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Py Project Template

Github License

GitHub Workflow StagingGitHub Workflow Production

Code StyleLinting

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Table of Contents

About The Project

This is a sample template for python projects that i'd like to update from time to time as i learn more in python development.

It's also meant to act as a refresher for some good practices and/or to look up basic how-to.

It involves some concepts like abstract classes, documentation, and testing and implements a rather limited calculator logic for the base.

Flow Packages used

  • pipenv for creating a virtual environment.
  • pytest for testing packages. (
  • pre-commit for linting(pylint) and running tests(pytest) before committing.
  • pytest-html to generate pytest html report.
  • pytest-cov to generate test coverage reports.
  • sphinx for maintaining auto generated code documentation along with links to generated reports mentioned above.



$ sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
$ pip3 install pipenv

With newer Python versions, go to Pipfile, and update,

python_version = "3.x"

And for support in Ubuntu 22.04,

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" # pip3 installs have been shifted to the following location!

# Generally would end up giving -> AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'
export SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISUTILS=stdlib # Handles import issues

Running the Application

To use Py-project-template, first:

$ git clone
$ cd Py-Project-Template/

To drop into the interactive terminal for the environment:

$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install # rm Pipfile.lock, to regenerate package versions if required
$ python3

$ pipenv --rm # To remove the virtual env created (if necessary)

Else to run directly:

$ pipenv run python3

To Develop

Install the dev packages

$ pipenv install --dev

Overall Flow

Let's look into different components in brief.

To drop into the virtual environment, please refer to Usage.


Lint, or a linter, is a static code analysis tool used to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors and suspicious constructs. Here we use pylint.

To ignore file(s):

Added the following at the top of to ignore this file since it's generated by sphinx and would rather keep its current format.

# pylint: disable-all

Pylint settings file can be generated with:

pylint --generate-rcfile >> .pylintrc

In this settings file the boilerplate can be editted to ignore conditions such as 'deprecated-decorator' and 'protected-access' warnings from pylint in .pylintrc Protected member functions were called directly during testing, hence being forcefully ignored.


For testing, we're using pytest.

For testing:

$ cd tests
$ pytest

For quiet mode:

$ pytest -q

For marked testing:

$ pytest -m <mark_name>
$ pytest -m getter

Note :

PyTest Reports

Coverage Reports

Using following packages:

  • Coverage - Code Analysis tool to determine which lines are executable/executed.
  • PyTest-Cov - Test Coverage reports (Uses coverage internally)

Please refer to reports/.coveragerc which acts as the config for test coverage.

Please refer to reports/ for understanding reports update steps.

In order to update reports,

$ pipenv shell
(env) $ ./reports/


$ pipenv run ./reports/


Pre-commit is used to trigger checks before a successful commit through hooks.

Refer to .pre-commit-config.yaml

Runs some basic checks on files, along with black formatter, pylint and finally pytest. These are run before user tries to commit and enforces standards.

To run this explicitly without having to commit:

$ pipenv shell
(env) $ chmod +x
(env) $ ./


Sphinx was used for documentation. Refer to live documentation for the project at

Please refer to docs/ for understanding docs update steps.

In order to update docs,

$ pipenv shell
(env) $ ./docs/


$ pipenv run ./docs/

Git Workflow

Please refer to .github/workflows/python-cicd.yml.

Generally a better idea to use scripts(.sh files / .bat etc.) and run them in workflows but have used individual steps for an example. Using scripts can help with local testing as well.


  • On target system create a requirements.txt:

    $ pipenv requirements > requirements.txt
    $ pipenv requirements --dev-only > dev-requirements.txt

    While deploying, inside a virtualenv I run:

    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • A similar setup can be created with Docker instead for containerization.


Some miscellaneous packages used are:

  • Logging to maintain logs.
  • Pydantic to standardize/validate inputs.
    • Pydantic has been used in lib/utils/ for validation in this repo. It could be used more thoroughly in python libraries as well.
  • Dotenv to read .env settings/config.


Any contributions made are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Aditya Divakaran - @LinkedIn - @Github - @GMail


  • This was tested on Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Refer to notes for helpful links on particular framework/tool.