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File metadata and controls

364 lines (309 loc) · 7.2 KB

Graphinout Architecture

Basic Idea

Basic Reader Idea
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class Input
class Output
interface Reader
Input -> Reader : one reader\n can read\n one file format
Reader -> GioModel: interprets it\nas Gio model
GioModel -> GraphML: maps to GraphML
GraphML -> Output: writes out

Projects and Packages


Basic IO helpers, streaming Graph API (Gio…​), API for Readers. Converts an incoming Graph API stream (GioWriter) to a GraphML/XML stream (GraphmlWriter).


Can read a certain file format X and interpret as Graph API stream


Bundles all readers together and orchestrates them


Apps using the engine, e.g. app-cmdline and app-restapi

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package engine {

package base {
package readerA {
package readerB {
package readerC {
base <|-- readerA
base <|-- readerB
base <|-- readerC

class Engine
Engine --> readerA
Engine --> readerB
Engine --> readerC
Projects Detailed
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package engine {

package base {
    interface Reader
    class Filetype
    class BasicIO
package readerA {
    class ReaderA
    Reader <|-- ReaderA
package readerB {
    class ReaderB
    Reader <|-- ReaderB
package readerC {
    class ReaderC
    Reader <|-- ReaderC

class Engine
Engine --> ReaderA
Engine --> ReaderB
Engine --> ReaderC

class CmdLineApp
class RestApiApp
class AnotherApp
CmdLineApp --> Engine
RestApiApp --> Engine
AnotherApp --> Engine
        .gio // our graph API
        .graphml // GraphML spec as classes for in/out
        .input // InputSource
        .output // OutputSink



Strict model following GraphML specification; All classes contain GraphML documentation.

  • GraphMlWriter: writes GraphML objects (GraphmlNode) to valid XML, following the GraphML spec.

A corresponding GraphMlReader is in project reader-graphml and can re-use the base.graphml classes.

Unified model for all kinds of graphs, inspired by GraphML model, clear mapping to/from GraphML (no round-trip assertions)

  • GioWriter: Knows how to map to GraphML model and calls GraphmlWriter

Package com.calpano.graphinout.base
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package base.gio {
    class GioWriter
    class GioNode
    class GioEdge
package base.graphml {
    class GraphmlWriter
    class GraphmlNode
    class GraphmlEdge
    class GraphmlHyperEdge
class GioEdge {
    String edgeLabel
GioNode .> GraphmlNode : maps to
GioEdge .> GraphmlEdge : maps to
GioEdge .> GraphmlHyperEdge : maps to
GioWriter -> GraphmlWriter : calls
GioWriter ..> GioNode : uses in\nmethod\nsignatures
GioWriter ...> GioEdge
GraphmlWriter ..> GraphmlNode : uses in\nmethod\nsignatures
GraphmlWriter ...> GraphmlEdge
GraphmlWriter ....> GraphmlHyperEdge
  • InputSource: Unifies files and inputstreams

  • OutputSink: Unifies files and outputstreams

  • FileFormat: e.g. 'TGF'

  • GioWriter: graph output stream

  • ContentError: Similar to a log message

  • Resolver: Resolves external entities and references, e.g. XML entity references or GraphML locators.

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interface InputSource {
    String name();
    InputStream inputStream();
interface OutputSink {
    OutputStream outputStream();
interface GioWriter {
    void startGraph( Metadata );
    void startNode( GioNode node );
    void startEdge( GioEdge edge );
class FileFormat {
    String id;
    String name;
class ContentError {
    LogLevel level;
    String message;
    Location location;
class Location {
    int line;
    int col;
class Resolver {
    InputSource resolve( String reference );
ContentError o-- Location
InputSource ..> FileFormat
class GraphmlWriter {
    startGraph( ...)
    startNode( GraphmlNode );
    startEdge( GraphmlEdge );
    startHyperEdge( GraphmlHyperEdge );
GioWriter <|-- GraphmlWriter
GraphmlWriter --> XmlWriter
class XmlWriter {
XmlWriter --> OutputSink


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interface InputSource {
    String name();
    InputStream inputStream();
interface OutputSink {
    OutputStream outputStream();
interface GioWriter {
    void startGraph( Metadata );
    void startNode( GioNode node );
class FileFormat {
    String id;
    String name;
enum ErrorLevel {
    Warn, Error
class ContentError {
    ErrorLevel level;
    String message;
    Location location;
class Location {
    int line;
    int col;
interface Reader {
    FileFormat fileFormat();
    void errorHandler(Consumer<ContentError> eh);
    void resolver(Resolver r);
    void read(InputSource in, GioWriter out);
    void configure( String serializedConfig )
class Resolver {
    InputSource resolve( String reference );
ContentError o-- Location
ContentError .. ErrorLevel
Reader --> InputSource
InputSource .> FileFormat
Reader --> Resolver
Reader --> FileFormat : what it\n can\n handle
Reader --> ContentError
Reader --> GioWriter
class GraphmlWriter {
GioWriter <|-- GraphmlWriter
GraphmlWriter --> XmlWriter
class XmlWriter {
XmlWriter --> OutputSink
interface Reader {
    /** One reader handles exactly one file format */
    FileFormat fileFormat();
    /** Optional. For reporting issues during input parsing.
     * Normal log messages are just sent to a logger.
    default void errorHandler(Consumer<ContentError> eh) {}
    /** Optional. If present, external entities (XML entities, URIs) can be resolved */
    default void resolver(Resolver r) {}
    /** Optional. A reader-specific config can be supplied */
    default void configure( String serializedConfig ) {}
    /** Main method. Reads from input,
     * reports errors, maybe resolves references,
     * writes to GioWriter.
    void read(InputSource in, GioWriter out);

Reader Example

TGF Reader Example
class TgfReader implements Reader {
    public FileFormat fileFormat() {
        return fileformat("text/tgf","Trivial Graph Format");

    private TgfConfig config = TfgConfig.createDefault();

    public void configure( String serializedConfig ) {
        this.config = TgfConfig.parse( serializedConfig );

    public void read(InputSource in, GioWriter out) {
        // get java.util.Reader
        out.startGraph( GioGraph.of(...) );
        // for each node
        out.startNode( GioNode.of(...));
        // edges ..


class TgfConfig {
    String charset;
    boolean isHashMarkRequired;


We also need Service Lookup


FileFormat extension ".tgf"

FileFormat "DOT" id label extension ".dot", ".gv"


"reader-FOOO" Maven project multiple GioReader

Reader 1:1 FileFormat

Engine service lookup → SOMETHINGS SOMETHING → Reader → ext

one jar: "reader-six" graph6 sparse6 digraph6 xxx

GioService used in service lookup

one GioService will contain multiple GioReader