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1378 lines (1137 loc) · 76.2 KB

Configuration Information

  • twitch
    Settings related to the Twitch login process.

    NOTE: OAuth refresh tokens expire automatically (usually after around half a year). If you don't use the Emote Wall for around this long, you may have to log in again. Regular OAuth tokens expire much sooner (usually after 60 days). If you use the manual oauth method, please make sure to update these values on a regular basis.

    • oauth
      The OAuth ID value is used in lieu of a password to access the Twitch API.
      By default, this value is not required.
      If you do not wish to use the oauth_refresh method, which relies on a file on my webserver, you can generate your own OAuth2 token manually using a third-party Twitch Token Generator, and set this value to the token you receive. However, it will expire and require updating manually.

    • oauth_refresh
      A refresh token to get a new Twitch OAuth ID when the current one expires.
      This value is used instead of the oauth value above, by default. Using a refresh token allows the emote wall to stay logged in for a much longer period of time. Please note that this feature makes use of the browser's Local Storage to store new OAuth Tokens and Refresh Tokens as they're generated.
      New OAuth Tokens are generated every 60 minutes, and Twitch may or may not send a new Refresh Token at the same time. If the token expires, the Local Storage values will be erased on the next refesh attempt automatically.

      How to generate an OAuth ID and matching Client ID:

      • Visit
      • Click the "Authenticate on Twitch" button under "Do-it-Yourself" and log in
      • Fill out the captcha prompt, if necessary
      • Copy the Client ID value and paste it into "client:"
      • Copy the OAuth Refresh value and paste it into "oauth_refresh:"

      If you ever stop using this emote wall, please log into Twitch and visit Under "Other Connections", click the "Disconnect" button next to "RealityRipple's Home-Made Emote Wall".

      • If both oauth and oauth_refresh are false (or missing), the Twitch interactive login process will be enabled.
      • If oauth_refresh is null, Twitch support will be effectively disabled.
    • share
      Share your Twitch channel on the Emote Wall home page!

  • youtube
    Settings related to the YouTube login process.

    NOTE: OAuth tokens expire automatically (usually after 60 days). Please make sure to update these values on a regular basis, if not using the interactive login process.

    • oauth
      The OAuth ID value is used in lieu of a password to access the Google API.
      By default, this value is not required.
      If you do not wish to use the oauth_refresh method, which relies on a file on my webserver, you can generate your own OAuth2 token manually using a third-party YouTube Token Generator, and set this value to the token you receive. However, it will expire and require updating manually.

    • oauth_refresh
      A refresh token to get a new YouTube OAuth ID when the current one expires.
      This value is used instead of the oauth value above, by default. Using a refresh token allows the emote wall to stay logged in for a much longer period of time. Please note that this feature makes use of the browser's Local Storage to store new OAuth Tokens and Refresh Tokens as they're generated.
      New OAuth Tokens are generated every 60 minutes, and YouTube may or may not send a new Refresh Token at the same time. If the token expires, the Local Storage values will be erased on the next refesh attempt automatically.

      How to generate an OAuth ID and matching Client ID:

      • Visit
      • Click the "Authenticate on YouTube" button under "Do-it-Yourself" and log in
      • Fill out the captcha prompt, if necessary
      • Copy the Client ID value and paste it into "client:"
      • Copy the OAuth Refresh value and paste it into "oauth_refresh:"

      If you ever stop using this emote wall, please log into YouTube and visit Under "Apps with access to your account", click the "Disconnect" button next to "RealityRipple's Home-Made Emote Wall".

      • If both oauth and oauth_refresh are false (or missing), the YouTube interactive login process will be enabled.
      • If oauth_refresh is null, YouTube support will be effectively disabled.
    • connect_to
      Settings to control which YouTube broadcast to connect to.

      • title
        The broadcast title of the stream to connect to.
        This forces a specific connection, regardless of the status list (below). The sort, max, and recheck settings still apply, though, in case of multiple broadcasts with identical titles.

      • list
        An array of broadcast statuses which will be connected to.
        The list can include the following:

        Status Meaning
        'created' The broadcast has incomplete settings, so it is not ready to transition to a 'live' or 'testing' status, but it has been created and is otherwise valid.
        'ready' The broadcast settings are complete and the broadcast can transition to a 'live' or 'testing' status.
        'live' The broadcast is active.
        'liveStarting' The broadcast is in the process of transitioning to 'live' status.
        'testing' The broadcast is only visible to the partner.
        'testStarting' The broadcast is in the process of transitioning to 'testing' status.
        'complete' The broadcast is finished.
        'revoked' This broadcast was removed by an admin action.
      • max
        The maximum simultaneous chats to connect to.
        In most use cases, you will only need 1, but rate limits allow up to 3 active connections at once.

      • sort
        An associative array of broadcast attributes and their sort order.
        The attributes can be any of these:

        Attribute Meaning
        'actualStartTime' The date and time that the broadcast actually started. Any non-live broadcasts will end up at the bottom of a list with this sort.
        'publishedAt' The date and time that the broadcast was added your live broadcast schedule.
        'title' The broadcast's title, in localized alphabetical order.
        'description' The broadcast's description, in localized alphabetical order.

        The value for each entry may be either 'desc' or 'asc' for descending or ascending order.

      • recheck
        A boolean value to determine if the Emote Wall should continue checking the status of broadcasts after a broadcast has already been successfully found.

        • If true, broadcasts will be checked every 30 seconds.
          • New broadcasts that match the above parameters will be connected to.
          • Existing broadcasts that were matched and no longer match will be disconnected from.
        • If false, broadcasts will be checked every 30 seconds until a connection is made.
          • Any matching broadcasts on the first success will be connected to.
          • No further broadcast status checks will be made.
          • No additional connections will be made, even if less than max.
          • No existing broadcasts will be disconnected from.
    • cdn
      Choose a CDN subdomain for YouTube images to be loaded from.

      • If true, the script will automatically choose the fastest CDN by downloading a random YouTube supersticker image from each one.
      • If a string, the value should be one of these: 'yt3', 'yt4', 'gp3', 'gp4', 'gp5', 'gp6', 'gm1', 'gm2', 'gm3', 'gm4', 'cp3', 'cp4', 'cp5', 'cp6', 'mua3', 'mua4', 'mua5', 'mua6', 'sp1', 'sp3', 'ap1', 'ap4'.
    • share
      Share your YouTube channel on the Emote Wall home page!

  • kick
    Settings related to the Kick login process.

    • channel
      The name of the channel to join.
      • If false (or missing), the Kick interactive login process will be enabled.
      • If null, Kick support will be effectively disabled.
  • streamlabs Settings related to Streamlabs tips.

    • token
      The Socket Token is used in lieu of a password to access the Streamlabs API.

      How to generate a Socket Token:

      If you ever stop using this emote wall, please log into Streamlabs and visit Under "Connected Apps", click the "Revoke Access" button next to "RealityRipple's Home-Made Emote Wall". If you want to use a different Streamlabs OAuth generator (or do it yourself), feel free.

    • curMul
      This value is the currency multiplier.
      The ranges of Streamlabs tip entries (see below) will match against this multiplier. For example, if you use USD and want to set ranges by penny amount, then set this value to 100. If you want to use dollar amounts, set the value to 1.

      NOTE: Any decimal amount will be rounded down after multiplying, so $3.95 will be handled as "395" pennies when multiplied by 100, or "3" dollars when multiplied by 1.

    • dispMul
      This value is the currency multiplier when the currency is being displayed.
      For kappagen events such as 'Text', the Streamlabs tip amount will be multiplied by this number before being displayed. For example, if you use USD and want to display the value as cents, then set this value to 100. If you want to show dollar amounts, set this value to 1.

    • dispDec
      This value is the decimal count when the currency is being displayed.
      After being multiplied by the dispMul value above, the Streamlabs tip amount will be rounded to this many decimal places. For example, an amount of $3.95 rounded to 0 decimal places will be "3", to 1 would be "3.9", and to 2 would be "3.95".

    • dispPre
      This value should be added before any currency amount as a prefix, such as a dollar sign ('$').

    • dispSuf
      This value should be added after any currency amount as a suffix, such as the word ' dollars'.

      NOTE: Usually only dispPre or dispSuf should be used, not both at the same time.

  • streamelements
    Settings related to StreamElements tips.

    NOTE: Please only use oauth_refresh or token, not both. token does not expire, but is also less secure. OAuth is recommended, if possible.

    • oauth_refresh
      A refresh token to get a new StreamElements OAuth ID when the current one expires.
      The OAuth ID value is used in lieu of a password to access the StreamElements API.

      How to generate an OAuth ID:

      If you ever stop using this emote wall, please log into StreamElements and visit Click the "Reset my Personal Access Token" button. If you want to use a different StreamElements OAuth generator (or do it yourself), feel free.

    • token
      The JWT Token is used in lieu of a password to access the StreamElements API.

      How to grab your JWT Token from the StreamElements Dashboard:

    • curMul
      This value is the currency multiplier.
      The ranges of StreamElements tip entries (see below) will match against this multiplier. For example, if you use USD and want to set ranges by penny amount, then set this value to 100. If you want to use dollar amounts, set the value to 1.

      NOTE: Any decimal amount will be rounded down after multiplying, so $3.95 will be handled as "395" pennies when multiplied by 100, or "3" dollars when multiplied by 1.

    • dispMul
      This value is the currency multiplier when the currency is being displayed.
      For kappagen events such as 'Text', the StreamElements tip amount will be multiplied by this number before being displayed. For example, if you use USD and want to display the value as cents, then set this value to 100. If you want to show dollar amounts, set this value to 1.

    • dispDec
      This value is the decimal count when the currency is being displayed.
      After being multiplied by the dispMul value above, the StreamElements tip amount will be rounded to this many decimal places. For example, an amount of $3.95 rounded to 0 decimal places will be "3", to 1 would be "3.9", and to 2 would be "3.95".

    • dispPre
      This value should be added before any currency amount as a prefix, such as a dollar sign ('$').

    • dispSuf
      This value should be added after any currency amount as a suffix, such as the word ' dollars'.

      NOTE: Usually only dispPre or dispSuf should be used, not both at the same time.

  • display
    Settings related to the animation of the emote wall.

    • styles
      An array of animation styles which individual emotes randomly perform.
      You may turn on and off elements in this array by "commenting out" a style, by putting two slashes before the name:

      // 'Still',        <-- disabled
         'StraightLine', <-- allowed
    • access
      A bitwise flag representing which users' messages show up on the emote wall.
      Account types are represented by the following values:

      Flag Meaning Twitch YouTube Kick Variations
      0x800 broadcaster T YT K
      0x400 moderator badge T YT K
      0x200 founder badge T K
      0x100 vip badge T K
      0x080 artist badge T
      0x040 tier 3 subscriber badge T K K: OG
      0x020 tier 2 subscriber badge T
      0x010 tier 1 subscriber badge T YT K YT: Member
      0x008 verified user YT K
      0x004 cheer badge T
      0x002 follower T YT K YT: Subscriber
      0x001 stranger T YT K

      Just put a vertical pipe (|) in between each of the values representing levels of access:

      Access Meaning
      0x800 | 0x400 broadcaster and moderator only
      0x800 | 0x400 | 0x100 | 0x040 | 0x020 broadcasters, mods, VIPs, and tier 2 and 3 subscribers
      0x800 | 0x010 | 0x002 boradcaster, tier 1 subscribers, and followers

      If you know how bitwise flags work, you can also use them in more complicated ways:

      Access Meaning
      0xFFF all users from the broadcaster to strangers
      0xFFF ^ 0x003 all users except followers and strangers
      0x070 all subscribers
    • duplicates
      A boolean or integer to toggle duplicate emotes per message.

      NOTE: If you use a threshold rate ("cfg.emote.threshold"), this duplicate limit applies to how many emotes will count toward the threshold, rather than how many will be shown.

      • If true, every emote posted in chat will be shown.
      • If false, only one of each emote per message will be shown.
      • If greater than 1, sets the maximum number of identical emotes shown from any message.
    • useEmoji
      Toggles display of emojis on the emote wall, and lets you choose an emoji font style.

      • If true, emojis will be shown using the "twemoji" font.
      • If false, emojis will not be shown on the emote wall.
      • If 'twemoji', emojis will be shown using the "twemoji" font.
      • If 'openmoji', emojis will be shown using the "openmoji" font.
      • If 'noto', emojis will be shown using the "noto" font.
      • If 'blob', emojis will be shown using the "blobmoji" font.
      • If 'facebook', emojis will be shown using the "Facebook emoji" font.
    • extended
      Settings related to third-party emotes.

      • useFFZ
        Toggles display of FrankerFaceZ emotes.

      • useBTTV
        Toggles display of BetterTTV emotes.

      • use7TV
        Toggles display of 7TV emotes.
        This value may also be set to the string 'AVIF'. If set, 7TV emotes will use the AVIF format instead of the WebP format.

      • useZWE
        Toggles display of Zero-Width (overlapping) emotes.
        If false, this will hide ZWEs entirely.

        NOTE: ZWE display requires more objects on-screen, which can be process-intensive, and precise timing is required for accurate overlay. CHAOS MAY ENSUE.

      • fillZWE
        Toggles the fill style of Zero-Width (overlapping) emotes.

        • If true, ZWEs will be stretched or squashed to fit non-square emotes.
        • If false, ZWEs will be placed in the center of non-square emotes.
      • holidayZWE
        Toggles enforced ZWEs on specific dates, as controlled by the bttvHoliday list.

        • If true, a BTTV "hat" ZWE will be overlaid on every emote on specific days of the year.
          Date Emote Code
          Sept 19 Pirate Hat HalloPirate
          Oct 31 Witch Hat HalloWitch
          Dec 24-25 Santa Hat SantaHat
          Dec 31 Top Hat TopHat
        • If false, no enforced ZWEs will ever be applied.
    • toroidal
      Toggles an infinite Asteroids-esque loop for emotes. Applies to StraightLine, Rise, and Drop animations and kappas.

      • If true, emotes will loop around to the opposite side when moving off the edge of the screen.
      • If false, emotes will disappear when moving off the edge of the screen.

      NOTE: This feature functions by creating multiple objects on the Emote Wall, which count against any limit you may have set, and may take extra processing power.

    • hue
      Rotate the hue of all emotes.

      • If a number between 1 and 359, all colors will be rotated by that many degrees.
      • If 'rave', all colors will constantly rotate.
      • Otherwise, no color rotation will occur.

      NOTE: If a command to toggle rave or turn rave on exists, rave will be off at startup.

    • shadow
      Add drop-shadow to all emotes.

      NOTE: This feature removes the visibility of cube faces in order to function.
      Otherwise the whole square of each face would also have a drop-shadow.

      • If false, no drop-shadow will be applied.
      • If Object:
        • offset
          Shadow offset coordinate pair.

          • If false, an emote's shadow will be directly under the emote. This can be used with blur to give a "glow" or "aura" effect.
          • If Object:
            • x
              Horizontal shadow offset, in pixels.

              • If false or 0, an emote's shadow will stay in the middle of the emote.
              • If a number between -4 and -1, an emote's shadow will fall to the left of the emote.
              • If a number between 1 and 4, an emote's shadow will fall to the right of the emote.
            • y
              Vertical shadow offset, in pixels.

              • If false or 0, an emote's shadow will stay vertically even with the emote.
              • If a number between -4 and -1, an emote's shadow will fall above the emote.
              • If a number between 1 and 4, an emote's shadow will fall below the emote.
        • blur
          Shadow blur amount, in pixels

          • If false or 0, an emote's shadow will be solid.
          • If a number between 1 and 4, an emote's shadow will be diffused.

          NOTE: This feature may reduce performance significantly.

        • color
          Shadow color

          • If false, shadows will be black.
          • If a string containing a CSS-compatible color, shadows will be the specified color.
    • kappa
      Settings related to emote-splosions and the !kappagen command.

      • count
        The number of emotes to display per kappagen.
        This value should be less than the emote max value seen below (best would be 1/4th or less), if "cfg.display.emote.max" is used, or it will be truncated to match.

      • styles
        Similar to the array of styles for normal emotes, but this one lists emote-splosion types.
        Please do not try to add normal styles to the kappa list or vice versa. This is an associative array which can have custom settings for certain styles (namely 'TheCube' and 'Text' - see below).

        • [ALL]
          Settings related to multiple kappagens.
          These settings will be the default for all instances of their respective kappagens. Each setting below may or may not apply to a specific kappagen style.

          • count
            The number of emotes to display for this specific kappagen.
            This value should be less than the emote max value seen below (best would be 1/4th or less), if "cfg.display.emote.max" is used, or it will be truncated to match. If unset, this will default to the global kappa count preference listed above.

            NOTE: If this preference is in an event below (not in this general kappa context), then an additional value is possible: -1, which will refer to the AMOUNT value present in the event. This can be the number of raiders, bits cheered, dollars tipped, subs gifted, or months subscribed.

        • Conga
          Settings related to Conga kappagen.
          These settings will override the default for all instances of 'Conga' kappagen.

          • avoidMiddle
            • If true, conga lines will only show up on the top or bottom three rows to avoid the middle of the screen.
            • If false, conga lines will show up on any row of the screen.
        • TheCube
          Settings related to The Cube kappagen.
          These settings will be the default for all instances of 'TheCube' kappagen.

          • size
            A decimal value representing the height of The Cube kappagen, relative to the smallest screen dimension.
            If the height of the screen is less than the width, each emote will be equal to the height of the screen multiplied by this ratio.
            Suggested: 8 / 10 (80%).

          • center

            • If true, The Cube will show up in the exact center of the screen.
            • If false, The Cube will show up in a random location.
          • rotations
            The maximum number of rotations a kappa cube might spin while on screen.
            This effectively controls the maximum possible speed at which cubes will rotate.

          • faces
            Toggles dynamic faces on cubes, which increases the number of shown emotes, but may make The Cube look less like a cube.

            • If true, The Cube may use different emotes on each face of The Cube.
            • If false, The Cube will show only one emote on every face of The Cube.
        • Text
          Settings related to Text kappagen.
          These settings will be the default for all instances of 'Text' kapagen.

          • message
            An array of alphanumeric strings (letters, numbers, and spaces), one of which will randomly be used.

          • time
            The number of seconds the 'Text' kappagen should show the final result for.
            This value should be adjusted depending on the average message length, for readability.

      • access
        Similar to the access flag for normal emotes, but controls which users can use the !kappagen command.

      • aliases
        An array of kappagen command aliases which can be used to force-trigger kappagens.

      • cooldown
        The number of seconds between force-triggered kappagens using an above alias.
        Any commands sent before the cooldown will be ignored, unless the another command shares the same alias.

      • conga
        Global settings related to Conga kappagen.

        • contagious
          This setting applies to all 'Conga' kappagens.

          • If true, while one 'Conga' kappagen is visible, all additional kappagens will also be 'Conga'.
          • If false, 'Conga' kappagns will behave like any other kappagen.
        • time
          The number of seconds the 'Conga' kappagen should show up on the screen for.
          This setting applies to all 'Conga' kappagens.
          This value lets you increase or decrease the chances of keeping a "contagious" 'Conga' line going.

        • avoidMiddle
          This setting will be the default for all instances of 'Conga' kappagen.

          • If true, 'Conga' lines will only show up on the top or bottom three rows to avoid the middle of the screen globally.
          • If false, the setting will default to any more specific avoidMiddle 'Conga' settings.
    • statuses
      Toggle the display of connection and error notifications.

      • If true, notifications about server connections will be shown in the top left corner.
      • If "init", notifications will only be shown until all connections are successful.
      • If false, no notifications will be shown.
  • emote
    Settings related to individual emote display.

    • time
      The number of seconds an emote should show up on the screen for.

    • max
      The maximum nuber of emotes to show on the screen at one time.
      Set this value to 0 for infinite emotes.
      This value should be greater than any kappa count values seen above or below (best would be 4x or more), as it will limit any single kappagen events to this maximum.

    • queue
      The maximum number of emotes to save in queue.
      Set this value to 0 for an infinite queue.
      This value will be ignored if the previous value ("cfg.emote.max") is infinite (0).

    • threshold
      Set a minimum number of emotes required before an emote is shown.
      This setting uses two values, emotes and seconds, to describe the minimum rate at which emotes must be posted in chat in order to be shown.
      If, for example, the setting is emotes: 3, seconds: 10, then one emote will be shown on screen for every three of that emote posted in chat, unless more than 10 seconds pass between any two messages.
      The "cfg.display.duplicates" limit can be used to control how many emotes count toward the threshold from each message.

      • emotes
        The minimum number of an emote that must be sent by users within a span of time.

      • seconds
        The window size in seconds in which a minimum number of an emote must be sent.

    • size
      Settings related to the size of emotes.

      • ratio
        Emotes show up in multiple sizes due to the kappagen feature.
        There are a total of five sizes that an emote can be:

        • 'TheCube' kappagen's faces are squares equal to 80% of the smaller screen dimension (usually height on PC).
        • 'Pyramid' kappagen emotes have a height equal to 1/19th of the screen's width (changes with the pyramidDist array).
        • 'Text' kappagen emotes are dynamically sized to allow the message to fit on the screen.
        • 'Fireworks', 'Spiral', and 'Confetti' kappagen emotes have a height equal to the small ratio (see below).
        • All standard emotes and kappagens not listed above will use the normal ratio (see below).

        Most normal emotes will limit by height, except 'TheCube', which fits in the center of every side, and 'Pyramid', 'SmallPyramid', 'Text', and 'Conga', which need squares to work correctly.

        • normal
          A decimal value representing the height of each emote, relative to the smallest screen dimension.
          If the height of the screen is less than the width, each emote will be equal to the height of the screen multiplied by this ratio. Suggested 1 / n where n is greater than 10.

        • small
          A decimal value representing the height of small emotes, relative to the smallest screen dimension.
          If the height of the screen is less than the width, each emote will be equal to the height of the screen multiplied by this ratio. Suggested 1 / n where n is greater than 20.

      • min
        The minimum height of an emote, in pixels.

      • max
        The maximum height of an emote, in pixels.

      • variation
        Settings related to how often occasional random large or small emotes show up.

        • If false, no variations will occur.
        • If Integer, the chance that an emote will show up at double or half its size (as a ratio of 1:1:n, that is 1 chance it's double, 1 chance it's half, and n chance it's standard).
        • If Object:
          • chance
            An integer variable that determines how often occasional random large or small emotes show up.
            This value fills the same role as the variation Integer option above, but with a ratio based on the range value.

          • range
            An array of probabilities for different sizes
            Each entry in the parent array has 1 chance, making the denominator equal to the count of items in range plus the value of chance.
            Each entry must be a decimal value; suggested range between "0.1" and "3.0". This value will be the number by which the emote size will be multiplied. "0.5" is equal to half size, "2.0" is equal to double size.

    • cube
      Settings related to The Cube emote.

      • rotations
        The maximum number of rotations a cube might spin while on screen.
        This effectively controls the maximum possible speed at which cubes will rotate.
    • in
      Settings related to the showing of an emote.

      NOTE: Some kappagen styles do not use these. See the notes next to each kappagen style name.

      • fade
        A boolean to toggle the "fade in" style.

      • zoom
        A boolean to toggle the "zoom in" style.

    • out
      Settings related to the hiding of an emote.

      NOTE: Some kappagen styles do not use these. See the notes next to each kappagen style name.

      • fade
        A boolean to toggle the "fade out" style.

      • zoom
        A boolean to toggle the "zoom out" style.

  • event
    Settings related to channel events which trigger emote-splosions (kappagen).

    • twitch
      Settings related to Twitch channel events.

      • clear
        A boolean to toggle clearing the screen when chat is cleared.

        • If true, the emote wall will be cleared when the /clear command is used.
        • If false, the emote wall will ignore the /clear command.
      • raid
        Settings related to kappagens when being raided.

        • raiders
          A streamer raids the channel with viewers.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all raids.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on raids.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum raiders required for a raid to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on raid.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • originEmotes
          A boolean to toggle the use of the raiding streamer's channel emotes for raid kappagens.

          • If true, raid kappagens will use channel emotes from the raider's channel.
          • If false, raid kappagens will use your channel's emotes.
        • originExtendedEmotes
          Control the display of third-party emotes, if originEmotes is enabled.

          NOTE: The 'listed' option only applies to 7TV, as FFZ doesn't provide unapproved emotes, and BTTV auto-approves.
          This value can be a boolean or string:

          • If 'listed', raid kappagens will only use the raider's listed third-party channel emotes.
          • If true, raid kappagens will use all the raider's third-party channel emotes.
          • If false, raid kappagens will not use third-party channel emotes.
      • follow
        A user follows the channel.
        Requires moderator:read:followers scope.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • shoutout
        Settings related to kappagens on a shoutout event.
        Requires moderator:read:shoutouts scope.

        • create
          Settings related to kappagens when you shout another channel out.

          • styles
            You shout another channel out.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • targetEmotes
            A boolean to toggle the use of the target channel's emotes for shoutout kappagens.

            • If true, shoutout kappagens will use channel emotes from the target's channel.
            • If false, shoutout kappagens will use your channel's emotes.
          • targetExtendedEmotes
            Control the display of third-party emotes, if targetEmotes is enabled.

            NOTE: The 'listed' option only applies to 7TV, as FFZ doesn't provide unapproved emotes, and BTTV auto-approves.
            This value can be a boolean or string:

            • If 'listed', shoutout kappagens will only use the target's listed third-party channel emotes.
            • If true, shoutout kappagens will use all the target's third-party channel emotes.
            • If false, shoutout kappagens will not use third-party channel emotes.
        • receive
          Settings related to kappagens when another channel shouts you out.

          • styles
            You are shouted out by another channel.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • originEmotes
            A boolean to toggle the use of the source channel's emotes for shoutout kappagens.

            • If true, shoutout kappagens will use channel emotes from the source's channel.
            • If false, shoutout kappagens will use your channel's emotes.
          • originExtendedEmotes
            Control the display of third-party emotes, if originEmotes is enabled.

            NOTE: The 'listed' option only applies to 7TV, as FFZ doesn't provide unapproved emotes, and BTTV auto-approves.
            This value can be a boolean or string:

            • If 'listed', shoutout kappagens will only use the source's listed third-party channel emotes.
            • If true, shoutout kappagens will use all the source's third-party channel emotes.
            • If false, shoutout kappagens will not use third-party channel emotes.
      • tag
        Settings related to kappagens when users tag a channel you've tagged in your stream title.

        • styles
          A user posts a message that starts with "@user".
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • access
          A bitwise flag representing which users can trigger this kappagen with a command.
          This value will fall back to the general kappagen access value if missing or less than 0.

        • onReply
          A boolean to bypass tag kappagens when the mention is caused by a reply in chat

          • If true, replying to the tagged user will count as a tag.
          • If false, replies will not count as tagging a user, and will not trigger a kappagen.
        • targetEmotes
          A boolean to toggle the use of the target channel's emotes for tag kappagens.

          • If true, tag kappagens will use channel emotes from the target's channel.
          • If false, tag kappagens will use your channel's emotes.
        • targetExtendedEmotes
          Control the display of third-party emotes, if targetEmotes is enabled.

          NOTE: The 'listed' option only applies to 7TV, as FFZ doesn't provide unapproved emotes, and BTTV auto-approves.
          This value can be a boolean or string:

          • If 'listed', tag kappagens will only use the target's listed third-party channel emotes.
          • If true, tag kappagens will use all the target's third-party channel emotes.
          • If false, tag kappagens will not use third-party channel emotes.
      • sub
        Settings related to kappagens on a subscribe event.

        • useMsg

          • If true, any emotes in resub messages will be used for the kappagen.
          • If false, any emotes in resub messages will show up like normal emotes.
        • t1
          Settings related to kappagens on a Tier 1 subscribe event.

          • first
            A user subscribes at Tier 1 for the first time.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • resub
            A user resubscribes at Tier 1.
            This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur on all Tier 1 resubs.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur on Tier 1 resubs.
            • If Integer, the value is the minimum months required for a Tier 1 resub to trigger a kappagen.
              • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
              • If 1, a kappagen will occur every month.
              • If greater than 1, the number of months subscribed must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
            • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
              Each value can be a boolean or array:
              • If true, a kappagen will occur.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur.
              • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • upgrade
            Settings related to "converted" subscriptions.

            • gift
              A user upgrades a gift sub to Tier 1.
              This value can be a boolean or array:

              • If true, a kappagen will occur.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur.
              • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
            • prime
              A user upgrades a Prime sub to Tier 1.
              This value can be a boolean or array:

              • If true, a kappagen will occur.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur.
              • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • gift
            Settings related to Tier 1 gifts.

            • first
              A user gifts another user their first Tier 1 subscription.
              This value can be a boolean or array:

              • If true, a kappagen will occur.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur.
              • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
            • resub
              A user gifts another user a Tier 1 resubscription.
              This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

              • If true, a kappagen will occur on all Tier 1 gift resubs.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur on Tier 1 gift resubs.
              • If Integer, the value is the minimum months required for a Tier 1 gift resub to trigger a kappagen.
                • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
                • If 1, a kappagen will occur every month.
                • If greater than 1, the number of months subscribed must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
              • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
                Each value can be a boolean or array:
                • If true, a kappagen will occur.
                • If false, no kappagen will occur.
                • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
            • bomb
              A user gifts multiple Tier 1 subscriptions.
              This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

              • If true, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur on giftbombs.
              • If Integer, the value is the minimum gifts required for a gift bomb to trigger a kappagen.
                • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
                • If 1, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
                • If greater than 1, the number of gifted users in a Tier 1 giftbomb must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
              • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
                Each value can be a boolean or array:
                • If true, a kappagen will occur.
                • If false, no kappagen will occur.
                • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • t2
          Identical to t1, but for Tier 2 subscriptions.

        • t3
          Identical to t1, but for Tier 3 subscriptions.

        • prime
          Settings related to kappagens on an Amazon Prime subscribe event.

          • first
            A user subscribes with Prime for the first time.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • resub
            A user resubscribes with Prime.
            This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur on all Prime resubs.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur on Prime resubs.
            • If Integer, the value is the minimum months required for a Prime resub to trigger a kappagen.
              • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
              • If 1, a kappagen will occur every month.
              • If greater than 1, the number of months subscribed must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
            • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
              Each value can be a boolean or array:
              • If true, a kappagen will occur.
              • If false, no kappagen will occur.
              • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • cheer Settings related to kappagens on a cheer event.

        • useMsg

          • If true, any emotes in cheer messages will also be included in the kappagen.
          • If false, any emotes in cheer messages will show up like normal emotes.
        • bits Minimum number of bits for a kappagen.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all cheers.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on cheers.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum bits required for a cheer to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on cheer.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-499' or '2500-4999', or an open-maximum range such as '7500+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • badge
        Settings related to users earning bits badges.
        This section is more "fluid" than other sections.
        Each entry is a number (in string form) representing a bits badge and a kappa boolean/array value:

        '1': false,
        '100': true,
        '5000': ['Rise', 'Conga']
        • If value is true, a kappagen will occur when a user earns a bit badge.
        • If value is false, no kappagen will occur when a user earns a bit badge.
        • If value is an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur for bit badges.

        If a user earns a bits badge for a number not listed in the array, the system will find the number which is closest to the badge, favoring the lower number in case of a tie.
        For example:

        badge: {
         '100': false,
         '5000': true

        If a user earns a 1000 bits badge, no kappagen will occur because 1000 is closer to 100 than 5000.
        If a user earns their 10000 bits badge, a kappagen will occur because 5000 is the closest listed number.

        NOTE: The numbers must be strings (in either 'single' or "double" quotes) to function properly.

      • hypetrain
        Settings related to hype trains.
        Requires channel:read:hype_train scope.

        • begin
          A hype train begins in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • success
          Minimum level for a kappagen on hype train completion.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all hype train completions.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on hype train completions.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum level required for a hype train to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on hype train success.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-5' or '6-10', or an open-maximum range such as '11+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • poll
        Settings related to polls.
        Requires channel:read:polls scope.

        • begin
          A poll begins in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • end
          A poll ends in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • prediction
        Settings related to predictions.
        Requires channel:read:predictions scope.

        • begin
          A prediction begins in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • resolved
          A prediction ends in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • goal
        Settings related to goals.
        Requires channel:read:goals scope.

        • begin
          A goal begins in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • achieved
          A goal ends in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • charity
        A charity donation is made in the channel.
        Requires channel:read:charity scope.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • powerup
        Settings related to Power-ups.

        • message
          A "Message Effect" Power-up has been used in your channel.

          • simmer
            The "simmer" effect has been applied to a message.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • eclipse
            The "rainbow-eclipse" effect has been applied to a message.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
          • abyss
            The "cosmic-abyss" effect has been applied to a message.
            This value can be a boolean or array:

            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • emote
          The "Gigantify an Emote" Power-up has been used in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • timeout
        Minimum time for a kappagen when a user is timed out.
        This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur on all timeouts.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Integer, the value is the minimum seconds required for a timeout to trigger a kappagen.
          • If 0, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '5-30' or '60-180', or an open-maximum range such as '300+'.
          Each value can be a boolean or array:
          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • ban
        A user is banned in the channel.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
    • youtube
      Settings related to YouTube channel events.

      • sub
        A user subscribes the channel.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • member
        Settings related to kappagens on a membership event.

        • useMsg

          • If true, any emotes in member milestone messages will be used for the kappagen.
          • If false, any emotes in member milestone messages will show up like normal emotes.
        • first
          A user becomes a member for the first time.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • milestone
          A user reaches a membership milestone.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all milestones.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on milestones.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum months required for a milestone to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
            • If 1, a kappagen will occur every month.
            • If greater than 1, the number of months as a member must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • giftbomb
          A user gifts multiple memberships.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on giftbombs.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum gifts required for a gift bomb to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
            • If 1, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
            • If greater than 1, the number of gifted users in a giftbomb must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • superchat
        Settings related to kappagens on a super chat event.

        • useMsg

          • If true, any emotes in super chat messages will also be included in the kappagen.
          • If false, any emotes in super chat messages will show up like normal emotes.
        • level Minimum number of tier for a kappagen.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all super chats.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on super chats.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum tier required for a super chat to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on super chat.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-8', or an open-maximum range such as '9+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • supersticker
        Minimum number of tier for a kappagen on a super sticker event.
        This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur on all super stickers.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur on super stickers.
        • If Integer, the value is the minimum tier required for a super chat to trigger a kappagen.
          • If 0, no kappagen will occur on super chat.
        • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-8', or an open-maximum range such as '9+'.
          Each value can be a boolean or array:
          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • timeout
        Minimum time for a kappagen when a user is timed out.
        This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur on all timeouts.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Integer, the value is the minimum seconds required for a timeout to trigger a kappagen.
          • If 0, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '5-30' or '60-180', or an open-maximum range such as '300+'.
          Each value can be a boolean or array:
          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • ban
        A user is banned in the channel.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
    • kick
      Settings related to Kick channel events.

      • clear
        A boolean to toggle clearing the screen when chat is cleared.

        • If true, the emote wall will be cleared when the /clear command is used.
        • If false, the emote wall will ignore the /clear command.
      • raid
        Settings related to kappagens when being raided (hosted).

        • raiders
          A streamer raids the channel with viewers.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all raids.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on raids.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum raiders required for a raid to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on raid.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • originEmotes
          A boolean to toggle the use of the raiding streamer's channel emotes for raid kappagens.

          • If true, raid kappagens will use channel emotes from the raider's channel.
          • If false, raid kappagens will use your channel's emotes.
        • originExtendedEmotes
          Control the display of third-party emotes, if originEmotes is enabled.

          NOTE: The 'listed' option only applies to 7TV, as FFZ doesn't provide unapproved emotes, and BTTV auto-approves.
          This value can be a boolean or string:

          • If 'listed', raid kappagens will only use the raider's listed third-party channel emotes.
          • If true, raid kappagens will use all the raider's third-party channel emotes.
          • If false, raid kappagens will not use third-party channel emotes.
      • follow
        A user follows the channel.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • sub
        Settings related to kappagens on a subscribe event.

        • first
          A user subscribes for the first time.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • resub
          A user resubscribes.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all resubs.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on resubs.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum months required for a resub to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
            • If 1, a kappagen will occur every month.
            • If greater than 1, the number of months subscribed must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • gift
          A user gifts another user a subscription.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • giftbomb
          A user gifts multiple subscriptions.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on giftbombs.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum gifts required for a gift bomb to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur.
            • If 1, a kappagen will occur on any random gift.
            • If greater than 1, the number of gifted users in a giftbomb must be greater than or equal to this number to trigger a kappagen.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-9', or an open-maximum range such as '10+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • poll
        Settings related to polls.

        • begin
          A poll begins in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • end
          A poll ends in your channel.
          This value can be a boolean or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • timeout
        Minimum time for a kappagen when a user is timed out.
        This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur on all timeouts.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Integer, the value is the minimum seconds required for a timeout to trigger a kappagen.
          • If 0, no kappagen will occur on timeouts.
        • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '5-30' or '60-180', or an open-maximum range such as '300+'.
          Each value can be a boolean or array:
          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • ban
        A user is banned in the channel.
        This value can be a boolean or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur.
        • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
    • tip
      Settings related to third-party tip systems.

      • useMsgEmotes

        • If true, any emotes in tip messages will be used for the kappagen.
        • If false, tips will ignore the tip's message.
      • useProfileImage

        • If true, tips (without message emotes) will use the tipper's profile image instead of emotes.
        • If false, tips will use your standard kappagen emotes.
      • streamlabs
        Settings related to Streamlabs payment events.

        NOTE: The values used in these ranges can be controlled with the "cfg.streamlabs.curMul" setting (see above) based on your default currency in Streamlabs.

        • donation
          Minimum tip amount through Streamlabs for a kappagen.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all Streamlabs tips.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on tips.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum amount required for a tip to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on tips through Streamlabs.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-19', or an open-maximum range such as '20+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
        • pledge
          Minimum pledge amount through Streamlabs for a kappagen.
          This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

          • If true, a kappagen will occur on all Streamlabs pledges.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur on pledges.
          • If Integer, the value is the minimum amount required for a tip to trigger a kappagen.
            • If 0, no kappagen will occur on pledges through Streamlabs.
          • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-19', or an open-maximum range such as '20+'.
            Each value can be a boolean or array:
            • If true, a kappagen will occur.
            • If false, no kappagen will occur.
            • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
      • streamelements
        Minimum tip amount through StreamElements for a kappagen.

        NOTE: The values used in these ranges can be controlled with the "cfg.streamelements.curMul" setting (see above) based on your default currency in StreamElements.

        This value can be a boolean, integer, or array:

        • If true, a kappagen will occur on all StreamElements tips.
        • If false, no kappagen will occur on tips.
        • If Integer, the value is the minimum amount required for a tip to trigger a kappagen.
          • If 0, no kappagen will occur on tips through StreamElements.
        • If Array, each key of the array should be a string containing a range of integers, such as '1', '2-4' or '5-19', or an open-maximum range such as '20+'.
          Each value can be a boolean or array:
          • If true, a kappagen will occur.
          • If false, no kappagen will occur.
          • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
  • commands
    An array of commands which can trigger one or more kappagens, or clear the screen.
    Each command is an object with the following properties:

    • aliases
      An array of kappa command aliases which can be used to force-trigger this kappagen.

    • access
      A bitwise flag representing which users can trigger this kappagen with a command.
      This value will fall back to the general kappagen access value.

    • cooldown
      The number of seconds between force-triggered kappagens using an above alias.
      Any commands sent before the cooldown will be ignored, unless another command shares the same alias.
      This value is optional; no value is the same as a value of 0, which is, no cooldown.

    • redeem
      An array of style-specific channel point reward names which can be used to force-trigger this kappagen.
      Requires channel:read:redemptions scope.

    • erase
      If this property exists, the command will erase the screen rather than showing a kappagen.
      Any styles, rave, raveon, or raveoff properties will be ignored, regardless of the value of erase.

    • rave
      If this property exists, the command will toggle the 'rave' hue rotation, if enabled, rather than showing a kappagen.
      Any styles, raveon, or raveoff properties will be ignored, regardless of the value of rave.
      If "cfg.display.hue" is not set to 'rave', this command will do nothing.

    • raveon
      If this property exists, the command will turn on the 'rave' hue rotation, if enabled, rather than showing a kappagen.
      Any styles or raveoff properties will be ignored, regardless of the value of raveon.
      If "cfg.display.hue" is not set to 'rave', this command will do nothing.

    • raveoff
      If this property exists, the command will turn off the 'rave' hue rotation, if enabled, rather than showing a kappagen.
      Any styles property will be ignored, regardless of the value of raveoff.
      If "cfg.display.hue" is not set to 'rave', this command will do nothing.

    • styles
      A kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur upon command.
      This value can be a boolean or array:

      • If true, a kappagen will occur.
      • If false, no kappagen will occur.
      • If an array of kappa styles, a kappagen of one of the listed styles will occur.
  • ignore
    Ignore Lists

    • users
      Users who should be ignored.
      This value can be false or an array:

      • If false, no users will be ignored.
      • If an array of strings, these user names will not be able to make emotes show up.
    • emotes
      Emotes which should be ignored.
      This value can be false or an array:

      • If false, no emotes will be ignored.
      • If an array of strings, these emotes will not show up.
        • You can also use \u{XXXXX} escape'd emojis.

      NOTE: Kick emote names are user-editable, and don't even show up when posted by mobile app. This feature will not work correctly in such cases.

Note on Event and Command Kappagen Entries

Keep in mind that kappagen arrays are also associative, and may have independent settings for kappas such as TheCube and Text. The kappagen style can also contain the following values:

  • count
    The number of emotes to show for this kappagen.
    This can be an integer or an object.

    • If this property does not exist, it will fall back to the count setting for the kappagen style.
      • If the kappagen style has no count property, then the global kappagen count will be used.
    • If Integer, this is the number of emotes that will be shown in this kappagen.
    • If Object:
      • default
        The number of emotes to show for this kappagen by default.
        This must be an integer.

        • If this property does not exist, it will fall back as the parent count would.
        • If Integer, this is the number of emotes that will be shown in this kappagen.
      • dynamic
        This is a boolean value to determine if the count can be changed by users.

        • If this property does not exist, it will fall back to false.
        • If true, a user may include a number in the command's parameters, and that number will be used.
        • If false, the default count will be used exclusively.
      • maximum
        The maximum number of emotes to show for this kappagen if dynamic is set to true.
        This must be an integer.

        • If this property does not exist, it will fall back to the maximum number of emotes allowed on screen.
        • If Integer, this is the maximum number of emotes this kappagen style can display.
      • eq
        The equation to apply to the number of emotes to show if dynamic is set to true.
        This must be a string, using the letter n to represent the relevant dynamic value.
        Equations must contain only the operators +, -, *, /, ( and ).

        • If the equation does not return a number, it will be ignored.
        • If the equation does not return an integer, it will be Math.round()ed.
  • emotes
    A list of emotes that will be used for this kappagen.
    This can be an array or an object.

    • If Array, each entry must be a string containing the name or URL of an emote, or an emoji.

      NOTE: Only your channel or global emotes can be named (including 3rd-party).

    • If Object:
      • list
        This must be an array of strings, the same as the Array entry of the parent emotes property above.

      • dynamic
        This is a boolean value to determine if the displayed emotes can be set by the user.

        • If this property does not exist, it will fall back to true.
        • If true, a user may include emotes in the command's parameters, and those emotes will be used.
        • If false, only the emotes in the list property above will be used.