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A Guide to Spherehorn

Note: this guide assumes that you already know a bit about programming language design in general, and esoteric programming languages in particular.

The Structure of a Program

Spherehorn's design is based on a particular data structure, a 'circular tree'. It's a tree where every branch node can have an unlimited number of children, and those children are arranged in a circular, looping list. Code and memory in Spherehorn both follow this kind of structure.

A Spherehorn program has three parts: the code, the memory, and the program state.

Program state

Spherehorn programs have access to an accumulator register, a conditional register, and a memory pointer. The accumulator stores an unsigned integer, and the conditional stores a boolean. The memory pointer points to a particular node in the program memory, which is said to be the 'current' node.

Program code

Code in Spherehorn is made of instructions arranged inside looping blocks. Take the following example, from counter.spherehorn:

        >= m; break?

The { and } symbols here indicate the starts/ends of code blocks, as in many other languages. Ignore the other symbols for now; those are instructions.

Code blocks can be nested as you'd expect. When control flow reaches a {, it will enter the block and start executing the instructions inside, from the first one written onwards. In Spherehorn, all code blocks are loops, so when control flow reaches a }, it will return to the matching { and the program will continue executing from there.

The memory tree

Memory in Spherehorn takes the form of a circular tree where each node has an associated value. Here's an example:


( and ) indicate the starts/ends of nodes of the memory tree, and values are separated by whitespace; this syntax should be familiar if you've ever used Lisp. The list of a node's children is circular, so the last child's next neighbor is the first child (and the first child's previous neighbor is the last child).

A memory node's value is the number of children it has, so the node ( 0 1 ) has a value of 2, and the root node in the example has a value of 3. However, this also applies in reverse: a memory node's value determines the number of children it has. So a node written as 0 means a node with no children, (). Nodes default to this empty state. A node written 2 has two children, but those childrean don't have an explicit value specified, so the node is equivalent to ( () () ). Here's what the example above looks like when it's expanded into this paren-only form:

    ( () )
    ( () () )
        ( () )

Other Important Concepts

Values and literals

Spherehorn deals with two different kinds of values: numeric values and memory values. Numeric values are typical unsigned integers. Memory values, on the other hand, represent the contents of a memory node. For the most part, you'll see numeric values in code blocks and memory values in memory blocks (the exception being the memory setter instruction).

Spherehorn has several different ways of writing literal values, but they all end up as either numeric or memory values.

Numeric literals

Numeric literals represent a numeric value. If they're used in a place that expects a memory value, such as in a memory block, they're automatically converted into a memory node whose value is the numeric value and whose children are all empty nodes. The following types of literals are numeric:

  • Integer literals, written like 1234. These may optionally take a prefix to indicate the radix: 0b for binary, 0o for octal, 0d for decimal, and 0x for hexadecimal. If no prefix is included, the literal will default to decimal.
  • Character literals, written like 'x'. The number that the character corresponds to is its 8-bit unsigned ASCII representation. Backslash escapes are allowed; e.g. '\n' represents a newline character, aka the number 10.
  • Boolean literals. A boolean literal can either be T (true, the number 1) or F (false, the number 0).

Memory literals

There are two types of literals which can only represent memory values, not numeric ones. They specify the contents of the memory node, rather than just its size.

  • Memory blocks. We've already seen some examples of what a memory block literal looks like (see The memory tree). They begin with a ( and end with a ), and contain zero or more literals representing the memory node's children. The child literals may be delimited by whitespace, and this is mandatory in cases where not including delimiters would cause ambiguities. The first literal written in the memory block is considered to be the first child. The second one is likewise considered the second child, and so on. Memory blocks may not contain anything besides literals.
  • String literals, written like "FOO". A string literal represents a memory node whose children are the characters of the string, so the literals "FOO", ('F' 'O' 'O'), and (70 79 79) all mean the same thing. String literals can be concatenated together with a &, so "foo" & "bar" means the same thing as "foobar"; this can be used to split a single string across multiple lines.


An instruction is a bit of Spherehorn code that tells the program to do something specific. Syntactically, instructions take the form CODE [ARGUMENT] [TERMINATOR]. The argument, if one exists, must be separated from the code by whitespace. The terminator may or may not have whitespace before it. For a complete list of instruction codes and what they do, see List of Instructions below.

Arguments to instructions may be numeric literals, or they may be either of the special symbols a or m. The numeric values of these symbols depend on the values of the accumulator and the current memory node, respectively. In other words, a is a variable meaning "the value of the accumulator", and m is a variable meaning "the value of the currently pointed-to memory node". Arguments may not be memory block literals or string literals, since these evaluate to memory nodes rather than numbers. The one exception is the memory setter instruction . (see The memory setter).

Terminators and conditionals

The characters ;, ?, and ! are terminators. They can be applied to instructions or code blocks, and are used for conditionals. When applied to an instruction they come after the code and argument, and when applied to a code block they come after the opening {.

If you use a ? terminator, the associated instruction or code block will only be executed if the conditional register is set to true. The ! terminator is similar, but it causes the statement to only be executed if the conditional register is false. And if you don't include a terminator, or you use the ; terminator, the corresponding instruction or code block will be executed unconditionally. The ; terminator is never required, since there are no ambiguities when parsing instructions, but it can be used to break up instructions visually.

When an instruction or code block isn't executed because of a conditional, control flow will skip past it, moving to the next instruction/block. Conditionals on blocks are only evaluated once, when the block is entered. Once control flow has entered a block, the only way to exit it is with a break instruction.

Program syntax

Every Spherehorn program must have a code block containing one or more statements, and a memory literal containing one or more child nodes. These must appear at the top-level scope, i.e. not within any other code or memory blocks, but either one can come first. When the program starts executing, control flow will start at the first statement of the top-level code block, and the memory pointer will point to the first child of the root memory node.

The memory value defining the start state of program memory is most commonly a memory block, but it can in fact be any literal with a value (i.e. number of children) of at least one. So ( () ), "foo", T, and 4 are okay, but (), "", F, and 0 are not.

A Spherehorn program may optionally specify the initial values of the accumulator and conditional registers via the syntax a: X and c: X (where X is some numeric literal). These must also appear at top-level scope, and can appear in any order with each other and the code and memory blocks. If the program does not specify the inital values, they will default to zero/false.

List of Instructions

In the following examples, X stands for the argument of an instruction (either a numeric literal or one of the variables a/m). If there is no X, the instruction doesn't take an argument.

Conditional and accumulator setters

  • A X - set the accumulator to the value of X
  • C X - set the conditional register to false if X is zero, and to true otherwise

Math Operations

  • ++ - increment a
  • -- - decrement a
  • + X - add X to a and store the result in a
  • - X - subtract X from a and store the result in a
  • r- X - subtract a from X and store the result in a
  • * X - multiply a with X and store the result in a
  • / X - divide a by X, rounding down, and store the result in a
  • r/ X - divide X by a, rounding down, and store the result in a
  • % X - take a mod X and store the result in a
  • r% X - take X mod a and store the result in a

Any operation that would result in a negative number (e.g. -- when a is 0) or a division by zero (e.g. r% X when a is 0) will result in an error.


  • = X - set c to whether a is equal to X
  • >> X - set c to whether a is greater than X
  • << X - set c to whether a is less than X
  • >= X - set c to whether a is greater than or equal to X
  • <= X - set c to whether a is less than or equal to X
  • /= X - set c to whether a is not equal to X

Boolean operations

  • and X - set c to the value of the boolean expression "c and X"
  • or X - set c to the value of the boolean expression "c or X"
  • xor X - set c to the value of the boolean expression "c xor X"
  • not - invert the value of c

Moving the memory pointer

  • < - move the memory pointer one place backward in the current loop
  • > - move the memory pointer one place forward in the current loop
  • < X - move the memory pointer X places backward in the current memory loop
  • > X - move the memory pointer X places forward in the current memory loop
  • ^ - move the memory pointer to the parent of the current memory node
  • v - move the memory pointer to the first child of the current memory node
  • R - reset the memory pointer to the first node of the current loop

Attempting to use v on a childless memory node will result in an error. Using ^ on the top level of memory will cause the program to exit.

Manipulating memory

  • rot - make the current memory node the first one in its loop, thereby 'rotating' the loop
  • <+ - insert a new memory node just before this one, and move the memory pointer to it
  • +> - insert a new memory node just after this one, and move the memory pointer to it
  • <- - delete the current memory node, and move the memory pointer to its previous neighbor
  • -> - delete the current memory node, and move the memory pointer to its next neighbor

Using <- or -> when there's only one memory node in the current loop will move the memory pointer to that node's parent (since it no longer has any neighbors).


break is a special instruction that causes a program's control flow to break out of the current code block, the same way the break keyword works in most other languages. It tends to be most useful when it's conditional, as a way to implement a while loop.

The memory setter

The memory setter differs from other instructions in a few ways. It's written as a dot . before a value (literal or variable), e.g. .a (whitespace between the . and the value is optional). As well as numeric values, you can use memory node literals, e.g. ."foo". When a memory setter instruction executes, it will clear the current memory node and set it to whatever its value is.

As an example, let's say that at some point in the execution of a program the memory tree looks like this:

  > (

(The > symbol marks the current memory node.) Then we execute a memory setter instruction: . ( 0 1 2 ( 3 ) ). Now the memory looks like this:

  > (