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CarND · T1 · P3 · Behavioral Cloning Writeup

First of all, the results of the project can be found in YouTube:

  1. Beach data on beach track at 20
  2. Both data on beach track at 20 (crash)
  3. Both data on beach track at 15
  4. Both data on mountain track at 15 (crash)
  5. Both data on mountain track at 10 (crash)
  6. Mountain data on mountain track at 15

Project Goals

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Use the simulator to collect data of good driving behavior.
  • Build, a convolution neural network in Keras that predicts steering angles from images.
  • Train and validate the model with a training and validation set.
  • Test that the model successfully drives around track one without leaving the road.
  • Summarize the results with a written report.

Rubric Points

Here I will consider the rubric points individually and describe how I addressed each point in my implementation.


1. Submission includes all required files and can be used to run the simulator in autonomous mode.

My project includes the following files:

  • Containing the script to create and train the model. Some functionality has been extracted to separated files: and

  • For driving the car in autonomous mode. The only change here has been to convert the images to YUV, as the training was done with YUV images, and increasing the default speed of 9 to either 10, 15 or 20 in order to generate the various videos with a higher driving speed.

  • models/: Multiple videos have been provided for demonstrational purposes. The relevant one for the evaluation is both.h5.

  • output/videos/: Multiple videos have been provided for demonstrational purposes. The relevant one for the evaluation is both-data-beach-track-15-ok (

  • summarizing the results.

  •, and were used to generate various images for the write up.

2. Submission includes functional code

Using the Udacity provided simulator and my file, the car can be driven autonomously around the first track by executing:

python ../models/beach.h5

To drive it on the second track use:

python ../models/mountain.h5

The other models are there just for demonstrational purposes, but can also be used with that same command.

3. Submission code is usable and readable

The file contains the code for training and saving the convolution neural network. The file shows the pipeline I used for training and validating the model, logs its layers, as well as saving a diagram of it, and it contains comments to explain how the code works.

Some of the functionality has been extracted to and, so comments can also be found there.


1. An appropriate model architecture has been employed

As suggested through the course, my model architecture is based on the one from NVIDIA:


The only two changes made to it have been, on one hand, the addition of a Cropping2D layer ( in order to remove irrelevant portions of the image using the GPU instead of doing it with the processor and, on the other hand, the addition of L2 regularization and ELU activation layers ( to prevent overfitting and introduce nonlinearity, respectively.

ELU should make learning faster than ReLU as has a mean closer to 0 and L2 regularization is an analyticsl alternative to dropout, which randomly turns on and off neurons while training.

It's worth mentioning that the dimensions of the layers also change in order to accomodate the generated images, which are 160px × 320px originally and 65px × 320px after cropping them.

2. Attempts to reduce overfitting in the model

The model contains L2 regularization in all convolutional and fully-connected layers (except the last one) in order to reduce overfitting (

The model was trained and validated on different data sets to ensure that the model was not overfitting ( The model was tested by running it through the simulator and ensuring that the vehicle could stay on the track, as it can be seen in the videos listed at the top of this document.

3. Model parameter tuning

The model used an Adam optimizer, so the learning rate was not tuned manually ( However, the initial learning rate have been reduced from the default 0.001 to 0.0005 (half the default) by trial and error as we will see later.

Also, the L2 regularization parameter has also been adjusted by trial and error (

4. Appropriate training data

All the details about how the training data was obtained and augmented, as well as the issues with it and possibles ways to improve it can be found in the last point of the next section.


1. Solution Design Approach

The overall strategy for deriving a model architecture was to implement the architecture from NVIDIA as designed by them and add small modifications to it in order to prevent overfitting and adapt it to the project's needs.

My first step was to use a simple one-fully-connected-layer neural network model as we saw throw the course, just ot get familiar with Keras first.

The first addition to this were the Cropping2D and Lambda layers, to remove irrelevant portions of the images (hood and sky) and normalize the data, respectively.

At this point, I was training the model for just 6 epochs and using only the center camera of the example data, as I wasn't really trying to obtain a valid model from this architecture.

Next, I replaced my only fully-connected layer with NVIDIA's architecture, as suggested thought the course. I think this model might be appropriate because the problem they were trying to solve is quite similar to ours and I trust NVIDIA as a reliable source of knowledge and relevant information. I also started training for 8 epochs.

In order to gauge how well the model was working, I split my image and steering angle data set into a training set (80%) and a validation set (20%). I found that the mean squared error would decrease quite fast and then start bouncing back and forth continuously, so probably the initial learning rate was too big. I first tried decreasing it from the default of 0.001 to 0.0001, but it was now too slow. I finally used 0.0005 (half the default). After doing this, I also increased the epochs from 8 to 12.

The next problem I found was that I had a low mean squared error on the training set but a high mean squared error on the validation set. This implied that the model was overfitting. To combat it, instead of using Dropout layers, as we did in the last project, I decided to try L2 regularization.

This reduced overfitting and generated a model that was driving smoothly the first 2 long turn of the track, but then crashing into the bridge. I then decided to use the images from all 3 cameras and flip them horizontally as well, so the dataset would now be 6 times bigger. This got the car a bit further, just across the bridge, but it crashed in the next turn, so I decided to record my own data, including full laps and recovery data in both directions and for both tracks.

At the end of the process, the vehicle is able to drive autonomously around both tracks, but with different models trained specifically for each of them, as we can see in the videos:

Merging the data of both tracks together did actually help the model behave better in turns on the first track (although driving speed had to be reduced), as we can see if we compare this new video with the previous one, where the car almost missed a turn and went onto the ledge:

However, it was a complete disaster in track 2:

This model, both.h5, and the video of it driving at 15, are the ones meant to be evaluated. The rest are there just for demonstrational purposes.

At this point I started suspecting this was a problem with the data, probably with the original data I recorded rather than a matter of augmenting it further, as instead of doing center lane driving I was doing racing driving, following racing lines and therefor constantly approaching curbs and even riding them, as I thought it would be possible to train a model to drive like that.

I quickly realized in order for the model to be able to do that it would have to remember the steering angle of the previous N states, as that's the only way to know, once you ride onto a curb, if you are about to leave the track or just following a normal racing line. Therefore, I could either try to feed that buffer with the N last steering angles to the network, probably appending them to the Flatten output, or look into Keras' recurrent neural network (RNN) layers.

As I'm not too familiar with them and that would need quite a bit of time to change the architecture as well as the way I feed in the training data, which would now have to be shuffled keeping the sequences together rather than as individual images, I decided not to implement these changes and just focus on trying to get better models by further augmenting the data, which didn't work out at the end anyway.

We will look into the data issues in detail the last section of this document.

2. Final Model Architecture

The final model architecture ( consisted of a convolution neural network with the following layers and layer sizes:

160 × 320 × 3 65 × 320 × 3 0
65 × 320 × 3 65 × 320 × 3 0 lambda x: (x / 255.0) - 0.5
65 × 320 × 3 31 × 158 × 24 1824 24 filters, 5 × 5 kernel,
2 × 2 stride & valid padding
31 × 158 × 24 31 × 158 × 24 0
31 × 158 × 24 14 × 77 × 36 21636 36 filters, 5 × 5 kernel,
2 × 2 stride & valid padding
14 × 77 × 36 14 × 77 × 36 0
14 × 77 × 36 5 × 37 × 48 43248 48 filters, 5 × 5 kernel,
2 × 2 stride & valid padding
5 × 37 × 48 5 × 37 × 48 0
5 × 37 × 48 3 × 35 × 64 27712 64 filters, 5 × 5 kernel,
2 × 2 stride & valid padding
3 × 35 × 64 3 × 35 × 64 0
3 × 35 × 64 1 × 33 × 64 36928 64 filters, 5 × 5 kernel,
2 × 2 stride & valid padding
1 × 33 × 64 1 × 33 × 64 0
1 × 33 × 64 2112 0
2112 100 211300
100 100 0
100 50 5050
50 50 0
50 10 510
10 10 0
10 1 11
              TOTAL PARAMS: 348219
    TOTAL TRAINABLE PARAMS: 348219 (100%)

We can also visualize it in this diagram generated with Keras's visualize_util, althouth it contains a lower level of detail:

Architecture Diagram

3. Creation of the Training Set & Training Process

I first started using the example training data that was provided with the project. Once I could not generate better models using just the center camera, I started using all 3 images (left, center and right) and their horizontally flipped versions. This is how they look:

Random sample from example data set
Left Center Right
Random sample from example data set (flipped)
Right Center Left

From the very beginning I was randomly shuffling the data and splitting it in two different sets: training (80%) and validation (20%). The model was trained with the training set, while the validation set helped determine if the model was over or under fitting.

As I wanted more data and data for both tracks, I started recording my own using the simulator and steering the car using the mouse to progressively steer it, generating smother data, as we can see in this example sequence from the second track:

center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_629.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_629.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_629.jpg, -0.1971831, 1, 0, 30.00002
center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_698.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_698.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_698.jpg, -0.3615023, 1, 0, 29.98839
center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_768.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_768.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_768.jpg, -0.4929577, 1, 0, 29.88935
center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_837.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_837.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_837.jpg, -0.5211267, 1, 0, 29.89587
center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_906.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_906.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_906.jpg, -0.5211267, 1, 0, 29.8897
center_2017_12_06_19_34_11_977.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_11_977.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_11_977.jpg, -0.5211267, 1, 0, 29.90949
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_048.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_048.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_048.jpg, -0.5211267, 1, 0, 29.62439
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_117.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_117.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_117.jpg, -0.5305164, 1, 0, 29.67329
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_187.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_187.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_187.jpg, -0.5492958, 1, 0, 29.49336
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_258.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_258.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_258.jpg, -0.6478873, 1, 0, 29.40748
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_327.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_327.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_327.jpg, -0.8732395, 1, 0, 30.01801
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_397.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_397.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_397.jpg, -0.9295775, 1, 0, 29.9991
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_466.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_466.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_466.jpg, -0.9342723, 1, 0, 30.12491
center_2017_12_06_19_34_12_536.jpg, left_2017_12_06_19_34_12_536.jpg, right_2017_12_06_19_34_12_536.jpg, -0.9342723, 1, 0, 30.10107

This new training data includes 4 laps on each direction on each track, but instead of doing center lane driving I was doing racing driving, following racing lines and therefor constantly approaching curbs and even riding them, as I thought it would be possible to train a model to drive like that. These are some examples of the images I recorded from the middle camera on each track:

Random center camera images from track 1's data set (full laps)
Left Center Right
Random center camera images from track 2's data set (full laps)
Left Center Right

I also recorded recovery data for both tracks, 1 lap on each direction on each of them. I started recording each recovery from the point the car is almost going out of the track, maybe already driving onto a ledge, until it's already more or less in the center of the road gain, so that the car would learn how to react when it's about to miss a turn. These are some examples:

Random center camera images from track 1's data set (recovery)
Left Center Right
Random center camera images from track 2's data set (recovery)
Left Center Right

Using this data, I generated multiple models, some trained with data of just one of the tracks and some others with both data sets merged together. Some of them were able to keep the car on the road and drive a whole lap without crashing, but I couldn't get a single model that was able to do both tracks successfully, so I started suspecting there was a problem with the original data I recorded rather than a matter of augmenting it further, as the data sets that I was using with these basic augmentation techniques (flipping and using all 3 cameras) were already big enough.

I trained the models on a single track's data set for 12 epochs, and 24 epochs those on both data sets, as even thought the loss was still decreasing, at that point it was doing that slowly and some of the models were already able to successfully drive the car without crashing. These are the plots of training and validation losses:

MSE loss VS epochs
Beach Mountain Both

I used an adam optimizer so that manually adjusting the learning rate wasn't necessary, but I decreased its initial learning rate from the default 0.001 to 0.0005 (half the default) to speed up training.

However, the performance of the model is still not amazing mainly due to the way the full laps were recorded, as instead of doing center lane driving I tried to follow racing lines, which won't help the model drive properly with this kind of neural network (it won't be able to drive properly nor on the center of the lane nor following racing lines as I did).

As I mentioned before, I realized I would need to use RNNs to be able to train a model to drive like that, as once you ride onto a curb, the only way to know if you are about to leave the track or just following a normal racing line is to consider the previous steering angles to know the trajectory you are (or have been) following.

As an example, these are two images from the data set I recorded for the second track:

Random center camera images from track 2's data set
"Normal" Driving Recovery

Both are about to leave the track, but while one was recorded as part of the full 4 laps that were meant to be the behaviour that the model should mimic, the other one was recorded as part of the recovery laps. Therefor, the steering angle is smoother (closer to 0) in the former, but there's no way for the model to know the difference just looking at the images, because the relevant information in order to know if we should steer harder or softer is the trajectory that we have been following before.

Also, while I have recorded recovery data focusing just on how to steer the car back into the read, but not on how to get there at first, as I don't want the model to learn that, I'm giving it that information with the normal "racing" laps, so the whole point of adding recovery data is probably lost. Even worse, on top of that, there is 4 times more normal laps than recovery data.

For the reasons I explained before and mainly a time restriction, I decided not to implement these changes nor record a completely new data set, and instead just focus on trying to get better models by analyzing the data and further augmenting it, which didn't work out at the end anyway. We will see why next.

Other Issues

While getting sample images for the write up, I even found some images of crashes that I recorded unintentionally:

Mountain Crash

Understanding the Data

First, I got some basic stats and histograms of the data:


   Beach samples: 11724
Mountain samples: 9386
     All samples: 21110


   Beach samples: 70344
Mountain samples: 56316
     All samples: 126660


Original Distribution


Flipped & 3 Cameras Distribution

Further Augmenting the Data

In order to get a flatter histogram, I had to either not use all the over-represented samples in each epoch or augment the under-represented ones in some other ways, which is what I did, using any of these methods or a combination of them:

  • Increase/decrease brightness in all the image, left half, right half or both half in different ways.
  • Increase/decrease contrast in all the image, left half, right half or both half in different ways.
  • Increase the sharpness of the image.
  • Blur the image.

These are some examples of augmented images using these methods:

Augmentation Examples
All Contrast Up All Brightness Down Left Contrast Up
Right Contrast Down Left Brightness Down Right Brightness Down
Contrast Down & Brightness Down Brightness Down & Contrast Up Blur
Sharp Contrast Up, Brightness Up & Blur Brightness Down, Contrast Down & Sharp

And these are the new stats and distributions after augmenting the datasets with the criteria implemented in


   Beach samples: 119712
Mountain samples: 81066
     All samples: 200778


Augmented Distribution


All Distributions

Although these histograms are flatter, this didn't work out well, and new models trained using these augmentation techniques on either a single track or on both were not able to keep the car on the road. As we have already seen, the original data was recorded with a behaviour in mind that can't be learned by this type of neural network, so it's not the best data to generate a model that center lane drives the car properly.

Therefore, augmenting it won't help to generate a better model, as the original data used to create the it is already "wrong". In other words, shit in, shit out.

Other Augmentation

Anyway, the augmentation methods used could also be improved. For example, blurring the images might not help the model as any of the images captured by car when driving autonomously look like that. Instead, blurring could have been used on all the images as a postprocessing step in order to remove noise.

Moreover, in order to give the model a wider variety of steering angles to help it generalise better, the images could have been augmented by shifting them horizontally and adjusting the steering angle based on that.

Alternatives to Obtain Training Data

As an alternative to Udacity's driving simulator, I would have used Carla, an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research, as I think it would be better to generate the training data artificially instead of manually driving the car around the track, as that's time consuming and error-prone.