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How to add a tree prior to BEAST2?

This tutorial follows the same wording and structure as BEAST2: how to write a BEAST2 package, but for a tree prior instead.

Empty Package Explorer

When starting Eclipse in a new workspace, the Package Explorer is still empty. In this example, my workspace is ~/GitHubs/Java.

Eclipse with an empty package explorer

Adding BEAST2 to the Package Explorer

To add BEAST2 to the Package Explorer, it must first be downloaded, then put into a Java project.

Download BEAST2

In this example, I download BEAST2 from the SVN repository from withing the `~/GitHubs/Java' folder:

cd ~/GitHubs/Java svn checkout beast2 This will create a folder called beast2.

Start downloading BEAST2

End of downloading BEAST2

Put BEAST2 into a Java project

First, we will add beast2 to the Package Explorer.

Select File | New | Java Project:

Start a new Java Project

This is how the 'Create a Java Project dialog` looks like:

Create a Java Project

Just type in the word beast. It will detect there is a folder called beast2 and the dialog will change:

Create a BEAST2 Java Project

Just press Finish.

Now, the Eclipse Package Explorer shows the project beast2. Well done!

Eclipse with BEAST2 in the package explorer

If you get many red error indicators, go to this tutorial

Creating your own project

Now you need to create an Eclipse project for your package and make it depend on the beast2 project.

Select File | New | Java Project:

Start a new Java Project

In Project name, type in the name, for example MyProject. For the JRE, be sure JavaSE-1.6 or something higher is checked. Click Finish.

Create a Java project: MyProject

Now you should see two projects in the Package Explorer pane: beast2 and MyProject.

Package Explorer with BEAST2 and MyProject

Add BEAST2 to your own project

Right-click MyProject and choose Properties from the pop-up menu that appears

Modify the project properties

Go to Java build path | Projects and click Add.

Adding a build path to MyProject

Add beast2 to your project build path:

Adding BEAST2 to your project build path

Now BEAST2 is in your project build path, click OK.

Added BEAST2 to your project build path

This takes you back to the Package Explorer pane.

Package Explorer with BEAST2 and MyProject

Create a new tree prior

To create a new tree prior, I will use the Yule model already present in BEAST2.

Select MyProject in the Package Explorer, right-click and select 'New | Class'

Create a new class

Change the class name to MyTreePrior. Ignore all the warnings (as we won't use the generated code anyways) and click Finish.

Create a new MyTreePrior class

Now you will see the initial code of MyTreePrior:

Initial code of MyTreePrior

This initial code, however, will be replaced soon.

I will replace the initial code by the Yule tree prior. In the Package Explorer, find the Yule tree prior code. It is under beast2 | src | beast.evolution.speciation.

Yule model code

Copy-paste the source code into the MyTreePrior code. A lot of errors pop up that we'll fix now.

Copied Yule model code

The first error suggests to put the class in the appropriate package.

Suggest to move to package

Double-click this fix.

Yule model copy in correct package

The next error is that YuleModel is not the correct type and Eclipse suggest to rename it to MyTreePrior instead.

Eclipse suggests to rename the type

Double-click this fix. Our class now has the correct (new) class name.

Eclipse renamed the type

Add the tree prior to BEAUti

To allow BEAUti to find the new tree prior, a template XML files needs to be created. Because MyTreePrior is a copy of YuleModel, we will use the XML code of that model as a starting point.

In the MyProject folder, you will need to create a templates folder. I just copied ~/GitHubs/Java/beast2/templates to ~/GitHubs/Java/MyProject/templates.

In that folder, only keep SubstModels.xml and rename it to MyTreePrior.xml. Then edit MyTreePrior.xml. You can find YuleModel somewhere in that file. It will be the only one to keep.

MyTreePrior.xml before edit

Remove all other things, except for YuleModel. Be sure to keep the closing XML tags. Or just copy paste this code:

<beast version='2.0'

    <!-- tree priors -->
    <mergewith point='treePriorTemplates'>
        <!-- Yule -->
        <subtemplate id='YuleModel' class='beast.evolution.speciation.YuleModel' mainid='YuleModel.t:$(n)'>
            <plugin spec='YuleModel' id="YuleModel.t:$(n)" tree='@Tree.t:$(n)'>
                <parameter name='birthDiffRate' id="birthRate.t:$(n)" value='1.0'/>

            <prior id='YuleBirthRatePrior.t:$(n)' x='@birthRate.t:$(n)'><distr spec="beast.math.distributions.Uniform" lower='0' upper='1000'/></prior>

  		    <scale id='YuleBirthRateScaler.t:$(n)' spec='ScaleOperator' scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3" parameter="@birthRate.t:$(n)"/>
            <connect srcID='YuleModel.t:$(n)' targetID='prior' inputName='distribution'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and Tree.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>Yule
                speciation prior on tree t:$(n)
            <connect srcID='birthRate.t:$(n)' targetID='state' inputName='stateNode'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and inposterior(birthRate.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>

            <connect srcID='YuleBirthRatePrior.t:$(n)' targetID='prior' inputName='distribution'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>
                Yule speciation process birth rate of partition t:$(n)
            <connect srcID='YuleBirthRateScaler.t:$(n)' targetID='mcmc' inputName='operator'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>
                Scale birth rate of Yule prior of tree t:$(n)

            <connect srcID='YuleModel.t:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and Tree.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='birthRate.t:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log'
                     if='inposterior(YuleModel.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>



Some YuleModel occurrances must be replaced by MyTreePrior.

<beast version='2.0'

    <!-- tree priors -->
    <mergewith point='treePriorTemplates'>
        <!-- Yule -->
        <subtemplate id='MyTreePrior' class='beast.evolution.speciation.MyTreePrior' mainid='MyTreePrior.t:$(n)'>
            <plugin spec='MyTreePrior' id="MyTreePrior.t:$(n)" tree='@Tree.t:$(n)'>
                <parameter name='birthDiffRate' id="birthRate.t:$(n)" value='1.0'/>

            <prior id='YuleBirthRatePrior.t:$(n)' x='@birthRate.t:$(n)'><distr spec="beast.math.distributions.Uniform" lower='0' upper='1000'/></prior>

  		    <scale id='YuleBirthRateScaler.t:$(n)' spec='ScaleOperator' scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3" parameter="@birthRate.t:$(n)"/>
            <connect srcID='MyTreePrior.t:$(n)' targetID='prior' inputName='distribution'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and Tree.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>My speciation prior on tree t:$(n)
            <connect srcID='birthRate.t:$(n)' targetID='state' inputName='stateNode'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and inposterior(birthRate.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>

            <connect srcID='YuleBirthRatePrior.t:$(n)' targetID='prior' inputName='distribution'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>
                Yule speciation process birth rate of partition t:$(n)
            <connect srcID='YuleBirthRateScaler.t:$(n)' targetID='mcmc' inputName='operator'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'>
                Scale birth rate of Yule prior of tree t:$(n)

            <connect srcID='MyTreePrior.t:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and Tree.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>
            <connect srcID='birthRate.t:$(n)' targetID='tracelog' inputName='log'
                     if='inposterior(MyTreePrior.t:$(n)) and inposterior(Tree.t:$(n)) and birthRate.t:$(n)/estimate=true'/>



Run BEAUti

To create a debug configuration that runs BEAUti, choose Run | Debug Configurations.

Debug configurations

In the Debug Configurations dialog, select Java Application, right-click, then click New.

Debug configuration: add new java application

  • In the Name field at the top of the dialog box, type BEAUti
  • In the Project field of the Main tab, type MyProject
  • For the Main class, type

Click Apply.

Debug configuration done

Click Debug to start BEAUti.

BEAUti2 still empty

Use File | Import Alignment or click the + button at the lower left, then navigate to the ~/GitHubs/Java/beast2/examples/nexus folder and select the anolis.nex file. Note: you can avoid doing this step if you specify -nex ../beast2/examples/nexus/anolis.nex in the Program arguments field of the Arguments tab in the BEAUti debug configuration.

Now the alignment is used in BEAUti.

BEAUti2 Anolis

Under the tab Priors you can select the My Tree Prior.

BEAUti2 Anolis and new tree prior is present

And there it is!

BEAUti2 Anolis and new tree prior is present