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File metadata and controls

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Hello, this is an university project which we have to use arduino. So I decided to make remote control for active devices which are using Spotify at the same time. I didnt work on C# before,so some of my codes may seem absurd or unnecessary to you, just ignore them. See this project as a reference and find out what works for you.

Arduino Spotify Control With C# Spotify Api


Spotify Web Api:

Spotify API-Net:

Bunifu Framework:

Purpose of this project

Well, with this project we will be able to control active spotify devices with Arduino. How we gonna do that ? We will use serial communication.

We will connect our arduino with our pc (use USB2.0 / 3.0) , and arduino will read which button we pressed on remote controller (ir reciver), then it will send it to our C# application. Our C# application will read which button we pressed and for example if we pressed stop music button then it will stop the music. Also our C# application will send Music Name & Singer Name. And we will display them on our 16x2 LCD Display Screen. It is simple like that. If you have wifi module , you can do nearly same things (like stop,play music, go next etc) but as you know arduino actually does not have multi threading support so you have to deal with a lot of bugs. Thats why I made it on computer, not on Arduino. Also I hadnt have wifi module.

My suggestion: Use bluetooth module for send your data to computer, and power up arduino with rechargable battery. As I said before, use this project as referance :)


1- Download our C# source
2- Open it with Visual Studio
3- Press Add Reference and select Bunifu_UI_v1.5.3.dll (you can get this dll from Release.)
4- Build the project and reopen visual studio and our project.
5- Change "Auth_Client_id ,Auth_Client_sr and Redirect URI's (you can get your client id, client sr and r_uris on your spotify dashboard, just create new client on your spotify developer dashboard)
6- Run our application
7- Select scopes and press Get Auth Link
8- It will ask you for premission, accept it. (I used webbrowser)
9- Press Spotify Access Token button on tab menu
10- Press Get Tokens button
11- Now we have access token, refresh token etc. We can start Spotify NET API ...
12- Press Spotify Control button on Tab Menu
13- Press Connect to Api, now you will debug which devices are connected with spotify, what is current song etc etc.
14- Select your arduino port and press Connect to Port
15- Now you can control your active devices spotify with your remote controller. Have a fun :)


* Display Album , track, list informations.
* Display Album Image
* Control Volume, next song etc. (with remote controller, application)
* Display Featured list, featured market
* Play Featured list (with remote controller, application)
* Add current song to your spotify favorite list (with remote controller, application)
* Delete current song from your spotify favorite list (with remote controller, application)
* Play your favorite list (with remote controller, application)
* Set Shuffle (with remote controller, application)
* Display Singer and Song name on LCD Screen
* Auto refresh token (new feature)

Arduino Circuit with HC05 Bluetooth Module


You can adapt it to our project with small changes, just search for tutorial on the web. If it is your first time with arduino and coding, and if you do not know what you are doing, just use serial communication with usb port. If you have a problem with HC05 , let me know.

Arduino Circuit (for this project)

alt_text alt_text

Circuit Elements

1- Remote Controller
2- IR Reciever (VS1838B)
3- Leds for debug
4- 220-500 ohm resistance
5- 16x2 LCD Display
6- LCD I2C/IIC Converter Card

Remote Controller:


CH- : Delete current song from user favorite list
CH+:  Add current song to user favorite list
CH:   Play user favorite list
|<<:  Play previous track
>>|:  Play next track
|> Play_Pause.
-	: Volume down.
+ : Volume up.
EQ:  Change featured list country
0-9: Play track list on featured list. (0-9 index number)
100+: |<<< : Skip 30 secs, EQ: shuffle = !shuffle 
200+: |<<< : Skip 60 secs, EQ: shuffle = !shuffle

Button Array:


Special Thanks to:

JohnnyCrazy for his awesome Spotify .NET Api (it saved my time). Bunifu Framework I designed my form with this framework.