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Scripts Only Run On Unix-like or OSX or WSL/WSL2, NO WINDOWS!


🛠️ To automate the boring build flow!

The dependencies

  1. We use python as build script, so your system needs to have python3:
# Check out whether you have installed python
python --version
# And pip
pip --verison
  1. You needs to install rust toolchain in your system:
# Check out whether you have installed rustup
rustup --version
# And cargo
cargo --version
  1. And you needs to have Docker in your system:
# Check out whether you have installed Docker
docker --version
  1. Finally, you needs to install cross-rs:

    (Tips: cross-rs is 'Zero setup' cross compilation & cross testing of Rust crates)

# Check out whether you have installed Docker
cross --version

First step

Run in root dir of the project, which helps you init the environment that scripts running on!

# 1. Go the project root dir(yes, not ./scripts)
# 2. run
sh ./

How to Build

1. Native build

# 1. Go to root dir of project(recommand)
# 2. Run the cmd
#   ./build [{ --release | (--no-release) }] native
# For example:
# a. Build the `ic-agent-ffi` by host system's rust compiler & default target(debug mode);
./build native

# b. Or release mode
./build --release native

# The build result will be placed on ./target folder in root dir of project!

# Tips: you could find rust default target on your host system by:
rustup default

2. Cross build

# 1. Go to root dir of project(recommand)
# 2. Run the cmd
#   ./build [{ --release | (--no-release) }] cross [--arch { x86_64 | aarch64 }] [--os { osx | win | nix }]
# The command will cross-compile the `ic-agent-ffi` by the target specifics in docker;
# For example:
# a. Build the `ic-agent-ffi` to *.dll(windows)
./build cross --arch=x86_64 --os=win

# b. Or build the `ic-agent-fii` to *.so(linux)
./build cross --arch=x86_64 --os=nix

# c. Or build the `ic-agent-ffi` to *.dylib(osx)
./build cross --arch=x86_64 --os=osx
# Or
./build cross --arch=aarch64 --os=osx

# The build result will be placed on ./target folder in root dir of project!

# Tips: you could find rust default target on your host system by:
rustup default

Support OS & Arch

Platform x86 x86_64/amd64 armv7 arm64/aarch64

How to Pack

Pack the build results with package-template to Unity Package;

# 1. Go to root dir of project(recommand)
# 2. Run the cmd
#   ./pack [{ (--no-release) | --release }] [--input { (native) | cross | all }] [--version: string] [--compress: { (none) | zip }] [--output: string]
# Intro Options
# 1. --input: where the compiled libraries come from ("native" default)
# 2. --version: tag the package with version("none" default)
# 3. --compress: which format the package output("none" default)
# 4. --output: the path the package will be placed

# For example:
# 1. Pack native only(debug)
./pack --input=native
# Or release
./pack --release --input=native

# 2. Pack native with zip format
./pack --input=native --compress=zip

# 3. Pack cross
./pack --input=cross

Publish: Build + Pack

Compile the ic-agent-ffi to multi targets and then pack them all as Unity Package Format

# 1. Go to root dir of project(recommand)
# 2. Run the cmd
#   ./publish [{ (--no-release) | --release }] [--input { (native) | cross | all }] [--version: string] [--compress: { (none) | zip }] [--output: string]
# Intro Options
# 1. --input: where the compiled libraries come from ("native" default)
# 2. --version: tag the package with version("none" default)
# 3. --compress: which format the package output("none" default)
# 4. --output: the path the package will be placed

# For example:
# 1. Publish native only(debug)
./publish --input=native
# Or release
./publish --release --input=native

# 2. publish native with zip format
./publish --input=native --compress=zip

# 3. publish cross
./publish --input=cross