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Udemy - Create a CRUD Django App

Hosted via Heroku at -

Getting Set up


  • python 2.7 -
  • postgreSQL -
  • pgAdmin -
  • virtualenv-

Additional Resources

Setting up our Database

  • Open pgAdmin, on our Databases right click and create New Database..
  • Restore the database and navigate to our database file from the resources of the tutorial.
  • Explore the database by viewing tables and its data.

Virtual Environment - virtualenv

  • Create our virtual environment to install python packages just for this project in a folder we can name as venv with virtualenv venv.
  • To run our virtual environment within GitBash /Linux - source venv/Scripts/activate
  • On windows to run our virtual environment - venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  • To deactivate - source venv\Scripts\deactivate
Using Django with virtualenv
  • Install django within the virtual env with pip install django

  • To create a project within our venv environment and folder - django-admin startproject myems .

  • To print out the current packages you've installed within your virtual enviroment pip freeze.

  • Create a requirements.txt file with all dependencies with pip freeze > requirements.txt.

  • Note: to install a project based on the requirements.txt file

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Edit main to include the following code for paramters we specified when setting up our database.
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'OPTIONS': {'options': '-c search_path=public'},
        'NAME': 'employees',
        'USER': 'postgres',
        'PASSWORD': '********',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '5432',
  • Run pip install django psycopg2 to install psycopg2 within the virtual environment.

  • Update requirements.txt file with all dependencies with pip freeze > requirements.txt.

  • Run server with python runserver to check if our app is connected succesfully.

  • Note: Change default on server with python runserver 8083.

  • Make migrations python migrate.

  • Control the state of our Db migrations with python makemigrations myems.

  • To use our admin panel, create a super user with python createsuperuser (User: admin, email: [email protected], password: ******)

Django - Models

Model First Approach
  • Add the file to our ems folder and add our imports and classes.
  • Use Django meta Data docs to name table or order by etc.
  • In the virtual environment run python makemigrations myems.
  • To find out what SQL command was be executed by Django run python sqlmigrate myems 0001_initial.
  • Run migrate after making migrations with python migrate.
  • To add or remove a column after initially setting up the table, just run makemigrations & migrate command again and new migrations files will be created.

Deleting tables

  • One approach is commenting out the class and running makemigrations and migrate commands again.
  • Another approach is to physically delete the table via pgAdmin. Clean it up by removing related rows in the django_migrations and auth_permission tables. Delete the unused files in the project migrations folder.

Database First Approach

  • Add and files from myems directory to feedback directory and delete the migrations folder in myems.
  • Add feedback directory to installed apps in myems
  • Make migrations with python makemigrations feedback. and migrate as well.
  • Use python inspectdb to inspect the DB in an all class format.
  • Run python inspectdb > myems/ to save.
  • Clean up our new myems
  • Run python makemigrations.
  • Run python makemigrations myems.
  • Fake migrations by python migrate --fake myems 0001_initial.

Django - QuerySets

  • To open the python shell , type python into the terminal.
  • To open the django shell, run python shell.
  • In the django shell -
>>> from myems.models import Employee
>>> querySet = Employee.objects.all()
>>> print querySet
  • To overide the results of our data from string representations to the actual data, modify the class from Restart and run the code above again in the shell.
  • Look at other examples of queries in the file.

Django - Admin

  • Register Django admin for our EMS data.
  • Edit custom fields on our admin page to reflect feedback model.
  • Create msg box for editing record using custom fields.
Django - Validators
Django - User View Permissions
  • Add permissions to addional users to be able to edit data.
  • Add users - test, test_2, password-Number@123456
  • To Add Django-view-permissions extension.
  • Add admin_view_permission to our to install.
  • Run pip install django-admin-view-permission.
  • Update requirements.txt with pip freeze > requirements.txt.
  • Run python migrate. If migrations issues exist run python migrate --fake-initial.
  • Add our User to a Group to only be able to read Data.
Django - Responsive
  • Install the following package to make our Admin view responsive Django-Flat-Responsive.
  • Run pip install django-flat-responsive.
  • Add 'flat_responsive', to our installed apps in
  • To further on the styling add our styling to venv/Lib/site-packages/flat-responsive/templates/admin/base.html.
Django - Custom Admin Header
  • Add our custom admin site to our project to change text.

Django - URL Configurations & Response Views

Function based View -

  • Add URL
  • Creare index URL and render with template

Class based View & Generic -

  • Difference in design pattern (http method)
  • Add templates and add URLS for CRUD operations on employee data.

Django - Templates

  • Render the material design template with django and edit settings and import the right packages.

Django - Add Images to our DB

  • [Django STD -image] (
  • Install with pip install django-stdimage.
  • Add 'stdimage' to installed_apps in
  • Update with pip freeze > requirements.txt.
  • Run makemigrations and then migrate because we have updated models.

Deploying to Heroku

Setting up

  • Install Heroku CLI via Installer or npm with npm install -g heroku-cli.
  • Verify installation with heroku --version.
  • Add static folder and use run python collectstatic.
  • Add Whitenoise Django to serve static files when debug mode is off for production. Run pip install whitenoise.
  • Whitenoise Django docs - [].
  • Install Gunicorn Production server with pip install gunicorn.
  • Install pip install dj-database-url.
  • Update with pip freeze > requirements.txt.
  • Add runtime.txt and Procfile.


  • Log in to Heroku via heroku login.
  • Make sure you have a git repo initialized.
  • Create heroku app with heroku create myems.
  • Open app with heroku open.
  • To configure our Db - heroku config
  • To link up our Db to Heroku use heroku pg:backups restore "" --confirm myems-project
  • To verify use heroku pg:psql and type select (*) from employees;.
  • Check hosted link.

Deploying to Amazon S3

Setting up