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Releases: OstapHEP/ostap


06 Sep 13:05
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New features

  1. Further improvemets for nice printout of linear algebra objects
  2. Add lnorm and mnorm methods for matrices to get L-norm and max-norm
  3. Add gdiagonal method to get diagonal matrice
  4. Add abs method for SVectors
  5. Improve Linear Algebra tests
  6. Improve the machinery for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  7. Add possibility to avoid coloring of the header row in the tables
  8. Add protection for double cpoulmn (::) for the expression strings
  9. Resurrect and improve ostap.stats.corr2d module with simple 2D-decorrelation utility
  10. Make use of terminaltables3 instead of terminaltables where/when possible
  11. Add new method TH1.min_positive to get minimal positive entry (or negative infinity).
  12. make a try to relace distutilts to sysconfig in CMakeList.txt
  13. some reshuffling of CMakeList.txt - make it a bit more readable
  14. ostap.math.base : switch for C++ version of frext10 (better treatment of almost-zero-numbers
  15. test_*_toys : make use of new TH1.mini_positive method

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. Fix tiny bug in histo_book
  2. Fix tiny bug in printout of linear algebra objects


03 Sep 13:57
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New features

  1. improve all toys machinery: toys, jackknife, bootstrapping and significance
  2. extend all tests for toys
  3. add brute-force way to delete RooDataSet - needed for JAckknife and Bootstrap
  4. add argument delete=False for dataset.bootstrap and dataset.jackknife method to delete the dataset
  5. add new test to test interference of memory and jackknife/bootstraping
  6. extend and improve machinery for toys
  7. add std.string and std.string_view into string_types
  8. improve attention printout from dataset/tree method project

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix the typo in ostap/tools/tests/
  2. tiny fix for progress_bar
  3. tiny fix for ostap.utils.basic.isatty


28 Aug 10:16
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New features

  1. improve pretty-print for matrices
  2. add pretty_array function for nice print of arrays/sequences
  3. add some auxillary methods for matrices: (min/max/minabs/maxabs)_element and (min/max)_diagonal and (min/max/minabs/maxabs)_element_index
  4. improve printout of SVectorwithError
  5. add pos_error/neg_error/errors properteis to Ostap::Math::ValueWithError object `
  6. add column @limit? for printput of RooFitResult object to shwo the distance to the limits (if any). Distanc eof <3sigma, an d<5 sigma ar ecolored. Distances > 10sigma are omitted.

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix the typo in Ostap/MatrixUtilsT.h
  2. fix ostap.utils.basic.mtime


26 Aug 15:05
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New features

  1. sight improvements for bernstein
  2. disable Thiele rational interpolation from the tests. Sometnjug wrong with the code.
  3. extend a bit functionality of asymmetric errors (needed for graphs&plots)
  4. collect pretty-print functions into new module ostap.logger.pretty
  5. extend and improve pretty-print stuff
  6. make the dbase.Item a bit lighter
  7. For shelve-like databases: allow to specify the preferred backend as dbtype = ...
  8. reimplement SqliteShelf as ZipShelf with dbtype='sqlite'
  9. eliminate messy stuff with extensions for `XXXShelf``-classes

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix a minor bug in bernstein.solve
  2. fix couple of recent bugs in `histos


12 Aug 14:04
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New features

  1. Add estimators for harmonic, geometric, power & Lehmer means and their weighted analogues
  2. Reduce code duplication
  3. Large redesign of staistics/projection& othe rmethids for RooAbdData/TTree/DataFrame
  4. Large redesign if module
  5. Add roc_curve for making ROC curves, and corrresponsing test module
  6. Add eff_graph for 1D historgams for creation of the efficiency graph
    from the 1D-distribution.
  7. Some tweaks for moments & counters
  8. Activate a new draw method (via tree_draw) for ROOT.TTree
  9. add progress and report optioal argumens for (almost) all Frame-related functions
  10. Some tweaks for style configuration
  11. update ostap.utils.valerrors & and new test
  12. allow to use width keyword when line_width is not specified for XXX.draw method
  13. add loop methdod for RooAbsData and implement rows in terms of loop
  14. allow more recusion in vars_and_cuts function
  15. add new test
  16. make progress bar silent if not isatty() unless explicitely set silent=False

Backward incompatibl

  1. project(&draw) for 2 and 3-dimession now follows the natural order of varibales:
    XX.project ( target , 'x,y,z' , ...)
  2. For eff & effic' and efficinecy methods fo r1D histograms
    the confusing optional argument increasing=True is replced by (less-confusin)
    cut_low and the argument is not optionl anymore
  3. From now for weighted datasets dataset[i] returns (entry,weight) tuple
  4. from now iteration over weighted dataset gives (entry,weight) tuple
  5. change sinature of dataset.loop , dataset.rows methods to return triplets index, entry, weight

Bug fixes

  1. fix a typo in ostap.ploting.canvas


12 Jul 09:38
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New features

  1. Improve addTMVAResponse and addChoppingResponse (and their paralell analogues)
  2. improve parallel_copy, rely on xargs when GNU parallel is not available
  3. add add parallel sync based on rsync -a & xargs/parallel
  4. sqlitedict : tiny fix for warning in python-3.11
  5. fix pypdf examples
  6. add ostap.stats.average code for calculation of averages for inconsistet data
  7. add test for ostap.stats.average
  8. reshullle a bit the code between ostap.math.minimize and ostap.math.local_minimize
  9. add sync_dirs function into module to syncronize the directories
  10. add UseWeb & 'useWeb' contetx managers for setting the WebDispaly into ostap.plotting.canvas module
  11. add command line option -w/--web optioon for ostap script to alolow defien Web-Distplay
  12. add command line option -p/--print-level optioon for ostap script for better contol of the global print level

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. ostap.stats.combine fix calculation of p-value


26 Apr 12:13
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New features

  1. Update Ostap::Functions::PyCallable, Ostap::Functions::PyCallable2 and Ostap::Functions::PyCallable3
  2. add new test test_math_callable
  3. improve a bit functions from ostap.math.make_fun module
  4. reshuffle code for Files/RootFiles/Data/Data2 toosl to colelct, keep and handle colelcitonof files
  5. add table method for Files/Data/Data2 tools to print the content as table
  6. add version of parallle_copy based on GNU parallel (if/when available)
  7. make use of parallel_copy in copy_files
  8. improve specific models form ostap.fitting.specific module
  9. add new test for specific models
  10. add new method sPlot1D.adD_to_tree for adding the sPlot results to the TTree/TChain

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. Fix a tiny bug in ostap.logger.table.the_table for wrapped columns
  2. fix typo in make_bkg


10 Apr 09:44
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New features

  1. Add functions for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th unbiased cumulant estimators
  2. add fucntions for cumulants up to order 10 + correct uncertainties for 3rd and 4th cumulants

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix a bug with summation of two RooPlot objects


04 Apr 13:43
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New features

  1. improve prints from PDF.load_params
  2. add smooth function for 1D-histogram
  3. imporove rebin* functoions for 1D-histograms
  4. add possibility to add separator line to summary_graphs
  5. fix for new ROOT>6.31 few issues with std::string <--> const char*
  6. imporve a bit BLUE
  7. add "fix" for new pyROOT/cppyy for failure with ickling of enums
  8. fix morphing tests for new ROOT

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes


15 Mar 07:09
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New features:

  1. tree_reduce : allow redefininition of existing variables (very useful for tmva/chopping) (only for 6.26<=ROOT)
  2. remove intermediate datasets created in Simfit.generate
  3. add RRange,Prange, rraneg and prange loopers into ostap.utils/utils
  4. improve VRange , 'Lrangeloopers fromostap.utils.utils`
  5. few fixes for SelectorWitvars
  6. suppress error prints from Ostap::FormulaVar
  7. catch C++ exceptons from RooFormula

Backward incompatible:

Bug fixes: