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Generators in

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42 lines (17 loc) · 988 Bytes

Generators in JS


Generators are functions that can pause and resume their execution, allowing for more flexible control flow in JavaScript. They are created using the function* syntax and the yield keyword.

Here is an example of using a generator to generate a sequence of Fibonacci numbers:

function* fibonacci() {

let [prev, curr] = [0, 1];

while (true) {

[prev, curr] = [curr, prev + curr];

yield curr;



const fib = fibonacci();

console.log(; // 1

console.log(; // 2

console.log(; // 3

console.log(; // 5

In this example, we create a generator function fibonacci that generates an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers using the yield keyword. We then create a generator object fib from this function and use the .next() method to retrieve each successive value.