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216 lines (215 loc) · 50.5 KB


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Diagnostics < assert.h > TCL DXE PEI
void _wassert (const wchar_t *,const wchar_t *,unsigned)C90, MSFT implementation for assert macroaaa
Character handling < ctype.h >TCLDXE PEI
int isalnum(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isalpha(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int iscntrl(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isdigit(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isgraph(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int islower(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isprint(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int ispunct(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isspace(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isupper(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int isxdigit(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int tolower(int) C90, is implemented aaa
int toupper(int) C90, is implemented aaa
Errors < errno.h >TCLDXE PEI
int *_errno(void)C90, MSFT implementation for errno macro a
Localization < locale.h >TCLDXE PEI
struct lconv *localeconv(void) C90, is implemented (C-locale) aaa
char *setlocale(int category, const char *locale) C90, is implemented (C-locale)aaa
Nonlocal jumps < setjmp.h >TCLDXE PEI
int setjmp(jmp_buf env) C90, _setjmp is implementedaaa
void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val) C90, is implemented aaa
Signal handling < signal.h >TCLDXE PEI
void (*signal(int sig, void (*func)(int)))(int) C90, is implemented a
int raise(int sig) C90, is implemented a
Input/output < stdio.h >TCLDXE PEI
int remove(const char *filename) C90, is implemented a
int rename(const char *old, const char *new) C90, is implemented a
FILE *tmpfile(void) C90, is implemented a
char *tmpnam(char *s) C90, is implemented aaa
int fclose(FILE *stream) C90, is implemented a
int fflush(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
FILE *fopen(const char * filename,const char * mode) C90, is implementeda
FILE *freopen(const char * filename,const char * mode,FILE * stream) C90, is implementeda
void setbuf(FILE * stream,char * buf) C90, is implementeda
int setvbuf(FILE * stream,char * buf,int mode, size_t size) C90, is implementeda
int fprintf(FILE * stream,const char * format, ...) C90, is implementeda
int fscanf(FILE * stream,const char * format, ...) C90, is implementeda
int printf(const char * format, ...) C90, is implementedaaa
int scanf(const char * format, ...) C90, is implementeda
int snprintf(char * s, size_t n,const char * format, ...) C99, is implementedaaa
int sprintf(char * s,const char * format, ...) C90, is implementedaaa
int sscanf(const char * s,const char * format, ...) C90, is implementedaaa
int vfprintf(FILE * stream,const char * format, va_list arg) C90, is implementeda
int vprintf(const char * format, va_list arg) C90, is implementedaaa
int vsprintf(char * s,const char * format, va_list arg) C90, is implementedaaa
int vfscanf(FILE * stream,const char * format, va_list arg) C99, is implementeda
int vscanf(const char * format, va_list arg) C99, is implementeda
int vsnprintf(char * s, size_t n,const char * format, va_list arg) C99, is implementedaaa
int vsscanf(const char * s,const char * format, va_list arg) C99, is implementedaaa
int fgetc(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
char *fgets(char * s, int n,FILE * stream) C90, is implementeda
int fputc(int c, FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
int fputs(const char * s,FILE * stream) C90, is implementeda
int getc(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
int getchar(void) C90, is implementeda
char *gets(char *s) C90, is implementeda
int putc(int c, FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
int putchar(int c) C90, is implementeda
int puts(const char *s) C90, is implementeda
int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
size_t fread(void * ptr,size_t size, size_t nmemb,FILE * stream) C90, is implementeda
size_t fwrite(const void * ptr,size_t size, size_t nmemb,FILE * stream) C90, is implementeda
int fgetpos(FILE * stream,fpos_t * pos) C90, is implementeda
int fseek(FILE *stream, long int offset, int whence) C90, is implementeda
int fsetpos(FILE *stream, const fpos_t *pos) C90, is implementeda
long int ftell(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
void rewind(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
void clearerr(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
int feof(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
int ferror(FILE *stream) C90, is implementeda
void perror(const char *s) C90, is implementeda
General utilities < stdlib.h >TCLDXE PEI
double atof(const char *nptr)C90, is not yet implemented
int atoi(const char *nptr)C90, is implementedaaa
long int atol(const char *nptr)C90, is implementedaaa
double strtod(const char * nptr,char ** endptr)C90, is not yet implemented
long int strtol(const char * nptr,char ** endptr, int base)C90, is implementedaaa
unsigned long int strtoul(const char * nptr,char ** endptr, int base)C90, is implementedaaa
int rand(void)C90, is implementedaaa
void srand(unsigned int seed)C90, is implementedaaa
void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)C90, is implementedaaa
void free(void *ptr)C90, is implementedaaa
void *malloc(size_t size)C90, is implementedaaa
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)C90, is implementedaaa
void abort(void)C90, is implementeda
int atexit(void (*func)(void))C90, is implementedaaa
void exit(int status)C90, is implementedaaa
char *getenv(const char *name)C90, is implementeda
int system(const char *string)C90, is implementeda
void *bsearch(const void *key, const void *base,size_t nmemb, size_t size,int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))C90, is not yet implemented
void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))C90, is implementedaaa
int abs(int j)C90, is implementedaaa
long int labs(long int j)C90, is implementedaaa
div_t div(int numer, int denom)C90, is implementedaaa
ldiv_t ldiv(long int numer, long int denom)C90, is implementedaaa
int mblen(const char *s, size_t n)C90, is not yet implemented
int mbtowc(wchar_t * pwc,const char * s, size_t n)C90, is not yet implemented
int wctomb(char *s, wchar_t wchar)C90, is not yet implemented
size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t * pwcs,const char * s, size_t n)C90, is not yet implemented
size_t wcstombs(char * s,const wchar_t * pwcs, size_t n)C90, is not yet implemented
String handling < string.h >TCLDXE PEI
void *memcpy(void * s1,const void * s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strcpy(char * s1,const char * s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strncpy(char * s1,const char * s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strcat(char * s1,const char * s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strncat(char * s1,const char * s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is implementedaaa
int strcoll(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is not yet implemented
int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
size_t strxfrm(char * s1,const char * s2, size_t n)C90, is not yet implemented
void *memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strchr(const char *s, int c)C90, is implementedaaa
size_t strcspn(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strpbrk(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strrchr(const char *s, int c)C90, is implementedaaa
size_t strspn(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strtok(char * s1,const char * s2)C90, is implementedaaa
void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n)C90, is implementedaaa
char *strerror(int errnum)C90, is implementedaaa
size_t strlen(const char *s)C90, is implementedaaa
Date and time < time.h >TCLDXE PEI
clock_t clock(void)C90, is implementedaaa
double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time0)C90, is implementedaaa
time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr)C90, is implementedaaa
time_t time(time_t *timer)C90, is implementedaaa
char *asctime(const struct tm *timeptr)C90, is implementedaaa
char *ctime(const time_t *timer)C90, is implementedaaa
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timer)C90, is implementedaaa
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timer)C90, function supports UTC onlyaaa
size_t strftime(char * s,size_t maxsize,const char * format,const struct tm * timeptr)C90, is implementedaaa
Extended multibyte/wide character utilities < wchar.h >TCLDXE PEI
int fwprintf(FILE * stream,const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is not yet implemented
int fwscanf(FILE * stream,const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is not yet implemented
int wprintf(const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is implementedaaa
int wscanf(const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is not yet implemented
int swprintf(wchar_t * s, size_t n,const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is implementedaaa
int swscanf(const wchar_t * s,const wchar_t * format, ...)C95, is not yet implemented
int vfwprintf(FILE * stream,const wchar_t * format, va_list arg)C95, is not yet implemented
int vwprintf(const wchar_t * format,va_list arg)C95, is not yet implemented
int vswprintf(wchar_t * s, size_t n,const wchar_t * format, va_list arg)C95, is implementedaaa
wint_t fgetwc(FILE *stream)C95, is not yet implemented
wchar_t *fgetws(wchar_t * s, int n,FILE * stream)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t fputwc(wchar_t c, FILE *stream)C95, is not yet implemented
int fputws(const wchar_t * s,FILE * stream)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t getwc(FILE *stream)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t getwchar(void)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t putwc(wchar_t c, FILE *stream)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t putwchar(wchar_t c)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t ungetwc(wint_t c, FILE *stream)C95, is not yet implemented
int fwide(FILE *stream, int mode)C95, is not yet implemented
double wcstod(const wchar_t * nptr,wchar_t ** endptr)C95, is not yet implemented
long int wcstol(const wchar_t * nptr,wchar_t ** endptr, int base)C95, is not yet implemented
unsigned long int wcstoul(const wchar_t * nptr,wchar_t ** endptr, int base)C95, is not yet implemented
wchar_t *wcscpy(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcsncpy(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2, size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcscat(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcsncat(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2, size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
int wcscmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is implementedaaa
int wcscoll(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is not yet implemented
int wcsncmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2,size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
size_t wcsxfrm(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2, size_t n)C95, is not yet implemented
wchar_t *wcschr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c)C95, is implementedaaa
size_t wcscspn(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcspbrk(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcsrchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c)C95, is implementedaaa
size_t wcsspn(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcsstr(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wcstok(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2,wchar_t ** ptr)C95, is implementedaaa
size_t wcslen(const wchar_t *s)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wmemchr(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c, size_t n)C95, is not yet implemented
int wmemcmp(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2,size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wmemcpy(wchar_t * s1,const wchar_t * s2, size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wmemmove(wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2,size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
wchar_t *wmemset(wchar_t *s, wchar_t c, size_t n)C95, is implementedaaa
size_t wcsftime(wchar_t * s, size_t maxsize,const wchar_t * format,const struct tm * timeptr)C95, is not yet implemented
wint_t btowc(int c)C95, is not yet implemented
int wctob(wint_t c)C95, is not yet implemented
int mbsinit(const mbstate_t *ps)C95, is not yet implemented
size_t mbrlen(const char * s, size_t n,mbstate_t * ps)C95, is not yet implemented
size_t mbrtowc(wchar_t * pwc,const char * s, size_t n,mbstate_t * ps)C95, is not yet implemented
size_t wcrtomb(char * s, wchar_t wc,mbstate_t * ps)C95, is not yet implemented
size_t mbsrtowcs(wchar_t * dst,const char ** src, size_t len,mbstate_t * ps)C95, is not yet implemented
size_t wcsrtombs(char * dst,const wchar_t ** src, size_t len,mbstate_t * ps)C95, is not yet implemented
Wide character classification and mapping utilities < wctype.h >TCLDXE PEI
int iswalnum(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswalpha(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswblank(wint_t wc) C99, is implemented aaa
int iswcntrl(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswdigit(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswgraph(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswlower(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswprint(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswpunct(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswspace(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswupper(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswxdigit(wint_t wc) C95, is implemented aaa
int iswctype(wint_t wc, wctype_t desc) C95, is implemented aaa
wctype_t wctype(const char *property) C95, is implemented aaa
wint_t towlower(wint_t wc)C95, is implemented aaa
wint_t towupper(wint_t wc)C95, is implemented aaa
wint_t towctrans(wint_t wc, wctrans_t desc)C95, is implemented aaa
wctrans_t wctrans(const char *property)C95, is implemented aaa