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678 lines (420 loc) · 29.9 KB

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678 lines (420 loc) · 29.9 KB


Note: For changes to the API, see


  • #1337 Fix type for Shop#google_apps_login_enabled


  • #1327 Support ?debug=true parameter in GraphQL client requests
  • #1308 Support hash_with_indifferent_access when creating REST objects from Shopify responses. Closes #1296
  • #1332 Fixed an issue where Customer REST API PUT requests didn't send all of the fields in the email_marketing_consent attribute
  • #1335 Add back the current methods for Shop and RecurringApplicationCharge resources


  • #1325 Add support for 2024-07 API version
  • #1320 Fix sorbet type on Shop.tax_shipping field


  • #1312 Use same leeway for exp and nbf when parsing JWT
  • #1313 Fix: Webhook Registry now working with response_as_struct enabled
  • #1314
    • Add new session util method SessionUtils::session_id_from_shopify_id_token
    • SessionUtils::current_session_id now accepts shopify Id token in the format of Bearer this_token or just this_token
  • #1315 Add helper/alias methods to ShopifyAPI::Auth::JwtPayload:
    • shopify_domain alias for shop - returns the sanitized shop domain
    • shopify_user_id - returns the user Id (sub) as an Integer value
    • expires_at alias for exp - returns the expiration time


  • #1309 Add Session#copy_attributes_from method


  • #1071 Fix FulfillmentEvent class types
  • Fix: InventoryItem class harmonized_system_code attribute type which can be either integer, string or nil
  • Fix: Variant class inventory_quantity attribute type which can be either integer, string or nil
  • 1293 Add support for using Storefront private access tokens.
  • 1302 Deprecated passing the public Storefront access token as a positional parameter to the Storefront GraphQL client in favor of using the named parameter. (You probably want to use the private access token for this client anyway.)
  • 1305 Adds support for the 2024-04 API version.


  • #1288 Fix FeatureDeprecatedError being raised without a message.
  • 1290 Move deprecation of ShopifyAPI::Webhooks::Handler#handle to version 15.0.0


  • #1274 ⚠️ [Breaking] Update sorbet and rbi dependencies. Remove support for ruby 2.7. Minimum required Ruby version is 3.0
  • #1282 Fixes a bug where diffing attributes to update not take into account of Array changes and required ids.
  • #1254 Introduce token exchange API for fetching access tokens. This feature is currently unstable and cannot be used yet.
  • #1268 Add new webhook handler interface to provide webhook_id and api_version information to webhook handlers.
  • #1275 Allow adding custom headers in REST Resource HTTP calls.


  • #1210 Add context option response_as_struct to allow GraphQL API responses to be accessed via dot notation.
  • #1257 Add api_call_limit and retry_request_after to REST resources to expose rate limit information.
  • #1257 Added support for the 2024-01 API version. This also includes a fix for the for_hash option when creating resources.


  • #1244 Add expired? to ShopifyAPI::Auth::Session to check if the session is expired (mainly for user sessions)
  • #1249 Fix bug where mandatory webhooks could not be processed
  • #1250 Remove rails methods .empty? .present? that were breaking CI


  • #1241 Add api_host to ShopifyAPI::Context.setup, allowing the API host to be overridden in ShopifyAPI::Clients::HttpClient. This context option is intended for internal Shopify use only.
  • #1237 Skip mandatory webhook topic registration/unregistrations
  • #1239 Update OAuth.validate_auth_callback to use ShopifyApi::Clients::HttpClient.


  • #1183 Added string array support for fields parameter in Webhook::Registry
  • 1208 Fix CustomerAddress and FulfillmentRequest methods
  • 1225 Support for 2023_10 API version
  • #1186 Extend webhook registration to support metafield_namespaces


  • #1183 Added support for API version 2023-07
  • #1157 Fix an issue where read-only attributes are included when saving REST resources
  • #1169 Unpin zeitwerk version from 2.6.5


  • #1140 ⚠️ [Breaking] Reformat Http error messages to be JSON parsable.
  • #1142 Restore API version 2022-04, in alignment with this changelog notice.
  • #1155 ⚠️ [Breaking] Remove session storage that was deprecated with #1055. To upgrade, remove session_storage from your API context block. ⚠️ [Breaking] GraphQL Proxy now requires session to be passed as an argument.
  • #1150 [Patch] Add support for Event topic names.


  • #1113 Handle JSON::ParserError when http response is HTML and raise ShopifyAPI::Errors::HttpResponseError
  • #1098 Gracefully handle HTTP 204 repsonse bodies
  • #1104 Allow api version overrides.
  • #1137 Support for 2023_04 API version. Fix reported typing bugs.

Version 12.4.0

  • #1092 Add support for 2023-01 API version.
  • #1081 Fixed an error when parsing the JSON response body for the AssignedFulfillmentOrder resource.

Version 12.3.0

  • #1040 ShopifyAPI::Clients::HttpResponse as argument for ShopifyAPI::Errors::HttpResponseError
  • #1055 Makes session_storage optional. Configuring the API with session_storage is now deprecated. Session persistence is handled by the shopify_app gem if using Rails.
  • #1063 Fix ActiveSupport inflector dependency
  • #1069 Adds a custom Logger to help write uniform logs across the api and the shopify_app gem

Version 12.2.1

  • #1045 Fixes bug with host/host_name requirement.

Version 12.2.0

  • #1023 Allow custom scopes during the OAuth process

Version 12.1.0

  • #1017 Add support for http with localhost development without using a TLS tunnel

Version 12.0.0

  • #1027 ⚠️ [Breaking] Remove support for deprecated API version 2021-10 and added support for version 2022-10
  • #1008 Increase session token JWT validation leeway from 5s to 10s

Version 11.1.0

  • #1002 Add new method to construct the host app URL for an embedded app, allowing for safer redirect to app inside appropriate shop admin
  • #1004 Support full URL and scheme-less URL when registering HTTP webhooks

Version 11.0.1

  • #990 Validate hmac signature of OAuth callback using both old and new API secrets

Version 11.0.0

  • #987 ⚠️ [Breaking] Add REST resources for July 2022 API version, remove support and REST resources for July 2021 (2021-07) API version
  • #979 Update ShopifyAPI::Context.setup to take old_api_secret_key to support API credentials rotation
  • #977 Fix webhook requests when a header is present having a symbol key (e.g. :clearance)

Version 10.1.0

  • #933 Fix syntax of GraphQL query in Webhooks.get_webhook_id method by removing extra curly brace
  • #941 Fix to_hash to return readonly attributes, unless being used for serialize the object for saving - fix issue #930
  • #959 Update LATEST_SUPPORTED_ADMIN_VERSION to 2022-04 to align it with the current value

Version 10.0.3


  • #935 Fix issue #931, weight of variant should be float
  • #944 Deprecated the validate_shop method from the JWT class since we can trust the token payload, since it comes from Shopify.

Version 10.0.2

  • #929 Aligning sorbet dependencies

Version 10.0.1


  • #919 Allow REST resources to configure a deny list of attributes to be excluded when saving
  • #920 Set all values received from the API response to REST resource objects, and allow setting / getting attributes with special characters (such as ?)
  • #927 Fix the ShopifyAPI::AdminVersions module for backward compatibility

Version 10.0.0

  • Major update to the library to provide all essential functions needed for a Shopify app, supporting embedded apps with session tokens. See the full list of changes here

Version 9.5.1

  • #891 Removed the upper bound on the activeresource dependency to allow apps to use the latest version

Version 9.5

  • #883 Add support for Ruby 3.0

Version 9.4.1

  • #847 Update create_permission_url method to use grant_options
  • #852 Bumping kramdown to fix a security vulnerability

Version 9.4.0

  • #843 Introduce a new access_scopes attribute on the Session class.
    • Specifying this in the Session constructor is optional. By default, this attribute returns nil.

Version 9.3.0

  • #797 Release new Endpoint and fulfillment_order.reschedule.

  • #818 Avoid depending on ActiveSupport in Sesssion class.

  • Freeze all string literals. This should have no impact unless your application is modifying ('monkeypatching') the internals of the library in an unusual way.

  • #802 Made inventory_quantity a read-only field in Variant

  • #821 Add logging based on environment variable, move log subscriber out of detailed_log_subscriber. The ActiveResource::DetailedLogSubscriber no longer automatically attaches when the class is loaded. If you were previously relying on that behaviour, you'll now need to call ActiveResource::DetailedLogSubscriber.attach_to(:active_resource_detailed). (If using the new SHOPIFY_LOG_PATH environment setting then this is handled for you).

  • Provide ApiAccess value object to encapsulate scope operations #829

Version 9.2.0

  • Removes the shopify binary which will be used by the Shopify CLI

Version 9.1.1

  • Make cursor based pagination return relative uri's when fetching next and previous pages. #726

Version 9.1.0

  • Implements equality operator on Session #714

Version 9.0.4

  • Contains #708 which is a revert for #655 due to the deprecated inventory parameters not being removed correctly in some cases

Version 9.0.3

Version 9.0.2

  • Added optional flag passed to initialize_clients to prevent from raising the InvalidSchema exception #693

Version 9.0.1

  • Added warning message if API version used is unsupported or soon to be unsupported #685
  • Take into account "errors" messages from response body #677

Version 9.0.0

  • Breaking change: Improved GraphQL client #672. See the client docs for usage and a migration guide.

  • Added options hash to create_permission_url and makes redirect_uri required #670

  • Release new Endpoint fulfillment_order.locations_for_move in 2020-01 REST API version #669

  • Release new Endpoints for fulfillment in 2020-01 REST API version #639:

    • fulfillment.create with line_items_by_fulfillment_order
    • fulfillment.update_tracking
    • fulfillment.cancel
  • Release new Endpoints for fulfillment_order in 2020-01 REST API version #637:

    • fulfillment_order.fulfillment_request
    • fulfillment_order.fulfillment_request.accept
    • fulfillment_order.fulfillment_request.reject
    • fulfillment_order.cancellation_request
    • fulfillment_order.cancellation_request.accept
    • fulfillment_order.cancellation_request.reject
  • Release new Endpoints fulfillment_order.move, fulfillment_order.cancel and fulfillment_order.close in 2020-01 REST API version #635

  • Release new Endpoint order.fulfillment_orders, and active resources AssignedFulfillmentOrder and FulfillmentOrder in 2020-01 REST API version #633

Version 8.1.0

  • Release 2020-01 REST ADMIN API VERSION #656
  • Release new Endpoint collection.products and collection.find() in 2020-01 REST API version #657
  • Enrich 4xx errors with error message from response body #647
  • Make relative cursor based pagination work across page loads #625
  • Small ruby compat fix #623
  • Small consistency change #621

Version 8.0.0

  • Api Version changes #600
    • Remove static Api Version definitions.
    • Introduces Api Version lookup modes: :define_on_unknown and :raise_on_unknown
    • See migration notes
  • Session.valid? checks that api_version is_a?(ApiVersion) instead of present?
  • ApiVersion::NullVersion cannot be instantiated and now has a match? method #615
  • Introduces new Collection endpoint for looking up products without knowing collection type. Only available if ApiVersion is :unstable #609

Version 7.1.0

  • Add 2019-10 to known API versions
  • Add support for cursor pagination #594 and #611
  • ShopifyAPI::Base.api_version now defaults to ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion::NullVersion instead of nil. Making requests without first setting an ApiVersion raises ApiVersionNotSetError instead of NoMethodError: undefined method 'construct_api_path' for nil:NilClass' #605

Version 7.0.2

  • Add 2019-07 to known API versions.

Version 7.0.1

  • Support passing version string to ShopifyAPI::Base.api_version #563

Version 7.0.0

  • Removed support for ActiveResouce < 4.1.
  • Removed ShopifyAPI::Oauth.
  • Added api version support, See migration notes
  • Changed ShopifyAPI::Session method signatures from positional to keyword arguments, See migration notes
  • Add support for newer call limit header X-Shopify-Shop-Api-Call-Limit.
  • Removed all Ping resources.

Version 6.0.0

  • Removed undocumented protocol and port options from ShopifyAPI::Session.

Version 5.2.4

  • Added currency parameter to ShopifyAPI::Order#capture. This parameter is required for apps that belong to the multi-currency beta program.

Version 5.2.3

  • Update delivery confirmation resource to delivery confirmation details resource.

Version 5.2.2

  • Add delivery confirmation endpoint to Ping resources.

Version 5.2.1

  • Log warning when Shopify indicates deprecated API call was performed

Version 5.2.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::Currency to fetch list of supported currencies on a shop
  • Added ShopifyAPI::TenderTransaction to fetch list of transactions on a shop
  • Fixed bug with X-Shopify-Checkout-Version on ShopifyAPI::Checkout header being applied to all requests

Version 5.1.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::Publications
  • Added ShopifyAPI::ProductPublications
  • Added ShopifyAPI::CollectionPublications
  • Added support for new collection products endpoint from ShopifyAPI::Collection#products

Version 5.0.0

  • Breaking change: ShopifyAPI::Checkout now maps to the Checkout API, rather than the Abandoned Checkouts API
    • See the README for more details
  • Added ShopifyAPI::AbandonedCheckout
  • Added support for X-Shopify-Checkout-Version header on ShopifyAPI::Checkout
  • Added ShopifyAPI::ShippingRate
  • Added ShopifyAPI::Payment
  • Added support for Checkout::complete endpoint
  • Fixed session handling support for Rails 5.2.1

Version 4.13.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::ApiPermission resource for uninstalling an application
  • Added a deprecation warning to ShopifyAPI::OAuth

Version 4.12.0

  • Added support for the GraphQL API

Version 4.11.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::InventoryItem
  • Added ShopifyAPI::InventoryLevel
  • Added #inventory_levels method to ShopifyAPI::Location

Version 4.10.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::AccessScope

Version 4.9.1

  • Fix a bug with custom properties for orders

Version 4.9.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::PriceRule
  • Added ShopifyAPI::DiscountCode

Version 4.8.0

  • Added add_engagements to ShopifyAPI::MarketingEvent

Version 4.7.1

  • Added support for URL parameter (e.g. limit & page) to ShopifyAPI::Metafields
  • Added support for URL parameter (e.g. limit & page) to metafield operator in ShopifyAPI::Shop

Version 4.7.0

  • Removed the mandatory application_id parameter from ShopifyAPI::ProductListing and ShopifyAPI::CollectionListing
  • Fixed a bug related to the non-standard primary key for ShopifyAPI::ProductListing and ShopifyAPI::CollectionListing

Version 4.6.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::Report

Version 4.5.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::MarketingEvent

Version 4.4.0

  • Added ShopifyAPI::CustomerInvite
  • Support for Customer#send_invite endpoint

Version 4.3.8

  • Added ShopifyAPI::ResourceFeedback

Version 4.3.7

  • Added support for complete in ShopifyAPI::DraftOrder

Version 4.3.6

  • Fixed the customer_saved_search_id param in ShopifyAPI::CustomerSavedSearch#customers.

Version 4.3.5

  • Added support for online mode access tokens, token expiry, and associated_user information.
  • Added ShopifyAPI::DraftOrder
  • Added ShopifyAPI::DraftOrderInvoice

Version 4.3.4

  • Added ShopifyAPI::ProductListing
  • Added ShopifyAPI::CollectionListing

Version 4.3.3

  • Added ShopifyAPI::StorefrontAccessToken

Version 4.3.2

  • Relax Ruby version requirement to >= 2.0

Version 4.3.1

  • Support for ShopifyAPI::ApplicationCredit

Version 4.3.0

  • Require Ruby >= 2.3.0
  • Use inheritance instead of the deprecated Rails Module#alias_method_chain

Version 4.2.2

  • Support for AccessToken#delegate endpoint

Version 4.2.1

  • Support for Users and Discounts (Shopify Plus only)
  • Adds Customer#account_activation_url method
  • Adds ability to open a fulfillment.

Version 4.2.0

  • Threadsafety is now compatible with the latest ActiveResource master

Version 4.1.1

  • Added explicit 90 second timeout to ShopifyAPI::Base

Version 4.0.7

  • Added ShippingAPI::ShippingZone

Version 4.0.6

  • Replaced cancelled with expired in ShopifyAPI::ApplicationCharge

Version 4.0.5

  • Added pending, cancelled, accepted, declined helper methods to ShopifyAPI::ApplicationCharge

Version 4.0.4

  • Fixed truthiness for order cancellations. Requests are now sent in the request body and as JSON

Version 4.0.3

  • Fixed hmac signature validation for params with delimiters (&, = or %)

Version 4.0.2

  • Verify that the shop domain is a subdomain of which creating the session

Version 4.0.1

  • Added ShopifyAPI::OAuth.revoke for easy token revocation.

Version 3.2.6

  • Fixed CustomerSavedSearch#customers method to now correctly return only relevant customers

Version 3.2.5

  • More useful error messages for activating nil sessions
  • Add tests for commonly deleted objects, and metafield tests, fix naming error in order_risk_test.rb

Version 3.2.4

  • No API changes

Version 3.2.3

  • Added pry to the CLI

Version 3.2.2

  • Temporary fix for the CLI
  • Add a specific exception for signature validation failures

Version 3.2.1

  • Added CarrierService resource
  • Added optionally using threadsafe ActiveResource (see readme)
  • Fixed bug in validate_signature

Version 3.2.0

  • in Session::request_token params is no longer optional, you must pass all the params and the method will now extract the code
  • Fixed JSON errors handling (#103)
  • Fixed compatibility with Ruby 2.1.x (#83)
  • Fixed getting parent ID from nested resources like Variants (#44)
  • Cleaned up compatibility with ActiveResource 4.0.x
  • Added OrderRisk resource
  • Added FulfillmentService resource
  • Removed discontinued ProductSearchEngine resource
  • Added convenience method Customer#search (#45)

Version 3.1.8

  • Expose index and show actions of Location
  • Added create_permission_url and request_token helper methods
  • Edited the readme to better describe the getting started procedure

Version 3.1.7

  • Expose authors and tags action on Article

Version 3.1.6

  • Add LineItem::Property resource

Version 3.1.5

  • Expose orders action on Customer

Version 3.1.3

  • Expose complete action on Fulfillment

Version 3.1.2

  • Includes port in domain URI (when other than http/80 or https/443)
  • Adds access to CustomerSavedSearch
  • Adds resources: Order::DefaultAddress, Client::ClientDetails, Announcement
  • Allows access to Articles without a blog_id
  • Moves encode and as_json overrides to ShopifyAPI::Base scope
  • Exposes the order action in SmartCollection for general use

Version 3.0.3

  • Add a customers helper method to the CustomerGroup resource

Version 3.0.2

  • Brevity in require statements

Version 3.0.1

  • Fix saving nested resources in ActiveResource 3.1+

Version 3.0.0

  • Added support for OAuth Authentication
  • Removal of support for Legacy Authentication
  • Added Cart resource

Version 2.3.0

  • Fix double root bug with ActiveSupport 3.2.0
  • Add metafields methods on Customer resource
  • Fix prefix_options on assets returned from Asset.find

Version 2.2.0

  • Fix issues with resources that have both direct and namespaced routes
  • Added detailed logger to help with debugging ActiveResource requests/responses
  • Add fulfillment#cancel

Version 2.1.0

  • Fix JSON errors handling
  • Remove global limit from ShopifyAPI::Limits

Version 2.0.0

  • Bump to 2.0.0 as this release breaks Rails 2 compatibility; we're now officially only supporting Rails 3. Rails 2 devs can follow the rails2 tag in this repo to know where we broke off
  • Refactored resources into their own source files
  • Added API limits functionality
  • Patched ActiveResource issue with roots in JSON
  • Added pending, cancelled, accepted, and declined convenience methods to ShopifyAPI::RecurringApplicationCharge
  • ShopifyAPI::Session#temp now available as a convenience method to support temporarily switching to other shops when making calls
  • Fixes to shopify console CLI tool

Version 1.2.5

  • Fix for Article#comments

Version 1.2.4

  • Added Article#comments
  • Added Order#cancel
  • Added Comment#restore, #not_spam

Version 1.2.3

  • Added Customer, CustomerGroup support

Version 1.2.2

  • Added ScriptTag support

Version 1.2.1

  • Allow abbreviated names for all commands like rails does, e.g. 'shopify c' instead of 'shopify console'
  • Fix Variant to support accessing both nested variants with a product prefix as well as top level variants directly
  • Add 'grande' to supported product image size variants

Version 1.2.0

  • Command-line interface
  • Allow custom params when fetching a single Asset

Version 1.1.3 (November 4, 2010)

  • Add ProductSearchEngines resource

Version 1.1.2 (October 20, 2010)

  • Fix for users of ActiveResource 3.x

Version 1.1.1 (October 5, 2010)

  • Remove hard coded xml formatting in API calls
  • Remove jeweler stuff
  • Ruby 1.9 encoding fix

Version 1.1.0 (September 24, 2010)

  • Add new Events API for Shop, Order, Product, CustomCollection, SmartCollection, Page, Blog and Article
  • Add new 'compact' product image size variant
  • Rails 3 fix: attribute_accessors has to be explicitly included since activesupport 3.0.0

Version 1.0.6

  • Add metafields
  • Add latest changes from Shopify including asset support, token validation and a common base class

Version 1.0.0

  • extracting ShopifyAPI from Shopify into Gem