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Prepare M.I.B SD card & install M.I.B

harman-f edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 33 revisions

0 - Start reading here if you are completely new to the topic

M.I.B stands for - More Incredible Bash
A coding and script collection running in GEM - Green Engineering Menu - which enables you to do some fun stuff on your MHI2 unit.

ℹ️Bricking your unit is impossible while using M.I.B.ℹ️

Worst case that can happen while using M.I.B is, that you have a power failure during flashing.
Therefore, always connect external power while flashing.

⚠️ Trouble shooting ⚠️

1. Bad SD card, missing or corrupted files or even damaged file systems

  • Make sure your SD card and files are OK.
  • Take a 2nd SD card and recreate it if any strange issues pop up.

ℹ️ This is out TOP 1 issue. Many SD cards are BAD!

2. Provide M.I.B backup and LOG files in case of issues

⚠️ ALWAYS be prepared to share a zipped version of your backup and LOG from M.I.B SD card if you have an issue and need help.
ℹ️ Share LOG directly with placing your request for support. Backup on request.

  • Backup folder: M.I.B SD /backup/
  • LOG folder: M.I.B SD /backup/logs/

3. Unit not responding - black screen - after reboot

  • Sadly, a VAG issue. On very rare occasions the unit can get stuck in an undefined state after reboot
  • Pull fuse or disconnect car battery to get unit back up and running

4. No input possible to screen

  • You get some screen, but you are not able to input anything
  • this can gave several - not so good - reasons
  • follow 2. and get help

5. No input possible to screen + 60s reboots of unit

6. Unit lost power during flash

  • Not nice, but also not bad
  • Can be recovered
  • follow 2. and get help

I - Prepare M.I.B SD card

Youtube videos

ℹ️ Even though these videos are brand specific the general process is very similar.
GUI will differ as well as button combinations for hidden menus.
⚠️ Keep in mind that these videos might be out of date over time with new M.I.B versions coming available. Therefore, always read the text below as well. General installation process will not change.


Video guide for Audi available showing the overall process:


Video guide for Porsche available showing the overall process:

1. Download latest M.I.B version:

ℹ️ Always check for latest M.I.B release


Download latest patch collection:

ℹ️ You might also want to get latest patch collection
⚠️ can be very slow - use this solution to get faster downloads

2. Open zip archive:



3. Prepare SD card

ℹ️ SD card with min. 4GB is required

⚠️ Do not use microSD card, only full seize.


⚠️ Format SD with FAT32 - other file systems will not work with M.I.B


ℹ️ Always freshly format SD and make sure you select a good one. Most issues after this point are related to bad SD cards or broken files/filesystem!

❗ Do NOT put SD in write protected mode!

4. Unpack content to SD card:

⚠️ metainfo2.txt has to be copied to root level of SD card



Add patch files:

ℹ️ You can unpack all patches or just the one for your specific FW.

M.I.B will automatically select the right one!



5. Insert SD card into your MHI2 unit

ℹ️ Use SD1 slot - left one on unit


II - Install M.I.B

In detail the installation process is different on all brands due to slightly different design of the graphical user interface. However, the main steps are always the same and very similar.

⚠️ Before continuing make sure your car battery is fully charged and you have external power supply ready
ℹ️ You do not have to turn ignition on for operating MIB2 unit and using M.I.B.
Just power MIB2 unit on - press and hold power button.

Each brand and also certain train versions have their own key combinations to enter "hidden" menus.

Start installation

Automatic install (recommended)

Swdlautorun.txt in root will trigger an automatic installation of M.I.B without further user interaction.
ℹ️ This function is deactivated by default.

To enable automatic install rename _Swdlautorun.txt to Swdlautorun.txt

ℹ️ Installation will start within 60s after plugging in SD card. Unit will reboot into FW update (SWDL) mode.
The unit might briefly display a message on screen notifying you that the system is not (yet) ready for installation or is preparing installation.
This is normal, just wait for the reboot.
⚠️ Do NOT remove SD card

Screen layout and message will differ between MHI2 brands - on SKODA it looks like this:

Manual install (old)

  1. Enter Service Mode Menu/Red Engineering Menu (REM)
  2. Select Software Update
  3. Select installation source --> SD card (SD1) (--> select Standard) --> select "M.I.B. Launcher V1.0"
  4. Only one package will be updated --> Launcher Y
  5. Start Update
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Unit will reboot three times

Screen will go black and you will see the boot screen, as well as some update relates screens for a while.
Overall process will take about 5-10 minutes.
Basic unit backup will already be created during installation of M.I.B.

After installation is finished you will see a summary of the installed packages, all completed will be marked Y(es) (only Launcher in case of M.I.B install).

  1. Go back on that screen/exit the screen.
  2. The next Screen will present something like this: "Start diagnostic tester: Main unit/version...".
  3. Press CANCEL

ℹ️ You might notice a Software Version Management Error (SVM) in 5F via OBD after M.I.B is installed. Remove it by running "SVM fix" function in M.I.B

III - Enter Green Engineering Menu (GEM) to run M.I.B

After M.I.B installation is finished and the unit has booted up you have to enter GEM.

ℹ️ Please note: GEM needs a moment after cold boot of unit to be accessible - up to 5 minutes are normal

Use the GEM key combinations valid for your unit to enter GEM.

Depending on your car brand and model navigation in GEM can differ:

  • AUDI: Most Audi utilize controls in center console to navigate and selsct
  • Touch screens: All cars with touch screen use the screen for navigation

1. Select =>m.i.b.<= from GEM menu


2. Run backup

ℹ️ Basic backup is run during M.I.B installation. This backup function will extend the backup with additional files. grafik

3. Do stuff 😏

Most likely, you want to patch your unit to enable new FECs or do some fun stuff?!
Explore M.I.B GEM and use what you need and check M.I.B functions in this Wiki.

To patch, enable CarPlay and AndroidAuto and add FECs (new maps) go to this screen and run image


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