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Programming Model

KAR makes is possible to construct scalable, fault-tolerant, cloud-native applications by building networks of loosely coupled application components.

Application components communicate over Kafka and persist state in Redis. However, they do not interface with Kafka or Redis directly but via the KAR runtime processes. A KAR runtime process runs alongside each application component. It offers REST APIs that permit one component to invoke another (Remote Procedure Call), to produce or consume events, and to persist state. While these REST APIs may be used directly, KAR provides language-specific SDKs that offer more idiomatic APIs and facilitate the implementation of actors. A JavaScript and a Java SDK are available now, with more to come in the near future. In the future, we may also consider offering alternatives to Kafka and Redis.

In this document, we define and illustrate KAR's key concept using a collection of examples. We assume a working KAR deployment. See KAR Deployments for options. The full REST API documentation is available here.


A KAR application is identified by its name. KAR supports running multiple independent applications concurrently. Distinct applications may communicate by means of events, i.e., publishing events and/or subscribing to events.

A KAR application consists of a dynamic set of components akin to running instances of microservices, event sources and sinks, and a persistent store.

KAR uses name mangling to allow for a single Redis instance and single Kafka instance to support multiple applications without unintended interference.

Most KAR CLI commands requires specifying the name of the application to target, for example:

kar purge -app demo

This command purges the state of the demo application from Kafka and Redis.


An application component is a unit of compute and state. A component belongs to a single application. A component is joined to a specific application at launch time by providing the name of the application (required). The component belongs to the same application until it terminates. The set of components in an application vary over time as new components join the application or existing components terminate.

Components can be stateless or stateful. Stateful components intended to be scalable or fault-tolerant should either manage their state on their own or leverage KAR's actors and persistent store.

A component can be pretty much anything. In this tutorial, we will encounter examples of components built using Node.js, OpenLiberty, and curl. Individual components may be deployed as simple OS processes or as containers running on platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and IBM Code Engine.


A KAR runtime process runs alongside each component process. We distinguish two kinds of components:

  • a client component issues HTTP requests to the corresponding KAR runtime process.
  • a server component can not only issue HTTP requests to the KAR runtime process, but also handle HTTP requests issued by the KAR runtime process.

The KAR runtime process is listening on the runtime port. The server process is listening the app(lication) port.

By default the KAR runtime port is autoselected and the KAR application port is set to 8080. When multiple server components are running on a single host, the default KAR application port must be overridden to avoid conflicts.


Using the KAR CLI, a KAR component is typically launched as follows:

kar run -app demo -- node demo-component.js

This command launches the KAR component process as well as the matching KAR runtime process. This component is joined to the demo application.

Using kubectl a KAR component may be launched with a YAML specification such as:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: demo-component
  annotations: demo
  - name: demo-component
    image: demo-component-image

This YAML launches both the containerized KAR component as well as the KAR runtime process as a sidecar container. The application name is specified as an annotation.

In both cases, the component code may obtain the runtime and application port numbers by reading the environment variables KAR_RUNTIME_PORT and KAR_APP_PORT. The default port numbers may be overridden using the -runtime_port and -app_port flags of the kar run command or by adding the and annotations to the YAML specification.


An application component may offer a single service identified by its name, specified at launch time. A component is not required to offer service. The component offers the same service (if any) until it terminates. Multiple components of the same application may offer the same service, akin to multiple replicas of a microservice.

A component that offers a service must implement a REST server. For instance server.js in example service-hello-js implements a KAR service in JavaScript using Express for Node.js. Alternatively, the service-hello-java code implements the same example in Java using OpenLiberty.

Launching a KAR service requires specifying the application name and service name, for instance using the KAR CLI:

kar run -app hello-js -service greeter -- node server.js

When deploying to Kubernetes or OpenShift, these names are provided by means of annotations, for example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: hello-server
  annotations: hello-js greeter
  - name: server
    image: localhost:5000/kar/kar-examples-js-service-hello

Ideally the server should be listening on the port specified by the KAR_APP_PORT environment variable, for instance server.js includes code:


Otherwise the application port must be specified when launching the runtime process for the component.


An application component can make a request to a service of the application. A request has the usual elements of an HTTP request: a method, a route, a payload, and headers. KAR delivers the request to any component offering the service. If no such component is available KAR persists the request until it can be delivered (up to a configurable timeout).

Requests may be synchronous or asynchronous. Requests are synchronous by default. A synchronous request returns the response to the HTTP request. An asynchronous request returns as soon as KAR accepts the request. If desired, a request id can be returned from an asynchronous request to permit querying KAR for the response later.

Requests: REST API

The KAR runtime process exposes a REST API to support service requests.

For instance, assuming the greeter service of application hello-js is running, we can join a component to this application to make a request using curl.

kar run -app hello-js -- sh -c 'curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:$KAR_RUNTIME_PORT/kar/v1/service/greeter/call/helloText -d "Gandalf the Grey"'
2020/12/02 10:25:37.284552 [STDOUT] Hello Gandalf the Grey!

This component makes a single synchronous request to the greeter service, outputs the response, and terminates. The URL for the request follows the schema specified in the KAR REST API documentation. It includes the target service name greeter and route helloText. The request also specifies the method POST, the payload "Gandalf the Grey", and headers.

The KAR_RUNTIME_PORT environment variable is automatically set by the KAR launcher to the port of the KAR runtime process. We wrap the curl command with a shell invocation sh -c to ensure proper expansion of this variable.

An asynchronous request is obtained by adding a Pragma header to the request. If the Pragma: Async header is specified (case insensitive), the request simply returns Accepted. If the Pragma: Promise header is specified (case insensitive), the request returns a request id. See KAR API documentation for details.

Requests: CLI

Because making requests from a terminal is very useful when developing KAR services, the KAR CLI offers a convenient shorthand for synchronous requests:

kar rest -app hello-js -content_type text/plain post greeter helloText 'Gandalf the Grey'
Hello Gandalf the Grey!

Requests: Javascript SDK

The JavaScript SDK offers convenience methods to make synchronous and asynchronous requests with method POST and headers Content-Type: application/json:

const { call, tell, asyncCall } = require('kar')

async function main () {
  // synchronous request to a service
  console.log(await call('greeter', 'helloJson', { name: 'Alice' }))

  // asynchronous request
  console.log(await tell('greeter', 'helloJson', { name: 'Bob' }))

  // asynchronous request returning a handle
  const resolve = await asyncCall('greeter', 'helloJson', { name: 'Charlie' })

  // waiting for the response to the asynchronous request
  console.log(await resolve())

kar run -app hello-js -- node client.js
2020/12/10 08:44:14.554886 [STDOUT] { greetings: 'Hello Alice!' }
2020/12/10 08:44:14.559342 [STDOUT] OK
2020/12/10 08:44:14.567674 [STDOUT] { greetings: 'Hello Charlie!' }

Persistent Store

An application includes a persistent store. Application components can create, read, update, and delete content from the application store. KAR also leverages this store to implicitly persist other things such as the state of in-progress service requests.

An application starts when a first component is joined to the application. Its store is initially empty. While the number of components in an application may go down to zero, KAR will persists its store content and make it available to components later joining the application.

Since KAR may persist state indefinitely, components should make sure to delete unnecessary content from the persistent store.

The KAR CLI makes it possible to purge the application state:

kar purge -app demo

The purge command eliminates the application state in Redis and Kafka. It should only be invoked when no application component is running.

Alternatively, the drain command preserves the state explicitly created by the application but drops all pending requests. Intuitively, it flushes Kafka queues for the target application (and the corresponding runtime state in Redis) but it preserves the application state Redis.

kar drain -app demo


KAR includes a virtual actor model that provides system-managed stateful entities. An application component can support one or more actor types and host many actor instances of the supported types. The entire actor lifecycle of these actor instances is managed by the KAR runtime.

An actor instance (or actor in short) is a logically independent unit of compute and state, typically much smaller than an application component. An actor instance offers methods that can query and/or update the state of the actor instance and invoke other actors. Actors offer a single-threaded execution model where two method invocations on an actor instance may not make progress concurrently.

Every actor instance is an instance of an actor type. Actor instances of the same type are expected to offer the same methods and logically represent entities of the same kind but with different state.

An application component never constructs, destructs, or invokes methods on actor instances directly. An application component can only invoke an actor method by means of an actor reference. An actor reference consists of an actor type and an alphanumerical actor ID. Any application component can construct an actor reference by combining an actor type and an arbitrary ID. Actor references of different types may share the same ID but enjoy no special relationship.

Application components may host many actor instances of multiple actor types. Application components must specify at launch time what actor types they support. A application component supporting an actor type T, must implement a REST server capable of handling the following requests:

  • construct an actor instance with type T and a given ID,
  • invoke a method on the actor instance with type T and a given ID,
  • destruct an actor instance with type T and a given ID.

KAR includes SDKs to facilitate the implementation of such REST servers. For instance, the JavaScript SDK for KAR makes it possible to define an actor type by means of a class declaration. An actor instance is simply an instance of that class (a object) and its methods are the methods of the actor. Moreover, the fields of this object hold the in-memory state of the actor instance. Multiple actor types may be defined by means of multiple classes. The SDK handles the mapping from actor types and IDs to object references and implements the required routes of a REST server.

The philosophers.js file in the actors-dp-js example demonstrates how to define and serve four actor types using KAR's Javascript SDK:

const { sys } = require('kar')

class Fork { ... }
class Philosopher { ... }
class Table { ... }
class Cafe { ... }

const app = express()
app.use(sys.actorRuntime({ Fork, Philosopher, Table, Cafe }))

The sys.actorRuntime helper method turns the four actor classes into the required Express middleware (HTTP handlers).

In general, sys.actorRuntime({ actorType: className, ... }) defines the actor type actorType by means of the class className making it possible for the two names to differ. In practice, we recommend against it.

For now, the names of the provided actor types must be repeated when launching the application component using flag -actors:

kar run -app dp -actors Cafe,Table,Fork,Philosopher -- node philosophers.js

An application component may offer a service and at the same time hosts actors by implementing a REST server capable of doing both.

KAR SDKs also embed the actor instance type and id into the actor instance. Using the Javascript SDK, if myActorInstance is an actor instance, then myActorInstance.kar.type and respectively provide the actor type and id for this instance.

Actors: State

KAR provides a range of APIs to save and retrieve persistent data associated with an actor instance from the persistent store. This data for each actor instance is organized as a key-value map. The API supports different levels of granularity with whole map, single key, and sub-map operations.

For instance, the JavaScript SDK offers the following methods: getAll, setMultiple, removeAll, get, set, remove, contains, setWithSubkey, setMultipleInSubMap, subMapGetKeys, subMapGet, subMapGetSize, subMapClear.

Actors: Lifecycle

When a method is invoked on an actor reference, KAR first checks whether a matching instance exists for this reference. If there is no such instance, KAR selects an application component that supports the actor type specified in the method invocation and asks this component to construct an actor instance with the given type and ID. It then invokes the method on this actor instance with the specified arguments. Hence, by design, KAR will never invoke a method on an actor instance that has not been constructed first.

By convention, KAR SDKs invoke the activate method on an actor instance immediately after construction if this method exists on the actor instance. The SDKs invoke the deactivate method of the actor instance if it exists immediately before reclaiming the instance.

For instance, the activate method of the Fork actor class in philosophers.js attempts to restore the state of the Fork instance from the persistent store:

async activate () {
  this.inUseBy = await actor.state.get(this, 'inUseBy') || 'nobody'

Like service invocations, method invocations on actors can be synchronous and asynchronous. A synchronous method invocation returns the result of the invocation of the method on the actor instance to the caller. An asynchronous method invocation returns as soon as KAR accepts the invocation. If desired, a request id can be returned from an asynchronous method invocation to permit querying KAR for the response later. See KAR API documentation for details.

If no application component is available to instantiate the specified actor type, KAR persists the invocation request until it can be delivered (up to a configurable timeout).

The philosophers.js file contains many examples of actor invocations using the Javascript SDK, for instance:

// call: synchronous invocation
await'Table', this.table), 'doneEating',

/// tell: asynchronous invocation
await actor.tell(this, 'serve', servings, step)

These invocations take as parameters:

  • a reference to the target actor,
  • the actor method,
  • zero, one, or multiple arguments.

The actor reference is either constructed from the actor type and id using actor.proxy or the shorthand this when an actor instance is calling a method on itself.

Subsequent method invocations on the same actor reference will normally be handled by the same actor instance in the same application component. But, if an actor instance is not used for a period of time, KAR will request the application component to destruct the actor instance. If a method is later invoked on the same actor reference, KAR will first construct a new actor instance for this invocation, often but not always hosted by the same application component.

Because KAR makes explicit requests to construct and destruct actor instances to application components, these components can save the actor instance state to the application persistent store before destruction and restore the actor instance state upon reconstruction in order to give the illusion of a persistent actor instance.

KAR may migrate an actor instance from one application component to another when no method is running on the instance by first destructing the existing instance then creating a new instance.

Actors: Sessions

A method invocation on an actor reference may optionally include an alphanumerical session ID. If no session ID is specified, KAR synthesizes a random unique ID.

KAR ensures that concurrent invocations of methods on actor instance with distinct session IDs are executed serially by queuing invocations if necessary. On the other hand, method invocations bearing the same session ID may execute concurrently.

The primary intent of session IDs is to support actor re-entrancy. Re-entrancy makes it possible for an actor instance to make a synchronous invocation of a method on itself (possibly indirectly) without deadlocking. KAR actor SDKs implicitly thread session IDs through method invocations to enable re-entrancy. Concretely, when an actor method invokes another actor method synchronously (for the same actor reference or a different one), it reuses the session ID it has been invoked with.

While re-entrancy permits method invocations to overlap, it still ensures that no two invocations make progress concurrently, since only nested synchronous invocations share the same session ID.

Actors: Reminders

A reminder is a time-triggered asynchronous invocation of an actor method. The system supports both one-shot reminders that are scheduled to run once after their target time arrives and periodic reminders that are automatically rescheduled to run again with a specified delay after they are delivered. Both one-short and periodic reminders are implicitly persisted by the KAR runtime. Reminders will continue to fire even if an actor instance is lost or destructed, reconstructing the actor instance at firing time if necessary.

The philosophers.js file contains several examples of actor reminders using the JavaScript SDK, for instance:

await actor.reminders.schedule(this, 'getFirstFork', { id: 'step', targetTime: this.nextStepTime() }, 1, step)

In this snippet, the currently running actor instance schedules an invocation of getFirstFork(1, step) on itself to occur at a targetTime of this.nextStepTime(). This is a one-shot reminder.

The ykt.js contains an example of a periodic reminder:

await actor.reminders.schedule(actor.proxy('Site', site), 'siteReport',
    { id: 'aisle14', targetTime: new Date( + 1000) }, '5s')

Here an invocation of siteReport() is scheduled to be delivered to the site instance of the Site actor every 5 seconds, with the first invocation happening 1 second in the future.


KAR provides applications with a publish/subscribe sub-system that can be bound to a variety of concrete event sources and sinks using Camel.

Application components can publish events to a topic identified by its name. Actor instances can subscribe to a topic by specifying a method to invoke on each event delivered to this topic.

Topic names are global. In other words, distinct applications can communicate by emitting and receiving events on the same topics.

Subscriptions are identified by a subscription ID. KAR provides APIs to not only create subscriptions, but also query, update, and delete existing subscriptions.

Subscriptions are implicitly persisted by the KAR runtime. Subscriptions will continue to deliver events even if an actor instance is lost or destructed, reconstructing the actor instance on event arrival if necessary.