diff --git a/resources/lang/af-ZA/forms.php b/resources/lang/af-ZA/forms.php index 39fc6ce0dc36..934ee96c6b0b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/af-ZA/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/af-ZA/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Site Name', - 'site-url' => 'Site URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Site Name', + 'site-url' => 'Site URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/ar-SA/forms.php b/resources/lang/ar-SA/forms.php index b1981e5481d9..91d662f46737 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ar-SA/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ar-SA/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'يمكنك إستخدام الـ Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'متى ظهرت هذه الحالة؟', 'notify_subscribers' => 'تنبيه المشتركين؟', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'ظهور الحالة', 'stick_status' => 'تثبيت الحالة', 'stickied' => 'مثبت', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'اسم الموقع', - 'site-url' => 'Site URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'اسم الموقع', + 'site-url' => 'Site URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/ca-ES/forms.php b/resources/lang/ca-ES/forms.php index 60e4625beaa0..7c902d426942 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ca-ES/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ca-ES/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'També podeu fer servir Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Quan va succeir aquest incident?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notificar els subscriptors?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilitat de l\'incident', 'stick_status' => 'Fixar incident', 'stickied' => 'Fixats', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nom del lloc', - 'site-url' => 'URL del lloc', - 'display-graphs' => 'Mostrar gràfics a la pàgina d\'estat?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre aquest lloc', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quants de dies d\'incidents voleu veure?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Imatge del banner', - 'banner-help' => "Es recomana que no carregueu arxius més grans de 930 píxels d'ample.", - 'subscribers' => 'Permetre el registre per a notificacions per correu electrònic?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Omet verificació d\'usuaris? (S\'adverteix que podries rebre correu brossa)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Localitza automàticament la pàgina d\'estat a la llengua dels seus visitants?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Habilitar dependències de tercers (Fonts de Google, Seguiments, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Mostra el fus horari propi de la pàgina d\'estat.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostrar només els dies que contenen incidències a la línia de temps?', + 'site-name' => 'Nom del lloc', + 'site-url' => 'URL del lloc', + 'display-graphs' => 'Mostrar gràfics a la pàgina d\'estat?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre aquest lloc', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quants de dies d\'incidents voleu veure?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Imatge del banner', + 'banner-help' => "Es recomana que no carregueu arxius més grans de 930 píxels d'ample.", + 'subscribers' => 'Permetre el registre per a notificacions per correu electrònic?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Omet verificació d\'usuaris? (S\'adverteix que podries rebre correu brossa)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Localitza automàticament la pàgina d\'estat a la llengua dels seus visitants?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Habilitar dependències de tercers (Fonts de Google, Seguiments, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Mostra el fus horari propi de la pàgina d\'estat.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostrar només els dies que contenen incidències a la línia de temps?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Codi de Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/forms.php b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/forms.php index 80a4bffa88b5..1f29fdd510fd 100644 --- a/resources/lang/cs-CZ/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/cs-CZ/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Můžete také použít Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Kdy došlo k incidentu?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Oznámit odběratelům?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Viditelnost incidentu', 'stick_status' => 'Připnout událost', 'stickied' => 'Připnuté', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Název webu', - 'site-url' => 'URL adresa webu', - 'display-graphs' => 'Zobrazit grafy na stavové stránce?', - 'about-this-page' => 'O této stránce', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Kolik dní incidentů zobrazovat?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Obrázek banneru', - 'banner-help' => 'Doručuje se nenahrávat soubory větší než 930 pixelů na šířku.', - 'subscribers' => 'Umožnit lidem, aby se přihlašovali k odběru e-mailových upozornění?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Přestat ověřovat uživatele? (Pozor na spammery)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automaticky lokalizovat stránku do jazyka návštěvníka?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Povolit závislosti třetích stran (Google písma, Trackery, atd...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Zobrazit časové pásmo, ve které je zobrazena stavová stránka.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Zobrazit na časové ose pouze dny, kdy došlo k incidentu?', + 'site-name' => 'Název webu', + 'site-url' => 'URL adresa webu', + 'display-graphs' => 'Zobrazit grafy na stavové stránce?', + 'about-this-page' => 'O této stránce', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Kolik dní incidentů zobrazovat?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Obrázek banneru', + 'banner-help' => "Doručuje se nenahrávat soubory větší než 930 pixelů na šířku.", + 'subscribers' => 'Umožnit lidem, aby se přihlašovali k odběru e-mailových upozornění?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Přestat ověřovat uživatele? (Pozor na spammery)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automaticky lokalizovat stránku do jazyka návštěvníka?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Povolit závislosti třetích stran (Google písma, Trackery, atd...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Zobrazit časové pásmo, ve které je zobrazena stavová stránka.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Zobrazit na časové ose pouze dny, kdy došlo k incidentu?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Kód pro Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/da-DK/forms.php b/resources/lang/da-DK/forms.php index f390b00f6a9d..a1b7328b40b7 100644 --- a/resources/lang/da-DK/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/da-DK/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Du kan benytte Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Hvornår skete hændelsen?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Underret abonnenter', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Hændelses synlighed', 'stick_status' => 'Lås hændelse', 'stickied' => 'Låst', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Sidenavn', - 'site-url' => 'Sidens URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Om', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hvor mange dage skal der vises hændelser for?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner billede', - 'banner-help' => 'Det anbefales ikke at uploade billeder bredere end 930px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Tillad folk at tilmelde sig email underretninger?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Spring verificering af brugere over? (Husk på, du kan blive spammet)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Sæt automatisk sproget på din statusside til den besøgendes sprog?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktiverer tredjeparts afhængigheder (Google skrifttyper, Trackere, osv...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Vis tidszonenen statussiden kører i.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Vis kun dage indeholdende hændelser i tidslinjen?', + 'site-name' => 'Sidenavn', + 'site-url' => 'Sidens URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Om', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hvor mange dage skal der vises hændelser for?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner billede', + 'banner-help' => "Det anbefales ikke at uploade billeder bredere end 930px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Tillad folk at tilmelde sig email underretninger?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Spring verificering af brugere over? (Husk på, du kan blive spammet)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Sæt automatisk sproget på din statusside til den besøgendes sprog?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktiverer tredjeparts afhængigheder (Google skrifttyper, Trackere, osv...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Vis tidszonenen statussiden kører i.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Vis kun dage indeholdende hændelser i tidslinjen?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics kode', diff --git a/resources/lang/de-DE/forms.php b/resources/lang/de-DE/forms.php index 9ea3cc3d2a63..d0717d048dbc 100644 --- a/resources/lang/de-DE/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/de-DE/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Sie können auch Markdown verwenden.', 'occurred_at' => 'Wann ist dieser Vorfall aufgetreten?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Abonnenten benachrichtigen', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Ereignis Sichtbarkeit', 'stick_status' => 'Vorfall anpinnen', 'stickied' => 'Angepinnt', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Seitenname', - 'site-url' => 'URL ihrer Seite', - 'display-graphs' => 'Graphen auf der Statusseite anzeigen?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Über diese Seite', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Wie viele Tage mit Vorfällen sollen gezeigt werden?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Aktualisierungsrate der Statusseite (in Sekunden).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Bild', - 'banner-help' => 'Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie keine Dateien die breiter als 930 Pixel sind hochladen .', - 'subscribers' => 'Personen die Anmeldung für E-Mail-Benachrichtigung erlauben?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Verifizierung der Nutzer überspringen? (Warnung, du könntest gespammt werden)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Die Status-Seite automatisch auf die Sprache deiner Besucher anpassen?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Drittanbieter Abhängigkeiten erlauben (Google Schriftarten, Tracker, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Zeitzone in der sich die Status-Seite befindet anzeigen.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Im Verlauf nur Tage mit Vorfällen anzeigen?', + 'site-name' => 'Seitenname', + 'site-url' => 'URL ihrer Seite', + 'display-graphs' => 'Graphen auf der Statusseite anzeigen?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Über diese Seite', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Wie viele Tage mit Vorfällen sollen gezeigt werden?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Aktualisierungsrate der Statusseite (in Sekunden).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Bild', + 'banner-help' => "Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie keine Dateien die breiter als 930 Pixel sind hochladen .", + 'subscribers' => 'Personen die Anmeldung für E-Mail-Benachrichtigung erlauben?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Verifizierung der Nutzer überspringen? (Warnung, du könntest gespammt werden)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Die Status-Seite automatisch auf die Sprache deiner Besucher anpassen?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Drittanbieter Abhängigkeiten erlauben (Google Schriftarten, Tracker, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Zeitzone in der sich die Status-Seite befindet anzeigen.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Im Verlauf nur Tage mit Vorfällen anzeigen?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics Code', diff --git a/resources/lang/el-GR/forms.php b/resources/lang/el-GR/forms.php index 851438e716ce..de2959eaa02f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/el-GR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/el-GR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Όνομα ιστοσελίδας', - 'site-url' => 'Διεύθυνση URL ιστοσελίδας', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Όνομα ιστοσελίδας', + 'site-url' => 'Διεύθυνση URL ιστοσελίδας', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php b/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php index 9ece12cd4ca5..25b6b077727b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-UD/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'crwdns1127:0crwdne1127:0', 'occurred_at' => 'crwdns1128:0crwdne1128:0', 'notify_subscribers' => 'crwdns1129:0crwdne1129:0', + 'notify_disabled' => 'crwdns1426:0crwdne1426:0', 'visibility' => 'crwdns1130:0crwdne1130:0', 'stick_status' => 'crwdns1131:0crwdne1131:0', 'stickied' => 'crwdns1132:0crwdne1132:0', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'crwdns1190:0crwdne1190:0', - 'site-url' => 'crwdns1191:0crwdne1191:0', - 'display-graphs' => 'crwdns1192:0crwdne1192:0', - 'about-this-page' => 'crwdns1193:0crwdne1193:0', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'crwdns1194:0crwdne1194:0', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'crwdns1422:0crwdne1422:0', - 'banner' => 'crwdns1195:0crwdne1195:0', - 'banner-help' => 'crwdns1196:0crwdne1196:0', - 'subscribers' => 'crwdns1197:0crwdne1197:0', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'crwdns1198:0crwdne1198:0', - 'automatic_localization' => 'crwdns1199:0crwdne1199:0', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'crwdns1200:0crwdne1200:0', - 'show_timezone' => 'crwdns1201:0crwdne1201:0', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'crwdns1202:0crwdne1202:0', + 'site-name' => 'crwdns1190:0crwdne1190:0', + 'site-url' => 'crwdns1191:0crwdne1191:0', + 'display-graphs' => 'crwdns1192:0crwdne1192:0', + 'about-this-page' => 'crwdns1193:0crwdne1193:0', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'crwdns1194:0crwdne1194:0', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'crwdns1422:0crwdne1422:0', + 'banner' => 'crwdns1195:0crwdne1195:0', + 'banner-help' => "crwdns1196:0crwdne1196:0", + 'subscribers' => 'crwdns1197:0crwdne1197:0', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'crwdns1427:0crwdne1427:0', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'crwdns1198:0crwdne1198:0', + 'automatic_localization' => 'crwdns1199:0crwdne1199:0', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'crwdns1200:0crwdne1200:0', + 'show_timezone' => 'crwdns1201:0crwdne1201:0', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'crwdns1202:0crwdne1202:0', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'crwdns1203:0crwdne1203:0', diff --git a/resources/lang/en-US/forms.php b/resources/lang/en-US/forms.php index 41c3a3165772..cfdf79f68939 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en-US/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/en-US/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Site Name', - 'site-url' => 'Site URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Site Name', + 'site-url' => 'Site URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/es-ES/forms.php b/resources/lang/es-ES/forms.php index 2e2dd52948bb..fb2e968a540f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/es-ES/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/es-ES/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'También puedes usar Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => '¿Cuando ocurrió este incidente?', 'notify_subscribers' => '¿Notificar a los suscriptores?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilidad del incidente', 'stick_status' => 'Pega Incidente', 'stickied' => 'Fijado', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nombre del sitio', - 'site-url' => 'URL del sitio', - 'display-graphs' => '¿Mostrar gráficas en la pagina de estado?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', - 'days-of-incidents' => '¿Cuántos días de incidentes mostrar?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Tasa de actualización de la página de estado (en segundos).', - 'banner' => 'Imagen del banner', - 'banner-help' => 'Se recomienda subir una imagen no más grande de 930px de ancho .', - 'subscribers' => '¿Permitir a la gente inscribirse mediante noficiacion por correo electronico?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => '¿Omitir verificación de usuarios? (Advertencia, podrías ser spammeado)', - 'automatic_localization' => '¿Traducir automáticamente la página de estado según el lenguaje del visitante?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activar Dependencias de Terceros (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Mostrar la zona horaria en la que se está ejecutando la página de estado.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => '¿Solamente mostrar en la línea de tiempo días que contengan incidentes?', + 'site-name' => 'Nombre del sitio', + 'site-url' => 'URL del sitio', + 'display-graphs' => '¿Mostrar gráficas en la pagina de estado?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', + 'days-of-incidents' => '¿Cuántos días de incidentes mostrar?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Tasa de actualización de la página de estado (en segundos).', + 'banner' => 'Imagen del banner', + 'banner-help' => "Se recomienda subir una imagen no más grande de 930px de ancho .", + 'subscribers' => '¿Permitir a la gente inscribirse mediante noficiacion por correo electronico?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => '¿Omitir verificación de usuarios? (Advertencia, podrías ser spammeado)', + 'automatic_localization' => '¿Traducir automáticamente la página de estado según el lenguaje del visitante?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activar Dependencias de Terceros (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Mostrar la zona horaria en la que se está ejecutando la página de estado.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => '¿Solamente mostrar en la línea de tiempo días que contengan incidentes?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Código de Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/fa-IR/forms.php b/resources/lang/fa-IR/forms.php index 962c8dced9b1..8779f118bc54 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fa-IR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/fa-IR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'شاید شما بخواهید از Markdown نیز استفاده کنید.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'مشترکین مطلع شوند؟', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'نمایانی رویداد', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'عنوان سایت', - 'site-url' => 'آدرس سایت', - 'display-graphs' => 'نمودار(گراف) در صفحه وضعیت نمایش داده شود؟', - 'about-this-page' => 'درباره این صفحه', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'چند روز از رویداد‌ها نمایش داده شوند؟', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'تصویر بنر', - 'banner-help' => 'پیشنهاد می‌شود که شما تصاویری با پهنای بیشتر از 930px آپلود نکنید.', - 'subscribers' => 'آیا به کاربران اجازه ثبت‌‌نام برای اعلان‌های ایمیلی داده شود؟', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'به صورت خودکار صفحه وضعیت به زبان مشاهده‌کنندگان تغییر زبان دهد؟', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'عنوان سایت', + 'site-url' => 'آدرس سایت', + 'display-graphs' => 'نمودار(گراف) در صفحه وضعیت نمایش داده شود؟', + 'about-this-page' => 'درباره این صفحه', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'چند روز از رویداد‌ها نمایش داده شوند؟', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'تصویر بنر', + 'banner-help' => "پیشنهاد می‌شود که شما تصاویری با پهنای بیشتر از 930px آپلود نکنید.", + 'subscribers' => 'آیا به کاربران اجازه ثبت‌‌نام برای اعلان‌های ایمیلی داده شود؟', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'به صورت خودکار صفحه وضعیت به زبان مشاهده‌کنندگان تغییر زبان دهد؟', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'کد آمارگیر گوگل', diff --git a/resources/lang/fi-FI/forms.php b/resources/lang/fi-FI/forms.php index 160dc3ebd886..536578cd43cd 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fi-FI/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/fi-FI/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Ilmoita tilaajille?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Tapahtuman näkyvyys', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Sivuston Nimi', - 'site-url' => 'Sivuston URL-osoite', - 'display-graphs' => 'Näyttää kaaviot tila-sivulla?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Tietoa tästä sivustosta', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Monenko päivän ajalta tapaukset näytetään?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Bannerikuva', - 'banner-help' => 'On suositeltavaa, ettet lataa yli 930px leveitä kuvia.', - 'subscribers' => 'Salli käyttäjien tilata sähköpostitilaukset?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Lokalisoidaanko statussivu automaattisesti kävijän kielen mukaan?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Näytä aikavyöhyke tilat sivulla.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Sivuston Nimi', + 'site-url' => 'Sivuston URL-osoite', + 'display-graphs' => 'Näyttää kaaviot tila-sivulla?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Tietoa tästä sivustosta', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Monenko päivän ajalta tapaukset näytetään?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Bannerikuva', + 'banner-help' => "On suositeltavaa, ettet lataa yli 930px leveitä kuvia.", + 'subscribers' => 'Salli käyttäjien tilata sähköpostitilaukset?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Lokalisoidaanko statussivu automaattisesti kävijän kielen mukaan?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Näytä aikavyöhyke tilat sivulla.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics seurantakoodi', diff --git a/resources/lang/fr-FR/forms.php b/resources/lang/fr-FR/forms.php index 4849b51e6405..f31d46958622 100644 --- a/resources/lang/fr-FR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/fr-FR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Vous pouvez également utiliser le format Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Quand s\'est produit cet incident ?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notifier les abonnés ?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilité de l\'incident', 'stick_status' => 'Incident épinglé', 'stickied' => 'Épinglé', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nom du site', - 'site-url' => 'URL du site', - 'display-graphs' => 'Afficher les graphiques sur la page de statut ?', - 'about-this-page' => 'À propos de cette page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Combien de jours d\'incidents à montrer ?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Fréquence de rafraîchissement de la page de statut (en secondes).', - 'banner' => 'Image d\'en-tête', - 'banner-help' => 'Il est recommandé de téléchargez un fichier ne dépassant pas 930px de large .', - 'subscribers' => 'Permettre aux personnes de s\'inscrire aux notifications par e-mail ?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Ne pas vérifier les utilisateurs ? (Attention, vous pourriez être spammé)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Traduire automatiquement votre page de statut dans la langue du visiteur ?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activer les dépendances tierces (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Afficher le fuseau horaire sur la page de statut.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Afficher uniquement les jours contenant des incidents dans la timeline ?', + 'site-name' => 'Nom du site', + 'site-url' => 'URL du site', + 'display-graphs' => 'Afficher les graphiques sur la page de statut ?', + 'about-this-page' => 'À propos de cette page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Combien de jours d\'incidents à montrer ?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Fréquence de rafraîchissement de la page de statut (en secondes).', + 'banner' => 'Image d\'en-tête', + 'banner-help' => "Il est recommandé de téléchargez un fichier ne dépassant pas 930px de large .", + 'subscribers' => 'Permettre aux personnes de s\'inscrire aux notifications par e-mail ?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Ne pas vérifier les utilisateurs ? (Attention, vous pourriez être spammé)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Traduire automatiquement votre page de statut dans la langue du visiteur ?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activer les dépendances tierces (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Afficher le fuseau horaire sur la page de statut.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Afficher uniquement les jours contenant des incidents dans la timeline ?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Code de Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/he-IL/forms.php b/resources/lang/he-IL/forms.php index 29e47ccc1947..41199ed313ff 100644 --- a/resources/lang/he-IL/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/he-IL/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'שם האתר', - 'site-url' => 'כתובת url של האתר', - 'display-graphs' => 'להציג גרפים בדף של סטטוס?', - 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'כמה ימים של אירועים להראות?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'שם האתר', + 'site-url' => 'כתובת url של האתר', + 'display-graphs' => 'להציג גרפים בדף של סטטוס?', + 'about-this-page' => 'About this page', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'כמה ימים של אירועים להראות?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/hu-HU/forms.php b/resources/lang/hu-HU/forms.php index 19c7471c8219..42a683c70ca7 100644 --- a/resources/lang/hu-HU/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/hu-HU/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Használhatsz Markdown-t is.', 'occurred_at' => 'Mikor történt az incidens?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Feliratkozók értesítése?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incidens láthatóság', 'stick_status' => 'Incidens kitűzése', 'stickied' => 'Kitűzve', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Webhely neve', - 'site-url' => 'Webhely címe', - 'display-graphs' => 'Grafikonok mutatása az állapot oldaon?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Erről az oldalról', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Mennyi incidens legyen látható?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner kép', - 'banner-help' => 'Nem ajánlott 930 pixelnél szélesebb képet feltölteni.', - 'subscribers' => 'Emberek regisztrálhatnak email értesítésekre?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Felhasználó-ellenőrzés kihagyása? (Vigyázat, spam üzeneteket eredményezhet)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Állapot oldal automatikus lokalizálása a látogató nyelvén?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Harmadik féltől származó függőségek engedélyezése (Google Fonts, Tracker, stb)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Az aktuális időzóna megjelenítése az állapot oldalon.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Csak incidenssel rendelkező napok megjelenítése?', + 'site-name' => 'Webhely neve', + 'site-url' => 'Webhely címe', + 'display-graphs' => 'Grafikonok mutatása az állapot oldaon?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Erről az oldalról', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Mennyi incidens legyen látható?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner kép', + 'banner-help' => "Nem ajánlott 930 pixelnél szélesebb képet feltölteni.", + 'subscribers' => 'Emberek regisztrálhatnak email értesítésekre?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Felhasználó-ellenőrzés kihagyása? (Vigyázat, spam üzeneteket eredményezhet)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Állapot oldal automatikus lokalizálása a látogató nyelvén?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Harmadik féltől származó függőségek engedélyezése (Google Fonts, Tracker, stb)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Az aktuális időzóna megjelenítése az állapot oldalon.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Csak incidenssel rendelkező napok megjelenítése?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics kód', diff --git a/resources/lang/id-ID/forms.php b/resources/lang/id-ID/forms.php index a0d49f3f396d..7ef1b75b9da6 100644 --- a/resources/lang/id-ID/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/id-ID/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Anda juga bisa menggunakan Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Kapan insiden ini terjadi?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Beritahu subscriber', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Tampilan Insiden', 'stick_status' => 'Buat Insiden Sticky', 'stickied' => 'Sticky', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nama Situs', - 'site-url' => 'URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Tampilkan grafik di halaman status?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Tentang halaman ini', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Berapa hari insiden akan ditampilkan?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Gambar Banner', - 'banner-help' => 'Disarankan gambar yang anda unggah tidak lebih lebar dari 930px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Bolehkan pengunjung mendaftar notifikasi email?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Lewatkan verifikasi user? (Hati-hati, anda bisa kena spam)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Otomatis ganti bahasa halaman status anda ke bahasa pengunjung?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktifkan Dependensi Pihak Ketiga (Font Google, Trackers, dll...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Tampilkan zona waktu dimana halaman status berjalan.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Hanya tampilkan hari yang berisi insiden dalam linimasa?', + 'site-name' => 'Nama Situs', + 'site-url' => 'URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Tampilkan grafik di halaman status?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Tentang halaman ini', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Berapa hari insiden akan ditampilkan?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Gambar Banner', + 'banner-help' => "Disarankan gambar yang anda unggah tidak lebih lebar dari 930px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Bolehkan pengunjung mendaftar notifikasi email?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Lewatkan verifikasi user? (Hati-hati, anda bisa kena spam)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Otomatis ganti bahasa halaman status anda ke bahasa pengunjung?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktifkan Dependensi Pihak Ketiga (Font Google, Trackers, dll...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Tampilkan zona waktu dimana halaman status berjalan.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Hanya tampilkan hari yang berisi insiden dalam linimasa?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Kode Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/it-IT/forms.php b/resources/lang/it-IT/forms.php index 3e3b8daf9679..9515c31b170b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/it-IT/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/it-IT/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Si può anche utilizzare il linguaggio di Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Quando è accaduto questo incidente?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notificare gli iscritti?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilità segnalazione', 'stick_status' => 'Fissa incidente', 'stickied' => 'In rilievo', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nome del sito', - 'site-url' => 'URL del Sito', - 'display-graphs' => 'Visualizzare i grafici nella pagina di stato?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Informazioni sulla pagina', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quanti giorni di segnalazioni mostrare?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Frequenza di aggiornamento della pagina di stato (in secondi).', - 'banner' => 'Immagine del banner', - 'banner-help' => 'È consigliabile caricare file larghi non più di 930px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Permettere alle persone di iscriversi alle notifiche via email?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifica degli utenti? (Attenzione, potreste ricevere spam)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Tradurre automaticamente la tua pagina di stato nella lingua del visitatore?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Attivare le dipendenze di terze parti (Google Fonts, Trackers, ecc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Visualizza il fuso orario nella pagina stato.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostra solo i giorni contenenti incidenti nella timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Nome del sito', + 'site-url' => 'URL del Sito', + 'display-graphs' => 'Visualizzare i grafici nella pagina di stato?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Informazioni sulla pagina', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quanti giorni di segnalazioni mostrare?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Frequenza di aggiornamento della pagina di stato (in secondi).', + 'banner' => 'Immagine del banner', + 'banner-help' => "È consigliabile caricare file larghi non più di 930px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Permettere alle persone di iscriversi alle notifiche via email?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifica degli utenti? (Attenzione, potreste ricevere spam)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Tradurre automaticamente la tua pagina di stato nella lingua del visitatore?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Attivare le dipendenze di terze parti (Google Fonts, Trackers, ecc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Visualizza il fuso orario nella pagina stato.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostra solo i giorni contenenti incidenti nella timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Codice Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/ja-JP/forms.php b/resources/lang/ja-JP/forms.php index c2b5525e912e..629d41a44c59 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ja-JP/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ja-JP/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'サイト名', - 'site-url' => 'サイトのURL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'このページについて', - 'days-of-incidents' => '何日間のインシデントを表示しますか?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'バナー画像', - 'banner-help' => '横幅が930px以内の画像をアップロードしてください。', - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'サイト名', + 'site-url' => 'サイトのURL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'このページについて', + 'days-of-incidents' => '何日間のインシデントを表示しますか?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'バナー画像', + 'banner-help' => "横幅が930px以内の画像をアップロードしてください。", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/ko-KR/forms.php b/resources/lang/ko-KR/forms.php index 99e6e7aaa4db..12ab830d5d87 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ko-KR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ko-KR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Markdown을 사용할 수 있습니다.', 'occurred_at' => '문제가 언제 발생 했나요?', 'notify_subscribers' => '구독자에게 알림', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => '공개설정', 'stick_status' => '문제 고정하기', 'stickied' => '고정됨', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => '사이트명', - 'site-url' => '사이트 URL', - 'display-graphs' => '상태 페이지에 그래프 보이기', - 'about-this-page' => '이 페이지에 대하여', - 'days-of-incidents' => '몇 일 동안 사건을 표시하시겠습니까?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => '배너 이미지', - 'banner-help' => '가로가 930 픽셀보다 작은 이미지를 업로드 하는 것을 권장합니다.', - 'subscribers' => '이메일 알림을 받기 위한 회원가입 허용', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => '사이트명', + 'site-url' => '사이트 URL', + 'display-graphs' => '상태 페이지에 그래프 보이기', + 'about-this-page' => '이 페이지에 대하여', + 'days-of-incidents' => '몇 일 동안 사건을 표시하시겠습니까?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => '배너 이미지', + 'banner-help' => "가로가 930 픽셀보다 작은 이미지를 업로드 하는 것을 권장합니다.", + 'subscribers' => '이메일 알림을 받기 위한 회원가입 허용', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics 코드', diff --git a/resources/lang/nl-NL/forms.php b/resources/lang/nl-NL/forms.php index 6ecab0704001..c0b44f1460e3 100644 --- a/resources/lang/nl-NL/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/nl-NL/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'U kan ook gebruik maken van Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Wanneer heeft dit incident plaatsgevonden?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Houd abonnees op de hoogte?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Zichtbaarheid', 'stick_status' => 'Incident Vastzetten', 'stickied' => 'Vastgezet', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Site naam', - 'site-url' => 'Site URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Grafieken tonen op statuspagina?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Over deze pagina', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hoeveel dagen moeten incidenten getoond worden?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner afbeelding', - 'banner-help' => 'Het wordt aanbevolen dat u geen bestanden upload die breeder zijn dan 930px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Bezoekers toestaan om te abonneren op e-mail notificaties?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Verificatie van gebruikers overslaan? (Let op, je kunt gespamd worden)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Stel de taal van de bezoeker in als standaardtaal voor deze bezoeker?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Schakel afhankelijkheden van derden in (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Toon de tijdzone waarin de statuspagina staat.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Alleen dagen met incidenten op de tijdlijn tonen?', + 'site-name' => 'Site naam', + 'site-url' => 'Site URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Grafieken tonen op statuspagina?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Over deze pagina', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hoeveel dagen moeten incidenten getoond worden?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner afbeelding', + 'banner-help' => "Het wordt aanbevolen dat u geen bestanden upload die breeder zijn dan 930px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Bezoekers toestaan om te abonneren op e-mail notificaties?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Verificatie van gebruikers overslaan? (Let op, je kunt gespamd worden)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Stel de taal van de bezoeker in als standaardtaal voor deze bezoeker?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Schakel afhankelijkheden van derden in (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Toon de tijdzone waarin de statuspagina staat.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Alleen dagen met incidenten op de tijdlijn tonen?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics-code', diff --git a/resources/lang/no-NO/forms.php b/resources/lang/no-NO/forms.php index 38ea4188f8c5..cc90d0b4ed74 100644 --- a/resources/lang/no-NO/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/no-NO/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Du kan også bruke Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Når inntraff denne hendelsen?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Varsle abonnenter?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Hendelsens synlighet', 'stick_status' => 'Lim hendelsen', 'stickied' => 'Limt', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nettstedsnavn', - 'site-url' => 'Nettsteds-URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Vis grafer på statussiden?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Om denne siden', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hvor mange dagers hendelser vises?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Bannerbilde', - 'banner-help' => 'Det anbefales at du ikke laster opp bilder bredere enn 930 piksler.', - 'subscribers' => 'Tillatt brukere å melde seg inn for epostvarslinger?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Hopp over kontroll av brukere? (Vær advart, du kunne bli spammet)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatisk lokaliser statussiden til besøkendes språk?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktiver tredjeparts avhengigheter (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Vis tidssonen statussiden kjører i.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Bare Vis dager som inneholder hendelser i tidslinjen?', + 'site-name' => 'Nettstedsnavn', + 'site-url' => 'Nettsteds-URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Vis grafer på statussiden?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Om denne siden', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hvor mange dagers hendelser vises?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Bannerbilde', + 'banner-help' => "Det anbefales at du ikke laster opp bilder bredere enn 930 piksler.", + 'subscribers' => 'Tillatt brukere å melde seg inn for epostvarslinger?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Hopp over kontroll av brukere? (Vær advart, du kunne bli spammet)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatisk lokaliser statussiden til besøkendes språk?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Aktiver tredjeparts avhengigheter (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Vis tidssonen statussiden kjører i.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Bare Vis dager som inneholder hendelser i tidslinjen?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics-koden', diff --git a/resources/lang/pl-PL/forms.php b/resources/lang/pl-PL/forms.php index 813a1ff8ecbb..4da2a4392ad5 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pl-PL/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/pl-PL/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Można użyć również języka znaczników.', 'occurred_at' => 'Kiedy wystąpił incydent?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Powiadomić subskrybentów?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Widoczność zdarzenia', 'stick_status' => 'Przyklej zdarzenie', 'stickied' => 'Przyklejone', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nazwa strony', - 'site-url' => 'Adres URL strony', - 'display-graphs' => 'Pokazać wykresy na stronie statusu?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Informacje o tej stronie', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Z ilu ostatnich dni pokazywać incydenty?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Częstotliwość odświeżania strony statusu (w sekundach).', - 'banner' => 'Baner', - 'banner-help' => 'Zaleca się, aby przesyłać pliki nie większe niż 930px szerokości.', - 'subscribers' => 'Czy zezwolić użytkownikom na subskrypcje e-mail w celu otrzymywania powiadomień?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Pominąć weryfikację użytkowników? (Ostrzeżenie: możesz otrzymać spam)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatycznie tłumaczyć twoją stronę statusu na język odwiedzającego?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Włącz zależności zewnętrznych dostawców (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Pokazuj strefę czasową w której działa strona statusu.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Czy pokazywać tylko dni zawierające zdarzenia w linii czasu?', + 'site-name' => 'Nazwa strony', + 'site-url' => 'Adres URL strony', + 'display-graphs' => 'Pokazać wykresy na stronie statusu?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Informacje o tej stronie', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Z ilu ostatnich dni pokazywać incydenty?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Częstotliwość odświeżania strony statusu (w sekundach).', + 'banner' => 'Baner', + 'banner-help' => "Zaleca się, aby przesyłać pliki nie większe niż 930px szerokości.", + 'subscribers' => 'Czy zezwolić użytkownikom na subskrypcje e-mail w celu otrzymywania powiadomień?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Pominąć weryfikację użytkowników? (Ostrzeżenie: możesz otrzymać spam)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatycznie tłumaczyć twoją stronę statusu na język odwiedzającego?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Włącz zależności zewnętrznych dostawców (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Pokazuj strefę czasową w której działa strona statusu.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Czy pokazywać tylko dni zawierające zdarzenia w linii czasu?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Kod Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-BR/forms.php b/resources/lang/pt-BR/forms.php index c61f1e91a7a6..46bcaa435a50 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-BR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-BR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Você também pode usar o Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Quando esse incidente ocorreu?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notificar os assinantes?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilidade do incidente', 'stick_status' => 'Incidente fixado', 'stickied' => 'Fixado', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nome do site', - 'site-url' => 'URL do site', - 'display-graphs' => 'Exibir gráficos na página de status?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quantos dias de incidentes para mostrar?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Tempo para atualizar a página de Status (em segundos).', - 'banner' => 'Imagem do banner', - 'banner-help' => 'É recomendável que você faça upload de arquivos menores que 930px .', - 'subscribers' => 'Permitir que outras pessoas se cadastrem para notificações via e-mail?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Ignorar verificação de usuários? (Cuidado, você pode sofrer com spams)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Localizar sua página de status de acordo com o idioma do visitante automaticamente?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Ativar dependências de terceiros (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Mostre qual o fuso horário na qual a página de estado está rodando.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostrar apenas os dias que contenham incidentes na linha do tempo?', + 'site-name' => 'Nome do site', + 'site-url' => 'URL do site', + 'display-graphs' => 'Exibir gráficos na página de status?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quantos dias de incidentes para mostrar?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Tempo para atualizar a página de Status (em segundos).', + 'banner' => 'Imagem do banner', + 'banner-help' => "É recomendável que você faça upload de arquivos menores que 930px .", + 'subscribers' => 'Permitir que outras pessoas se cadastrem para notificações via e-mail?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Ignorar verificação de usuários? (Cuidado, você pode sofrer com spams)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Localizar sua página de status de acordo com o idioma do visitante automaticamente?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Ativar dependências de terceiros (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Mostre qual o fuso horário na qual a página de estado está rodando.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Mostrar apenas os dias que contenham incidentes na linha do tempo?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Código do Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/pt-PT/forms.php b/resources/lang/pt-PT/forms.php index f972b15271a6..7c6d6738d995 100644 --- a/resources/lang/pt-PT/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/pt-PT/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Você também pode usar o Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notificar subscritores?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Visibilidade do Incidente', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Nome do site', - 'site-url' => 'URL do site', - 'display-graphs' => 'Mostrar gráficos na página de estado?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quantos dias de incidentes para mostrar?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Imagem de Banner', - 'banner-help' => 'É recomendável que você faça upload de arquivos menores que 930px .', - 'subscribers' => 'Permitir que as pessoas subscrevam as notificações?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Mostrar automaticamente a tradução conforme a língua do browser do visitante?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Nome do site', + 'site-url' => 'URL do site', + 'display-graphs' => 'Mostrar gráficos na página de estado?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Sobre esta página', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Quantos dias de incidentes para mostrar?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Imagem de Banner', + 'banner-help' => "É recomendável que você faça upload de arquivos menores que 930px .", + 'subscribers' => 'Permitir que as pessoas subscrevam as notificações?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Mostrar automaticamente a tradução conforme a língua do browser do visitante?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Código do Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/ro-RO/forms.php b/resources/lang/ro-RO/forms.php index c1ebdc17c5fc..024b839a4db7 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ro-RO/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ro-RO/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Puteţi utiliza şi Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notificaţi abonaţii?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Vizibilitatea Incidentului', 'stick_status' => 'Fixează Incident', 'stickied' => 'Fixate', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Numele site-ului', - 'site-url' => 'URL-ul site-ului', - 'display-graphs' => 'Afişaţi grafice pe pagina stare?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Despre această pagină', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Câte zile de incidente vreţi să fie afişate?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Imagine Banner', - 'banner-help' => 'Este recomandat să încărcaţi fişiere cu lăţimea nu mai mare de 930px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Permiteţi vizitatorilor să se aboneze la notificări prin email?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Omite verificarea utilizatorilor? (Avertizare, poți primi spam)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Schimbaţi automat limba pentru pagina de stare în funcţie de limba vizitatorului?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activează dependențe terțe (Fonturi Google, Trackere, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Afișează fusul orar în care rulează pagina de stare.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Afișează doar zile care conțin incidente în cronologie?', + 'site-name' => 'Numele site-ului', + 'site-url' => 'URL-ul site-ului', + 'display-graphs' => 'Afişaţi grafice pe pagina stare?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Despre această pagină', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Câte zile de incidente vreţi să fie afişate?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Imagine Banner', + 'banner-help' => "Este recomandat să încărcaţi fişiere cu lăţimea nu mai mare de 930px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Permiteţi vizitatorilor să se aboneze la notificări prin email?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Omite verificarea utilizatorilor? (Avertizare, poți primi spam)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Schimbaţi automat limba pentru pagina de stare în funcţie de limba vizitatorului?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Activează dependențe terțe (Fonturi Google, Trackere, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Afișează fusul orar în care rulează pagina de stare.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Afișează doar zile care conțin incidente în cronologie?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Cod Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/ru-RU/forms.php b/resources/lang/ru-RU/forms.php index c72d693a98a0..470e99df3c15 100644 --- a/resources/lang/ru-RU/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/ru-RU/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Вы также можете использовать Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Когда произошел инцидент?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Уведомить подписчиков?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Отображение инцидента', 'stick_status' => 'Закрепление инцидента', 'stickied' => 'Закреплен', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Название сайта', - 'site-url' => 'URL сайта', - 'display-graphs' => 'Отображать графики на статусной странице?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Об этой странице', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'За сколько дней показывать инциденты?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Картинка-баннер', - 'banner-help' => 'Рекомендуется загружать картинки не больше 930 пикс. в ширину.', - 'subscribers' => 'Разрешить посетителям подписываться на email-уведомления?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Пропустить проверку посетителей? (Будьте осторожны, возможен спам)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Автоматически переводить вашу статусную страницу на язык посетителя?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Включить зависимости (Google шрифты, трекеры, и др...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Отображать часовой пояс по которому работает статус-страница.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Показывать только дни, содержащие инциденты на шкале времени?', + 'site-name' => 'Название сайта', + 'site-url' => 'URL сайта', + 'display-graphs' => 'Отображать графики на статусной странице?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Об этой странице', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'За сколько дней показывать инциденты?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Картинка-баннер', + 'banner-help' => "Рекомендуется загружать картинки не больше 930 пикс. в ширину.", + 'subscribers' => 'Разрешить посетителям подписываться на email-уведомления?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Пропустить проверку посетителей? (Будьте осторожны, возможен спам)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Автоматически переводить вашу статусную страницу на язык посетителя?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Включить зависимости (Google шрифты, трекеры, и др...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Отображать часовой пояс по которому работает статус-страница.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Показывать только дни, содержащие инциденты на шкале времени?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Код Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/sq-AL/forms.php b/resources/lang/sq-AL/forms.php index 51da2e7f5a8a..b2e890be368f 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sq-AL/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/sq-AL/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'You may also use Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Emri Faqes', - 'site-url' => 'Nderlidhja Faqes', - 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Rreth faqes', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Emri Faqes', + 'site-url' => 'Nderlidhja Faqes', + 'display-graphs' => 'Display graphs on status page?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Rreth faqes', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "It's recommended that you upload files no bigger than 930px wide .", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics code', diff --git a/resources/lang/sv-SE/forms.php b/resources/lang/sv-SE/forms.php index fcc24a904e23..ad8e6a69bcfa 100644 --- a/resources/lang/sv-SE/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/sv-SE/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Du kan även använda Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Meddela prenumeranter?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Webbplatsens namn', - 'site-url' => 'Webbplatsens URL', - 'display-graphs' => 'Visa grafer på statussidan?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Om den här sidan', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hur många dagar av händelser ska visas?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Bannerbild', - 'banner-help' => 'Vi rekommenderar att du inte laddar upp bilder som är bredare än 930 px.', - 'subscribers' => 'Tillåt att registrera sig för notifikationer via e-post?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Webbplatsens namn', + 'site-url' => 'Webbplatsens URL', + 'display-graphs' => 'Visa grafer på statussidan?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Om den här sidan', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Hur många dagar av händelser ska visas?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Bannerbild', + 'banner-help' => "Vi rekommenderar att du inte laddar upp bilder som är bredare än 930 px.", + 'subscribers' => 'Tillåt att registrera sig för notifikationer via e-post?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics-kod', diff --git a/resources/lang/th-TH/forms.php b/resources/lang/th-TH/forms.php index 8a9646a58fab..3e95ac17f791 100644 --- a/resources/lang/th-TH/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/th-TH/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'นอกจากนี้คุณยังอาจเขียนในรูปแบบ Markdown', 'occurred_at' => 'เหตุการณ์นี้เกิดขึ้นเมื่อไหร่', 'notify_subscribers' => 'แจ้งสมาชิก', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'การมองเห็นเหตุการณ์', 'stick_status' => 'เหตุการณ์ปักหมุด', 'stickied' => 'ปักหมุดแล้ว', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'ชื่อเว็บไซต์', - 'site-url' => 'URL เว็บไซต์', - 'display-graphs' => 'แสดงกราฟในหน้าสถานะหรือไม่', - 'about-this-page' => 'เกี่ยวกับหน้านี้', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'แสดงวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นกี่วัน?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'ภาพแบนเนอร์', - 'banner-help' => 'ขอแนะนำให้อัปโหลดไฟล์ที่ความกว้างไม่เกิน 930px', - 'subscribers' => 'เปิดให้ทุกคนสามารถลงทะเบียนรับอีเมลแจ้งเตือน?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'ข้ามการยืนยันตันตนผู้ใช้ (ระวัง! คุณอาจถูกสแปม)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'เปลี่ยนภาษาของหน้าสถานะตามภาษาของผู้เข้าชมอัตโนมัติ', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'เปิดใช้งาน Third Party (Google Fonts, Trackers, ฯลฯ...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'แสดงเขตเวลาที่หน้าสถานะกำลังใช้', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'แสดงเฉพาะวันที่มีเหตุการณ์บนไทม์ไลน์?', + 'site-name' => 'ชื่อเว็บไซต์', + 'site-url' => 'URL เว็บไซต์', + 'display-graphs' => 'แสดงกราฟในหน้าสถานะหรือไม่', + 'about-this-page' => 'เกี่ยวกับหน้านี้', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'แสดงวันที่มีเหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นกี่วัน?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'ภาพแบนเนอร์', + 'banner-help' => "ขอแนะนำให้อัปโหลดไฟล์ที่ความกว้างไม่เกิน 930px", + 'subscribers' => 'เปิดให้ทุกคนสามารถลงทะเบียนรับอีเมลแจ้งเตือน?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'ข้ามการยืนยันตันตนผู้ใช้ (ระวัง! คุณอาจถูกสแปม)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'เปลี่ยนภาษาของหน้าสถานะตามภาษาของผู้เข้าชมอัตโนมัติ', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'เปิดใช้งาน Third Party (Google Fonts, Trackers, ฯลฯ...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'แสดงเขตเวลาที่หน้าสถานะกำลังใช้', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'แสดงเฉพาะวันที่มีเหตุการณ์บนไทม์ไลน์?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'รหัส Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/tr-TR/forms.php b/resources/lang/tr-TR/forms.php index 07d3b2d3a3d4..9a79914337ee 100644 --- a/resources/lang/tr-TR/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/tr-TR/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Markdown işaretleri kullanabilirsiniz.', 'occurred_at' => 'Bu olay ne zaman meydana geldi?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Abonelere bildirilsin mi?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Olay Görünürlüğü', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Olayı', 'stickied' => 'Stickli', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Site Adı', - 'site-url' => 'Site url adresi', - 'display-graphs' => 'Durum sayfasındaki grafikleri gösterilsin mi?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Hakkında', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Kaç gün olay gösterebilirim?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Afiş Resmi', - 'banner-help' => '930 pikselden daha büyük olmayan dosyaları yüklemeniz önerilir.', - 'subscribers' => 'Kullanıcıların e-posta bildirimlerine kaydolmasına izin verilsin mi?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Kullanıcıların doğrulama işlemini atla? (Dikkat et, spam gönderildi)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Durum sayfanızı otomatik olarak ziyaretçinin diline yerelleştirir misin?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Üçüncü Taraf Bağımlılıklarını Etkinleştirme (Google Fontlar, İzleyiciler, vb...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Durum sayfasının çalıştığı saat dilimini gösterin.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Zaman çizelgesinde yalnızca olayları içeren günleri gösterin mi?', + 'site-name' => 'Site Adı', + 'site-url' => 'Site url adresi', + 'display-graphs' => 'Durum sayfasındaki grafikleri gösterilsin mi?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Hakkında', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Kaç gün olay gösterebilirim?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Afiş Resmi', + 'banner-help' => "930 pikselden daha büyük olmayan dosyaları yüklemeniz önerilir.", + 'subscribers' => 'Kullanıcıların e-posta bildirimlerine kaydolmasına izin verilsin mi?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Kullanıcıların doğrulama işlemini atla? (Dikkat et, spam gönderildi)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Durum sayfanızı otomatik olarak ziyaretçinin diline yerelleştirir misin?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Üçüncü Taraf Bağımlılıklarını Etkinleştirme (Google Fontlar, İzleyiciler, vb...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Durum sayfasının çalıştığı saat dilimini gösterin.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Zaman çizelgesinde yalnızca olayları içeren günleri gösterin mi?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics kodu', diff --git a/resources/lang/uk-UA/forms.php b/resources/lang/uk-UA/forms.php index 9648ee5631d3..9e3c71f02c7b 100644 --- a/resources/lang/uk-UA/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/uk-UA/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Ви також можете використовувати Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Коли цей інцидент відбувся?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Повідомити підписників?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Назва сайту', - 'site-url' => 'URL сайту', - 'display-graphs' => 'Відображати графіки на сторінці статусу?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Інформація про цю сторінку', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Зображення банеру', - 'banner-help' => 'Радимо завантажувати файли не більше, ніж 930 пiкселей у ширину.', - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Назва сайту', + 'site-url' => 'URL сайту', + 'display-graphs' => 'Відображати графіки на сторінці статусу?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Інформація про цю сторінку', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'How many days of incidents to show?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Зображення банеру', + 'banner-help' => "Радимо завантажувати файли не більше, ніж 930 пiкселей у ширину.", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Код Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/vi-VN/forms.php b/resources/lang/vi-VN/forms.php index aa0834e8e92a..4cd5ce56fe66 100644 --- a/resources/lang/vi-VN/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/vi-VN/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => 'Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng Markdown.', 'occurred_at' => 'Sự cố này đã xảy ra khi nào?', 'notify_subscribers' => 'Notify subscribers?', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => 'Tến site', - 'site-url' => 'URL trang web', - 'display-graphs' => 'Hiển thị các biểu đồ trên trang trạng thái?', - 'about-this-page' => 'Về trang này', - 'days-of-incidents' => 'Sự cố này sẽ hiển thị mấy ngày ?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => 'Bạn nên upload ảnh có chiều rộng lớn hơn 930px', - 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => 'Tến site', + 'site-url' => 'URL trang web', + 'display-graphs' => 'Hiển thị các biểu đồ trên trang trạng thái?', + 'about-this-page' => 'Về trang này', + 'days-of-incidents' => 'Sự cố này sẽ hiển thị mấy ngày ?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "Bạn nên upload ảnh có chiều rộng lớn hơn 930px", + 'subscribers' => 'Allow people to signup to email notifications?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Mã Google Analytics', diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-CN/forms.php b/resources/lang/zh-CN/forms.php index a195f0720437..dc240a0ec7fa 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-CN/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-CN/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => '您可以使用Markdown语言。', 'occurred_at' => '这次故障是什么时候发生的?', 'notify_subscribers' => '通知订阅者', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => '故障的可见性', 'stick_status' => '关注故障', 'stickied' => '已关注', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => '站点标题', - 'site-url' => '站点地址(URL)', - 'display-graphs' => '在状态页上显示图表', - 'about-this-page' => '关于本页', - 'days-of-incidents' => '显示多少天的故障?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => '横幅图像', - 'banner-help' => '建议上传文件宽度不大于 930 像素。', - 'subscribers' => '允许用户订阅邮件通知', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => '是否跳过用户邮件验证?(小心,这可能会被滥用)', - 'automatic_localization' => '根据访客的系统语言自动本地化状态页面', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => '启用第三方服务 (Google Fonts, Tracker 等)', - 'show_timezone' => '显示状态页所在的时区', - 'only_disrupted_days' => '仅显示有故障的日期', + 'site-name' => '站点标题', + 'site-url' => '站点地址(URL)', + 'display-graphs' => '在状态页上显示图表', + 'about-this-page' => '关于本页', + 'days-of-incidents' => '显示多少天的故障?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => '横幅图像', + 'banner-help' => "建议上传文件宽度不大于 930 像素。", + 'subscribers' => '允许用户订阅邮件通知', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => '是否跳过用户邮件验证?(小心,这可能会被滥用)', + 'automatic_localization' => '根据访客的系统语言自动本地化状态页面', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => '启用第三方服务 (Google Fonts, Tracker 等)', + 'show_timezone' => '显示状态页所在的时区', + 'only_disrupted_days' => '仅显示有故障的日期', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics 代码', diff --git a/resources/lang/zh-TW/forms.php b/resources/lang/zh-TW/forms.php index d499aacaafa8..26eb27f3114a 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh-TW/forms.php +++ b/resources/lang/zh-TW/forms.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 'message-help' => '你可以使用 Markdown 。', 'occurred_at' => 'When did this incident occur?', 'notify_subscribers' => '通知訂閱者', + 'notify_disabled' => 'Due to scheduled maintenance, notifications about this incident or its components will be suppressed.', 'visibility' => 'Incident Visibility', 'stick_status' => 'Stick Incident', 'stickied' => 'Stickied', @@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ 'settings' => [ // Application setup 'app-setup' => [ - 'site-name' => '網站名稱', - 'site-url' => '網站 URL', - 'display-graphs' => '在狀態頁上顯示圖片?', - 'about-this-page' => '關於本站', - 'days-of-incidents' => '顯示多少天前的事件?', - 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', - 'banner' => 'Banner Image', - 'banner-help' => '橫幅寬度建議少於 930px 。', - 'subscribers' => '允許用戶訂閱郵件通知嗎?', - 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', - 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', - 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', - 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', - 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', + 'site-name' => '網站名稱', + 'site-url' => '網站 URL', + 'display-graphs' => '在狀態頁上顯示圖片?', + 'about-this-page' => '關於本站', + 'days-of-incidents' => '顯示多少天前的事件?', + 'time_before_refresh' => 'Status page refresh rate (in seconds).', + 'banner' => 'Banner Image', + 'banner-help' => "橫幅寬度建議少於 930px 。", + 'subscribers' => '允許用戶訂閱郵件通知嗎?', + 'suppress_notifications_in_maintenance' => 'Suppress notifications when incident occurs during maintenance period?', + 'skip_subscriber_verification' => 'Skip verifying of users? (Be warned, you could be spammed)', + 'automatic_localization' => 'Automatically localise your status page to your visitor\'s language?', + 'enable_external_dependencies' => 'Enable Third Party Dependencies (Google Fonts, Trackers, etc...)', + 'show_timezone' => 'Show the timezone the status page is running in.', + 'only_disrupted_days' => 'Only show days containing incidents in the timeline?', ], 'analytics' => [ 'analytics_google' => 'Google Analytics 代碼',