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114 lines (96 loc) · 7.61 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (96 loc) · 7.61 KB

Infrastructure Repository Overview

After running pentagon start-project you will have a directory with a layout similiar to:

├── ansible-requirements.yml
├── inventory/
├── docs/
├── plugins/
└── requirements.txt

See also Extended Layout

Generally speaking, the layout of the infrastructure repository is heierachical. That is to say, higher level directories contain scripts, resources, and variables that are intended to be used earlier in the creation of your infrastructure.

Core Directories


The inventory directory is used to store an arbitrary segment of your infrastructure. It can be a separate AWS account, AWS VPC, GCP Project or, GCP Netrowk. It can be as fine grained as you like, but the config directory in each "inventory item" is scoped to, at most, one AWS Account+VPC or one GCP Project+Network. By default, the inventory directoy includes one default directory with configurtion for one VPC and two Kops clusters. You can pass pentagon start-project the --no-configure flag to build your own.


The config directory is separated into local and private. Files, scripts, and templates in config/local are checked into source control and should not contain any workstation specific values.

config/local/ uses a specific list of variable names, locates the values in config/local/vars.yml and config/private/secrets.yml and exports them as an environment variable. These environment variables are used throughout the infrastructure repository so make sure you source config/local/

Some configurations require absolute paths which, if checked into source control, can make working with teams challenging. The config/local/local-config-init script makes this easier by providing a fast way to generate workstation specific configurations from the ansible.cfg-default and ssh_config-default template files. The generated workstation specific configuration files are written to config/private.

config/private/ssh_config and config/private/ansible.cfg greatly simplify interaction with your cloud VMs. It is configured to automatically use the correct key and user name based on the IP address of the host. You can either use the command ssh -F '${INFRASTRUCTURE_REPO}/config/local/ssh_config or alias SSH with alias ssh="ssh -F '${INFRASTRUCTURE_REPO}/config/local/ssh_config'.

config/private, in addition to secrets.yml also contains SSH keys generated by start-project. Unless you opted to not create the keys, the admin-vpn key pair will be uploaded to AWS for you when the VPN instance is created and the *-kube keys will automatically be uploaded when kops is invoked to create the Kubernetes cluster. The other keys, production-private, working-private are created as a convenience to be used for any instances that are created in the VPC private-working and private-production subnets. When kops is invoked to create the cluster, the Kubernetes config secret will also be created as config/private/kube_config


The default/ contains most of the moving parts of the infrastructure repository. The name default is not important! The contents are. The goal is that the contents of the default directory can be deep copied and create parallel (cloud provider, cloud account, vpc) infrastructure in a single repository. Consider this a guidline, not a rule!

├── clusters
├── resources
└── vpc


Contains working/ and production/ directories. Both are laid out identically. working is intended to contain any non-production Kubernetes pods, deployments, services. production is intended to contain any production Kubernetes objects pods, deployments, services etc.

├── cluster.yml
├── nodes.yml
├── masters.yml
└── is a bash script that uploads the yml files the S3 bucket set in inventory/(default)/config/local/vars.yml creates the secret that is the ssh public key mateial for the the nodes in the cluster


The terraform/ directory is for the AWS VPC Terraform. It is intended to hold the configuration for all Terraform for the "inventory item." Terraform modules should be used to organize the Terraform code.


This resources/ is the directory into which Ansible playbooks to non cluster specific cloud resources can be stored. The admin-environment playbook, which creates and configures the OpenVPN instance, is present "out of the box".

Supporting Directories


This is the Ansible plugins directory. The ec2 infrastructure plugin is enabled by default. Set in config/private/ansible.cfg.


The Ansible roles are installed here by default. Set in config/private/ansible.cfg. This is not checked into Git.

Extended Layout Description

├── ansible-requirements.yml
├── config.yml
├── inventory
│   └── default                              * Directory for default cloud
│       ├── clusters                         * Directory for Clusters
│       │   ├── production                   * Production Cluster Directory
│       │   │   └── vars.yml                 * Variables specific to production. Used by `pentagon add kops.cluster`
│       │   └── working                      * Working Cluster Directory
│       │       └── vars.yml                 * Variables specific to working. Used by `pentagon add kops.cluster`
│       ├── config                           * Configuration Directory
│       │   ├── local                        * Local, non-secret configuration
│       │   │   ├── ansible.cfg-default      * templating code to create private configuration
│       │   │   ├── local-config-init
│       │   │   ├── ssh_config-default
│       │   │   └── vars.yml
│       │   └── private                      * Private, secret configs. ignored by git
│       │       ├── admin-vpn                * SSH key pairs generated by at `start-project`
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── production-kube
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── production-private
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── secrets.yml              * Secret values in yaml config file
│       │       ├── working-kube
│       │       ├──
│       │       ├── working-private
│       │       └──
│       ├── kubernetes                       * You can store kubernetes manifests here
│       ├── resources                        * Ansible playbook for creating the OpenVPN instance
│       │   └── admin-environment
│       │       ├── destroy.yml
│       │       ├── env.yml
│       │       └── vpn.yml
│       └── terraform                        * Terraform for entire inventory item
│           ├──
│           ├──
│           ├──
│           ├──
│           └──
├── plugins                                  * Ansible plugins
└── requirements.txt