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For Developers: Installing and Running Openroast

int3ll3ct edited this page Apr 3, 2017 · 7 revisions

Windows and Mac end-users will want to stick to the installer packages posted in releases section, rather than have to work through the information on this page.

Running Openroast from source is possible in Linux as well as in Windows and OS X. Setup varies by platform.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with python, git, and shell scripting. If these terms aren't familiar to you, we suggest that you learn the basics of python and git source code control before reading any further.

Running from source in Windows 10

For Windows 10, setting up to run Openroast from source involves running partway through the Windows build script. The build script installs all necessary tooling, including Python 3.5. If you already have another version of Python installed, the build script will not discriminate between installed Python versions. It is up to the reader to determine how to ensure that Openroast is developed and executed in a Python 3.5 environment. (The author runs a bare Win10 installation in a VirtualBox VM for this purpose.)

Alternative A (preferred)

  1. Start from a bare Win10 machine, and follow all the Windows build instructions posted in For Developers: Building a Distributable Package. At the end of that process, you will have set yourself to build the app correctly.
  2. In a terminal window, cd [your_folder]\Openroast.
  3. At this point, to run Openroast, all you should need to do is type python openroast\ and the app should run. *Note that if you have more than one version of Python installed on your machine, you'll need to specify python 3.5 during requirements installs and when running openroast/

Alternative B (cryptic)

  1. Using git, clone or fork this project to the folder of your choice.
  2. Start a PowerShell terminal, making sure you can execute unsigned local scripts. You'll want to launch PowerShell as administrator, as well.
  3. cd [your_folder]\Openroast.
  4. .\build_win.ps1 -tool_install. This will install Python 3.5, Git for Windows, and NSIS 3.0. If you do not want some of these installed, modify the script accordingly.
  5. .\build_win.ps1 -python_build_tool_install. This installs both Openroast's python package dependencies, as well as the python-based build tool dependencies. (You can pip install -r these instead, there are two requirements.txt files in the root folder that specify the dependencies.)
  6. At this point, to run Openroast, all you should need to do is type python openroast\ and the app should run. *Note that if you have more than one version of Python installed on your machine, you'll need to specify python 3.5 during requirements installs and when running openroast/

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