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63 lines (56 loc) · 4.17 KB

Contributing to LorenzPy

... 🚧 More will come soon ...

🛠️ Setting up the development environment:

  1. Fork and Clone the repository.
  2. Install the package with dev-dependencies in an editable way (from your local clone of the repository):
    pip install -e .[dev,plot]
    This will install:
    • pytest and pytest-cov for testing with coverage.
    • black and ruff for linting.
    • mypy for type-hinting.
    • mkdocs, mkdocstrings[python] and mkdocs-material for documentation generation.
    • pre-commit to add a pre-commit hook that includes:
      • trailing-whitespace and check-added-large-files
      • black
      • ruff
      • mypy
  3. Install the pre-commit hooks with pre-commit install

After making changes to the code you can:

  • (optional) run pre-commit run --all-files to manually run the pre-commit hooks. Otherwise, pre-commit is always run when committing a file.
  • Test the code with coverage by running pytest
  • To see the local docs in your browser, run mkdocs serve. Changes in the code and docs files will be automatically implemented.

✈️ Manual deployment:

⚠️Steps are not fixed yet.

  1. Make changes ready for deployment (on seperate branch)
    • Modify Documentation according to the code changes. Observe changes with mkdocs serve.
    • Run pre-commit (runs automatically when commiting)
    • Bump version number in pyproject.toml and lorenzpy/__init__
    • Test everything with pytest
  2. Create merge request. See if all GitHub actions pass. Merge.
  3. (Me) Pull code on main branch after MR.
  4. (Me) Reinstall package in a fresh venv using pip install -e .[dev,plot]
  5. (Me) Tag git? Create GH release?
  6. (Me) Upload to TestPyPI and PyPI and GH docs:
    • Run python -m pip install --upgrade build twine
    • To build run python -m build
    • To upload to Test PyPI: run python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
      • Test the package installation from Test PyPI by running:
        pip install --index-url --extra-index-url lorenzpy
    • To upload to PyPI run twine upload dist/*
    • Upload new docs by running: mkdocs gh-deploy

📚 Some resources:

Element Resources
General Python Packaging Python Packages E-book, Creating an open source Python project from scratch, PyPA Packaging Python Projects
Documentation with MKdocs Real Python Tutorial, Latex in MKdocs
Other repos using setuptools with pyproject.toml modern-python-package, py-tiny-pkg
Markdown The Markdown Guide, GitHub Basic writing and formatting syntax