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180 lines (153 loc) · 10.4 KB


This file collects thoughts about the research library of the future as well as about the future of the research library, and anything in between.


  • library as a space for providing access to recorded knowledge
    • resilience at the library of Alexandria?
    • difference to archives (focus more on documentation)
  • access for both humans and machines
    • besides free text, data and software become important
    • artistic license vs standards
  • knowledge about anything humans care about, within ethical limits (which may vary around the globe)
  • version history

Alternative structure

Ten perspectives on the library of the future

  • inspired by the blind men and the elephant
  • user-driven
    • service-oriented
  • shared resources
  • accessibility
    • blind and non-blind don't use different books any more, just different tools to read
    • 24/7, from anywhere, using any of many devices
    • historical role in the democratization of knowledge
  • machine-friendly
    • machines are an integral part of knowledge creation, curation and consumption
    • APIs, bots, mining tools, annotation gadgets, accessibility tools
    • machine-assisted translation
    • queriable
    • "human API" (Mechanical Turk?)
  • confluence of GLAMs
    • not just books but any kind of media
    • anchor for citizen science (think drones for fieldwork)
  • building for physical objects and collections thereof, otherwise digital
    • online vs. offline
    • indoors vs. outdoors
  • knowledge center
    • learning and teaching center
      • cultivating awareness of ways to handle knowledge
    • discovery center
    • space for cognitive adventures
  • standard-conscious
    • standard-compliant
    • standard-enforcing
  • silence
    • place for focused work or study
  • collaboration
    • participatory
    • exchange of ideas
    • networking
    • practice of knowledge-related skills
    • maker spaces
  • free vs. open
  • spontaneity vs. schedule



National Library of Medicine

Request for Information (RFI): Strategic Plan for the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

Response form

Strategic Plan for the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

  • Name (Optional)
  • Organization (Optional)
  • Role (Select all that apply)
    • Researcher
    • Health Care Provider
    • Public Health Professional
    • Emergency Preparedness and Response Personnel
    • Library or Information Professional
    • Historian
    • Educator
    • Publisher
    • Data Resource or Tool Developer
    • Student
    • General Public
    • Other
  • Organization Type (Select all that apply)
    • Academic Institution
    • Library
    • Association
    • Non-profit Organization
    • Government
    • Medical Office or Clinic
    • Hospital
    • Publisher
    • Commercial Organization
    • Non-academic Research Institution
    • Other

Please provide input on topics within any or all of the four themes below.

1) Role of NLM in advancing data science, open science, and biomedical informatics

Identify what you consider an audacious goal in this area – a challenge that may be daunting but would represent a huge leap forward were it to be achieved. Include any proposals for the steps and elements needed to reach that goal.

The most important thing NLM does in this area, from your perspective.
Research areas that are most critical for NLM to conduct or support.
Other comments, suggestions, or considerations, keeping in mind that the aim is to build the NLM of the future.

2) Role of NLM in advancing biomedical discovery and translational science

Identify what you consider an audacious goal in this area – a challenge that may be daunting but would represent a huge leap forward were it to be achieved. Include input on the barriers to and benefits of achieving the goal.

The most important thing NLM does in this area, from your perspective.
Research areas that are most critical for NLM to conduct or support.
Other comments, suggestions, or considerations, keeping in mind that the aim is to build the NLM of the future.

3) Role of NLM in supporting the health of nation: clinical systems, public health systems and services, personal health

Identify what you consider an audacious goal in this area – a challenge that may be daunting but would represent a huge leap forward were it to be achieved. Include input on the barriers to and benefits of achieving the goal.

The most important thing NLM does in this area, from your perspective.
Research areas that are most critical for NLM to conduct or support.
Healthcare systems and public health arenas in which NLM participation is most critical.
Other comments, suggestions, or considerations, keeping in mind that the aim is to build the NLM of the future.

4) Role of NLM in building collections to support discovery and health in the 21st century

Identify what you consider an audacious goal in this area – a challenge that may be daunting but would represent a huge leap forward were it to be achieved. Include input on the barriers to and benefits of achieving the goal.

The most important thing NLM does in this area, from your perspective.
Research areas that are most critical for NLM to conduct or support.
New data types or data collections anticipated over the next 10 years.
Other comments, suggestions, or considerations, keeping in mind that the aim is to build the NLM of the future.