가 없습니다, 잘하고 있어요.|하나의 문제에 대한 로깅이 있습니다.|:count 개의 문제가 리포트 되었습니다.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => '템플릿 생성', 'incident-templates' => '문제 템플릿', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => '예정된 유지 보수', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => ':timestamp 에 예정됨', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/cachet.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/cachet.php index fc40b3a01b68..437ab208bcef 100644 --- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Systeem operationeel|[2,Inf] Alle systemen zijn operationeel', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Het systeem ondervindt momenteel problemen |[2,Inf] Sommige systemen ondervinden momenteel problemen', 'major' => '[0,1] Het systeem ondervindt momenteel een grote storing|[2,Inf] Sommige systemen ondervinden momenteel een grote storing', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php index bbe664cd4e2f..80bde8e05410 100644 --- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidenten & Onderhoud', 'incidents' => 'Incidenten', - 'logged' => '{0} Proficiat, er zijn geen incidenten.|Er heeft zich één incident voorgedaan.|Er zijn :count incidenten gerapporteerd.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Maak template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Sjablonen', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates voor :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Geen updates |[1] Één update |[2] Twee updates | [3, *] Meerdere updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Maak een nieuwe incident update', 'success' => 'Je nieuwe incident update is aangemaakt.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Gepland onderhoud', - 'logged' => '{0} Er zijn geen schema\'s, goed werk.|Je hebt één schema aangemaakt.|Je hebt :count schema\'s aangegeven.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Gepland op :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Gepland onderhoud toevoegen', diff --git a/resources/lang/no-NO/cachet.php b/resources/lang/no-NO/cachet.php index 27963ff09b12..d199d99e0518 100644 --- a/resources/lang/no-NO/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/no-NO/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Systemet er operativt| [2, Inf] Alle systemer er operative', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Systemet har problemer| [2, Inf] Noen systemer har problemer', 'major' => '[0,1] Det er et større brudd i systemet| [2, Inf] Noen systemer har større brudd', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/no-NO/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/no-NO/dashboard.php index febd6dfb4377..76a93a11e32b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/no-NO/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/no-NO/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Hendelser & Tidsplan', 'incidents' => 'Hendelser', - 'logged' => '{0} Det er ingen hendelser, bra jobbet.|Du har en logget hendelse.|Du har rapportert :count hendelser.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Opprett mal', 'incident-templates' => 'Hendelsesmaler', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Opprett ny hendelseoppdatering', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Planlagt vedlikehold', - 'logged' => '{0} Det er ingen tidsplaner, bra jobbet. | Du har logget en hendelse. | Du har rapportert : antall tidsplaner.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Planlagt til :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Legg til planlagt vedlikehold', diff --git a/resources/lang/pl-PL/cachet.php b/resources/lang/pl-PL/cachet.php index 9aec8348e44a..d3ca80f29007 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pl-PL/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/pl-PL/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System działa poprawnie|[2,Inf] Wszystkie systemy działają poprawnie', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] W systemie występują problemy|[2,Inf] W niektórych systemach występują problemy', 'major' => '[0,1] W system występują poważne problemy|[2,Inf] W niektórych systemach występują poważne problemy', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/pl-PL/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/pl-PL/dashboard.php index 224c32418aa9..6406580d367d 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pl-PL/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/pl-PL/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incydenty i Konserwacja', 'incidents' => 'Vorfälle', - 'logged' => '{0} Es gibt keine Vorfälle, gute Arbeit.|Du hast einen Vorfall gemeldet.|Du hast :count Vorfälle gemeldet.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Vorlage erstellen', 'incident-templates' => 'Vorfall Vorlagen', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Aktualizacje incydentu dla :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Aktualizacji|[1] Jedna Aktualizacja|[2] Dwie Aktualizacje|[3,*] Kilka Aktualizacji', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Utwórz nową aktualizację zdarzenia', 'success' => 'Twoja aktualizacja o nowym zdarzeniu została utworzona.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Konserwacja', - 'logged' => '{0} Nie ma żadnych harmonogramów, dobra robota.|Posiadasz jeden harmonogram.|Zgłoszono :count harmonogramów.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Geplant am :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Zaplanuj prace konserwatorskie', diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/cachet.php index 3b431a9634e6..6656136540df 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistema operacional|[2,*] Todos os sistemas estão operacionais', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] O sistema encontra-se com alguns problemas|[2,*] Alguns sistemas estão com problemas', 'major' => '[0,1]O sistema encontra-se com uma falha geral|[2,*]Alguns sistemas encontram-se com falhas gerais', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/dashboard.php index f15648b6c6bb..e175877e5f6d 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidentes & Agendamentos', 'incidents' => 'Incidentes', - 'logged' => '{0} Não existem incidentes, bom trabalho.|[1] Você registrou um incidente.|[2,*] Você reportou :count incidentes.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Criar template', 'incident-templates' => 'Template de incidentes', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Atualizações para o incidente :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Atualizações|[1] Uma Atualização|[2] Duas Atualizações|[3,*] Várias Atualizações', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Crie uma nova atualização de incidente', 'success' => 'Seu novo incidente foi criado.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Manutenção', - 'logged' => '{0} Não existem agendamentos, bom trabalho.|[1] Você introduziu um agendamento.|[2,*] Você reportou :count agendamentos.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Agendada em :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Adicionar manutenção programada', diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-PT/cachet.php b/resources/lang/pt-PT/cachet.php index 48562eefa2bc..5f9402dddd74 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-PT/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-PT/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistema operacional|[2,Inf] Todos os sistemas estão operacionais', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] O sistema encontra-se com alguns problemas|[2,Inf] Alguns sistemas estão com problemas', 'major' => '[0,1] O serviço encontra-se com uma falha geral.|[2,Inf] Alguns sistemas encontram-se com falhas gerais', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-PT/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/pt-PT/dashboard.php index 6de491628736..9241af47f733 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-PT/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-PT/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidentes & Agendamentos', 'incidents' => 'Ocorrências', - 'logged' => '{0} Não existem incidentes, bom trabalho.|Você registrou um incidente.|Você reportou :count incidentes.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Criar template', 'incident-templates' => 'Template de incidentes', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Crie uma nova atualização de incidente', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Manutenção Agendada', - 'logged' => '{0} Não existem agendamentos, bom trabalho.|Você introduziu um agendamento.|Você reportou :count agendamentos.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Agendada em :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Adicionar Manutenção Agendada', diff --git a/resources/lang/ro-RO/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ro-RO/cachet.php index 9f4faa91418f..21afb75455cc 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ro-RO/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ro-RO/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistem operaţional|[2,Inf] Toate sistemele sunt operaţionale', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Sistemul se confruntă cu probleme|[2,Inf] Unele sisteme se confruntă cu probleme', 'major' => '[0,1] Serviciul se confruntă cu o întrerupere a funcționării majoră| [2, Inf] Unele sisteme se confruntă cu întreruperi de funcţionare majore', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ro-RO/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ro-RO/dashboard.php index 45a98b3d7965..f25d87da3b99 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ro-RO/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ro-RO/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidente & Planificare', 'incidents' => 'Incidente', - 'logged' => '{0} Nu sunt incidente, bravo! | Ai adăugat un incident. | Ai raportat :count incidente.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Crează şablon', 'incident-templates' => 'Şabloane incident', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Adaugă o nouă actualizare a incidentului', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Întreținere programată', - 'logged' => '{0} Nu există programări, bravo.|Ai o singură programare.|Ai :count programări.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Programat la :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Adăugaţi Programare Mentenanţă', diff --git a/resources/lang/ru-RU/cachet.php b/resources/lang/ru-RU/cachet.php index 55fca19f6ebf..c81c7383b364 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ru-RU/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/ru-RU/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Система работает исправно|[2,Inf] Все системы работают исправно', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] В системе есть неполадки|[2,Inf] В некоторых системах есть неполадки', 'major' => '[0,1] Система не работает|[2,Inf] Некоторые системы не работают', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/ru-RU/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/ru-RU/dashboard.php index 91b1b675527a..96bee6dc4197 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ru-RU/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/ru-RU/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Инциденты и плановые работы', 'incidents' => 'Инциденты', - 'logged' => '{0} Нет инцидентов, отличная работа!|У вас зарегистрирован :count инцидент.|У вас зарегистрировано :count инцидента.|У вас зарегистрировано :count инцидентов.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Создать шаблон', 'incident-templates' => 'Шаблоны инцидентов', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Создать новое обновление инцидента', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Плановые работы', - 'logged' => '{0} Ни одного планового обслуживания не зарегистрировано.|У вас зарегистрировано :count плановое обслуживание.|У вас зарегистрировано :count плановых обслуживания.|У вас зарегистрировано :count плановых обслуживаний.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Запланировано на :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Добавить плановые работы', diff --git a/resources/lang/sq-AL/cachet.php b/resources/lang/sq-AL/cachet.php index 4a133721b5ee..5f9c54315320 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sq-AL/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/sq-AL/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/sq-AL/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/sq-AL/dashboard.php index 3d4755adcb70..a4cd3dbd09c6 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sq-AL/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/sq-AL/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidenti & Planifikuar', 'incidents' => 'Incidents', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Create Template', 'incident-templates' => 'Incident Templates', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Mirëmbajtje planifikuar', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/sv-SE/cachet.php b/resources/lang/sv-SE/cachet.php index 7b77cfdf62b8..0ec422d1b1da 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sv-SE/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/sv-SE/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Systemet fungerar |[2,Inf] Alla system fungerar', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Systemet har för närvarande problem|[2,Inf] Vissa system har problem', 'major' => '[0,1] Stora störningar på tjänsten [2,Inf] Stora störningar på vissa system', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/sv-SE/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/sv-SE/dashboard.php index aecbe5379778..e836278a841d 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sv-SE/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/sv-SE/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Händelser & Schema', 'incidents' => 'Händelser', - 'logged' => '{0} Det finns inga händelser, bra jobbat!|Du har skapat en händelse.|Du har skapat :count händelser.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Skapa mall', 'incident-templates' => 'Händelsemallar', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Skapa en ny incidentuppdatering', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Planerat underhåll', - 'logged' => '{0} Det finns inget schemalagt, bra jobbat!|Du har skapat ett schemalagt underhåll.|Du har skapat :count schemalagda underhåll.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Schemalagd till: tidsstämpel', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Lägg till planerat underhåll', diff --git a/resources/lang/th-TH/cachet.php b/resources/lang/th-TH/cachet.php index 5b1e1436673f..c07ec37738d3 100644 --- a/resources/lang/th-TH/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/th-TH/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1]The system is experiencing issues|[2,*]Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1]The system is experiencing major issues|[2,*]Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/th-TH/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/th-TH/dashboard.php index b42409150296..5c8761665c96 100644 --- a/resources/lang/th-TH/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/th-TH/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Incidents & Maintenance', 'incidents' => 'เหตุการณ์', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1] You have logged one incident.|[2,*] You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'สร้างแม่แบบ', 'incident-templates' => 'แม่แบบของเหตุการณ์', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'สร้างการปรับปรุงเหตุการณ์ใหม่', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Maintenance', - 'logged' => '{0} There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1] You have logged one schedule.|[2,*] You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'กำหนดเวลา :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/tr-TR/cachet.php b/resources/lang/tr-TR/cachet.php index 3dc5d982e2c9..825e69061c9f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/tr-TR/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/tr-TR/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Sistem çalışır durumda| [2, Inf] Tüm sistemler çalışır durumda', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Sistemde şu anda sorunlar yaşanıyor [2, Inf] Bazı sistemlerde sorunlar yaşanıyor', 'major' => '[0,1] Bu serviste büyük bir kesinti yaşıyoruz [2, Inf] Bazı sistemlerde büyük bir kesintisi yaşıyoruz', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/tr-TR/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/tr-TR/dashboard.php index e21d6054d059..0f199e1c370a 100644 --- a/resources/lang/tr-TR/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/tr-TR/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Olaylar & Zamanlama', 'incidents' => 'Olaylar', - 'logged' => '{0} Hiç olay yok, tebrikler. |Bir olay rapor ettiniz.|:count olay rapor ettiniz.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Şablon Oluştur', 'incident-templates' => 'Olay Şablonları', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Olay güncellemeleri için: olay', - 'count' => '{0} Sıfır güncelleştirmeleri |[1] Tek bir güncelleştirme |[2] İki güncelleştirme | [3, *] Birkaç güncelleştirme', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Yeni olay güncellemesi oluştur', 'success' => 'Yeni olay güncelleştirmeniz oluşturuldu.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Bakım', - 'logged' => '{0} Hiçbir olay yok, tebrikler. |Bir olayı raprladınız. | :count olayı raporladınız.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => ':timestamp zamanı için kaydedildi', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Zamanlanmış Bakım Ekle', diff --git a/resources/lang/uk-UA/cachet.php b/resources/lang/uk-UA/cachet.php index 64ed486a5712..12e75b1f5b83 100644 --- a/resources/lang/uk-UA/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/uk-UA/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] Система працює|[2,Inf] Всі системи працюють', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] Система має проблеми | [2, Inf] Деякі системи мають проблеми', 'major' => '[0,1] Система має значні проблеми |[2,Inf] Декілька систем мають значні проблеми', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/uk-UA/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/uk-UA/dashboard.php index 89598575fe81..7243f3d2daab 100644 --- a/resources/lang/uk-UA/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/uk-UA/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Інциденти & розклад', 'incidents' => 'Інциденти', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|You have logged one incident.|You have reported :count incidents.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Створити шаблон', 'incident-templates' => 'Шаблони Інцидентів', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Створити нове оновлення інциденту', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Запланована перерва у роботі', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Scheduled at :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/vi-VN/cachet.php b/resources/lang/vi-VN/cachet.php index 46e9f723b5b9..ef26023841ff 100644 --- a/resources/lang/vi-VN/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/vi-VN/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] System operational|[2,Inf] All systems are operational', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing issues', 'major' => '[0,1] The system is experiencing major issues|[2,Inf] Some systems are experiencing major issues', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/vi-VN/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/vi-VN/dashboard.php index 2eccb95a6938..baf839ac6073 100644 --- a/resources/lang/vi-VN/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/vi-VN/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => 'Sự cố & Lịch trình', 'incidents' => 'Các sự cố', - 'logged' => '{0} Không có sự cố nào, làm việc tốt.|Bạn có một sự cố được ghi nhận.|Bạn có :count sự cố được báo cáo.', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => 'Tạo template', 'incident-templates' => 'Mẫu sự cố', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Tạo bản cập nhật sự cố mới', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => 'Bảo trì định kỳ', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => 'Định kỳ lúc :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance', diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/cachet.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/cachet.php index 8db882102aa1..df367a0ed2ce 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-CN/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] 系统工作正常|[2,*] 所有系统工作正常', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] 系统出现了问题|[2,*] 一些系统出现了问题', 'major' => '[0,1] 系统出现重大故障|[2,*] 一些系统出现重大故障', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php index 6baf0cfd1b30..02d9427f14b6 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => '故障和维护计划', 'incidents' => '事件', - 'logged' => '{0} 当前没有故障信息|您已经记录了一个故障|您已经报告了 :count 个故障', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => '创建模板', 'incident-templates' => '故障模板', 'updates' => [ 'title' => '关于 :incident 事件的更新', - 'count' => '{0} 无更新|[1] 一个更新|[2] 2个更新|[3,*] 多个更新', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => '添加故障更新', 'success' => '您已创建新的故障更新。', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => '计划维护', - 'logged' => '{0} 现在没有维护计划,好样的。|你已经记录下 1 个维护计划|你已经报告了 :count 个维护计划', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => '计划在 :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => '添加维护计划', diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-TW/cachet.php b/resources/lang/zh-TW/cachet.php index 7aacee47c3ad..bccf4e43c481 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-TW/cachet.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-TW/cachet.php @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ // Service Status 'service' => [ - 'good' => '[0,1] 系統運作正常|[2,Inf] 所有系統運作正常', + 'good' => '[0,1]System operational|[2,*]All systems are operational', 'bad' => '[0,1] 系統目前發生異常情形。|[2,Inf] 部分系統發生異常情形。', 'major' => '[0,1] 一個系統出現重大故障|[2,Inf] 一些系統出現重大故障', ], diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-TW/dashboard.php b/resources/lang/zh-TW/dashboard.php index e6063b16bbc0..f57dcb95b952 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-TW/dashboard.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-TW/dashboard.php @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ 'incidents' => [ 'title' => '事件與排程', 'incidents' => '事件', - 'logged' => '{0} 做得好,沒有任何事件。|你記錄了一個事件。|你回報了 :count 個事件。', + 'logged' => '{0} There are no incidents, good work.|[1]You have logged one incident.|[2,*]You have reported :count incidents.', 'incident-create-template' => '新增模板', 'incident-templates' => '事件模板', 'updates' => [ 'title' => 'Incident updates for :incident', - 'count' => '{0} Zero Updates|[1] One Update|[2] Two Updates|[3,*] Several Updates', + 'count' => '{0}Zero Updates|[1]One Update|[2]Two Updates|[3,*]Several Updates', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Create new incident update', 'success' => 'Your new incident update has been created.', @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ // Incident Maintenance 'schedule' => [ 'schedule' => '排程維護', - 'logged' => '{0} There are no schedules, good work.|You have logged one schedule.|You have reported :count schedules.', + 'logged' => '{0}There has been no Maintenance, good work.|[1]You have logged one schedule.|[2,*]You have reported :count schedules.', 'scheduled_at' => '排程於 :timestamp', 'add' => [ 'title' => 'Add Scheduled Maintenance',