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683 lines (465 loc) · 25.2 KB

File metadata and controls

683 lines (465 loc) · 25.2 KB


Date: N/A

New Features

Binary Decision Diagrams

  • Added f + g operator overload as an alias for bdd_or(f,g).

  • Added f - g operator overload as an alias for bdd_diff(f,g).

  • Added f * g operator overload as an alias for bdd_and(f,g).

  • Overload bdd_satmin(f) and bdd_satmax(f) to explicitly state the variables that (at least) should be included in the result.

    • bdd_satmin(f, gen, size): find the lexicographically smallest assignment with the size number of variables provided by the generator, gen.

    • bdd_satmin(f, cbegin, cend): find the lexicographically smallest assignment of f where the variables between cbegin and cend should be included. Notice, that cbegin and cend are read-only; if the writeable begin and end are used, then the previous behaviour of an output range is used.

    • bdd_satmin(f, c): find the lexicographically smallest assignment of f with the variables in the BDD cube c.

  • Added bdd_replace(f, m) for variable renaming: Here, m is a function that maps variables in m.


    If m does not map the variables of f monotonically, then an exception is thrown; doing so requires a new algorithm which is planned for v2.2.

  • Added bdd_relprod(s, r, pred) to compute the relational product of states, s, and relation, r, while quantifying the variables for which the given predicate evaluates to true.

  • Added bdd_relnext(s, r, m) to compute a step forwards from states s according to relation r. The (partial) variable mapping m maps variables back from primed to unprimed states; variables not mapped by m are existentially quantified.

  • Added bdd_relprev(s, r, m) to compute a step backwards from states s according to relation r. The (partial) variable mapping m maps variables back from unprimed to primed states; variables not mapped by m are existentially quantified.

Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams

  • Added f + g operator overload as an alias for zdd_union(f,g).

  • Added f * g operator overload as an alias for zdd_intsec(f,g).


  • Moved the logic for on-the-fly BDD negation from the generic file stream class into the one specifically for BDD nodes. This removes (unused) branches within the other streams. Furthermore, the logic to negate each BDD node has been optimised to remove another branch statement. This improves performance somewhere between 0% and 2%.

  • The newly added bdd_replace(f, m) optimises CPU and space usage depending on f and how m maps the variables of f.

    • If f is an unreduced rvalue, then variable renaming is incorporated into the Reduce algorithm (only calling m once per variable in f).
    • If m(x) = x is the identity function (on the support of f) then f is returned using no additional space.
    • If m(x) = x+c for some constant c then BDD nodes in f are (similar to negation) remapped on-the-fly. This also uses no additional space and adds an insignificant overhead.
    • Otherwise, all BDD nodes of f are mapped using linear time, I/Os, and space.
  • The newly added bdd_replace(f, m), bdd_relnext(s, r, m), and bdd_relprev(s, r, m) are overloaded with an optional additional argument that is the type of m. This immediately identifies which case above can be applied (instead of spending time inferring it).

  • The bdd_exists(f, ...) and bdd_forall(f, ...) functions now skip the initial transposition of f if it is an unreduced rvalue.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed compilation error on ARM64 Linux due to missing signedness.

  • Fixed overflow error when a single BDD's width outgrows 32 bits (96 GiB).

  • Fixed Outer Reduce in Nested Sweeping framework crashes due to assuming its priority queues are (like the regular Reduce) only inducing a 1-level cut on the input.

  • Fixed "Not enough phase 1 memory for 128 KB items and an open stream!" error messages when running bdd_exists(f, ...) and bdd_forall(f, ...) with exclusively external memory data structures.

  • Fixed statistics for quantification algorithms are incorrect/misleading. To do so, the adiar::statistics struct has been changed (in a breaking way).

Other Changes

  • The maximum number of BDD variables has been decreased to 2097149 (21 bytes for the label). This is done to guarantee that a single integer of each level can easily fit into memory.

    This has the added benefit, that the maximum supported BDD size is increased to the absurd size of 96 TiB .

  • Disabled TPIE from outputting its debug log to a disk on the file if Adiar is compiled for production. This drastically saves on disk space (some benchmarks ran out of disk not due to large BDDs but due to several TiB of debug logging).


Date: 5th of April, 2024

New Features

  • Added new overloads for many functions of Adiar's API that use [1] (pure) label predicates, [2] (stateful) label generator functions, and [3] iterators. For example, bdd_exists is now overloaded with the following alternatives

    • bdd_exists(f, pred): quantify all variables i in f where pred(i) evaluates to true.

    • bdd_exists(f, gen): quantify all variables i generated by gen(). Here, gen() must provides the to-be quantified variables in descending order.

    • bdd_exists(f, begin, end): quantify all variables i from begin to end (assuming these are sorted in descending order).

  • Similarly, functions that create non-diagram outputs, e.g. bdd_satmin(...) and bdd_varprofile(...), now take a consumer function or iterators as an argument, such that they are compatible with any data structure you desire.

  • domain_set(...) is overloaded to set the global domain given a number of variables, a generator, or an iterator.

  • BDD and ZDD operations now optionally take an exec_policy as their first argument. This can be used to set parameters for the algorithms to non-default values.

  • The library's version number is now available in <adiar/version.h> as compile-time and inlinable integers and strings.

Binary Decision Diagrams

  • The BDD builder functions bdd_and(...) and bdd_or(...) now support negated variables. This can either be parsed as a boolean flag or by negating the label.

  • Added bdd_iscube(f) predicate. Furthermore, bdd_cube(...) is added as an alias for bdd_and(...).

  • Added bdd_isvar(f), bdd_isithvar(f), bdd_isnithvar(f) predicates.

  • Added bdd_topvar(f) to obtain the root-variable (similar to bdd_minvar(f) until variable reordering is introduced).

  • Added bdd_restrict(f, x, v) as an overload to restrict a single variable.

  • Added bdd_low(f) and bdd_high(f) as an overload of bdd_restrict to restrict the top variable to false and true, respectively.

  • Added bdd_const(bool_value) and bdd_isconst(f) as an alias for bdd_terminal() and bdd_isterminal().

  • Added bdd_top() and bdd_bot() as aliases for bdd_true() and bdd_false().

  • Added bdd_optmin(f, c) to derive the assignment in f that is minimal with respect to the linear cost function c.

  • Extended bdd_printdot(f, out) with a third optional argument include_id (false by default). If true, the level-specific identifiers are included in the output. This is useful for debugging. Otherwise, it displays similar to the literature.

Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams

  • Added zdd_ispoint(A) predicate together with zdd_point(...) as an alias for zdd_vars(...).

  • Added zdd_top(...) and zdd_bot(...) as a ZDD version of bdd_top() and bdd_bot().

  • Added zdd_topvar(A) to obtain the root-variable (similar to zdd_minvar(A) until variable reordering is introduced).

  • zdd_onset(A, ...) and zdd_offset(A, ...) are now overloaded for a single variable. By default, this single variable is the top variable.

  • Extended zdd_printdot(A, out) with a third optional argument include_id (false by default). If true, the level-specific identifiers are included in the output. This is useful for debugging. Otherwise, it displays similar to the literature.


  • The algorithms bdd_apply, zdd_binop, their derivatives, and bdd_exists, bdd_forall, and zdd_project now use a level-by-level random access on one of the input (if possible). This circumvents using an entire priority queue, thereby drastically improving performance. This is especially beneficial when applying an operator to a very large decision diagram together with a narrow one.

    With exec_policy::access one can turn this optimisation off and/or force it to always be used.

  • The functions bdd_equal(f,g) and zdd_equal(A,B) terminate in constant time, if the width of the two decision diagrams are not the same.

  • Added proper support for quantification of multiple variable. This is done with the new Nested Sweeping framework to add support for an I/O-efficient simulation of BDD operations that (may) recurse on intermediate results. This provides a completely new multi-variable quantification operations that is similar to the one in other BDD packages

    With exec_policy::quantify::algorithm, one can pick between this and the previous approach of quantifying one variable at a time.

  • bdd_apply(f,g,op) and zdd_binop(A,B,op) now precompute whether the operator op is shortcutting, idempotent or negating for either Boolean value. The commutative operators, e.g. and, or, and xor, are also pre-compiled with these predicates to further optimise conditional if-statements.

Bug Fixes

  • The result of statistics_get() is now fixed such that the values for reduce and substitute are correct.

  • Many small fixes to make Adiar compile with GCC, Clang, and MSVC on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Simultaneously, we have now set up continuous integration, such that we can truly ensure we support all platforms.

Breaking Changes

There has been a major rewrite of the internal logic of Adiar to pay off technical debt and to get Adiar ready for an I/O-efficient implementation of the Nested Sweeping framework used for multi-variable quantification. At the same time, this also brings Adiar much closer to support other types of decision diagrams (e.g. QMDDs) and to store BDDs on disk and loading them again later.

  • All internal logic in <adiar/internal/...> has been moved into its nested namespace adiar::internal. If you use anything from this namespace (e.g. the node and the node_writer classes) then you are not guaranteed non-breaking changes.

  • Files, streams and their writers have been moved, rewritten, and renamed. Since newly added predicates and generator functions superseed any use of adiar::file<...>, all file-based overloads have been removed.

That is, this rewrite only results in breaking changes if you have been interacting with Adiar's files directly, e.g. you have used the bdd_restrict, bdd_exists, bdd_forall functions or have created BDDs by hand with the node_writer.

Other breaking changes are:

  • All deprecated function from v1.x have been removed.

  • The functions of the entire public API now follows a common and consistent {prefix}_{nocase} naming scheme. For example, is_true(f) has been renamed into bdd_istrue(f) and adiar::adiar_set_domain(...) has been renamed into adiar::domain_set(...).

  • zdd_ithvar(i)

    • The semantics have been changed to be more akin to the BDD semantics. That is, zdd_ithvar(i) is the set of all bitvectors where i is true. Symmetrically, the zdd_nithvar(i) function has been added.

    • The original semantics of zdd_ithvar is still provided with the zdd_singleton function.

  • bdd_satmin(f) and bdd_satmax(f), resp. zdd_minelem(A) and zdd_maxelem(A):

    • The return type when called without a consumer or iterators has been turned into a bdd, resp. zdd. This ought to make their return type more usable in a symbolic context.

    • Semantics has changed such that it only reports the variables on the path traversed in the decision diagram. That is, if a level is skipped on some path, then that variable is also skipped in the output.

  • Renamed bdd_varprofile(f, ...) to bdd_support(f, ...), resp. zdd_varprofile(A, ...) to zdd_support(A, ...). This improves its discoverability and better reflects its content.

  • The memory_mode enum introduced in v1.2 on/off has been moved to exec_policy::memory.

  • The canonicity of a BDD and ZDD has been split in two: whether it is indexable and sorted. To check whether the node file of a BDD is canonical now either keep using the bdd_iscanonical(f) predicate or turn f->canonical into a function call.

  • bdd_counter(...) and zdd_sized_set(...) have been removed.

  • The two-levels of statistics have been merged. If you want to compile Adiar with statistics you just have to set the CMake variable ADIAR_STATS to ON; the CMake variable ADIAR_STATS_EXTRA has been removed as its highly detailed statistics is now included within ADIAR_STATS.


Adiar 2.0.0 is distributed under the MIT license. But, notice that it depends on the TPIE library which is licensed under LGPL v3. So, by extension any binary file of Adiar is covered by the very same license.


Date: 14th of November, 2022

Bug Fixes

  • zdd_project(A, dom) does not generate recursions for the wrong ZDD node due to an unfortunate swapping of arguments.

  • Fixes C++ and CMake such that Adiar compiles and runs on Mac computers with default Clang.


Date: 14th of September, 2022

New Features

Binary Decision Diagrams

  • bdd_satcount(bdd f) If the global domain is set, then that value will take precedence over the number of levels in f (assuming f has fewer levels than the domain claims to exist).

  • bdd_printdot(bdd f, std::ostream out) Added to allow more flexibility when outputting DOT files.

Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams

  • zdd_printdot(zdd A, std::ostream out) Added to allow more flexibility when outputting DOT files.


Instead of separate Markdown files, the documentation is generated directly from the C++ codebase with Doxygen. You can generate the documentation (assuming Doxygen is intalled) with the docs Makefile target.

Bug Fixes

  • adiar_printstats() now prints levelised priority queue statistics even if only the unbucketed priority queue has been used.


  • adiar/bdd.h
    • output_dot(bdd f, std::string file_name) -> bdd_printdot(bdd f, std::string file_name)
  • adiar/zdd.h
    • output_dot(zdd A, std::string file_name) -> zdd_printdot(zdd A, std::string file_name)


Date: 29th of July, 2022

New Features

  • A file<label_t> can globally be set as the problem domain, i.e. the set of variables you are using.

    • adiar_set_domain(file<label_t> dom) sets the global domain variable.
    • adiar_has_domain() checks whether a global domain already is set.
    • domain_get() provides the current file<label_t> that acts as the global domain (assuming adiar_has_domain() evaluates to true).
  • bdd_builder and zdd_builder is a new class to replace using the node_writer directly. This enables a much more natural construction of BDDs and ZDDs bottom-up by hiding away several details. Furthermore, it makes use of exceptions rather than immediately terminating assertions.

Binary Decision Diagrams

  • bdd_from(A) converts from a ZDD to a BDD using the global domain.

  • bdd_equal(f, g) is an alternative to using the == operator.

  • bdd_unequal(f, g) is an alternative to using the != operator.

  • bdd_varprofile(f) obtains a file<label_t> containing all of the variables present in a BDD.

Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams

  • zdd_complement(A) computes the complement within the global domain.

  • zdd_from(f) converts from a BDD to a ZDD using the global domain.

  • zdd_varprofile(A) obtains a file<label_t> containing all of the variables present in a ZDD.


  • Statistics have been heavily extended with information on how often each type of auxiliary data structures (internal or external) have been used.

  • All statistics variables are now fixed-precision numbers (using the CNL library) making sure there are no overflows in the provided numbers.

  • adiar_statsreset() resets all statistics values back to 0.


The primary focus of this release is to drastically improve performance for smaller instances. To this end, we still use the very same algorithms, but if the input is small enough then we can safely use purely internal memory auxiliary data structures within each algorithm.

Prior to this, we could only guarantee up to a comparable performance to other BDD packages when they involve lots of large decision diagrams. Now, we can lower the threshold for Adiar being useful by several orders of magnitude!

Bug Fixes

  • Results from bdd_nithvar(label_t i), bdd_ithvar(label_t i), and zdd_ithvar(label_t i) are now marked as canonical and so can be used with the linear-scan equality checking.

  • Fixed the reduction phase may use 2 MiB more memory than is available.

  • Fixed fine grained statistics (ADIAR_STATS_EXTRA) are turned on even though only the coarse-grained statistics (ADIAR_STATS) was desired.

  • DOT files of ZDDs now print terminals as Ø and {Ø}.


The word sink has been replaced with the word terminal that is more commonly used in the context of decision diagrams.

  • adiar/data.h

    • create_sink_uid(bool val) -> create_terminal_uid(bool val)
    • create_sink_ptr(bool val) -> create_terminal_ptr(bool val)
    • create_sink(bool val) -> create_terminal(bool val)
  • adiar/bdd.h

    • is_sink(bdd f) -> is_terminal(bdd f)
    • bdd_sink(bool val) -> bdd_terminal(bool val)
  • adiar/zdd.h

    • is_sink(zdd A) -> is_terminal(zdd A)
    • zdd_sink(bool val) -> zdd_terminal(bool val)

Breaking Changes

The terminal predicates is_any, is_true and is_false with the prior is_sink(zdd A, pred) functions were too complicated. The above performance improvements allows us for a much simpler (and faster) implementation. Deprecation was not possible due to name conflicts with their replacements below.

  • adiar/data.h

    • is_sink(ptr_t p), is_true(ptr_t p), and is_false(ptr_t p).
  • adiar/bdd.h

    • is_sink(bdd f), is_true(bdd f) and is_false(bdd f).
  • adiar/zdd.h

    • is_sink(zdd A), is_null(zdd A) and is_empty(zdd A).


Date: 25th of January, 2022

New Features

Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams

Adds support for zero-suppressed decision diagrams with the zdd class. All operations on ZDDs are based on the family of sets semantics as in the original paper by Minato.


  • zdd zdd_sink(bool v) (and zdd_empty() and zdd_null() as alternatives)

  • zdd zdd_ithvar(label_t i)

  • zdd zdd_vars(file<label_t> vars), zdd zdd_singletons(file<label_t> vars), and zdd zdd_powerset(file<label_t> vars) to respectively construct an and, or, and the don't care chain.

  • zdd zdd_sized_set<pred_t>(file<label_t> vars, k, pred) to construct the sets of variables in vars whose size satisfies the given predicate in relation to k.

Basic Manipulation

  • zdd zdd_binop(zdd A, zdd B, bool_op op) to apply a binary operator to two families of sets (also includes aliases for the or, and, and diff operators).

  • zdd zdd_change(zdd A, file<label_t> vars) to compute the symmetric difference.

  • zdd zdd_complement(zdd A, file<label_t> dom) to construct the complement.

  • zdd zdd_expand(zdd A, file<label_t> vars) to expand the domain with new variables.

  • zdd zdd_offset(zdd A, file<label_t> vars) to compute the subset without the given variables.

  • zdd zdd_onset(zdd A, file<label_t> vars) to compute the subset with the given variables.

  • zdd zdd_project(zdd A, file<label_t> is) to project onto a (smaller) domain.

Counting Operations

  • uint64_t zdd_nodecount(zdd A) the number of (non-terminal) nodes.

  • uint64_t zdd_varcount(zdd A) the number of levels present (i.e. variables).

  • uint64_t bdd_size(bdd A) the number of elements in the family of sets.


  • bool zdd_equal(zdd A, zdd B) to check for set equality.

  • bool zdd_unequal(zdd A, zdd B) to check set inequality.

  • bool zdd_subseteq(zdd A, zdd B) to check for weak subset inclusion.

  • bool zdd_subset(zdd A, zdd B) to check for strict subset inclusion.

  • bool zdd_disjoint(zdd A, zdd B) to check for the sets being disjoint.

Set Elements

  • bool zdd_contains(zdd A, file<label_t> a)

  • std::optional<file<label_t>> zdd_minelem(zdd A)

  • std::optional<file<label_t>> zdd_maxelem(zdd A)

Other Functions

  • output_dot(bdd f, std::string filename) to output a visualizable file.

  • zdd zdd_from(bdd f, file<label_t> dom) and bdd bdd_from(zdd f, file<label_t> dom) to convert between BDDs and ZDDs interpreted in the given domain.


Compile Adiar with ADIAR_STATS or ADIAR_STATS_EXTRA to gather statistics about the execution of the internal algorithms. With ADIAR_STATS, Adiar will record all statistics that only introduce a small constant time overhead to every operation. ADIAR_STATS_EXTRA also gathers much more detailed information, such as the bucket-hits of the levelised priority queue, which does introduce a linear-time overhead to every operation.

  • stats_t adiar_stats() to obtain a copy of the raw data values.

  • void stats_print(std::ostream) to print all statistics to an output stream.


Date: 6th of September, 2021


The Equality Checking algorithm (==) has been improved from its initial O(N2 log N2) time complexity.

  • If both given BDDs are canonical (definition: as it would be output by Adiar's Reduce algorithm) and have the same value in their negation flag, then equality checking is done with a simple (and much faster) linear scan.

  • In all other cases the prior time-forward processing algorithm is used. But this one has been improved to be an O(N log N) time comparison algorithm. That is, equality checking is not only a constant improvement computing ~(f ^ g) == bdd_true() but it is provably faster (both in terms of time and I/Os).

Bug fixes

  • bdd_apply has the comparator on recursion tuples break ties correctly. Prior to this, the same recursion request could potentially be handled multiple times independently, since all its "calls" ended up interleaving with other tied requests in the priority queues. This bug fix ensures the algorithm runs in quadratic time.

  • bdd_counter now returns trivially false cases as such.

  • CMake is now properly set up, such that Adiar compiles with C++17 regardless of its parent project. This allows the user to omit the use of set_target_properties(<target> PROPERTIES CXX_STANDARD 17) in their own CMake settings.

Breaking Changes

  • adiar_init(memory) now takes its memory argument in bytes rather than in MiB.


Date: 25th of April, 2021


Binary Decision Diagrams

bdd class to hide away management of files and running the reduce algorithm. This takes care of reference counting and optimal garbage collection.


  • bdd_sink(bool v) (and bdd_true() and bdd_false() as alternatives)

  • bdd_ithvar(label_t i) and bdd_nithvar(label_t i)

  • bdd_and(file<label_t> ls) and bdd_or(file<label_t> ls) to construct an and/or chain.

  • bdd_counter(label_t min_var, label_t max_var, label_t threshold) to construct whether exactly threshold many variables in the given interval are true.

Furthermore, the node_writer class is also provided as a means to construct a BDD manually bottom-up.

Basic Manipulation

  • bdd_apply(bdd f, bdd g, bool_op op) to combine two BDDs with a binary operator (also includes aliases for every possible op)

  • bdd_ite(bdd f, bdd g, bdd h) to compute the if-then-else

  • bdd_not(bdd f) to negate a bdd

  • bdd_restrict(bdd f, assignment_file as) to fix the value of one or more variables

  • bdd_exists(bdd f, label_t i) and bdd_forall(bdd f, label_t i) to existentially or forall quantify a single variable (also includes versions with the second argument being multiple labels in a file<label_t>).

Counting Operations

  • bdd_nodecount(bdd f) the number of (non-terminal) nodes.

  • bdd_varcount(bdd f) the number of levels present (i.e. variables).

  • bdd_pathcount(bdd f) the number of unique paths to the true terminal.

  • bdd_satcount(bdd f, size_t varcount) the number of satisfying assignments.

Input variables

  • bdd_eval(bdd f, assignment_file x) computes f(x).

  • bdd_satmin(bdd f), resp. bdd_satmax(bdd f), to find the lexicographical smallest, resp. largest, satisfying assignment.

Other Functions

  • output_dot(bdd f, std::string filename) to output a visualizable .dot file.


Adiar 1.0.0 is distributed under the MIT license. But, notice that it depends on the TPIE library which is licensed under LGPL v3. So, by extension any binary file of Adiar is covered by the very same license.