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264 lines (206 loc) · 9.43 KB


EasyBle is a framework used for android BLE, this framework makes android Ble operation simpler and supports basic BLE operations, besides, it also support batch writing data and multi connection

The version 1.0.x is no longer maintained , please use or update to the newest version(2.0.x)


Gradle dependency

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.Ficat:EasyBle:v2.0.2'


The framework uses BleManager to manager BLE

1.Check if the device supports BLE and turn on bluetooth

        //check if the device supports BLE

        //is Bluetooth turned on?
        //If Bluetooth is turned off, you should call BleManager#enableBluetooth() to
        //turn on bluetooth with a request dialog, and you will receive the result from
        //the method onActivityResult() of this activity

2.Get ble manager and initialization

        //scan/connection options is not necessary, if you don't set,
        //it will use default config
        BleManager.ScanOptions scanOptions = BleManager.ScanOptions

        BleManager.ConnectOptions connectOptions = BleManager.ConnectOptions

        BleManager bleManager = BleManager
                        .setScanOptions(scanOptions)//it is not necessary
                        .setConnectionOptions(connectOptions)//like scan options
                        .setLog(true, "TAG")
                        .init(this.getApplication());//Context is needed here,do not use Activity,which can cause Activity leak


If sdk version >=23, scanning must have location permission,if Android version sdk version >=29(Android10), scanning must have fine location permission(Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION)

        bleManager.startScan(new BleScanCallback() {
            public void onLeScan(BleDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) {
                String name =;
                String address = device.address;

            public void onStart(boolean startScanSuccess, String info) {
                if (startScanSuccess) {
                    //start scan successfully
                } else {
                    //fail to start scan, you can see details from 'info'
                    String failReason = info;

            public void onFinish() {

        //start scan with specified scanOptions
        bleManager.startScan(scanOptions, bleScanCallback);

Once target remote device has been discovered you can use stopScan() to stop scanning



You can connect to remote device by device address or BleDevice object

       BleConnectCallback bleConnectCallback = new BleConnectCallback() {
            public void onStart(boolean startConnectSuccess, String info, BleDevice device) {
                if (startConnectSuccess) {
                    //start to connect successfully
                } else {
                    //fail to start connection, see details from 'info'
                    String failReason = info;

            public void onFailure(int failCode, String info, BleDevice device) {
                if(failCode == BleConnectCallback.FAIL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT){
                    //connection timeout
                    //connection fail due to other reasons


             public void onConnected(BleDevice device) {


             public void onDisconnected(String info, int status, BleDevice device) {


       bleManager.connect(bleDevice, bleConnectCallback);
       //connect with specified connectOptions
       bleManager.connect(bleDevice, connectOptions, bleConnectCallback);

       //connect with mac address
       bleManager.connect(address, bleConnectCallback);
       bleManager.connect(address, connectOptions, bleConnectCallback);

Use one of the following methods to disconnect from remote device

       //disconnect from the specific remote device by BleDevice object
       //disconnect from the specific remote device by address

       //disconnect all connected devices


Both notification and indication use the following method to set notification or indication

       bleManager.notify(bleDevice, serviceUuid, notifyUuid, new BleNotifyCallback() {
            public void onCharacteristicChanged(byte[] data, BleDevice device) {

            public void onNotifySuccess(String notifySuccessUuid, BleDevice device) {


            public void onFailure(int failCode, String info, BleDevice device) {
                switch (failCode) {
                    case BleCallback.FAIL_DISCONNECTED://connection has disconnected
                    case BleCallback.FAIL_OTHER://other reason


When you want to cancel notification or indication, you can call cancelNotify()

       bleManager.cancelNotify(bleDevice, notifyUuid);


       bleManager.write(bleDevice, serviceUuid, writeUuid, data, new BleWriteCallback() {
            public void onWriteSuccess(byte[] data, BleDevice device) {


            public void onFailure(int failCode, String info, BleDevice device) {


if the length of the data you wanna deliver to remote device is larger than MTU(default 20), you can use the following method to write by batch

       bleManager.writeByBatch(bleDevice, serviceUuid, writeUuid, data, lengthPerPackage, new  BleWriteByBatchCallback() {
            public void writeByBatchSuccess(byte[] data, BleDevice device) {


            public void onFailure(int failCode, String info, BleDevice device) {



You must call destroy() to release some resources after BLE communication end


Other api

Method Description
read(BleDevice bleDevice, String serviceUuid, String readUuid, BleReadCallback bleReadCallback) Read the characteristic data
readRssi(BleDevice device, BleRssiCallback callback) Read the remote device rssi(Received Signal Strength Indication)
setMtu(BleDevice device, int mtu, BleMtuCallback callback) Set MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
isScanning() Is Scanning?
isConnected(String address) Check if the local bluetooth has connected to the remote device
isConnecting(String address) Check if local device is connecting with the remote device
getConnectedDevices() Get connected devices list
getDeviceServices(BleDevice device);
getDeviceServices(String address)
Get service information which the remote device supports,note that it may return null. you will get a Map<ServiceInfo, List>
ServiceInfo: get service uuid info like uuid.
CharacteristicInfo: get characteristic info like uuid and property(readable,writable,notify,indicative).
supportBle(Context context) Check if this device supports ble
isBluetoothOn() Check if local bluetooth is enabled
isAddressValid(String address) Check if the address is valid
isScanPermissionGranted(Context context) Check if the scan-permission is granted
enableBluetooth(Activity activity, int requestCode) Turn on local bluetooth, calling the method will show users a request dialog to grant or reject,so you can get the result from Activity#onActivityResult()
toggleBluetooth(boolean enable) Turn on or off local bluetooth directly without showing users a request dialog
getScanOptions() Get the scan option you set or default
getConnectOptions() Get the connection option you set or default
getBluetoothGatt(String address) Get the BluetoothGatt object of specific remote device,it will return null if the connection isn't established


Copyright 2018 Ficat

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.