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Class based Influence Functions for Error Detection


This code for the paper: Class based Influence Functions for Error Detection.

The 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2023)

Influence functions (IFs) are a powerful tool for estimating the influence of a data point on another data point. IFs are widely used in machine learning, especially for detecting anomalous examples. However, they are unstable when applied to deep networks. In this paper, we provide an explanation of the instability of IFs and develop a solution to this problem. We show that IFs are unreliable when the two data points belong to two different classes. Our solution leverages class information to improve the stability of IF. Extensive experiments show that our modification significantly improves the performance and stability of IFs while incurring no additional computational cost.

Run code

Create datasets

Firstly, create noise data and clean data. You can using files in utils folder to create them from origin data.

Classification Problems

  • Config model into models folder and dataloader into dataloader folder. Config load, build methods into, demo config for experiments folder.
  • Train model using
  • Run to get gradients:
  • Read result:

Sequence Problems

The sequence problems is NER, POS tagging, NLP. We experiment on the CoNLL2003 dataset.

  • : Train NER model.
  • Build gradient of noise data and clean data.
  • Build stest for calculating IF.
  • Get scores of methods after have gradient informations.

Some results

Detection accuracy of methods

We experiment methods as: IF, GD, GC, and TracIn.

Error detection accuracy on datasets with noise $p=20%$:

bigclone imdb snli

Detection accuracy when changing the noise ratio of the data

Change in error detection accuracy on the datasets as the level of noise changes.

bigclone imdb snli

In addition, we also experiment on sequence data such as CoNLL2003 NER

CoNLL2003 CoNLL2003 CoNLL2003
conll2003-acctracing conll2003-foundtag conll2003-statsscores

Citation and reference

For technical details and full experimental results, please check our paper.

  title={Class based Influence Functions for Error Detection},
  author={Thang Nguyen-Duc and Hoang Thanh-Tung and Quan Hung Tran and Dang Huu-Tien and Hieu Ngoc Nguyen and An Dau and Nghi D. Q. Bui},

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