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389 lines (260 loc) · 17 KB

File metadata and controls

389 lines (260 loc) · 17 KB


v7.5.2 (2024-08-16)

  • Fixes webhook validation when the weight field contains a float by converting it back into a float after conversion from a string (closes #467)

v7.5.1 (2024-08-09)

  • Adds missing properties to Rate model
    • delivery_date
    • est_delivery_days
  • Fixes getNextPage function in User Service

v7.5.0 (2024-07-24)

  • Adds new Claim service for filing claims on EasyPost shipments and insurances

v7.4.0 (2024-07-12)

  • Adds new Shipment.recommendShipDate, SmartRate.recommendShipDate, and SmartRate.estimateDeliveryDate functions
  • Routes UpsAccount, UpsMailInnovationsAccount, and UpsSurepostAccount create/update requests to the new /ups_oauth_registrations endpoint
    • Starting 2024-08-05, UPS accounts will require a new payload to register or update. See UPS OAuth 2.0 Update for more details

v7.3.1 (2024-06-21)

  • Removes the unusable CarbonOffset types

v7.3.0 (2024-04-10)

  • Fix payment method funding and deletion failures due to undetermined payment method type
  • Adds refund function in Insurance service for requesting a refund of standalone insurance.

v7.2.0 (2024-01-22)

  • Adds missing exports to Typescript definitions (ApiKey, Billing, Brand, EndShipper, Fee, PaymentMethod, Rate, Refund) - closes #433

v7.1.0 (2024-01-08)

  • Adds allChildren function in User service to get a paginated list of children
  • Adds getNextPage function in User service to get next paginated list of children

v7.0.0 (2023-12-06)

  • Removes withCarbonOffset parameter from shipment create and buy functions
  • Removes carbon_offset property of Rate object
  • Fixes a pagination issue by passing along additional params used when fetching first page
  • Removes createAndBuy function from Batch service (deprecated endpoint server-side)
  • Removes the beta_carrier_metadata service as it is deprecated, please use the carrier_metadata GA service instead

v6.8.2 (2023-10-20)

  • Bump all dependencies to address security vulnerabilities in Babel

v6.8.1 (2023-10-13)

  • Fixes a bug causing ScanForm creation to fail

v6.8.0 (2023-10-11)

  • Adds apiKeys method to User service allowing you to retrieve parent or child API keys by user ID
  • Adds all possible ITrackerStatusDetail values to the Typescript definitions

v6.7.3 (2023-09-05)

  • Fix endpoint for creating a FedEx Smartpost carrier account

v6.7.2 (2023-08-09)

  • Corrects the Typescript definition for lowestRate of Shipment, Order, and Pickup objects

v6.7.1 (2023-08-07)

  • Checks for X-Hmac-Signature header during webhook validation regardless of casing (closes #399)

v6.7.0 (2023-07-28)

  • Adds methods to the easypost client for subscribing and unsubscribing from requests and responses being sent to the API
    • addRequestHook: Adds a request hook to the EasyPost client. Useful for logging or debugging.
    • removeRequestHook: Removes a request hook from the EasyPost client.
    • clearRequestHooks: Clears all request hooks from the EasyPost client.
    • addResponseHook: Adds a response hook to the EasyPost client. Useful for logging or debugging.
    • removeResponseHook: Removes a response hook from the EasyPost client.
    • clearResponseHooks: Clears all response hooks from the EasyPost client.
  • Maps 400 status codes to new BadRequestError class

v6.6.1 (2023-06-20)

  • Fixes the pickup_rates Typescript property of a Pickup

v6.6.0 (2023-06-06)

  • Retrieving carrier metadata is now generally available via client.carrierMetadata.retrieve
  • Bumps and modernizes all dependencies which no longer requires a force install/update
  • Adds support for Typescript 5
  • Typescript definitions graduated from beta to GA

v6.5.0 (2023-05-09)

  • Adds missing typescript definitions for Utility class
  • Fixes incorrect typescript definitions for Address, EndShipper and Webhook class methods
  • Moves Utils to EasyPostClient class

v6.4.0 (2023-05-02)

  • Adds retrieveEstimatedDeliveryDate in Shipment service

v6.3.0 (2023-04-24)

  • Fixes the Beta client, previously the beta functions were not accessible due to how they were exported. This has now changed so each service is prepended with Beta (eg: BetaCarrierMetadata)
  • Adds CarrierMetadata typescript definitions

v6.2.0 (2023-04-18)

  • Adds beta retrieveCarrierMetadata function
  • Adds missing api_keys property to User
  • Improves Error Deserialization to dynamically handle edge cases that have a bad format
  • Adds a helper function to retrieve carrier metadata

v6.1.0 (2023-04-04)

  • Add getNextPage function that retrieves the next page of results for a paginated collection

v6.0.0 (2023-03-22)

Includes all of the changes made in v6.0.0-rc1 below plus the following:

  • Adds class properties to each model for autocomplete and explicit deserialization
  • Adds missing status_detail to trackers

v6.0.0-rc1 (2023-03-01)

Breaking Changes

  • Bumps minimum Node from 10 to 12
  • Renamed default export API to EasyPostClient
  • Overhauled the data flow of the library
    • Instead of creating a local object and then calling .save() on it to create/update it at the API level, you will pass in the same data as before but to one of either create() or update() functions on the service in question
    • The base service no longer implements all functions and instead each individual service implements its own functions. This means the library namespace won't be cluttered with various notImplemented functions
    • All instance functions (excluding lowestRate) previously called on an object are instead called on a service. (eg: is now, shipment.lowest_rate())))
      • All functions attached to a service are now async and must be awaited
  • Moved library structure around
    • Introduced /models that contain the EasyPost objects
    • Renamed /resources to /services to better reflect that a service called against an EasyPostClient differs from an API resource, now known as the models
    • Each service file now has _service appended
    • Added /utils which contains both internal_util.js which is not intended for user consumption and util.js which contains public utilities
    • Moved getLowestSmartRate and validateWebook function to util.js as neither of them require the client object to function
  • References of Referral were changed to ReferralCustomer to match the API
  • Bumps major versions of all dependencies
  • Changes the primaryOrSecondary parameter name to priority in billing functions to match the API
  • Empty response functions now return nothing (deleting records, funding a wallet, etc)
  • Explicit type parameter for retrieving all reports removed, include type in generic params dictionary instead.
  • Improves error handling
    • Specific error types for each category of error
    • API error message may be an array rather than a string. Arrays will be concatenated (by comma) and returned as a string.
  • Corrects references of smartrate to SmartRate and smartRate to match the API

New Features

  • Add retrieveStatelessRates and getLowestStatelessRate functions

Bug Fixes

  • Completely overhauled deserialization process, nested objects (eg: rates of shipments, etc) now properly convert to their appropriate EasyPostObject
  • Fixes the verifyAddress function to actually verify an address
  • Fixes a bug that could double wrap or unintentionally wrap the results of an /all API call with the name of the object in question

v5.10.0 (2023-01-18)

  • Adds all function to Pickup class to retrieve all pickups
  • Adds retrievePayload and retrieveAllPayloads functions to retrieve payloads for an Event
    • These are static functions on the Event class, so you can call them like easypost.Event.retrieveAllPayloads(eventId)
  • Adds missing Typescript implementations for CustomsInfo, CustomsItem, ScanForm, User, Referral, Rate, CarbonOffset, and Brand (closes #328)

v5.9.0 (2023-01-11)

  • Adds new beta billing functionality for ReferralCustomer users
    • addPaymentMethod can add a pre-existing Stripe bank account or credit card to your EasyPost account
    • refundByAmount refunds your wallet by a dollar amount
    • refundByPaymentLog refunds you wallet by a PaymentLog ID

v5.8.0 (2022-12-07)

  • Routes requests for creating a carrier account with a custom workflow (eg: FedEx, UPS) to the correct endpoint when using the save function

v5.7.1 (2022-10-24)

  • Fixes multiple bugs that made the addCreditCard function unusable, adds tests
  • The response of the updateBrand function now properly becomes a Brand object
  • Insuring a shipment via no longer improperly wraps the amount key in id. There may be other edge cases among other object/function calls that get corrected due to this change
  • Validating webhook signatures of differing byte sizes now throws a more meaningful error message
  • Removed the browser check when building request headers. Impact should be minimal since out of the box this library cannot be used in the browser

v5.7.0 (2022-09-21)

  • Adds support to pass an EndShipper ID to the shipment buy call
  • Migrates the Partner White Label (Referral) functions from beta to the general library namespace and deprecates the beta functions

v5.6.1 (2022-09-08)

  • Fixes a regression introduced in v5.1.0 that included the entire response instead of the response body when errors are returned from the API
  • Corrects the error type when Stripe cannot be reached when adding a credit card for referral users

v5.6.0 (2022-08-25)

  • Moves EndShipper out of beta to the general library namespace

v5.5.0 (2022-08-02)

  • Adds Carbon Offset support
    • Adds the ability to create a shipment with carbon_offset
    • Adds the ability to buy a shipment with carbon_offset
    • Adds the ability to one-call-buy a shipment with carbon_offset
    • Adds the ability to regenerate a shipment with carbon_offset
  • Adds validateWebhook function that returns your webhook or raises an error if there is a webhookSecret mismatch
  • Allows for looser values to the verify and verify_strict params when creating an address (can accept strings or bools outside of an array)

v5.4.0 (2022-07-18)

  • Adds the ability to generate shipment forms via Shipment.generateForm() function
  • Adds missing Typescript definitions for Billing and PaymentMethod

v5.3.0 (2022-07-11)

  • Adds bundled Typescript definitions in beta (closes #119, #122, #184, and #243 - big thank you to our awesome community!)
  • Adds Billing.retrievePaymentMethods(), Billing.deletePaymentMethod(), and Billing.fundWallet() functions
  • Adds support for webhook secrets
  • Adds OS-specific details to the user-agent header
  • Swaps update functions from put to patch to better match API expectation and documentation. Behavior of these functions should remain the same

v5.2.0 (2022-05-19)

  • Adds the EndShipper Beta class with save(), retrieve(), and all() functions
  • Bumps patch versions of dependencies

v5.1.0 (2022-05-09)

  • Adds a lowestRate() function to Orders and Pickups
  • Adds a Shipment.getLowestSmartrate() and shipment.lowest_smartrate() functions
  • Adds an error message to lowestRate() functions when no lowest rate can be found
  • Adds beta Referral class for the new Partner White Label API with these new functions: create(), update_email(), all(), and add_credit_card()
  • Fixes API error parsing by first trying to additional error message fields before falling back to the current configured fields

v5.0.0 (2022-04-13)

Breaking Changes

  • Bumps the minimum version of Node to v10
  • Removes build targets of 0.10, 6, and 8, the library is now only published under a single bundled easypost package instead of separate bundled assets per version
  • Bumps all dependencies to the most recent compatible versions that still support Node 10, the library is now buildable on Node 16+
  • Removed retrieveRates() method because the shipment object already has rates. If you need to get new rates for a shipment, please use regenerateRates() method instead
  • Removed enable() and disable() methods in the apiKey class. Please use this functionality through EasyPost website
  • Removed the deprecated options.useCookie param. Please use options.useProxy instead
  • Removed add_shipment and remove_shipment from the Batch object which could lead to confusion as the API documentation only describes adding/removing as an array. If you need to add or remove a single shipment from a batch, use the already existing add_shipments and remove_shipments and pass your single shipment into an array.
  • The responses from the /all endpoints are no longer unwrapped and now properly follow the documentation where records will be wrapped in their respective object key
    • This now corrects the location of the has_more key which allows for pagination


  • Adds support to one-call buy an order
  • Adds the Nodejs version in use to the User-Agent header on requests
  • Adds support to update the brand for a user
  • Adds retrieveMe() convenience function that retrieves the authenticated user without the need to specify an ID
  • Adds address.verifyAddress() and Address.createAndVerify() functions
  • Adds Batch.createAndBuy() function
  • Adds Refund class which has, Refund.all(), and Refund.retrieve() functions

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes delivery_date property typo on Rate object
  • Fixes customs_item.value to be a number instead of a string
  • Lowered the default timeout of requests from 120 seconds to 60 seconds


  • Removes @easypost/build and instead uses Webpack directly to build the project
    • The project is now only built for node and may not provide browser compatible code. If you require browser compatible Javascript, we suggest you build from source
  • Adds prettier and formats the entire project
  • Adds comprehensive test suite with Pollyjs covering every interface of the client library
  • Adds jsdoc style info to each method

v4.0.0 (2021-10-06)

  • JSON encodes POST bodies instead of form encoding them by default
  • Adds support for tax_identifiers
  • The regenerateRates method now makes a post request to re-rate a shipment. The new retrieveRates will simply retrieve the rates of a shipment without re-rating
  • Ran npm audit fix to bump patch versions of dependencies

v3.11.2 (2021-06-11)

  • Corrects the usps_zone propType from integer to number

v3.11.1 (2021-06-11)

  • Re-package to fix missing file
  • add "prepublishOnly" script and ignore all build assets (#177)
  • docs: adds info about built docs to README

v3.11.0 (2021-06-10)

  • Adds SmartRate functionality to the Shipments object (available by calling getSmartrates() on a shipment)
  • Adds missing declaration and restriction_comments propTypes to the customsInfo object
  • Changes the usps_zone propType from a string to an integer to match what is returned from the API
  • Bumped dependencies

v3.10.1 (2021-01-12)

  • Re-package to fix missing file

v3.10.0 (2021-01-12)

  • Added events methods
  • Added various code examples
  • Added rate object
  • Removed various old code
  • Updated tests
  • Restored support for Node 6.x
  • Bumped many dependencies
  • Swapped out Travis CI for GitHub Actions

v3.9.1 (2020-06-09)

  • Bump websocket-extensions to 0.1.4

v3.9.0 (2020-05-15)

  • Added the ability to retrieve individual user's API keys
  • Added the ability to retrieve all address records
  • Removed the unusable shipment return method
  • Security updates to Node modules
  • Swapped link for Travis CI from .org to .com
  • Updated stale unit tests

v2.1.1 (2016-07-29)

  • Added Insurance object support

v2.1.0 (2016-06-03)

  • Added an optional timeout for requests. Defaults to 120000ms (thanks Shyp and misterMuyiwa!)

v2.0.10 (2016-03-24)

  • Added Orders
  • Fixed some bad tests (Addresses, Shipments, Parcels)

v2.0.9 (2016-02-03)

  • Added "verify" and "verify_strict" options to Address create, and made tests for them.

v2.0.8 (2015-11-05)

  • Updated README and tests

v2.0.7 (2015-07-14)

  • Changed shipment rate request to use GET not POST
  • Fixed some tests

v2.0.6 (2015-02-13)

  • Added ability to buy and cancel pickups

v2.0.5 (2014-11-04)

  • Added tracker to shipment buy response
  • Added User-Agent fields to request header
  • Updated tests

v2.0.4 (2013-12-29)

  • Moved vows module to a devDependancy.

v2.0.3 (2013-12-29)

  • Fixed some bugs and improved Shipment.lowestRate by allowing negative filters.
  • Improved handling of the partial shipment response object that returns.
  • Minor syntax and documentation improvements.

v2.0.2 (2013-10-13)

  • Event resource added for webhook consumption.
  • Tracker resource added.
  • Batch.create_scan_form added to request a ScanForm containing all of a Batch's shipments.

v2.0.1 (2013-07-05)

  • Added label function to Shipment to request specific label file_formats (pdf, epl2, zpl).
  • Added insure function to Shipment. Add insurance to any shipment in one call!
  • Added create_and_verify function to Address.