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192 lines (147 loc) · 5.78 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (147 loc) · 5.78 KB

2023-12-21 Version 3.1.0 Update Log4Net library to 2.0.15 Migration : Pester v5.3.3 InvokeBuild v5.10.1 PSScriptAnalyzer v1.21.0 GitHubAction

Add function : to open the SDK URL : 'Read-Log4NetSDKHelp' to view all configured repositories: 'Get-AllRepository'

2021-12-20 Version 3.0.6 Update Log4Net library to 2.0.14

2019-09-22 Version 3.0.5 Add Documentation file function to remove old timestamped log files Function header log

Fix Regression in PSake 4.8.0. Encoding file with UTF8-BOM

2019-01-12 Version 3.0.4 Add simple demos.

2018-07-15 Version 3.0.3 Add log4net.Core.LogImpl.Types.ps1xml :

 We can use a ErrorRecord instance instead a Exception when we call PSFatal('Message',$Exception).

 It write the 'ScriptStackTrace' property after the message string.

2018-07-15 Version 3.0.2 Add Log files are now created with the UTF-8 encoding by default.

PSWarn method in TypeData (ETS).

PSDebugFormat, PSInfoFormat, PSWarnFormat, PSErrorFormat, PSFatalFormat methods in TypeData (ETS).

Add 'Get-Log4NetGlobalContextProperty' function.

Add 'Get-Log4NetConfiguration' function.

2018-05-18 Version 3.0.1 Fix function Start-Log4Net When the module was loaded from an UNC path, the constructor of the class System.IO.fileInfo

  raised a NotSupportedException exception.

2018-05-06 Version 3.0.0 Breaking change The function Initialize-Log4Net dot not use script scope by default with a xml configuration ($XmlConfigPath)

The caller, in the case of a module using its own loggers, must specify the scope 'Script'

The following code :
    RepositoryName = $Script:lg4n_ModuleName
    XmlConfigPath = "$psScriptRoot\Log4Net.Config.xml"
    DefaultLogFilePath = "$psScriptRoot\Logs\${Script:lg4n_ModuleName}.log"
  &$InitializeLogging @Params


     RepositoryName = $Script:lg4n_ModuleName
     XmlConfigPath = "$psScriptRoot\Log4Net.Config.xml"
     DefaultLogFilePath = "$psScriptRoot\Logs\${Script:lg4n_ModuleName}.log"
   &$InitializeLogging @Params

Add Function Get-DefaultRepository : return the défault repository. See Get-DefaultRepositoryName Get-Log4NetLogger : add -All parameter. Return all loggers of a repository

Change Get-Log4NetAppenderFileName : rename the parameter 'ModuleName' to 'RepositoryName' rename the alias 'RepositoryName' to 'ModuleName'

2017-08-11 Version 2.2.0 Change The functions Initialize-Log4NetModule and Initialize-Log4NetScript are obsolete. Use instead the function Initialize-Log4Net.

 function Initialize-Log4NetModule 
   The $DefaultLogFilePath parameter is no longer mandatory.
   We use by default the file names defined in the xml file.
   The $DefaultLogFile variable is obsolete.
   Use instead the function Get-Log4NetFileAppender 

 function Get-Log4NetAppenderFileName
   Add -All parameter. 
   Returns the current path of the internal and external log files of a repository.

Fix function Get-Log4NetFileAppender The required parameter -Repository can not have a default value.

 function Start-Log4Net
   When the internal log of Log4Net is activated, the API [Log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator]::Configure()
   return Error and Log in the same collection.
   We must filter the $Result collection on the 'Prefix' member.

2017-05-22 Version 2.1.2 Fix In the manifest the key 'VariableToExport' need Export-ModuleMember -Variable * -Function * -Alias *

2017-05-15 Version 2.1.1 Fix Start-Log4Net: XmlConfigurator use [Environment]::CurrentDirectory not the Powershell location

Add Function New-Log4NetCoreLevel : Create a personalized level. Comment about the ETS members French tutoriel about Log4net with Powershell

Change Throw to $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError.

2017-04-29 Version 2.1.0 Fix PSSA rules Creating indirectly the default repository

Add Support for .NET Core 1.0 Build tasks Translation Log4net licence

Change Start-Log4Net : Add Test-Path for the xml configuration file. Pester tests Throw to $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError. Remove Export-ModuleMember use instead the manifest Export functions 'Set-LogDebugging' and 'Get-LogDebugging' Use Log4Net version Core : Now we must create the default repository 'log4net-default-repository' Use Publish-Module instead PSNuspec

2017-02-11 Version 2.0.1 Change Reorganization of the repository for the build

Fix: function Initialize-Log4NetModule : the call of New-item must use the -PATH parameter.

2016-09-24 Version 2.0.0 Fix: the initialization of the code injection build script the the log file name into demo files.

Add: functions Set-LogDebugging and Get-LogDebugging Nuspec4 file icon for nuget package et file

Change: Start-Log4Net now fire Error instead Warning (prevent silent failure of log4net) the assembly directories (On Github only) Pds1 key 'FunctionsToExport'

Remove : Commented code (PSObjectRenderer) Alias 'swtafn'

2016-08-06 Version Refactoring : loading dll by the dotnet version ($psversiontable.CLRVersion)

2014-03-27 Version Add PSDebug method, refactoring : use a Log4net repository for each module

2014-03-01 Version Original version