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A7: High-level architecture. Privileges. Web resources specification

This document catalogues the resources used by SegFault, and identifies their properties. These include references to the graphical interfaces, and the format of JSON responses. Furthermore, this artifact presents a documentation for the web application, including all operations over data: create, read, update, and delete.

1. Overview

This section presents an overview of the web application to implement, identifies the application's modules and briefly describes them. The web resources associated with each module are detailed in the individual documentation of each module.

M01: Authentication Web resources associated with user authentication, includes the following system features: login/logout and registration.
M02: Individual Profile Web resources associated with individual profile management, includes the following system features: view and edit personal profile information, view personal notifications and favorite questions.
M03: Messages Web resources associated with questions, answers and their comments, includes the following system features: add, view, vote, report and delete questions, add, view, vote, report and delete answers and add, view, vote, report and delete comments.
M04: Categories Web resources associated with categories, includes the following system features: list categories and search categories
M05: Static Pages Web resources with static content are associated with this module: about and 404 page.

2. Permissions

This section defines the permissions used in the modules to establish the conditions of access to resources, in increasing order of restrictiveness.

PUB Public Group of users without privileges.
USR User Group of authenticated users.
OWN Owner Group of users that can update their profiles and have privileges regarding their messages (extension over the USR permissions).
MOD Moderator Group of Moderators that can manage any message (extension over the USR permissions).

3. Modules

This section documents each web resource of each module, indicating the URL, HTTP methods, the possible parameters, interfaces with the user (referring to the A3 artefact) — or JSON responses in the event of APIs.

3.1 Module M01: Authentication

Endpoints of module Authentication

These are the endpoints available in the Authentication module:

  • R101: Login Action /login
  • R102: Logout Action /logout
  • R103: Register Form /register
  • R104: Register Action /register

R101: Login Action

URL /login
Description This web resource logs the user into the system.
Request Body +username: string (account username)
+password: string (account password)
Method POST
Redirects Reloads the page on success or failure.
Permissions PUB

R102: Logout Action

URL /logout
Description This web resource logs out the authenticated user (or moderator).
Method POST
Redirects Reloads the page.
Permissions USR

R103: Register Form

URL /register
Description Page with a form to register a new user account.
Method GET
Submit R104
Permissions PUB

R104: Register Action

URL /register
Description This web resource inserts the user into the system.
Method POST
Redirects Success - Main page
Failure - Register
Request Body +username: string (account username)
+email: string (account email)
+password: string (account password)
Permissions PUB

3.2 Module M02: Individual Profile

Endpoints of module Individual Profile

These are the endpoints available in the Individual Profile module:

  • R201: View Profile /users/{user_id}
  • R202: Edit Profile Form /users/{user_id}/edit_profile
  • R203: Edit Profile Action /users/{user_id}
  • R204: Change Password Form /users/{user_id}/change_password
  • R205: Change Password Action /users/{user_id}
  • R206: View Favourite Questions /users/{user_id}/favourites
  • R207: Delete a Favourite Question /users/{user_id}/favourites/{question_id}
  • R208: Add a Favourite Question /users/{user_id}/favourites/{question_id}

R201: View Profile

URL /users/{user_id}
Description Shows a user's profile page.
Method GET
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
Permissions PUB

R202: Edit Profile Form

URL /users/{user_id}/edit_profile
Description Page with a form to edit profile info.
Method GET
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
Submit R203
Permissions OWN

R203: Edit Profile Action

URL /users/{user_id}
Description Web resource that changes a user's profile info based on its input.
Method POST
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
Request Body ?background_picture: string (New background picture path)
?profile_picture: string (New profile picture path)
?biography: string (New user's biography)
Response Body JSON05
Permissions OWN

R204: Change Password Form

URL /users/{user_id}/change_password
Description Page with a form to change the user's password.
Method GET
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
UI Click on "Settings"
Submit R205
Permissions OWN

R205: Change Password Action

URL /users/{user_id}
Description Web resource to change a user's password.
Method POST
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
Request Body +old_password: string (The previous password)
+new_password: string (The new password)
Permissions OWN

206: View Favourite Questions

URL /users/{user_id}/favourites
Description Web resource that gets all favourite questions of a user.
Method GET
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
Response Body JSON01
Permissions OWN

207: Delete a Favourite Question

URL /users/{user_id}/favourites/{question_id}
Description Web resource that deletes a question from a user's favourites.
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
+question_id: integer (the primary key of the question to delete)
Permissions OWN

208: Add a Favourite Question

URL /users/{user_id}/favourites/{question_id}
Description Web resource that adds a question to a user's favourites.
Method POST
Parameters +user_id: integer (user primary key)
+question_id: integer (the primary key of the question to add)
Response Body JSON02
Permissions OWN

3.3 Module M03: Messages

Endpoints of module Messages

  • R301: Search Questions Page /questions
  • R302: Get recent questions /questions/recent/{page_num}
  • R303: Get hot questions /questions/hot/{page_num}
  • R304: Get highly voted questions /questions/highly-voted/{page_num}
  • R305: Get active questions /questions/active/{page_num}
  • R306: Get question's details /questions/{id}
  • R307: Add a new question - Form /questions/create
  • R308: Add a new question - Action /questions
  • R309: Edit a question - Form /questions/{id}/edit
  • R310: Edit a question - Action /questions/{id}
  • R311: Delete a question /questions/{id}
  • R312: Get question's answers /questions/{id}/answers
  • R313: Get answer's details /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
  • R314: Add a new answer /questions/{id}/answers
  • R315: Edit an answer /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
  • R316: Delete an answer /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
  • R317: Get question's comments /questions/{id}/comments
  • R318: Add a new comment to a question /questions/{id}/comments
  • R319: Edit a question's comment /questions/{id}/comments/{comment_id}
  • R320: Delete a question's comment /questions/{id}/comments/{comment_id}
  • R321: Get answer's comments /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments
  • R322: Add a new comment to an answer /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments
  • R323: Edit an answer's comment /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments/{comment_id}
  • R324: Delete an answer's comment /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments/{comment_id}

R301: Search Questions Page

URL /questions
Description Resource that allows searching for a question by it's title.
Method GET
Parameters +query: string (String field to search for in questions).
?categories: id[] (Optionally, filter questions by categories, by their foreign keys).
Response Body JSON01
Permissions PUB

R302: Get Recent Questions

URL /questions/recent/{page_num}
Description Resource that shows the 25 most recent questions, offset by page_num (25 * page_num).
Method GET
Parameters +page_num: integer (Page number).
Permissions PUB

R303: Get Hot Questions

URL /questions/hot/{page_num}
Description Shows the 25 hottest questions (highly voted questions with most answers but no correct answer), offset by page_num (25 * page_num).
Method GET
Parameters +page_num: integer (Page number).
Permissions PUB

R304: Get Highly Voted Questions

URL /questions/highly-voted/{page_num}
Description Show the 25 questions with highest score, offset by page_num (25 * page_num).
Method GET
Parameters +page_num: integer (Page number).
Permissions PUB

R305: Get Active Questions

URL /questions/active/{page_num}
Description Show 25 unanswered questions, offset by page_num (25 * page_num).
Method GET
Parameters +page_num: integer (Page number).
Permissions PUB

R306: Get Question's Details

URL /questions/{id}
Description Shows the question's page, featuring its details, answers and comments.
Method GET
Parameters +id: integer (The question's id)
Permissions PUB

R307: Add a New Question - Form

URL /ask_question
Description Page with a form for creating a new question.
Method GET
Permissions USR

R308: Add a New Question - Action

URL /ask_question
Description Web resource that creates a new question based on the input received. Redirects to the new question page on success, and back to new question form on failure.
Method POST
Request Body +title: string (The question's title)
+content: string (The question's contents)
+categories: id[] (The question's categories's foreign keys)
Redirects R306 - SUCCESS
Permissions USR

R309: Edit a Question - Form

URL /questions/{id}/edit
Description Page with a form for editing a question.
Method GET
Permissions OWN, MOD

R310: Edit a Question - Action

URL /questions/{id}
Description Web resource that edits a previous question based on the input received. Redirects to the new question page on success, and back to edit question form on failure.
Method PUT
Request Body +author: integer (The question author's id)
?content: string (The question's contents)
?categories: id[] (The question's categories's foreign keys)
Redirects R306 - SUCCESS
Permissions OWN, MOD

R311: Delete a question

URL /questions/{id}
Description Web resource that deletes a question based on its ID. In case of success redirect to Main page, otherwise stay in the question page.
Request Body +question_id: integer (question primary key)
Returns 200 OK - The question was successfully deleted.
400 Bad Request - Error. Error message is specified via a HTTP header.
404 Not Found - Error. No work with the specified primary key exists.
Redirect R302 - SUCCESS
Permissions OWN, MOD

R312: Get question's answers

URL /questions/{id}/answers
Description Get all the answers of a question.
Method GET
Parameters +id: integer (The question's id)
Response Body JSON07
Permissions PUB

R313: Get answer's details

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
Description The details and contents of a answer.
Method GET
Parameters +question_id: integer (The question's id)
Parameters +answer_id: integer (The answer's id)
Response Body JSON08
Permissions PUB

R314: Add a new answer

URL /questions/{id}/answers
Description Web resource that creates a new answer based on the input received.
Method POST
Request Body +content: string (The question's contents)
+author: integer (The question author's id)
Permissions USR

R315: Edit an answer

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
Description Web resource that edits a previous answer based on the input received.
Method PUT
Request Body +question_id: integer (The question's id)
+author: integer (The answer author's id)
?content: string (The answer's contents)
Permissions OWN, MOD

R316: Delete an answer

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}
Description Web resource that delete a answer based on his ID.
Request Body +question_id: integer (question primary key)
+answer_id: integer (answer primary key)
Returns 200 OK - The answer was successfully deleted.
400 Bad Request - Error. Error message is specified via a HTTP header.
404 Not Found - Error. No work with the specified primary key exists.
Permissions OWN, MOD

R317: Get question's comments

URL /questions/{id}/comments
Description Get all the comments of a question.
Method GET
Parameters +id: integer (The question's id)
Response Body JSON04
Permissions PUB

R318: Add a new comment to a question

URL /questions/{id}/comments
Description Web resource to add a new comment to a question.
Method POST
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
Request Body +content: string (Comment content)
+author: integer (User id)
+commentable: integer (Question id)
Response body JSON03
Permissions USR

R319: Edit a question's comment

URL /questions/{id}/comments/{comment_id}
Description Web resource that allows the edition of a question's comment.
Method PUT
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+comment_id: integer (Comment id)
Request Body +content: string (Comment content)
+editor: integer (User id)
+commentable: integer (Question id)
+comment: integer (Comment id)
Response body JSON03
Permissions OWN, MOD

R320: Delete a question's comments

URL /questions/{id}/comments/{comment_id}
Description Web resource that allows the deletion of a question's comment.
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+comment_id: integer (Comment id)
Request Body +commentable: integer (Question id)
+comment: integer (Comment id)
Returns 200 OK - The comment was successfully edited.
400 Bad Request - Error. Could not delete the comment
Permissions OWN, MOD

R321: Get answer's comments

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments
Description Web resource that allows to show all the answer's comments.
Method GET
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+answer_id: integer (Answer id)
+comment_id: integer (Comment id)
Response body JSON04
Permissions PUB

R322: Add a new comment to an answer

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments
Description Web resource that allows to add a new comment to an answer.
Method POST
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+answer_id: integer (Answer id)
Request Body +content: string (Answer content)
+author: integer (User id)
+commentable: integer (Answer id)
Response body JSON03
Permissions USR

R323: Edit an answer's comment

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments/{comment_id}
Description Web resource that allows the edition of a answer's comment.
Method PUT
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+answer_id: integer (Answer id)
+comment_id: integer (Comment id)
Request Body +content: string (Comment content)
+editor: integer (User id)
+commentable: integer (Answer id)
+comment: integer (Comment id)
Response body JSON03
Permissions OWN, MOD

R324: Delete an answer's comment

URL /questions/{id}/answers/{answer_id}/comments/{comment_id}
Description Web resource that allows the deletion of a answer's comment.
Parameters +id: integer (Question id)
+answer_id: integer (Answer id)
+comment_id: integer (Comment id)
Request Body +commentable: integer (Answer id)
+comment: integer (Comment id)
Returns 200 OK - The comment was successfully edited.
400 Bad Request - Error. Could not delete the comment
Permissions OWN, MOD

3.4 Module M04: Categories

Endpoints of module Categories

These are the endpoints available in the Categories module:

  • R401: Categories page /categories
  • R402: Search Categories /categories/search
  • R403: Get category's questions /categories/{id}/questions

R401: Categories Page

URL /categories
Description Get categories page.
Method GET
Permissions PUB

R402: Search Categories

URL /categories/search
Description Web resource that allows searching for a category by it's name.
Method GET
Parameters +query: string (String field to search for in categories).
Response Body JSON06
Permissions PUB

R403: Get category's questions

URL /categories/{id}/questions
Description Web resource that shows the questions associated with a category.
Method GET
Parameters +id: integer (The category's id)
Response Body JSON01
Permissions PUB

3.5 Module M05: Static Pages

Endpoints of module Static Pages

These are the endpoints available in the Static module:

  • R501: About Page /about
  • R502: 404 Page /404

R501: About Page

URL /about
Description Get about page.
Method GET
Permissions PUB

R502: 404 Page

URL /404
Description Get 404 page.
Method GET
Permissions PUB

4. JSON/XML Types

JSON01: Questions {question}[]

JSON response containing a list of questions and their contents.

  "question": [
      "id": 137,
      "title": "Is there multiple inheritance in JAVA?",
      "content": "I'm a C++ developer and have always been intrigued by the
        fact that some languages allow for multiple inheritance and others
        don't.\nIs there a deeper thought process behind this?",
      "author": "sudomakemeasandwich",
      "score": 120,
      "correct_answer": 43,
      "creation_time": "2018-04-07 14:11",
      "category": [
          "name": "JAVA",
          "id": 1
          "name": "OOP",
          "id": 2
      "id": 12,
      "title": "Is javascript dynamically typed?",
      "content": "I was wondering if javascript was a dynamically typed language?",
      "author": "sudormrf",
      "score": 10,
      "correct_answer": 435,
      "creation_time": "2018-03-01 10:03",
      "category": [
          "name": "JAVA",
          "id": 1
          "name": "OOP",
          "id": 2

JSON02: Question {question}

JSON response containing a question's details and contents.

      "id": 137,
      "title": "Is there multiple inheritance in JAVA?",
      "author": "sudomakemeasandwich",
      "score": 120,
      "correct_answer": 43,
      "category": [
          "name": "JAVA",
          "id": 1
          "name": "OOP",
          "id": 2
      "was_edited": true,
          "version": "I'm a C++ developer and have always been intrigued by the
          fact that some languages allow for multiple inheritance and others
          don't.\nIs there a deeper thought process behind this?",
          "creation_time": "2018-04-07 14:11",
          "author": "sudomakemeasandwich"

JSON03: Comment {comment}

JSON response containing a comment's details and contents.

      "id": 236,
      "author": "sudomakemeasandwich",
      "score": 10,
      "was_edited": true,
          "version": "Heyyy wadup",
          "creation_time": "2018-03-07 01:11",
          "author": "sudomakemeasandwich"

JSON04: Comments {comment}[]

JSON response containing a list of comments and their contents.

  "comment": [
      "id": 236,
      "author": "sudomakemeasandwich",
      "score": 10,
      "was_edited": true,
          "version": "Heyy I agreeeee",
          "creation_time": "2018-04-08 11:10",
          "author": "sudomakemeasandwich"

JSON05: Profile {user}

JSON response containing the contents of a user's profile.

  "username": "sudomakemeasandwhich",
  "background_img": "imgs/profile/standard-bg.png",
  "profile_img": "imgs/profile/linuxislove.png",
  "biography": "Better than uml only ..."

JSON06: Categories {category}[]

JSON response containing a list of categories and their information.

  "category": [
      "id": 21,
      "name": "java",
      "description": "Java is a general-purpose computer-programming language
        that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented,[15] and specifically
        designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible",
      "num_posts" : 54

JSON07: Answers {answer}[]

JSON response containing a list of answers and their information.

  "answer": [
      "id": 702,
      "author": "amccoy0",
      "score": 3,
      "was_edited": false,
          "version": "Use php7.1 dummy",
          "creation_time": "2018-04-07 14:51",
          "author": "sudomakemeasandwich"

JSON08: Answer {answer}

JSON response containing an answer's details and contents.

      "id": 137,
      "author": "sudomakemeasandwich",
      "score": -1,
      "was_edited": false,
          "version": "Your question makes no sense...",
          "creation_time": "2018-04-07 18:11",
          "author": "sudomakemeasandwich"

Revision history

  • 12/04/2018: Deleted "Login Form" resource, as its not a separate page;
  • 12/04/2018: Added links to all UIs;
  • 12/04/2018: Reassessed the usefulness of response with status code 202 or 204, deleted most;
  • 12/04/2018: Deleted UI field of R311-R314;
  • 12/04/2018: Modified JSONs to include flag was_edited instead of all versions of a message;
  • 12/04/2018: Corrected R402's URL;
  • 12/04/2018: Added categories' foreign keys to JSON responses, and restricted to only categories foreign keys when adding a question (instead of a string) - R301, R308, R310;
  • 13/04/2018: Corrected markdown typos;
  • 16/04/2018: Added pagination to questions resources (extra URL parameter);

GROUP1763, 16/04/2018

André Cruz, [email protected]
Daniel Marques, [email protected]
Edgar Carneiro, [email protected]
João Carvalho, [email protected]