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File metadata and controls

76 lines (46 loc) · 3.88 KB

Features Currently supported in SAP HANA Application Migration Assistant:

  • Creating an initial CAP application involves enhancing project configuration for SAP HANA Cloud and XSUAA, generating an MTA deployment descriptor, odata v2 support , sqlite support and Build Configuration.

  • Converting "hdbconstraint", "hdbindex", "hdbview", "hdbtable", "hdbsequence", "hdbprocedure", "hdbtablefunction", "hdbfunction", "hdbstructuredprivilege", "hdblibrary", "hdbcalculationview", "hdbanalyticprivilege", "hdbrole", "hdbsynonymconfig", "hdbtabledata", artifacts into a CAP (Cloud Application Programming) compliant format.

  • Converting the file extensions from "hdbdd" files into "cds" for CAP compliance.

  • As part of the transition to CAP compliant format, the notation in view definitions should be modified from "" to ![]. This specific delimiter enhances the reliability of processing in CAP CDS.

  • Coverts HANA CDS Datatypes to CAP CDS Datatypes.

    LocalDate Date
    LocalTime Time
    UTCDateTime DateTime
    UTCTimestamp Timestamp
    BinaryFloat Double
    decimal Decimal
    hana.CHAR hana.VARCHAR
  • Replacing @OData.publish:true with @cds.autoexpose for enhanced functionality.

  • Creates “.hdbtabletype” files corresponding to each table type definition.

  • Converts temporary entities to regular entities in CAP CDS.

  • Relocating all the CDS files from their individual directories, for instance, src/, to the corresponding db/cds folder in the CAP project. Additionally, an index.cds file referring to these CDS files is created in the src folder.

  • Log file generation using CDS Compile.

  • Converts the technical configuration and element configuration to be CAP compliant, accomplished through the use of “@sql.append”.

  • Remove Series Entity which is not supported in CAP CDS.

  • Replaceing the annotation @Comment for table and element with “/** */ “to CAP Compliant Format and adding parameters required in package.json.

  • Remove Schema Configuration.

  • Updates .hdinamespace file with the proper configuration.

  • Rename the other Hana database artifacts to SAP CAP CDS supported format. Specifically, entities should be converted to uppercase and any instances of “.”, “::” should be replaced with “_”.

  • Copy the UI/ web folder into CAP Application.

  • Removes empty directories.

  • Removes full text index which is no longer supported in hana-cloud.

  • Creates skeleton file for calculation views.

  • Formatting the cds files is done with @sap/cds-lsp.

  • Renaming the annotations.

  • Creating Proxy Table entities for Hana Native object ".hdbtable".

  • Creating Proxy Views for Hana Native object ".hdbcalculationview".

  • Creating Proxy Hdbview for Hana Native object ".hdbview".

  • Creating Proxy Hdbfunction for Hana Native object ".hdbtablefunction".

  • Support for type of operator is provided.

  • Converting Join, Aggregation, Union and Projection in calculation views into supported format.

  • In calculation Views unsupported data types date(), day(), time() and counter datatype ( Integer ) are converted into respective supported data types daydate(), daytime(), secondtime() and counter datatype ( BIGINT ) .

  • The SAP HANA Application Migration Assistant performs the following type conversions on these files: ".hdbtable", ".hdbprocedure", ".hdbfunction", ".hdbdropcreatetable", ".hdbtrigger", ".hdblibrary", ".hdbstructuredprivilege", ".hdbview", ".hdbindex", ".hdbconstraint", ".hdbtablefunction", ".hdbsequence" :

    • ALPHANUM is changed to NVARCHAR
    • TEXT is changed to NCLOB
    • SHORTTEXT is changed to NVARCHAR
    • CHAR is changed to VARCHAR
  • In calculation views the values inside " for filter and formula fields are converted to uppercase.