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Excel: Events Schedule Management with VBA macros and Formulas

Spreadsheet Example


A spreadsheet with a customized perpetual calendar that allows team members to make bookings for their duties each month and update specific bookings as events to the Outlook Calendar. It involves utilizing multiple Functions, Conditional Formatting, and VBA macros to efficiently achieve the desired objectives. Created Formulas and VBA macros are with the help of ChatGPT.


  • The spreadsheet was created using Excel version 2306 on Windows 11. It may encounter unexpected errors while running VBA macros on a MAC.
  • Before testing out the spreadsheet, make sure to enable VBA macros and check the Outlook reference.
    • Enable Macros: In Excel, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings. Under the Macro Settings tab, select "Enable all macros" or "Enable all macros with notification" to allow the code to run.
    • Check References: In the VBA editor, go to Tools > References and ensure that the necessary Outlook reference is selected. Look for the reference starting with "Microsoft Outlook Object Library" and make sure it is checked.

Sheet Protection

  • To avoid accidentally modifying the template worksheets, they will be protected with a password every time the workbook is opened or closed.

Macro example for protecting sheets:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim protectedSheets As Variant
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim password As String
  ' List of sheets to protect
  protectedSheets = Array("TEMPLATE_ALL", "Audio Out-House", "Summary", "HOLIDAYS")
  ' Check if the changed sheet is one of the protected sheets
  On Error Resume Next
  Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Target.Worksheet.Name)
  On Error GoTo 0
  If Not ws Is Nothing And IsInArray(ws.Name, protectedSheets) Then
      ' Check if the sheet is protected
      If ws.ProtectContents Then
          ' Prompt the user to enter the password to unprotect the sheet
          password = InputBox("Enter the password to unprotect the sheet:", "Password")
          ' Check if the entered password matches the preset password
          If password = "1234" Then
              ' Unprotect the sheet to allow editing
              ws.Unprotect password:="1234"
              MsgBox "Incorrect password. The sheet will remain protected.", vbExclamation
              Application.EnableEvents = False
              Target.Offset(1, 0).Select ' Move to the next cell to avoid an infinite loop
              Application.EnableEvents = True
          End If
      End If
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub ProtectSheets()
  Dim protectedSheets As Variant
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  ' List of sheets to protect
  protectedSheets = Array("TEMPLATE_ALL", "Audio Out-House", "Summary", "HOLIDAYS")
  ' Loop through each protected sheet and protect with the preset password
  For Each sheetName In protectedSheets
      On Error Resume Next
      Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName)
      On Error GoTo 0
      If Not ws Is Nothing Then
          ws.Protect password:="1234", UserInterfaceOnly:=True
      End If
  Next sheetName
End Sub
Function IsInArray(val As Variant, arr As Variant) As Boolean
  IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, val)) > -1)
End Function

Perpetual Calendar_sheets 'TEMPLATE_ALL' & 'HOLIDAYS'

  • The 'TEMPLATE_ALL' sheet is a booking sheet contains a perpetual calendar which can generate a clean monthly calendar for team members to make bookings for their projects.
  • Generate a clean monthly calendar by selecting desired Year and Month in cells AN2 & AN5.

Macro example for generating calendar:

Sub GenerateBookingSheet()
  NewSheet = Range("B1").Text & " " & Range("AM1")
  Sheets("TEMPLATE_ALL").Copy Before:=Sheets(2)
  ActiveSheet.Name = NewSheet
  Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
      :=False, Transpose:=False
  Columns("AL:AV").Hidden = True
  MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
  • Calendar is designed with 6 weeks from Monday to Friday, using DATE and WEEKDAY functions to generate the dates based on the Year and Month input in cells AN2 & AN5.
  • Names of holidays are generated using the VLOOKUP function to lookup the data in sheet 'HOLIDAYS'.

Formula example for dates (H8):


Formula example for holidays (B8):

  • Use Conditional Formatting with a formula to format cells' color in grey for those dates that don't belong to the selected month.
  • And formatting cells' color in magenta for holidays by using the MATCH function to match the data in the 'HOLIDAYS' sheet.

Formula example for Conditional Formatting for dates:


Formula example for Conditional Formatting for holidays:


Update events to Outlook Calendar_Sheet 'Audio Out-House'

  • List all Freelance Audio items in the 'TEMPLATE_ALL' sheet under the FACILITY column in columns E, L, S, Z, and AG, and place the data in the 'Audio Out-House' sheet table B4:I35.

Macro example for listing out the data:

Sub ListOutFreelanceAudio()

  Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
  Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
  Dim destSheet As Worksheet
  Set destSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Audio Out-House")
  Dim rowCounter As Long
  rowCounter = 4
  Dim dateValue As Date
  Dim producerValue As String
  Dim channelValue As String
  Dim projectValue As String
  Dim facilityValue As String
  Dim timeValue As Date
  Dim durationValue As String
  Dim dueDateValue As Date
  Dim rangeList() As String
  rangeList = Split("B8:H13,I8:O13,P8:V13,W8:AC13,AD8:AJ13,B20:H25,I20:O25,P20:V25,W20:AC25,AD20:AJ25,B32:H37,I32:O37,P32:V37,W32:AC37,AD32:AJ37,B44:H49,I44:O49,P44:V49,W44:AC49,AD44:AJ49,B56:H61,I56:O61,P56:V61,W56:AC61,AD56:AJ61,B68:H73,I68:O73,P68:V73,W68:AC73,AD68:AJ73", ",")
  Dim rangeObj As Range
  For Each rangeStr In rangeList
      Set rangeObj = sourceSheet.Range(rangeStr)
      dateValue = rangeObj.Cells(1, rangeObj.Columns.Count).Value
      For j = 0 To 4
          producerValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 1).Value
          channelValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 2).Value
          projectValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 3).Value
          facilityValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 4).Value
          textValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 5).Value
          durationValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, 6).Value
          dueDateValue = rangeObj.Cells(2 + j, rangeObj.Columns.Count).Value
          If facilityValue = "Freelance Audio" Then
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 2).Value = dateValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 3).Value = producerValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 4).Value = channelValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 5).Value = projectValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 6).Value = facilityValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 7).Value = textValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 8).Value = durationValue
              destSheet.Cells(rowCounter, 9).Value = dueDateValue
              rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
          End If
      Next j
  Next rangeStr
  destSheet.Range("B4:I" & rowCounter - 1).Sort key1:=destSheet.Range("I4:I" & rowCounter - 1), _
                                                  order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo

End Sub
  • The data from table B4:I35 will be automatically reformatted into Outlook acceptable format for events and placed in table K4:O35 using multiple formulas.
  • The events listed in table K4:O35 can be uploaded to 'Outsource Audio' calendar in Outlook.

Macro example for updating events to Outlook Calendar:

Sub UpdateOusourceAudioCalendar()
  Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
  Dim olApt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
  Dim olCalFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
  Dim i As Long

  Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  Set olCalFolder = olApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Folders("Outsource Audio")

  ' Loop through all rows in range K4:O35
  For i = 4 To 35
      If Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("K" & i).Value <> "" Then ' Check if row has a title

          ' Create new appointment item
          Set olApt = olCalFolder.Items.Add(olAppointmentItem)

          ' Set appointment properties
          olApt.Subject = Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("K" & i).Value ' Title
          olApt.location = Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("N" & i).Value ' Location
          olApt.Categories = Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("O" & i).Value ' Color Category
          olApt.Body = "" ' Body

          ' Set start and end date/time
          If IsDate(Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("L" & i).Value) And IsDate(Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("M" & i).Value) Then
              olApt.Start = Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("L" & i).Value
              olApt.End = Sheets("Audio Out-House").Range("M" & i).Value
          End If

          ' Save appointment
      End If
  Next i

  ' Clean up
  Set olApt = Nothing
  Set olCalFolder = Nothing
  Set olApp = Nothing
  MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
  • The events in 'Outsource Audio' calendar also can be deleted by selecting desired Year and Month in cells R9 & R11.

Macro example for deleting events in Outlook Calendar:

Sub DeleteEventsInMonth()
  Dim olApp As Object
  Dim olCalFolder As Object
  Dim olItems As Object
  Dim i As Long
  Dim month As Integer
  Dim year As Integer
  Dim startDate As Date
  Dim endDate As Date
  ' Get the month and year from the worksheet
  month = Worksheets("Audio Out-House").Range("R11").Value
  year = Worksheets("Audio Out-House").Range("R9").Value
  ' Set the start and end dates for the selected month
  startDate = DateSerial(year, month, 1)
  endDate = DateSerial(year, month + 1, 1) - 1
  ' Get the Outlook calendar folder
  Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  Set olCalFolder = olApp.Session.GetDefaultFolder(9).Folders("Outsource Audio")
  ' Use Restrict method to only retrieve calendar items within the selected month and year
  Set olItems = olCalFolder.Items.Restrict("[Start] >= '" & startDate & "' AND [End] <= '" & endDate & "'")
  ' Loop through each event in the calendar folder and delete it
  For i = olItems.Count To 1 Step -1
  Next i
  ' Display a message box to indicate that the events were deleted successfully
  MsgBox "Done"
End Sub

Export Outlook Calendar events to spreadsheet_Sheet 'Summary'

  • Export events from the 'Outsource Audio' calendar by selecting the Year and Month in cells C2 and C3 to the table E3:J30 in the 'Summary' sheet.

Macro example for exporting events to spreadsheet:

Sub ExportCalendarToExcel()

  Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
  Dim olNS As Outlook.Namespace
  Dim olCalFolder As Outlook.Folder
  Dim olApt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
  Dim i As Long
  Dim startDate As Date, endDate As Date
  ' Set start and end date for filtering appointments
  startDate = DateSerial(Sheets("Summary").Range("C2").Value, Sheets("Summary").Range("C3").Value, 1)
  endDate = DateAdd("m", 1, startDate)
  ' Set Outlook application object
  Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
  ' Get Outsource Audio calendar folder
  Set olCalFolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Folders("Outsource Audio")
  ' Create a dictionary object to store appointment data
  Dim dict As Object
  Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  ' Loop through all appointments in the calendar folder
  For Each olApt In olCalFolder.Items
      If olApt.Start >= startDate And olApt.Start < endDate Then ' Check if appointment is in specified month
          ' Add appointment data to dictionary
          If Not dict.Exists(olApt.location) Then
              dict.Add olApt.location, New Collection
          End If
          dict(olApt.location).Add olApt.Start & "," & Format(olApt.Start, "hh:mm AM/PM") & "," & Format(olApt.End, "hh:mm AM/PM") & "," & olApt.Subject
      End If
  Next olApt
  ' Add appointment data to Excel sheet sorted by location
  With Sheets("Summary")
      i = 3 ' Start from row 3
      For Each Key In dict.keys
          For Each Item In dict(Key)
              .Range("E" & i).Value = CDate(Split(Item, ",")(0)) ' Start date
              .Range("F" & i).Value = Split(Item, ",")(1) ' Start time
              .Range("G" & i).Value = Split(Item, ",")(2) ' End time
              .Range("H" & i).Value = Split(Item, ",")(3) ' Title
              .Range("I" & i).Value = Replace(Key, "Audio Outsource ", "") ' Location
              i = i + 1
          Next Item
      Next Key
  End With
  ' Clean up
  Set olApt = Nothing
  Set olCalFolder = Nothing
  Set olNS = Nothing
  Set olApp = Nothing
  Set dict = Nothing
End Sub