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Template metaprogramming library originally spun off from CppOrderBook project.

components overview:

  • non_repeating_combinations: provides functionality that generates all non-repeating combinations of a specified size for all integers from 1 through n. All combinations are encapsulated consecutively in a single std::integer_sequence which can than be split and consumed.
  • param_pack: provides class templates that can wrap type and non-type parameter packs which can then be accessed and manipulated much like an array-like data structure. Provide interfaces for monoidal, functorial, applicative-functorial and monadic access
  • function_signature: can deduce the return type and the argument type from an instance of a function-like type
  • monoidal_class_template: provides static checks to enforce monoidal behavior in a class template.
  • type_pack_check: provides functionality to enforce certain properties across multiple types at compile time using either a single monoidal class template or two different templates.
  • helpers: short collection that provides functionality to other components


  • found in namespace helpersin file helpers.hpp

template <typename T>
concept constexpr_bool_value

  • C++20 concept to determine whether a type has as static constexpr member of type bool named value

template<template <typename...> class Class_Template, typename type>
constexpr inline bool specializes_Class_Template_v

  • variable template to determine wheter a specific class template accepting only type parameters is specialized by a specific type

template<template <auto...> class Class_Template, typename type>
constexpr inline bool specializes_Class_Template_nt_v

  • variable template to determine wheter a specific class template accepting only non-type parameters is specialized by a specific type

template<template <typename T, T...> class Class_Template, typename type>
constexpr inline bool specializes_Class_Template_tnt_v

  • variable template to determine wheter a specific class template accepting a single type parameter T and a pack of non-type parameters of type T is specialized by a specific type


  • found in namespace non_rep_combinations in file non_rep_combinations.hpp

template <size_t n, size_t r>
using non_rep_combinations_t

  • computes all non-repeating combinations of length r integers 1 through n
  • generates a specialization of std::integer_sequence with type size_t containing all combinations in one conseqcutive sequence which can then be broken down into the individual combinations

template <size_t n, size_t r>
using non_rep_combinations_t

  • computes all non-repeating combinations of length r integers 0 through n - 1
  • generates a specialization of std::integer_sequence with type size_t containing all combinations in one conseqcutive sequence which can then be broken down into the individual combinations
  • can be used to compute combinations of indices for data structures with n entries, e.g. during compile time checks


  • found in namespace param_packin file param_pack.hpp

template <size_t i, typename... Ts>
using pack_index_t

  • type alias template to extract the i-th type in type parameter pack Ts

template <size_t i, auto... vs>
constexpr inline auto pack_index_v

  • variable template to extract the i-th in non-type parameter pack vs

template<auto... is>
constexpr inline bool single_type_nt_pack_v

  • variable template to determine whether all values in non-type parameter pack is are of the same type

template <auto... is>
using pack_type_t

  • type alias template to extract the type of of a non-type paramter pack is
  • requires that all values of is are of the same type (i.e. single_type_nt_pack_v<is...> == true)

template<auto... vals>
using non_type_pack_t

  • alias template that generates a non_type_pack from values vals

template<typename T>
using generate_non_type_pack_t

  • generates a non_type_pack from a different type T
  • T needs to implement a template with either just a non-type argument pack or a single type as first argument denoting the the type of the non-type argument pack that follows

template<typename T>
constexpr inline bool non_type_pack_convertible_v

  • variable template to determine whether type T can be used to generate a non_type_pack type via the generate_non_type_pack_t template

template<typename T>
using generate_type_pack_t

  • generates a type_pack_t from a different type T
  • T needs to implement a template with either just type arguments

template<typename T>
constexpr inline bool type_pack_convertible_v

  • variable template to determine whether type T can be used to generate a type_pack_t type via the generate_type_pack_t template


template<typename T, T... vals>
struct non_type_pack

  • class template that encapsulates non-type paramter pack consisting of values of type T

public members of non_type_pack:

  • type alias for T (i.e. type of vals)

static constexpr size_t size

  • number of values in vals (i.e. sizeof...(vals))

template<typename append_pack>
using append_t

  • type alias that appends different non_type_pack of values of type T to this one
  • associative operation with 'empty' non-type-pack of same type non_type_pack<T> as neutral element
  • non_type_pack is thus a monoid on a type level with append_t as its monoid operation

template<size_t n>
using truncate_front_t

  • type alias that removes the first n values from this non_type_pack

template<size_t n>
using truncate_front_t

  • type alias that removes the last n values from this non_type_pack

template<size_t n>
using head_t

  • type alias that yields a new non_type_pack containing the first n values of this one

template<size_t n>
using tail_t

  • type alias that yields a new non_type_pack containing the last n values of this one

template<size_t i>
static constexpr T index_v

  • variable template that extracts the i-th value from this non_type_pack

template<template <auto...> class Class_Template>
using specialize_template_t

  • class template that uses vals as non-type template arguments to Class_Template to generate a type

template<template <typename U, U...> class Class_Template>
using specialize_type_param_template_t

  • class template that uses type as type argument and vals as non-type template arguments to Class_Template to generate a type
  • member type, non_type_pack containing vals in reverse order

template<auto callable>
using functor_map_t

  • alias template taking a non-type argument
  • argument needs to be constexpr callable, taking an argument of type type as argument
  • functor_map_t applies callable to all values contained in vals and yields a new non_type_pack containing the results
  • non_type_pack is thus a functor on a type level

template<template<type...> class Class_Template, typename... Other_NTP_Packs>
using applicative_pure_t

  • alias template taking a class template (which in turn takes non-type paramenter of type type) and an arbitrary number of other non_type_pack-types of same type and size as the one being used
  • Class_Template is then specialized with the n-th values in this non_type_pack and all those contained Other_NTP_Packs for n = 0 to size - 1
  • all the specializations then need to contain a constexpr member variable value of the same type
  • the resulting type is a new non_type_pack of type decltype(value) and size size, containing all the values
  • non_type_pack is thus an applicative functor on a type level

template<template<T...> class Class_Template>
using monadic_bind_t

  • takes a class template as an argument which takes a values of type type and generates a non_type_pack type
  • the generated types are then all concatenated to one non_type_pack type
  • non_type_pack is thus a monad on a type level

template<auto fold_by, T init>
static constexpr T fold_v

  • takes a value fold_by as non-type arguments which in turn is callable with two values of type type
  • takes an inital value init and recursively "folds" all values contained in vals into a single value


template<typename... Ts>
struct type_pack_t

  • class template that encapsulates type paramter pack

public members of type_pack_t:


static constexpr size_t size

  • number of values in Ts (i.e. sizeof...(Ts))

template<size_t i>
using index_t

  • alias template that extracts the i-th type from this type_pack_t

template<typename append_pack>
using append_t

  • type alias that appends different type_pack_t to this one
  • associative operation with 'empty' type-pack type_pack_t<> as neutral element
  • type_pack_t is thus a monoid on a type level with append_t as its monoid operation

template<size_t n>
using truncate_front_t

  • type alias that removes the first n values from this type_pack_t

template<size_t n>
using head_t

  • type alias that yields a new type_pack_t containing the first n values of this one

template<size_t n>
using tail_t

  • type alias that yields a new type_pack_t containing the last n values of this one

template<template <auto...> class Class_Template>
using specialize_template_t

  • class template that uses Ts as type template arguments to Class_Template to generate a type
  • member type, type_pack_t containing Ts in reverse order

template<template <typename...> class Class_Template><br> using functor_map_t`

  • alias template taking a class template with a type parameter (or possibly more)
  • functor_map_t applies Class_Templ to all types contained in Ts and yields a new type_pack_t containing the results
  • type_pack_t is thus a functor on a type level

template<template<typename...> class Class_Template, typename... Other_Type_Packs>
using applicative_pure_t

  • alias template taking a class template (type paramenters) and an arbitrary number of other type_pack_t-types of same size as the one being used
  • Class_Template is then specialized with the n-th type in this type_pack_t and all those contained in Other_Type_Packs for n = 0 to size - 1
  • the resulting type is a new type_pack_t of size size, containing all the specializations
  • type_pack_t is thus an applicative functor on a type level

template<template <typename...> class Class_Template>
using monadic_bind_t

  • takes a class template as an argument which has a type parameter generates a type_pack_t type
  • the generated types are then all concatenated to one type_pack_t type
  • type_pack_t is thus a monad on a type level

template<typename NT_Pack, size_t len>
using split_t

  • alias template with NT_Pack as a type paremeter, which is a non_type_pack with values of type size_t, and size_t len as a non-type parameter
  • generates nested type_pack_t whose elements are type_pack_ts of size len containing types from Ts at indices specified in nt_pack (and split into groups of size len)

template<template<typename...> class F, typename Init>
using fold_t

  • takes a class template F with two type parameters
  • takes an inital value Init and recursively "folds" all types contained in Ts into a single type

template<template <typename...> class Templ, size_t order>
using apply_templ_to_nr_combs_t

  • computes all non-repeating combinations of size order from Ts, uses each combiation to specialize Templ and generates a type_pack_t-type containing all specializations


  • found in namespace function_signature in file function_signature.hpp
  • deduces the return type and argument types of a function-like from an instance of that type
  • piggybacks on std::function, which can be specilized/constructed from any number of callable types
  • some credit goes to this article

relevant intefaces:


template<auto f>
requires helpers::specializes_class_template_v<std::function, decltype(std::function(f))>
using ret_type_t

  • deduces the return type of f, provided std::function can be constructed from f

template<auto f>
requires helpers::specializes_class_template_v<std::function, decltype(std::function(f))>
using arg_types_t

  • generates a specialization of param_pack::type_pack_t containing all the argument types of f, provided std::function can be constructed from f


  • found in namespace monoidal_class_template in file monoidal_class_template.hpp

abstract outline:

  • offers a mechanism to enforce a class template behave as monoid w.r.t. to its specializations by a set of different types, using specialization as the monoid operation

in more detail:

  • consider three types T1, T2 and T3 as well as a class template monoid_templateof the form
    template <typename...>
    struct monoid_template{/*...*/}
  • now let's consider the specializations of monoid_template by T1, T2 and T3 (i.e. monoid_template<T1>, monoid_template<T2> and monoid_template<T3>) and name them MT1, MT2 and MT3 for brevity
  • monoid_template will be considered monoidal w.r.t. T1, T2 and T3 if the following three conditions are fullfilled:
    • closure: specializing monoid_template with any combination of two out of MT1, MT2 and MT3 (e.g. monoid_template<MT3, MT1> or monoid_template<MT2, MT3>) generates a valid type
    • identity: choosing omission of a second argument as identity element, specializing monoid_template with just one out of MT1, MT2 or MT3 has to yield a type that's equivalent to the one used as type argument
    • associativity: the specializations monoid_template<MT1, monoid_template<MT2, MT3>> and monoid_template<monoid_template<MT1, MT2>, MT3> yield equivalent types
  • a note on equivalence: as we cannot rely on the compiler to recognize types generated by different orders of specialzing a template as equal, we additionally need to define under what conditions we consider two types to be equivalent (e.g. by equal value of a static member) when checking for identity and and associativity properties
  • pratical applications: the idea of defining a monoidal class template arose from the desire to come up perform certain checks on a set of types at compile time. To this end, one could specialize a monoidal template with each of the subtypes respectively (or any subset of those types). The resulting specializations can then be aggregated in a fold-like fashion, again using the same monoidal template

relevant interfaces:

comparator class-template:
  • two of the following property checks require a user provided template template paramter Comparator that can be specialized by two type arguments to determine the those two types are to be considered equivalent within the context of this check
  • to this end, specializations of the comparator template are required to a static constexpr bool member named value, which is checked via requires clause in the relevant metafunctions

template <template <typename... Ts> class Class_Templ, size_t order, typename... Ts>
constexpr inline bool check_closure_property_v

  • variable template to determine whether Class_Templ fullfills the closure property w.r.t. Ts, i.e. whether Class_Templcan be spcialized with any two distinct types out of all the specializations of Class_Templ from all the possible non-repeating combinations of size order out of types Ts
  • Tscan be passed as a raw type pack or as a single type specializing param_pack::type_pack_t

template <template <typename... > class Class_Templ, template <typename, typename> class Comparator, size_t order, typename... Ts>
constexpr inline bool check_associativity_property_v

  • variable template to determine whether Class_Templ fulfills the associativity property w.r.t. Ts
  • as verifying associativity includes checking for equality, a class template Comparator needs to be provived to determine whether specializations of Class_Templ are to be considered equivalent within the context of the of the check
  • Tscan be passed as a raw type pack or as a single type specializing param_pack::type_pack_t

template <template <typename... Ts> class Class_Templ, template <typename M1, typename M2> class Comparator, size_t order, typename... Ts>
constexpr inline bool check_identity_element_property_v

  • variable template to determine whether Class_Templ fulfills the identity-element property w.r.t. Ts
  • as verifying identity includes checking for equality, a class template Comparator needs to be provived to determine whether specializations of Class_Templ are to be considered equivalent within the context of the of the check
  • Tscan be passed as a raw type pack or as a single type specializing param_pack::type_pack_t
bool monoidal_class_template_v:

template <template <typename... > class Class_Templ, template <typename MA, typename MB> class Comparator, size_t order, typename... Ts>
constexpr inline bool monoidal_class_template_v`

  • combines checks for closure, associativity and identity for Class_Templ w.r.t. Ts
  • comparator needs to be provided for associativity and identity checks
  • Tscan be passed as a raw type pack or as a single type specializing param_pack::type_pack_t


  • found in namespace type_pack_t in file type_pack_check.hpp
  • provides functionality to perform compile time checks over set of types

template<template<typename...> class Type_Handler, template<typename, typename> class Aggregator, size_t order, typename... Ts>
using checker_aggregator_check_t

  • uses every non-repeating compination of length order from Ts to specialize template Type_Handler and aggregates all specializations in a fold-like fashion using class template Aggregator
  • Ts can be passed as a regualar type-parameter-pack or as a specialization of param_pack::type_pack_t

template<template<typename...> class Monoid_Templ, size_t order, typename... Ts>
using monoid_check_t = monoid_check<Monoid_Templ,order,Ts...>

  • uses every non-repeating compination of length order from Ts to specialize template Monoid_Templ and then uses Monoid_Templ to aggregate all specializations in a fold-like fashion
  • for Monoid_Templ to be able to be used in that way, param_pack::check_closure_property_v<Monoid_Templ, order, Ts...> == true is required
  • Ts can be passed as a regualar type-parameter-pack or as a specialization of param_pack::type_pack_t