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299 lines (186 loc) · 9.61 KB

File metadata and controls

299 lines (186 loc) · 9.61 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Next Release

⚡ Changes

  • color_material: Deprecate ThemeMaterialColors containing onPrimary, highEmphasisOnPrimary, mediumEmphasisOnPrimary, disabledOnPrimary, onSecondary, highEmphasisOnSecondary, mediumEmphasisOnSecondary, disabledOnSecondary, onBackground, highEmphasisOnBackground, mediumEmphasisOnBackground, disabledOnBackground, onError, highEmphasisOnError, mediumEmphasisOnError, and disabledOnError.

1.1.0 · 2023-10-24

🎉 New Features

  • add LeftCenterRight (#20)
  • make FillOrWrap's constructor const (#21)

📦 Build & CI

  • upgrade to Flutter v3.10.0, Dart v3.0.0

1.0.3 · 2023-05-11

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • remove const from FillOrWrap's constructor (8eb3ce3), closes: #16

1.0.2 · 2023-05-11

⚡ Changes

  • delegate accent color getters to secondary (78f72f2)

1.0.1 · 2023-01-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • actually use context.showSimpleSnackBar(…)'s action parameter (cf95317)

📦 Build & CI

  • upgrade to Flutter v3.7.0, Dart v2.19.0 (e400915)

1.0.0 · 2023-01-24


  • remove ChipGroup → use Flutter's Wrap instead (8f89c63)
  • remove SeparatedButtons → use Flutter's Wrap instead (5cf0277)
  • remove TitleAndSubtitle (41cc403)
  • upgrade to Flutter: >=3.3.0, Dart >=2.18.0 <3.0.0 (5c7230e)

🎉 New Features

  • add ReportingNavigatorObserver (0dcd1ff)
  • add CenterOrScroll (f52667c)
  • add expandOrScroll.key and .scrollDirection (1f6f9d8)
  • add SnackBarAction? action parameter to buildContext. and scaffoldMessengerState.showSimpleSnackBar(…) (e0bbfa2)

0.3.5 · 2022-01-05

📦 Build & CI

0.3.4 · 2021-12-04

🎉 New Features

  • widgets: add expandOrScroll.scrollController

0.3.3 · 2021-10-14

🎉 New Features

  • widgets: add separatedButtons.textStyle

⚡ Changes

  • color_material: Deprecate themeData.onAccent, .highEmphasisOnAccent, .mediumEmphasisOnAccent, and .disabledOnAccent. Use themeData.onSecondary, .highEmphasisOnSecondary, .mediumEmphasisOnSecondary, or .disabledOnSecondary instead.

📦 Build & CI

  • update lints
  • update issue and PR templates
  • add build & lint CI
  • example: update Android wrapper

0.3.2 · 2021-06-01

🎉 New Features

  • content: add buildContext.showSimpleSnackBar, .showSnackBar, and scaffoldMessengerState.showSimpleSnackBar
  • widgets: add ExpandOrScroll

📦 Build & CI

  • depend on the stable Dart SDK >=2.12.0 <3.0.0
  • depend on the stable version of supercharged: 2.0.0

0.3.1 · 2021-04-14

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • navigation: allow nullable route return types in pushAndRemoveAll and pushNamedAndRemoveAll

0.3.0 · 2021-02-25


  • change SDK constraint to >=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0 to enable null-safety
  • navigation: replace BuildContext.modalRoute with BuildContext.getModalRoute<T>() to return a strongly typed ModalRoute<T>? (instead of ModalRoute<dynamic>?)
  • widgets/buttons: replace FancyTextButton, FancyOutlineButton, and FancyRaisedButton with FancyFlatButton, FancyOutlinedButton, and FancyElevatedButton, respectively
    • These buttons no longer accept individual style parameters like textColor, color, or shape, but instead accept an optional ButtonStyle? style, just like the original Material Design buttons

0.2.16 · 2020-11-24

🎉 New Features

  • context: add BuildContext.scaffoldMessenger & BuildContext.scaffoldMessengerOrNull

📦 Build & CI

  • support Flutter >=1.24.0-7.0.pre

0.2.15 · 2020-10-16

🎉 New Features

  • bottom_sheet: export DragIndicator

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • bottom_sheet: expand content to fill cross axis

0.2.14 · 2020-10-01

🎉 New Features

  • widgets/buttons: add customizable loadingIndicator
  • widgets/buttons: allow reversing extended FAB's child order (to show the icon on the right)

⚡ Changes

  • widgets/buttons: choose disabled FAB's foreground color based on the background color

0.2.13 · 2020-08-20

🎉 New Features

  • widgets/buttons: add shape parameter

📦 Build & CI

  • update dartx to ^0.5.0

0.2.12 · 2020-06-11

🎉 New Features

  • context: add BuildContext.focusScope

📦 Build & CI

  • update dartx to ^0.4.0
  • update Flutter to >=1.17.0

0.2.11 · 2020-05-18

🎉 New Features

  • async: add AsyncSnapshot.hasNoData, AsyncSnapshot.hasNoError
  • color: add Random.nextColorHsl(), Random.nextColorHsv()
  • context: add BuildContext.overlay

📦 Build & CI

  • example: update packages

0.2.10 · 2020-04-30

🎉 New Features

  • widgets: add TitleAndSubtitle

📦 Build & CI

  • update dartx to ^0.3.0

0.2.9 · 2020-04-29

🎉 New Features

  • color: add Color.isOpaque
  • color: add int.alphaToOpacity, double.opacityToAlpha
  • context: add BuildContext.materialLocalizations
  • context: add BuildContext.scaffoldOrNull
  • size: add Size.coerceAtLeast, Size.coerceAtMost

0.2.8 · 2020-04-20

🎉 New Features

  • context: add BuildContext.locale
  • render_object: add ContainerRenderObjectMixin.children

0.2.7 · 2020-04-08

🎉 New Features

  • color: add Color.isDark, Color.isLight

📜 Documentation updates

  • fill README with missing extensions and widgets

0.2.6 · 2020-04-07

🎉 New Features

  • color: allow fixed red, green or blue values in Random.nextColor()
  • fillOrWrap: create FillOrWrap widget
  • navigation: add LoggingNavigatorObserver

0.2.5 · 2020-04-02

🎉 New Features

  • color: add Color.alphaBlendOn()
  • color: add Random.nextColor()

0.2.4 · 2020-04-02

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • widgets/buttons: use default child for extended buttons while not loading

0.2.3 · 2020-03-28

🎉 New Features

  • color: add Color.withAdditionalOpacity, Color.withAdditionalAlpha
  • color: add contrastSystemUiOverlayStyle getters to Brightness, Color
  • widgets/buttons: add icon-variants to FancyFlatButton, FancyOutlineButton & FancyRaisedButton
  • widgets/buttons: add textColor to all fancy buttons
  • widgets/buttons: add FancyOutlineButton.borderSide, FancyOutlineButton.highlightedBorderColor

0.2.2 · 2020-03-26

🎉 New Features

  • add Color.hsl, Color.hsv extensions

0.2.1 · 2020-03-25

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • correctly display FancyFab.extended

0.2.0 · 2020-03-24


  • fix naming: FancyFab.icon is now called FancyFab.child

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • FancyFab's background color is now the same as that of other buttons

📜 Documentation updates

  • add button demo to README

🏗️ Refactoring

  • FancyButton logic is now handled in their base _FancyButton

0.1.3 · 2020-03-22

⚡ Changes

  • remove unused parameter from NavigatorState.pushNamedAndRemoveAll

0.1.2 · 2020-03-22

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • add missing export

0.1.1 · 2020-03-22

🎉 New Features

  • add NavigatorState.pushAndRemoveAll, NavigatorState.pushNamedAndRemoveAll
  • example: add example app showcasing new widgets

0.1.0 · 2020-03-13

🎉 New Features

  • add Size.diagonal, Size.squaredDiagonal
  • allow loading buttons without a loadingChild

⚡ Changes

  • rename LoadingRaisedButton to FancyRaisedButton
  • make FancyFab.isExtended private

📜 Documentation updates

  • fill the README with a package overview

0.0.1 · 2020-03-12

Initial release 🎉