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Upgrade Guide

Use the following guide to assist in the upgrade process of the easypost-go library between major versions.

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.0

4.0 Low Impact Changes

4.0 Carbon Offset Removed

EasyPost now offers Carbon Neutral shipments by default for free! Because of this, there is no longer a need to specify if you want to offset the carbon footprint of a shipment. The CarbonOffset field from createShipmentRequest, buyShipmentRequest, and buyShipmentRequest structs have been removed as a result. This is a high-impact change for those using EndShippers as the function interfaces have changed. You will need to inspect the callsites to create and buy shipments to ensure that the EndShipper parameter is being passed in the correct place now that the CarbonOffset field has been removed from the structs.

4.0 CreateAndBuy Batch Function Removed

The CreateAndBuy Batch endpoint has been deprecated and removed from the library. The correct procedure is to first create a batch and then purchase it with two separate API calls.

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.0

NOTICE: v3 is deprecated.

3.0 High Impact Changes

3.0 Medium Impact Changes

3.0 Importing the Library

Likelihood of Impact: High

With the transition to v3, this library must now be imported as follows:

import (

3.0 Updating Dependencies

Likelihood of Impact: High

Go 1.16 Required

easypost-go now requires Go 1.16 or greater.


Some dependencies had minor version bumps.

3.0 New DateTime Type

Likelihood of Impact: High

All uses of time.Time in the library (including in parameter and API response structs) have been replaced with a new DateTime type.

This type is a wrapper around time.Time that handles unexpected datetime formats returned by the API.

DateTime should be a drop-in replacement for time.Time in most cases:

// Before
var t time.Time
t := time.Date(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

// After
var t easypost.DateTime
t := easypost.DateTime(time.Date(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
// or
t := easypost.DateTimeFromTime(time.Date(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
// or
t := easypost.NewDateTime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

DateTime objects can be converted to time.Time objects using the AsTime() method:

var t easypost.DateTime
t := easypost.NewDateTime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)

t.AsTime() // time.Time

3.0 Deprecated Methods and Structs Removed

Likelihood of Impact: High

All methods and structs marked as deprecated in v2 have been removed.

The following is a list of items that have been removed, along with their suggested replacements:

Deprecated Replacement
ListReportOptions struct ListOptions struct
BetaCarrierMetadata methods and structs CarrierMetadata methods and structs
LowestRate shipment method LowestShipmentRate method
CreateWebhook method CreateWebhookWithDetails method
EnableWebhook method UpdateWebhook method

3.0 Error Types

Likelihood of Impact: High

Error handling has been overhauled and a number of specific exception types have been introduced.

All exceptions inherit from easypost.LibraryError.

Subclasses of easypost.LibraryError are grouped into two categories:

  • easypost.APIError for errors returned by the API. Users will need to anticipate one or multiple of the following errors that inherit this class:
    • easypost.BadRequestError - thrown when the API returns a 400 status code
    • easypost.UnauthorizedError - thrown when the API returns a 401 status code
    • easypost.PaymentError - thrown when the API returns a 402 status code
    • easypost.ForbiddenError - thrown when the API returns a 403 status code
    • easypost.NotFoundError - thrown when the API returns a 404 status code
    • easypost.MethodNotAllowedError - thrown when the API returns a 405 status code
    • easypost.ProxyError - thrown when the API returns a 407 status code
    • easypost.TimeoutError - thrown when the API returns a 408 status code
    • easypost.InvalidRequestError - thrown when the API returns a 422 status code
    • easypost.RateLimitError - thrown when the API returns a 429 status code
    • easypost.InternalServerError - thrown when the API returns a 500 status code
    • easypost.GatewayTimeoutError - thrown when the API returns a 502 or 504 status code
    • easypost.ServiceUnavailableError - thrown when the API returns a 503 status code
    • easypost.RedirectError - thrown when the API returns a 3xx status code
    • easypost.RetryError - thrown when the API returns a 1xx status code
    • easypost.UnknownError - thrown when the API returns an unexpected status code
    • easypost.SSLError - thrown when there is an SSL error
  • easypost.LocalError for errors raised by local operations, such as validation, JSON de/serialization or list filtering.
    • easypost.EndOfPaginationError - thrown when the end of a paginated list is reached
    • easypost.FilteringError - thrown when there is an issue running a filtering operation
    • easypost.InvalidObjectError - thrown when an object is invalid
    • easypost.MissingPropertyError - thrown when a required property is missing
    • easypost.MissingWebhookSignatureError - thrown when a webhook signature is missing
    • easypost.MismatchWebhookSignatureError - thrown when a webhook signature does not match
    • easypost.ExternalApiError - thrown when there is an error with an external API (e.g. Stripe)

Any error type can be pretty-printed as a string using the Error() method:

_, err := client.CreateAddress(&easypost.Address{
  Name: "Invalid Address",

fmt.Println(err.Error()) // "PARAMETER.REQUIRED Missing required parameter"

Any easypost.APIError-derived error type will have the following properties:

  • Code - An error code string referring to the specific error that occurred server-side
  • StatusCode - The HTTP status code returned by the API
  • Message - A human-readable message describing the error
  • Errors - A slice of easypost.Error structs, representing specific details of server-side errors encountered

Any easypost.LocalError-derived error type will have the following properties:

  • Message - A human-readable message describing the error

Common strings and templates used to construct error messages are available as constants (e.g. easypost.NoRatesMatchingFilters). These can be used to perform regex-based evaluation of error messages.

Note: An easypost.LibraryError and its subclasses represent errors that occur within this library. This is different from easypost.Error, which is a struct representing a server-side error returned by a failed API call.

3.0 TrackingCodes Parameter Renamed

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The TrackingCodes parameter for the ListTrackers method has been renamed to TrackingCode to match the API.

Instead of passing a slice of strings, you should now pass a single string:

// Before
trackers, err := client.ListTrackers(&easypost.ListTrackersOptions{
	TrackingCodes: []string{"EZ1000000001", "EZ1000000002"},

// After
trackers, err := client.ListTrackers(&easypost.ListTrackersOptions{
	TrackingCode: "EZ1000000001",

3.0 Add/Remove Shipments to Batch Parameter Change

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The AddShipmentsToBatch and RemoveShipmentsFromBatch methods now explicitly accept Shipment structs instead of generic interface{} types

These methods will no longer accept solely IDs; users will need to provide whole Shipment structs

// Before
batch, err := client.AddShipmentsToBatch("batch_123", shipment1.ID, shipment2.ID)

// After
batch, err := client.AddShipmentsToBatch("batch_123", shipment1, shipment2)

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.0

2.0 High Impact Changes

2.0 Medium Impact Changes

2.0 Importing the Library

Likelihood of Impact: High

With the transition to v2, this library must now be imported as follows:

import (

2.0 Updating Dependencies

Likelihood of Impact: High

Go 1.15 Required

easypost-go now requires Go 1.15 or greater.


All dependencies had minor version bumps.

2.0 Default Timeouts for HTTP Requests

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

Default timeouts for all HTTP requests are now set to 60 seconds. If you require longer timeouts, you can set them by overriding the defaults:

client := &easypost.Client{
    Timeout: 60000,

2.0 Removal of GetShipmentRates() Shipment Method

Likelihood of Impact: Medium

The HTTP method used for the GetShipmentRates endpoint at the API level has changed from POST to GET and will only retrieve rates for a shipment instead of regenerating them. A new /rerate endpoint has been introduced to replace this functionality; In this library, you can now call the RerateShipment method to regenerate rates. Due to the logic change, the GetShipmentRates method has been removed since a Shipment inherently already has rates associated.