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JavaScript Builder Element

The JavaScript Builder Element takes the JSON output from the JSON Builder Element and merges it into a template which contains JavaScript.

The resulting JavaScript is provided to the client as part of an HTTP response. At the client it provides the following features:

  • Allow access to Pipeline processing results in client-side JavaScript.
  • Acquire additional Evidence that is only accessible to client-side JavaScript. This process is described in our documentation

Accepted Evidence

  • header.protocol
  • query.fod-js-object-name

Start-up activity

On start-up, initialize the normal data structures, such as accepted Evidence, and perform any set-up for the template system to operate as efficiently as possible.

Element Data

Name Type Description
javascript string The raw JavaScript produced by this Element.


The Mustache template used by reference implementations is available at GitHub There is no requirement that this template or Mustache is used. However, any new variant would need to reproduce the capabilities of the existing script.

If the Mustache template is used, then several values it requires must first be determined:

  1. If protocol was not specified in configuration, get it from the header.protocol Evidence value. If that header is not present, then default to HTTPS.
  2. If host was not specified in the configuration, get it from the Evidence value.
  3. Get object name from the query.fod-js-object-name Evidence value. If it’s not present or blank, use the value specified in the configuration.
  4. Retrieve the Element Data for JSON builder element from the Flow Data. This contains the JSON to be passed to the template.
  5. Retrieve the Element Data for Sequence Element from the Flow Data. This contains the session id and sequence number to be passed to the template.
  6. If protocol, host and endpoint are all set, then generate a URL in the following format: [protocol]://[host][endpoint]. Ensure that values with/without leading/trailing slashes are handled correctly.
  7. The JavaScript might need to make call backs to the server. A list of any query parameters that will be included in those calls needs to be created. This can be done by looking at the query entries in the existing Evidence:
    • Get all Evidence values starting with query.
    • Use the text after query. as the key.
    • Pass keys and values in the form needed by the template (don't forget URL encoding, etc. if needed).

The parameters to the existing template are:

*Parameter Populated from Description
_objName Item 3 above The name of the global JavaScript object to create.
_jsonObject Item 4 above The string containing the JSON data object.
_sessionId Item 5 above The session id is used to deduplicate requests when using the JavaScript include
_sequence Item 5 above The sequence is the number of calls made by the Session ID
_supportsPromises False. Unless Device Detection is in the Pipeline and the ‘Promise’ Property returns ‘Full’ If true, the script will use Promises
_url Item 6 above The callback url to use when javascript Properties are executed on the client-side.
_parameters Item 7 above Any query parameters in Evidence, these can be relayed in callbacks to the cloud service.
_enableCookies From configuration If false, the script will automatically delete any cookies prefixed with 51D_ after evaluating Properties.
_updateEnabled Will usually be true if _url is set If true, the JavaScript will include functionality to make callbacks to the server after evaluating JavaScript Properties.
_hasDelayedProperties True if the JSON contains the text delayexecution If true, the JavaScript will include functionality to support Properties where execution of the JavaScript will be delayed until needed.

Finally, the resulting JavaScript will be minified (or not, based on the configuration provided). Minification SHOULD be performed using an existing third-party library.

Performance tests MUST be in place to verify the performance impact of this feature. (The Node JS implementation caused issues for a customer due to the extremely poor performance of the minification library that was being used) If it does have a significant impact, and no alternative libraries offer better performance, a cut-down minification process MAY be implemented in order to achieve the major benefits without a significant performance cost.

JavaScript template functionality

The JavaScript snippet that is produced by this element MUST include the following functionality:

  • A new JavaScript object with a configurable name created in global scope. This is the mechanism through which the client-side functionality can be used.
  • A way to access the results of processing in client-side JavaScript.
  • A mechanism to execute any properties that contain JavaScript snippets, pass the output back to the server and allow the user (i.e. the third party developer, not the web site user) to act on the results.

Session storage caching

As explained in
web integration, caching SHOULD be used to reduce the need to resend data.

Since the response to the server is a POST request and is not cached, the generated JavaScript SHOULD include functionality to retain results of previous JSON endpoint requests in session storage on the browser. These are stored using a key created by combining the session ID and sequence number generated by the Sequence Element.

Session ID is retained for the lifetime of the session. A future request to the JSON endpoint with the same session ID and sequence number as a previous result can then be retrieved from session storage.

Configuration options

Name Type Default Description
SetProtocol String [Empty string] The protocol used to make a request once additional Evidence is available from client-side execution. Uses the value from Evidence by default
SetHost String [Empty string] The host used to make a request once additional Evidence is available from client-side execution. Uses the value from Evidence by default.
SetEndpoint string [Empty string] The endpoint that a request will be sent to once additional Evidence is available from client-side execution. This endpoint MUST return JSON data in the same form as the JSON embedded within the JavaScript
SetObjectName String fod The name of the JavaScript object created in the global scope on the client
SetMinify Bool True Enable or disable minification of the Javascript that is produced
SetEnableCookies Bool True True if results of client-side processing can be retained in cookies so that they are sent by default in subsequent requests