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GenomeNet Architect


First, install tensorflow, as it is needed by deepG.


Evaluation currently needs a few modified versions of deepG and other packages:

remotes::install_github("mlr-org/mlrMBO@imputefun_metainfo")  # mlrMBO bugfix
remotes::install_github("mlr-org/parallelMap@batchtoolsfix")  # parallelMap batchtools bugfix
remotes::install_github("GenomeNet/deepG@always_validate")  # deepG evaluation patch
install.packages("snow")  # used for default parallelization

Then install the GNArchitect package:


GenomeNet Architect requires that R is able to access GPUs. You can check this by running


The result should list one or more "PhysicalDevice"s. If the result is an empty list, even though your machine does have a GPU, then something went wrong while installing tensorflow.

Running Optimization

All of the following assumes that you have cloned this repository, and that your current working directory is the base of this repository.

git clone ''
cd Architect

Prepare Data

Training data should be saved in the trainingdata/ folder. There should be one folder for each class. Each of these folders in return should contain a folder train/ for training and validation/ for validation.

For a small demo run, you can use the mini-dataset provided in this repository. It consists of a small sample from the NCBI Genome database:

tar xJf trainingdata/virus_bacteria_mini.tar.xz -C trainingdata

If you want to use training data located in a different folder, you need to modify the path, path.val and labels variables in the experiments/config/experimentinfo.R file; see the section on Data Location below. It may also be a good idea to adjust the proportion_per_file variable; it corresponds to the proportion_per_seq argument of deepG's train_model() function.

Creating Validation Cache Files

GenomeNet Architect pre-processes the validation data and saves the result in cache files, which saves time during performance evaluation since pre-processing does not need to be done again for every model fit (see ?readPLG()). Note that this step needs to be done again if the validation data changes.

The following creates the cache files for sequence lengths 150 and 10000 sequentially. However, since each of the makePLG() calls can take many hours, it is recommended to run both makePLG() steps in parallel sessions.


Run MBO Optimization

Experiments are conducted for both "recurrent" and "gap" type networks, both with and without residual blocks, and for sequence lengths of 150 and 10'000 nucleotides -- 8 setups in total. The setups can be listed through the runs variable in experiments/config/mboruns.R.

#>    maxlen      type residual_block
#> 1:    150       gap              0
#> 2:    150       gap              1
#> 3:    150 recurrent              0
#> 4:    150 recurrent              1
#> 5:  10000       gap              0
#> 6:  10000       gap              1
#> 7:  10000 recurrent              0
#> 8:  10000 recurrent              1

Each experiment has an experiment index, which corresponds to a row in this table. E.g. the experiment with index 1 has maxlen set to 150, type set to "gap", and residual_block set to 0.

Each of these experiments needs to be run separately, either one after the other, or on different computers.

The following uses the experiments/runMbo.R script to initialize an experiment file (which is stored in data/) and then starts its execution. Change the EXPERIMENT_INDEX variable to run a different experiment.

Do the following from the shell:


echo Initializing file for experiment $EXPERIMENT_INDEX
Rscript experiments/runMbo.R init data/opt_local_${EXPERIMENT_INDEX}.RData $EXPERIMENT_INDEX

echo Running experiment $EXPERIMENT_INDEX
Rscript experiments/runMbo.R run data/opt_local_${EXPERIMENT_INDEX}.RData

Analysis of Results

The analysis folder contains scripts that convert the resulting optimization databases (data/opt_<n>.RData, in our case) more fit to analysis and extract a few results and plots.


analysis/collect_run_results.R is used to collect the results of all optimization runs into a single file, data/optruns.rds. It should be executed from the root folder. The script assumes that results are in the data folder with the name pattern data/opt_<i>.RData. <i> should range from 1 to the number of rows of runs in experiments/config/experimentinfo.R. Adjust the basepath variable in this script to use other data.

RScript analysis/collect_run_results.R

The data/optruns.rds file then contains a named list with the following entries:

  • INFO: Short string explaining all other entries.
  • optpath.x: Evaluated hyperparameters, pre-transformation (i.e. mostly on log-scale).
  • optpath.x.transformed: Evaluated hyperparameters, transformed to arguments of create_model_genomenet().
  • paramsets: ParamHelpers ParamSets (i.e. search spaces) of individual runs
  • metainfo: Further information about each evaluation:
    • Performance: y -- the performance seen by MBO; perfo.acc, perf.loss -- offline calculated values
    • Evaluation statistics: error.message, exec.time -- runtime of model evaluation, including time for batch size estimation
    • MBO-internal details: cb, ..., lambda, see mlrMBO documentation
    • information about the model and its invocation: batchsize, ..., numepochs
    • runid: index into runs table in experiments/config/mboruns.R
    • walltime: time limit given to trainNetwork

Changing the Experimental Setup

Depending on the environment in which you are running GenomeNet Architect, or depending on the task you are trying to solve, you may need to adjust some of the evaluation settings. The following describes how to change various settings.

Parallelization and Number of GPUs

The current setup runs performance evaluations locally and parallelizes automatically to all GPUs that are listed in the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environmental variable.

If you want to use a different number of parallel processes, you need to change two files:

  1. Set the MAX.PARALLEL entry in the experiments/config/parallelization.R file to the desired number of parallel threads.
  2. Set the ncpus argument of the makeClusterFunctionsSocket() call in the batchtools.conf.R file to the same value. Ignore the default.resources entry: here ncpus should remain 1!

Internally, GenomeNet Architect uses batchtools for parallelization. batchtools makes it possible to parallelize on a compute cluster, i.e. use different GPUs on different compute nodes at the same time. For this, you need to modify the batchtools.conf.R file and use a different makeClusterFunctions*(). See the documentation of batchtools about this. You also need to set the MAX.PARALLEL entry in the experiments/config/parallelization.R manually to the number of parallel processes you want to use.

Test Runs

To check your parallelization setup, you can create "demo"-experimental setups. Initialize a demo-experiment by appending --demo to the runMbo.R --init invocation:


Rscript experiments/runMbo.R init data/opt_local_demo_${EXPERIMENT_INDEX}.RData $EXPERIMENT_INDEX --demo

If you evaluate this, individual evaluations will run very quickly, so you can check that parallelization works:

Rscript experiments/runMbo.R run data/opt_local_demo_${EXPERIMENT_INDEX}.RData

Data Location

The location of the training / validation data is determined in the experiments/config/experimentinfo.R file. By default, all folders found in the trainingdata/ folder are used, and it is assumed that these folders each have a train/ and validation/ subfolder (see the content of the trainingdata/virus_bacteria_mini.tar.xz file for an example).

If your data is in a different folder, you should modify the path, path.val, and labels variables:

  • path and path.val should both be vectors, containing one entry for each class, pointing to folders containing FASTA files. path is used for training, path.val for validation.
  • labels should contain the labels for the classes found in the directories; there must be one label for each folder in path. By default, it uses the directory names of the path where the /train folder is located. If you are using a different folder setup, you likely need to adjust the labels as well.
  • It may also be a good idea to adjust the proportion_per_file variable; it corresponds to the proportion_per_seq argument of deepG's train_model() function.

When the content of your validation data changes, you need to re-create the validation cache files, see the Creating Validation Cache Files section above.

Sequence Lengths

In its current setup, GenomeNet Architect will perform optimization for networks that have an input sequence length of 150 nt, as well as 10'000 nt. To change the sequence lengths being used, you need to modify two files:

  1. Change the MAXLEN variable in the experiments/config/mboruns.R file. This variable can be a vector of any length; To do experiments with only 150 nucleotides, for example, set MAXLEN <- 150.
  2. If necessary, change the maxlen entries in the plginfo table found in the experiments/config/experimentinfo.R. maxlen in plginfo must contain the value(s) you entered in MAXLEN above. If you change maxlen in plginfo, the validation cache files need to be re-created, see the Creating Validation Cache Files section above.

The MAXLEN variable in mboruns.R determines which lengths are actually evaluated, while plginfo in experimentinfo.R determines which validation data is cached. The latter is allowed to be a superset of the former. This means that if you want to modify MAXLEN to only evaluate 150 nt sequences, there is no need to modify plginfo.

Network Types

The TYPE and RESIDUAL_BLOCK variables in experiments/config/mboruns.R determine which experiments are conducted. By default, both recurrent networks and GAP-networks are optimized, both with and without residual blocks. To restrict the kinds of evaluations being done, you can change these variables. E.g. to only optimize GAP-networks, set TYPE <- "gap".

Alternatively, you can also modify the runs variable. The default setup uses both "recurrent" and "gap" type networks, bot with and without residual blocks, and for sequence lengths of 150 and 10'000 nucleotides. The runs table in the experiments/config/mboruns.R has therefore 8 lines.

Fidelity Steps

The fidelity table in experiments/config/mboruns.R controls how the walltime timeout changes over the course of optimization. MBO first evaluates an initial design, around 50 points, with the topmost walltimehrs as timeout (in hours). It then traverses this table from top to bottom. In the default setup, it runs 150 evaluations with 2 hours timeout, then 100 configurations with 6 hours timeout etc. Modify this table to change the timeout of point evaluations.


GenomeNet Architect makes it possible to inspect performance evaluation runs via TensorBoard. TensorBoard logs are written to the logs/tensorboard_opt folder. You can change the OUTPUTDIR variable in the experiments/config/run.conf file to set tensorboard output to a different location. GenomeNet Architect will write to the tensorboard_opt folder found in the directory indicated by OUTPUTDIR.

Experiment Script Overview

Scripts are present in the experiments/ folder to do various things. All of these can be executed by running them directly (e.g. experiments/runMbo.R <args..>) or using RScript (e.g. Rscript experiments/runMbo.R <args..>). Note that all of these must be run from the root folder of this repository.

  • evaluateRandomConfig.R: Evaluate a sampled configuration point. This can e.g. be useful to test the optimization environment. Run as experiments/evaluateRandomConfig.R <seed>, with an integer value as random seed.

  • runMbo.R: Initialize an MBO run (i.e. create the optimization configuration file) or run the optimization.

    For optimization, at first a database file needs to be created, by calling experiments/runMbo.R init <filename> <experiment-index>. <filename> is the database file created (which must not already exist), <experiment-index> is an index into the runs data.table in experiments/config/mboruns.R. It is possible to append --demo to create a toy-problem to test the parallelization setup.

    Optimization is the evaluated by calling experiments/runMbo.R run <filename>. <filename> is the database file created using experiments/runMBO.R init before.

  • resetRuns.R: Small helper-file: copy an MBO database file and remove all runs except for the random initialization. Thit can e.g. be used to compare different fidelity-setups or using thoroughify.R.

  • thoroughify.R: Set the MBO surrogate optimization method to a more thorugh method. This takes more time than the default method and its benefits are not proven; this file was mostly used for internal experiments. Usage is not recommended.

  • retryRuns.R: Remove runs from the MBO database that failed. This can be used if runs failed for technical reasons (e.g. the cluster killed a job that would otherwise have succeeded) but should not be used as a datapoint for the surrogate model. Will never remove runs from the initial design.

A note on mbo database files (the ones created / used by runMbo.R): MBO always saves to the original path of the mbo database. Renaming, moving or copying the file is therefore not possible. The only exception is when a partial copy is created using resetRuns.R. You should never create a copy of an existing mbo database and run runMbo.R run on this file, since the original file will then be overwritten.