{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":628733495,"defaultBranch":"main","name":"PyCriteria","ownerLogin":"iPoetDev","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2023-04-16T21:02:54.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1689350216.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":null,"after":"b825ce6d86928e9b9e0960b4eb610f1b202f675c","ref":"refs/heads/datree-yaml-validation-b825ce6d86928e9b9e0960b4eb610f1b202f675c","pushedAt":"2023-07-14T15:56:56.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"datreeio[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/datreeio","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/14409?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add datree-validation.yml","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add datree-validation.yml"}},{"before":"adba1a0aa33a81aff2df4558eca21a39abf14fa4","after":"f670a64f4b0c3ac87b24ee7b486571222df1072d","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:47:40.512Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"7e47acc93f7883d84c44f9f179a111f039485300","after":"a759a8095bd7966cce79f06da3ace48901897526","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:47:31.342Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #49\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.001-Beta","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #49"}},{"before":"3a0708e116b14d7b462c60f89ae6a522e82b018e","after":"4262ac64bd31b198a956afcd57ad503e0c765c36","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:46:59.685Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Final\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.001-Beta\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - UAT Accepted\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n - Final\n### Bumped\n### Added\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Fixes\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Final"}},{"before":"3ed39e4122666157b2ac694e0ac9446a3a23167b","after":"7e47acc93f7883d84c44f9f179a111f039485300","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:44:27.100Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #48 - Final Push to Heroku at 11:45am June 3rd\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.001-Beta","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #48 - Final Push to Heroku at 11:45am June 3rd"}},{"before":"87c5917c340fb3e534bc253f2171593f882f4da5","after":"adba1a0aa33a81aff2df4558eca21a39abf14fa4","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:44:22.715Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"4ca7f7b556a552543fffcf266ea215c29208e266","after":"3a0708e116b14d7b462c60f89ae6a522e82b018e","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T10:43:37.149Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Final\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.001-Beta\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - UAT Accepted\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n - Final\n### Bumped\n### Added\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Fixes\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Final"}},{"before":"8e0f66cf7eaed77f4709176dcc08c9c7d2641441","after":"87c5917c340fb3e534bc253f2171593f882f4da5","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:53:15.024Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"8b8ad0d1cbc65c9f4201ec0fefc716164d6b2c31","after":"3ed39e4122666157b2ac694e0ac9446a3a23167b","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:52:59.299Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #47\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.007-002-Alpha at 1050AM","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #47"}},{"before":"eb5925b2f6f5c95482bc814543d30e79d75340f9","after":"4ca7f7b556a552543fffcf266ea215c29208e266","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:52:25.836Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Final Feature and UAT Acceptance\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.007-002-Alpha at 1030AM\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - Progress is now working locally\n - Save by Inject:Row working but no data\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n -\n### Bumped\n - Minor v01.00.006.Alpha\n - Target Submission. Beta\n### Added\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Fixes\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Final Feature and UAT Acceptance"}},{"before":"7e8fa8fcbd6ee4df1b1ed8eb77871d77bb71e35b","after":"8e0f66cf7eaed77f4709176dcc08c9c7d2641441","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:33:11.895Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"1692e32d5298fedc5b5fe5cb479d30874da96eb1","after":"8b8ad0d1cbc65c9f4201ec0fefc716164d6b2c31","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:32:44.742Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":6,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #46\n\n2023-06-03 v01.00.007-001-Alpha at 1030AM","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #46"}},{"before":"6ec8cd343995614ffe1a6d5c44d6417d3d707d9f","after":"eb5925b2f6f5c95482bc814543d30e79d75340f9","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:31:40.893Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'"}},{"before":"2f4f32ec070fc73b131e69eac6880d8fbd3e6433","after":"6ec8cd343995614ffe1a6d5c44d6417d3d707d9f","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-03T09:30:48.794Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Final Feature and UAT Acceptance\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.007-001-Alpha\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - Find, Edit and Note + Progress working Locallt\n - Save by Inject:Row working but no data\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n -\n### Bumped\n - Minor v01.00.006.Alpha\n - Target Submission. Beta\n### Added\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Fixes\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Final Feature and UAT Acceptance"}},{"before":"e731ae26e2c1e06089911b0240d8ae45062c764b","after":"2f4f32ec070fc73b131e69eac6880d8fbd3e6433","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T23:04:33.284Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Added dataset.md and csv file\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.006-002-Alpha\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n -\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.006.Alpha\n - Target Submission. Beta\n### Added\n - Added Dataset\n### Mutated/Updated\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - 🚫To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - 🚫To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 🚫 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Added dataset.md and csv file"}},{"before":"2a16285374fecd2d1c7fda297aa0e184c91304cc","after":"e731ae26e2c1e06089911b0240d8ae45062c764b","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T22:58:41.640Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Added dataset.md and csv file\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.006-002-Alpha\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n -\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.006.Alpha\n - Target Submission. Beta\n### Added\n - Added Dataset\n### Mutated/Updated\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - 🚫To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - 🚫To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 🚫 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Added dataset.md and csv file"}},{"before":"68d76c080501f80176a46148d8a4d807f763ed45","after":"7e8fa8fcbd6ee4df1b1ed8eb77871d77bb71e35b","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T22:49:46.446Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"0307fc2d88adeac7d7d2ea4efd4b76d182d08dd7","after":"1692e32d5298fedc5b5fe5cb479d30874da96eb1","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T22:49:37.434Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #45 from iPoetDev/main\n\nMerge pull request #45 - Final Linting.\nMyPy still due\n\n2023-06-02 v01.00.006-001-Alpha","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #45 from iPoetDev/main"}},{"before":"71a0b80582393533501b65fce5122000367fe1e9","after":"2a16285374fecd2d1c7fda297aa0e184c91304cc","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-02T22:47:49.588Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Final Linted, and\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.006-001-Alpha\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - Final Bulk Editing\n - Fix Regressions in Edit Note and Edit Progress (was accepted, now not)\n - Readme & Screenshots (Find and Edit Note + Progress)\n - Maybe does the save function if time.\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n -\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.006.Alpha\n - Target Submission. Beta\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Too Many from linting\n### Removed\n - Removal of Unused code:\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - ☑️Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - ☑️What was the problem?\n - ☑️What was the solution?\n - ☑️If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - ☑️Code Validation\n - ☑️Formatting\n - ☑️Linting\n - Error Handling\n - ☑️User cannot submit empty input\n - ☑️Error messages are informative\n - Check for out of bounds error > 0, <70\n - ☑️User Story\n - ☑️Story: As a User I want to ...\n - ☑️Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - ☑️Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - ☑️Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - ☑️Feature:\n - ☑️Test:\n - ☑️Outcome/Effect:\n - ☑️Testing Plan is\n - ☑️To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - ☑️To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - ☑️To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - ☑️The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n -☑️ `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - ☑️creates a class Record ☑️️\n - ☑️To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - ☑️Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - ☑️Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - ☑️Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - ☑️Update same item, ☑️ or\n - ☑️Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - ☑️To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - ☑️Change the web view for wider coverage\n - 🚫To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - 🚫To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ modelview.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstring\n### Linted June 3rd\n - ☑️ PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - ☑️ PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - ☑️ Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - ️ ☑️ selective as some jank with click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - ☑️ there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - ☑️ There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - ☑️ limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - ☑️ Current setting up a datamodel to\n ☑️ i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ☑️ ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n ☑️ iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n ☑️ iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n ☑️ v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n ☑️ vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n 🚫 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n ☑️️ 4 User commits saves to the list\n ☑️️ 5 User made a mistake, deletes a recorf\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Final Linted, and"}},{"before":"ae4714c4a3d873765f23327c0235286af94410bc","after":"68d76c080501f80176a46148d8a4d807f763ed45","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T19:51:35.240Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"9fb317a0b1f822f52664ad3181674acc6500f28d","after":"0307fc2d88adeac7d7d2ea4efd4b76d182d08dd7","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T19:51:24.017Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #43\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.005-001-Alpha Edit Note Feature Acceptance","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #43"}},{"before":"e5418139ec254a63f911c32da5758e4e8bfa400c","after":"71a0b80582393533501b65fce5122000367fe1e9","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T19:50:11.414Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'"}},{"before":"1b4cfc4ff08b6e2f739eafe8f1f2075f3757cae2","after":"e5418139ec254a63f911c32da5758e4e8bfa400c","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T19:49:34.091Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Edit Note Adjustments\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.005-001-Alpha\n=== CHANGELOG ===\n### Status\n - Completed Debuggin Add, Update and Clear Notes\n - Debugging Find > Locate\n - Debugging Edit > Progress: Toggle values and insert\n - Build last feature > Remote Datasoure commit.\n The final state.\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n - Penultimate Adjustments\n - Edit > Notes: Feature Acceptance Ready\n TODO\n - Find > Locate: has Issues\n - Edit > Toggle: Like Update mode, so kinks should be similar, no more layout\n Final Feature\n - Save > Commit to remote by brute overwrite, no finesse of per row insert /last changed\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.001 (29th May 2023)\n### Mutated/Updated\n - Tweaks to Edit Note and Penultimate code changes\n### Removed\n\n=== PROJECTLOG ===\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - What was the problem?\n - What was the solution?\n - If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - Code Validation\n - Formatting\n - Linting\n - Error Handling\n - User cannot submit empty input\n - Error messages are informative\n - User Story\n - Story: As a User I want to ...\n - Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - Feature:\n - Test:\n - Outcome/Effect:\n - Testing Plan is\n - To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n - `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - creates a class Record ☑️️\n - To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - Update same item, ☑️ or\n - Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ apptypes.py: Module, Types and by Docstrings\n### Linted May 2023 23rd\n - PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - Current setting up a datamodel to\n i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n - Refactoring Mismatch/Opportunity\n - There was/is some duplication of display logic between app.py and controller.py\n - This may be resolved by submission,\n - Else it be a future feature/enhancement/code maintenance effort\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n ⏸️ 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely.\n 4.6: BULK CHANGE, SORTING\n - Bulk edit a whole row\n - Built edit many rows, either contiguous or non-contiguous/random\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n 4.7 FIND ANY VALUE\n - Find contiguous rows, random rows: The logic is there, the display is not\n - Find by column, show all rows\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n 4 User commits saves to the list\n 5 User made a mistake, deletes a record\n 6 User has to change/swap two records for each other: CHALLENGE\n 7 User sorts the list if it goes out of order (append, insert, delete)\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Edit Note Adjustments"}},{"before":null,"after":"ae4714c4a3d873765f23327c0235286af94410bc","ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T17:35:22.278Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"'Refactored by Sourcery'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"'Refactored by Sourcery'"}},{"before":"3381179ae6eb8de29fe807560dcef44d23f24401","after":"9fb317a0b1f822f52664ad3181674acc6500f28d","ref":"refs/heads/heroku","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T17:35:02.507Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":6,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge pull request #41\n\n2023-06-01 v01.00.004-001-Alpha: Edit Mode Feature Testing","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge pull request #41"}},{"before":"d8a3e73fac49ab0d5665ca5aba37cd333f8ef366","after":"1b4cfc4ff08b6e2f739eafe8f1f2075f3757cae2","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-06-01T17:30:09.688Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main'"}},{"before":"caf8aa5dc30401a77457205de46519f02eee692c","after":"d8a3e73fac49ab0d5665ca5aba37cd333f8ef366","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T23:56:40.057Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Minor adjusted me to PyCharm screenshots","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Minor adjusted me to PyCharm screenshots"}},{"before":"4ba191cb059856c28de6e294a7646a8fc258748a","after":"caf8aa5dc30401a77457205de46519f02eee692c","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T23:53:18.042Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Readme Screenshots (6.2)\n\nAdded Images\nRemoted old files\n\n2023-05-31 v01.00.003-001-Alpha\n### Status\n - Adding Feature Screenshots\n - Next is Feature acceptance, which by rights is successful screenshots\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n - Feature Screenshots as Feature Acceptance Testing Results\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.001 (29th May 2023)\n - WHY: Significant improvement in click commands\n Final command added (Progress) and edit of Progess logic\n Improved input validation\n Refactoring of classes to new files\n - Marked with alpha\n### Added\n - readme.md 6.2 Screenshots for each feature and workflow.\n### Mutated/Updated\n### Removed\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - What was the problem?\n - What was the solution?\n - If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - Code Validation\n - Formatting\n - Linting\n - Error Handling\n - User cannot submit empty input\n - Error messages are informative\n - User Story\n - Story: As a User I want to ...\n - Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - Feature:\n - Test:\n - Outcome/Effect:\n - Testing Plan is\n - To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n - `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - creates a class Record ☑️️\n - To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - Update same item, ☑️ or\n - Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ apptypes.py: Module, Types and by Docstrings\n### Linted May 2023 23rd\n - PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - Current setting up a datamodel to\n i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n - Refactoring Mismatch/Opportunity\n - There was/is some duplication of display logic between app.py and controller.py\n - This may be resolved by submission,\n - Else it be a future feature/enhancement/code maintenance effort\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n ⏸️ 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely.\n 4.6: BULK CHANGE, SORTING\n - Bulk edit a whole row\n - Built edit many rows, either contiguous or non-contiguous/random\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n 4.7 FIND ANY VALUE\n - Find contiguous rows, random rows: The logic is there, the display is not\n - Find by column, show all rows\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n 4 User commits saves to the list\n 5 User made a mistake, deletes a record\n 6 User has to change/swap two records for each other: CHALLENGE\n 7 User sorts the list if it goes out of order (append, insert, delete)\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Readme Screenshots (6.2)"}},{"before":"06dc6ae3369171d730bde5a3de66552036605a19","after":"4ba191cb059856c28de6e294a7646a8fc258748a","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T14:54:04.187Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"iPoetDev","name":"Charles J. Fowler","path":"/iPoetDev","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51715025?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Changelog: Readme Screenshots (6.2)\n\nAdded Images\nRemoted old files\n\n2023-05-30 v01.00.002-001-Alpha\n### Status\n - Adding Feature Screenshots\n - Next is Feature acceptance, which by rights is successful screenshots\n### Noted (ADR|etc)#\n - Feature Screenshots as Feature Acceptance Testing Results\n### Bumped\n - Major Bumped to v01.00.001 (29th May 2023)\n - WHY: Significant improvement in click commands\n Final command added (Progress) and edit of Progess logic\n Improved input validation\n Refactoring of classes to new files\n - Marked with alpha\n### Added\n - readme.md 6.2 Screenshots for each feature and workflow.\n### Mutated/Updated\n### Removed\n### Tested\n - Bugs\n - Record all bugs in README -> GitHub Issues\n - What was the problem?\n - What was the solution?\n - If you could not resolve it, include it in README\n - Include screenshots of bugs in README\n - Validation\n - Code Validation\n - Formatting\n - Linting\n - Error Handling\n - User cannot submit empty input\n - Error messages are informative\n - User Story\n - Story: As a User I want to ...\n - Story Testing: Feature and details that answer story\n - Format: Tabular view, two columns\n - Features (Feature acceptance testing)\n - Feature:\n - Test:\n - Outcome/Effect:\n - Testing Plan is\n - To test commands for issues and get results back ☑️\n - `find locate` and prompt works ☑️️\n - To check the option parameters for function, and valid/invalid input\n - To check for user flow if they make the wrong error\n - The query data should be much smaller dataset for user to work on ☑️️\n - `find locate` and retrieve a single record ☑️️\n - creates a class Record ☑️️\n - To then sore/cache the result query data for CrUD ops\n - Create an editor, that manipulates the record series / frame ☑️️\n - Read the smaller working data ☑️️\n - Create a new item to working data or source data ☑️ or\n - Update same item, ☑️ or\n - Delete the same item ☑️ or\n - To present and results ⏸☑️ - Side by side for individual records\n - Change the web view for wider coverage\n - To commit changes to the remote datastore ⏸️ or\n - To repeat on the new data - each command request data each time. ⏸️\n### Commenting: LO 1.3.1\n CRITICAL\n - ☑️ app.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ controller.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ connections.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n MINOR\n - ☑️ sidecar.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ settings.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ exceptions.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ commands.py: Module, Classes, Methods and by Docstrings\n - ☑️ apptypes.py: Module, Types and by Docstrings\n### Linted May 2023 23rd\n - PASSING: Pep8 Linter: pycodestye: Passing, with exception of W293, ignored\n - https://pep8ci.herokuapp.com/\n - PyCharm: Python: Passing with additional noqa usage\n - Weak Warning: Ln 197, Exception.py\n - PyLint: Passing\n - MyPy: Not Passing.\n Major efforts, but suffice for now.\n - Ruff: Increase in noqa and ignored issues\n - But is Passing of what is not ignored\n - NOQA: Ignoring lint issues\n - Use of noqa:\n - Causes: Either IDE complains that couldn't be fixed, or costly to fix a small effort.\n - Causes: Convention Breakage:\n No sense to stay in coding style, deviation to own coding style.\n - Causes: Other linters have caught more serious issues, these are fluff issues.\n### Disabled\n### Fixed\n### Fixme (Code)\n### Todo (Task)\n### Style\n ✔️Classes: Use basic templates, static method decorators, some pure classes\n ✔️Linting: resolving static analysis, static types -> Testing\n ✔️Typing: Use of TypeHints, and typed returns -> Testing\n ✔️Testing:\n ✔️ 1) Locally in IDE, Partial by Mon 22 at 6:30pm\n ✔️ 2) Heroku flow/CI: Monday 22nd May\n 3) Heroku App\n ✔️ Validation: Needs to have user inputs (4.3) ready.\n - click.prompts/options already check for types, and options can constrain choice\n - there are type checks for all input vars, with default as strings\n - There are no constraints on the data patterns / forms needing regex.\n - limited inputs at this MVP stage\n ✔️ DataModel\n - Current setting up a datamodel to\n i) Load to a Panda's dataframe\n ii) Load a filtered view of a dataframe (selected columns as Views)\n iii) Load a single dataset, a Panda Series, as a single record\n iv) Find a single, as above, and display as a Card view\n v) Use same find algorithm, to Edit (insert, append, clear) same data record\n a) single record modifiable fields are Notes, and maybe ToDo.\n vi) View the modified record\n### Design\n### Planned\n -️ ☑️️ Stage 1: prepare core utils and remote capacities as Classes etc -* Currently\n - ️️☑️️ Stage 2 research and prepare console shell design:\n - ☑️ Update: using rich.* and it is working\n - ️☑️️ Stage 3: Setup Heroku App, document (readme.md 7.3) and get print hello to web interface\n - ☑️ Stage 4: Develop data model and logic models for front end/local\n - connection.py\n - CLASS: GOOGLECONNECTOR: Load data by API/Framework\n - controller.py for\n - ☑️CLASS: CONTROLLER, DATA CONTROLLER: controller/load bulk data logic,\n - ☑️CLASS: COLUMNSCHEMA, HEADERS: data views (subsets),\n - ☑️CLASS: DISPLAY, INNER, WEBCONSOLE: display (version 1)\n - ☑️CLASS: RECORD: individual dataset, and view/display console/tables\n - ☑️CLASS: EDITOR: CUD/Modify ops: ☑️ Create/Add/Insert, ☑️Update/Append, ☑️Delete/Clear, Save/Commit\n - app.py\n - ☑️CLASS: VIEW, WINDOW, CRITERIAAPP, CHECKS, RESULTS\n - Refactoring Mismatch/Opportunity\n - There was/is some duplication of display logic between app.py and controller.py\n - This may be resolved by submission,\n - Else it be a future feature/enhancement/code maintenance effort\n ☑️ 4.1: ☑️READING, ☑️FILTERING, ☑️DISPLAYING - @2023-05/18\n ️️ ☑️ 4.2: ☑️FINDING, ☑️LOCATING BT INDEX, ☑️FOCUSING -@2023-05-19\n - ☑️ FIND: Locate by index of a record ONLY\n ☑️️ 4.3: ⏸INPUTING, DELETING\n - STATUS: CODED☑️,Testing Monday 22nd Add a note @ 17:30\n - Notes, Todo\n ☑️ 4.4: UPDATING, APPENDING, MODIFYING\n - STATUS: Coded ☑️, Testing\n ⏸️ 4.5: COMMITTING AND VERIFICATION.\n - Has the changes been committed safely.\n 4.6: BULK CHANGE, SORTING\n - Bulk edit a whole row\n - Built edit many rows, either contiguous or non-contiguous/random\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n 4.7 FIND ANY VALUE\n - Find contiguous rows, random rows: The logic is there, the display is not\n - Find by column, show all rows\n - STATUS: PAUSED, DEFERRED, NOT MVP\n Logic Flow\n ☑️️ 1 User reads information ☑️️ fetched for different views ☑️️ or browse pages\n ☑️ 2 User searches/select/filters information to edit/create\n ☑️️ 3 User inputs/updates/clears information based on selection\n 4 User commits saves to the list\n 5 User made a mistake, deletes a record\n 6 User has to change/swap two records for each other: CHALLENGE\n 7 User sorts the list if it goes out of order (append, insert, delete)\nBREAKING CHANGE:\n\n### Closed: Issues","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Changelog: Readme Screenshots (6.2)"}},{"before":"1500bb54c13d0656285a49646d22595528a4e02a","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/sourcery/main","pushedAt":"2023-05-30T10:42:39.199Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sourcery-ai[bot]","name":null,"path":"/apps/sourcery-ai","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/in/48477?s=80&v=4"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAADVcMHWgA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · iPoetDev/PyCriteria"}