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426 lines (286 loc) · 17.6 KB

File metadata and controls

426 lines (286 loc) · 17.6 KB

3.5.19 (2015-11-18)


  • Prevent triggering a crash bug affecting iOS v4.0.8 and earlier when setting a number as the navigation bar title

3.5.18 (2015-11-17)


  • Prevent duplicate postMessage events from being received in WebViews originating the event (fixes #1033)


  • Do not spam console with debug output from WebBridge and ModuleBridge

3.5.17 (2015-11-13)


  • Fix dispatching of visibilitychange event in some older versions of the Android Platform WebView.

3.5.16 (2015-10-01)


  • Trigger event blocked for steroids.view.on() and .off() when trying to close the current WebView which is not yet ready to be disposed (controlled by Supersonic).

3.5.15 (2015-09-29)


  • PreviewFileView now supports remote URLs
  • Display a blocking native spinner with and hide it with steroids.spinner.hide. Spinner can block either the current webview or the whole app.
  • New API to display a media gallery:
mediaGallery = new steroids.views.MediaGalleryView {
  files: [...]
} {
  view: mediaGallery
  • Support for Native Loading View.
  • Support for animations when calling steroids.view.displayLoading({transition:'slideFromRight', ...});

3.5.14 (2015-08-17)


  • Add source argument to postMessage if it's not supplied. Fail gracefully when trying to send objects with functions.

3.5.13 (2015-08-13)


  • Module bridge for web


  • Fixed issue where window.postMessage could not be used for it's original purpose (iframe message passing). No longer hjiack the whole message, let it pass through.

3.5.12 (2015-06-23)


  • Enabling/Disabling the Drawer via API. Closes #749.

3.5.11 (2015-05-25)


  • Add steroids.getLaunchURI API (requires Android native runtime v4.0.5/iOS v4.0.4)

3.5.10 (2015-01-21)


  • Support fade animations for modals

3.5.9 (2014-12-18)


  • Removed timeOut hack from JSCoreBridge now that the problem was fixed in iOS native 4.0.2

3.5.8 (2014-11-19)


  • Fixed visibilitychange so that hidden events may also fire on Android.

3.5.7 (2014-11-06)


  • Fixed the visibilitychange event to work with Android.

3.5.5 (2014-10-09)


  • API calls for styling Native UI with CSS:
    • API methods setStyle and setClass for Tab Bar and Navigation Bar
    • API method setTheme to apply a set of styles at once
  • steroids.screen.dismissNextAlert to dismiss the next appearing alert (intended for test automation)
  • steroids.view.navigationBar.tapButton to tap a specified navigation bar button (intended for test automation)


  • Allow steroids.layers.replace to be used even when the target view is in the layer stack (fixes #411)
  • Fixed typo in Drawer options (strechDrawer -> stretchDrawer)

3.5.4 (2014-09-22)

Rollback: steroids.views.WebView object reads url parameters from _parameters object instead of parameters. Related to #502

3.5.3 (2014-09-18)

We have added a lot more tests to our Steroids.js testApp for etc. pushing layers from the initialView etc, check them out!

Secret features:

  • Tabs for Android (Fresh) have the possibility to be defined to be at the top or the bottom of the screen.
    • On the top the tabs would be "Android default" but for now tabs can only be at the bottom to make the app look similar to iOS apps on Android.
  • The first things for MapViews are now in Steroids.js, but this feature is not coming before iOS native runtime v4.0.0.

3.5.2 (2014-08-26)


  • steroids.views.WebView now accepts object key called parameters with object as a value. Parameters object key/value pairs are added to the location url (after encodeURIComponent). Issue #502.


  • steroids.view.params no longer returns object with current location as a key with undefined value when no queryParameters in the view URL.


  • steroids.view.params object keys and values are now decoded using decodeURIComponent

##3.5.1 (2014-08-21)


  • Added waitTransitionEnd: true parameter for iOS only. (Requires iOS native runtime v3.5.1 or newer.)
    • This will cause the modal to wait until any existing transition (such as steroids.layers.push) is finished before showing the modal.
    • Without this parameter, calling while a transition is in progress will trigger the failure callback.
  • Added steroids.keyboard.on actionButtonPressed event listener. Android only. **(Requires Fresh Android native runtime v3.5.1 or newer.)
    • This event is triggered when the Go button is pressed (present on the software keyboard of older Android versions).


  • steroids.view.setBackgroundColor now properly honors background-color: transparent CSS property. Closes #304.
  • steroids.view.setBackgroundImage no longer randomly displays a white box on top of the background. Closes #38.

##3.5.0 (2014-07-14)


  • steroids.tabBar.replace for replacing the native tab bar with new tabs. iOS only.


  • Calling alert inside a postMessage event listener no longer freezes the app. Closes #379.

##3.1.12 (2014-06-09)

Support for Fresh Android API bridge added.

##3.1.11 (2014-05-22)


  • Added missing callback options for steroids.layers.popAll(), adding onTransitionStarted and onTransitionEnd`. iOS only.


  • Certain APIs (such as steroids.layers.popAll()) no longer give errors if called without callbacks.

##3.1.10 (2014-05-21)

Support for the Initial View; steroids.getApplicationState, steroids.screen.rotate and native UI events are no longer secret features; bugfixes.


  • and steroids.initialView.dismiss() for showing/dismissing the Initial View.
  • steroids.modal.hideAll() to hide all currently open modals. (BREAKING: replaces secret steroids.modal.closeAll() introduced in 3.1.9.)
  • steroids.getApplicationState() returns the application state including all preloaded webviews, tabs, modals and drawer controllers.
  • New steroids.screen.rotate API that allows for the device orientation to be set programatically.
  • Register event listeners for the new native UI events with steroids.drawers.on(), steroids.layers.on(), steroids.tabBar.on(), steroids.modal.on() and steroids.view.on() (event listeners are unregistered with the .off() functions).
  • Setting the window.AG_allowedRotationsDefaults array before steroids.js is loaded will override the WebView default steroids.view.setAllowedRotations([0]) with the given array.
  • New iOS JavaScriptCore bridge - more awesome, faster and etc.


  • actually uses navigationBar property (as documented) instead of deprecated hidesNavigationBar property.
  • BREAKING: Fixed typo'd steroids.drawers.update parameter to be stretchDrawer, not strechDrawer.


  • Deprecated steroids.view.rotateTo(), use steroids.screen.rotate() instead.

##3.1.9 (2014-05-06)

New drawers, set background image for a WebView, use unfiltered images for navigation bar buttons, open modals with navigation bar, bugfixes. All updates in v3.1.9 are iOS-only.


  • steroids.views.WebView.setBackgroundImage to set a background image for a WebView.
  • steroids.buttons.NavigationBarButton now supports the imageAsOriginal property, allowing you to use an image for a navigation bar button without applying Apple's color filter on it.
  • now has a navigationBar property; setting it to true will open the modal with the navigation bar displayed.


  • steroids.drawers is completely reworked on the native side, with support for drawers on both sides, more open gestures, different animations for displaying the drawer and more:
    • New API method steroids.drawers.update for updating/setting the WebViews used for drawers as well as drawer options. See the API docs for all the goodies!
    • steroids.drawers.hide now supports replacing the center view as part of the API call.
    • BREAKING: is now only used to display drawers that have been set up with steroids.drawers.update, and cannot be used to initialize the drawer anymore.
    • BREAKING: steroids.drawers.defaultAnimations changed to include four default animation types: slide, slide and scale, swinging door and parallax.
    • BREAKING: steroids.drawers.hideAll deprecated.
    • steroids.drawers.enableGesture and steroids.drawers.disableGesture are deprecated (though they should still work), use steroids.drawers.update and options.openGestures and options.closeGestures instead.


  • setAllowedRotations now has a default of [0] instead of [] for new WebViews. This can be overridden by setting a window.AG_allowedRotationsDefaults variable before Steroids.js is loaded.

Secret features:

  • steroids.getApplicationState() returns the application state including all preloaded webviews, tabs, modals and drawer controllers.
  • steroids.modal.closeAll() closes all currently open modals.
  • New steroids.screen.rotate API that allows for the device orientation to be set programatically. Examples: steroids.screen.rotate("portrait"), steroids.screen.rotate("landscapeLeft").
  • New native UI events for steroids.drawers, steroids.layers, steroids.tabBar, steroids.modal and steroids.views.WebView

Internal stuff:

  • New iOS JavaScriptCore bridge - more awesome, faster and etc.

##3.1.8 (2014-04-03)

Various new APIs for iOS, multiple consecutive modals supported, navigation bar in modals supported.


  • Navigation bar can now be used in modal windows also.
  • Multiple modal windows are supported.
  • steroids.view.navigationBar.setAppearance to change the global color/background image settings of the navigation bar
  • steroids.statusBar.onTap event listener for triggering a function when the status bar is tapped.
  • steroids.Animation has new onAnimationStarted and onAnimationEnded callbacks.
  • steroids.view.navigationBar.update has a new backButton parameter for setting a custom button to replace the native back button.
  • steroids.view.displayLoading to show loading.html programmatically.
  • steroids.tabBar.currentTab.update functions like steroids.tabBar.update for the currently active tab.
  • steroids.view.updateKeyboard with support for showing/hiding the keyboard accessory bar on a per-view basis.
  • steroids.view.navigationBar.setAppearance changes navigation bar appearance.

Secret features:

  • returns current NSUserDefaults in iOS.

##3.1.7 (2014-03-05)

Secret features:

  • steroids.logger.log(msg) for new logging feature, messages readable in steroids.logger.messages
  • steroids.logger.queue.startFlushing(ms) flushes logs to steroids cli + .stopFlushing()
  • returns (async) the (base) URL that was used to download the app (e.g. machine that has steroids connect running)
  • steroids.view.rotateTo(deg) rotates current view to deg somehow, someday
  • steroids.device.platform namespace and steroids.device.platform.getName() to determine the platform (e.g. "ios", "android", "tizen")
  • returns "standalone" if the build is an ad-hoc or production build. Otherwise returns "scanner".
  • steroids.logger automatically sends logs to Steroids CLI when running as a scanner.


  • Fixed a bug with the OAuth2 modal show (thanks @zeopix!)

##3.1.6 (2014-02-27) Added methods for setting tab bar badges and programmatically selecting a tab. Added support for replacing the layer stack with a WebView already in the layer stack. Added a parameter to disable animation for modal screen show/hide.

New API methods requires Scanner v3.1.3.


  • steroids.tabBar.update now supports setting a badge for a tab.
  • steroids.layers.replace can now target preloaded WebViews that already exist in the layer stack.
  • and steroids.modal.hide now have a disableAnimation parameter to show/hide the modal screen immediately, without an animation.
  • Added steroids.tabBar.selectTab(index) for programmatically setting the active tab.


  • Fixed an issue where window.postMessage gave false error messages on Android.

##3.1.5 (2014-02-10) Bugfix for steroids.view.navigationBar.update.


  • steroids.view.navigationBar.update no longer gives an error regarding undefined button callbacks when updating buttons only on one side.

##3.1.4 (2014-02-10)

New steroids.view.navigationBar.update API on iOS (deprecates steroids.view.navigationBar.setButtons on iOS), added option to animate showing/hiding navigation bar, programmatic show/hide of splashscreen, deprecated methods removed.


  • Support for updating navigation bar contents (title, title image, buttons) per webview with steroids.view.navigationBar.update on iOS.
  • Support for showing and hiding navigation bar with animation using animated option on iOS.
  • Support for showing and hiding splashscreen programmatically with and steroids.splashscreen.hide on iOS.


  • Removed deprecated steroids.view.bounceShadow.
  • Deprecated and removed steroids.layers.array.

##3.1.3 (2014-01-02)

Programmatic updating of tab bar icons and titles with steroids.tabBar.update.


  • Adds support for updating tab titles and icons to new ones with steroids.tabBar.update.


  • Removed deprecated steroids.XHR.

3.1.2 (2013-12-18)

Fixed to work in Tizen Web Simulator.


  • Use TizenBridge if window.tizen is defined.

3.1.1 (2013-12-16)

Fixed visibilitychange firing twice on iOS, Steroids Analytics API to record analytics events


  • visibilitychange events no longer fire twice on iOS.


  • records analytics events (iOS-only).

3.1.0 (2013-12-04)

Support for unloading preloaded webviews, show/hide tab bar, show/hide status bar.


  • sterois.views.WebView.prototype.unload to unload preloaded webView from memory (iOS)
  • steroids.statusBar.hide and to hide and show the native status bar (iOS)
  • steroids.tabBar.hide and to hide and show the native tab bar (iOS)


  • steroids.views.webView constructor supports id parameter (defaults to location if not given)

2.7.11 (2013-11-15)

Tab improvements, navigation bar bugfixes


  • Adds support for tabBar parameter in steroids.layers.push


  • Fixes the issue Android right button not showing.
  • Navigation bar title image and image buttons now wait for the Steroids ready event internally.

2.7.10 (2013-10-17)

Multiple navigation bar buttons, ability to hide the back button.


  • steroids.view.navigationBar.setButtons() API expanded, see the API docs for more information
    • Hide/show the back button.
    • Multiple buttons on the left and right side of the navigation bar.
    • Buttons can use images or text.

2.7.9 (2013-10-14)

Initial Tizen support.


  • TizenBridge for handling API calls and auto-refresh of client on Tizen devices.

2.7.8 (2013-09-27)

Grunt tasks updated to latest Node.js version, support for images in navigation bar (iOS only)


  • Added support for images in navigation bar with{titleImagePath: imagePath})
  • Cleaned up and updated grunt tasks to support Node.js 0.10.x/0.11.x

2.7.7 (2013-08-21)

Fixed a bug that prevented Steroids API calls from functioning on certain Android versions.


  • WebBridge is no longer erroneously used instead of NativeBridge (affected certain Android versions)

2.7.6 (2013-08-19)

SQLite API no longer experimental


  • supports defining columns as an object

2.7.5 (2013-08-08)

Experimental EventSource support for refreshing browser when project is changed


  • WebBridge polls steroids npm for changes and refreshes

2.7.4 (2013-08-08)

Expirimental SQLite API and browser support


  • secret APIs
  • Experimental support for browser debugging

2.7.3 (2013-08-02)

Experimental TouchDB API


  • secret APIs

2.7.2 (2013-07-12)


  • fixed rare issue with websocket state handling

2.7.1 (2013-06-04)

Sleep modes and layer stack replacing


  • steroids.layers.replace all layers with a preloaded webview
  • steroids.device.disableSleep - prevent device's screen from sleeping
  • steroids.device.enableSleep - allow device's screen to sleep

2.7.0 (2013-06-03)

Public beta release

0.7.1 (2013-05-07)

Tuned drawers animations.


  • Left drawer animation is snappier

0.7.0 (2013-05-06)

Version bumb to 0.7.x indicate dependency on new Scanner.

0.6.2 (2013-05-02)



  • steroids.drawers namespace with methods for managing drawers.

0.6.1 (2013-04-08)

Reset changelog.


  • API calls were broken in 0.6.0, release process failure.