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File metadata and controls

85 lines (66 loc) · 3.32 KB


This project consists in two modules, the webcrawler for crawling data from news websites, and noah for crawling data from Twitter.


Prerequisites: scala, sbt, AsterixDB, TextGeoLocator

Prepare the AsterixDB cluster

Follow the official documentation to setup a fully functional cluster.

Run Webcrawler

Webcrawler is an application that integrates with API to crawl data from news websites, geotag and ingest it on AsterixDB.

Parameters description:

  • -tk or --api-key : API key
  • -kw or --keywords : Keywords to search for in the news
  • -co or --country-code : Thread country code
  • -ds or --days-ago : Crawl since the given number of days ago, default 1
  • -tglurl or --textgeolocatorurl : Url of the TextGeoLocator API, default: "http://localhost:9000/location"
  • -u or --url : Url of the feed adapter
  • -p or --port : Port of the feed socket
  • -w or --wait : Waiting milliseconds per record, default 500
  • -b or --batch : Batchsize per waiting periods, default 50
  • -c or --count : Maximum number to feed, default unlimited
  • -fo or --file-only : Only store in a file, do not geotag nor ingest, default false

You can run the following example command in a separate command line window:

>cd crawler
>sbt "project webcrawler" "run-main Crawler \
>-tk "Your token" \
>-kw "dengue", "zika", "zikavirus", "microcefalia", "febreamarela", "chikungunya" \
>-co "BR" \
>-ds 1 \
>-tglurl "http://localhost:9000/location" \
>-u \
>-p 10010 \
>-w 0 \
>-b 50"

Run Noah

Noah is a module that continuously crawls new tweets that mentions a specified keyword, geotag and ingests it on AsterixDB.

Parameters description:

  • -ck or --consumer-key : ConsumerKey for Twitter API OAuth
  • -cs or --consumer-secret : Consumer Secret for Twitter API OAuth
  • -tk or --token : Token for Twitter API OAuth
  • -ts or --token-secret : Token secret for Twitter API OAuth
  • -tr or --tracker : Tracked terms
  • -u or --url : Url of the feed adapter
  • -p or --port : Port of the feed socket
  • -w or --wait : Waiting milliseconds per record, default 500
  • -b or --batch : Batchsize per waiting periods, default 50
  • -c or --count : Maximum number to feed, default unlimited
  • -fo or --file-only : Only store in a file, do not geotag nor ingest, default false

You can run the following example command in a separate command line window:

> cd crawler
> sbt "project noah" "run-main edu.uci.ics.cloudberry.noah.feed.TwitterFeedStreamDriver \
> -ck Your consumer key \
> -cs Your consumer secret \
> -tk Your token \
> -ts Your token secret \
> -tr dengue zikavirus microcefalia febreamarela chikungunya\
> -u \
> -p 10001 \
> -w 0 \
> -b 50"


  • The Noah and Gnosis modules were adapted from TwitterMap.
  • Currently, geotagging works only for Brazil.
  • Users and developers are welcome to contact me through [email protected]