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Software Architecture

BlogSiteArchitecture drawio (9)

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User Reaction blogOyla

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Solution Structure

Screenshot 2023-05-18 182806

Database Diagram

BlogSiteDB drawio (4)

Code First

The Entity Framework uses Code First to create the project's database on a code-based basis.


Organizes the project according to the principle of N-Layer architecture. It facilitates the maintenance and scalability of the code by making a clear Decoupling of responsibilities between layers.

JWT Token

It uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication and authorization. It provides user authentication in Web APIs and provides security.

Unit Of Work Pattern

It uses the Unit of Work design pattern to manage operations as a group. It provides consistency by grouping database operations, such as initializing, saving, and retrieving a transaction.

Options Pattern

It uses the Options Pattern to edit the configuration values. This collects the application configuration in a separate class and facilitates access to the configuration values.


It uses the FluentValidation library for input validation. It provides a useful method for validating entries and handling errors.


It uses the AutoMapper library to facilitate data mapping operations between objects Decently. Simplifies the exchange of data between D Dec (Data Transfer Objects) and model objects.


It uses the AutoFac library for Dependency Injection. It manages the process of object creation and solving dependencies and improves the testability of the code.


To create RESTful APIs ASP.NET It uses the Core Web API framework.


To provide a web-based user interface ASP.NET It uses the Core Web MVC framework.

Repository Pattern

Implements the Repository design pattern for database operations. It is used to abstract database operations and increase the testability of code.

Static Factory Pattern

It uses a static factory class that performs object creation operations. This makes the object creation process centralized and makes the code more readable and easier to maintain.