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Custom Resources

The rating-operator uses CustomResources for most of its configuration need. It also emits one to notify other applications of the availability of data. We describe in this document every aspect of each resources we use, with usable examples.

This resource describes a rating instance, and is used by the operator to deploy the needed stack. It holds application specific parameters, such as image versions, resource limitations, or Prometheus instance location. An example of such object can be found here and is documented in there.

The operator watch this resource and react to change to adapt the instance accordingly. Multiple Rating stacks can be deployed in the same cluster, but only one rating instance is allowed per namespace. The operator can, from its namespace, handle multiple Rating objects, and deploy them in their respective location.

You can experiment with your Rating configuration by running:

$ kubectl edit rating
# Do some changes, changing port numbers for example
[...] edited

Once the changes are accepted, you will see the operator reconfiguring the rating stack with the new parameters.

[This description is applicable from Rating operator v2.0]

To create rules, we define two custom resources RatingRuleTemplate and RatingRuleInstance:

  • RatingRuleTemplate: describes the promql query with a list of variables
  • RatingRuleInstance: describes the Metric with a given values for the variables decribed in the associated RatingRuleTemplate promql query

Each RatingRuleInstance is created from a RatingRuleTemplate with specific RatingRuleValues that are stored in the postgres database.

Consider this minimal example of a RatingRuleTemplate that calculates the cloud resources cost:

kind: RatingRuleTemplate
    name: rating-rule-template-cloud-cost
    namespace: rating
    query_name : cloud-cost
    query_group : cost-simulation
    query_template : ((ceil(sum(instance:node_memory_utilisation:ratio) * max(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes)/(1024*1024*1024)))/{memory} > (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum)))/{cpu} or (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum)))/{cpu}) * {price}             

Each RatingRuleTemplate has a name (i.e. query_name), a goup (i.e. query_group) that contains a number of RatingRuleTemplates and the quey. In this RatingRuleTemplate, the described query_template has three variables: cpu, memory and price.

A RatingRuleInstance is an instance of a template with specific values. To create an instance, you should specify the metric_name, templae_name and provide the values for the query variables. For example, for the cloud-cost RatingRuleTemplate defined above, if we provide to the API/instances/add the followingRatingRuleValues:

- metric_name: aws-cost
- template_name: cloud-cost
- cpu: 1
- memory: 1
- price: 0.5
- timeframe: 3600s

Or kubectl apply -f instance.yaml :

kind: RatingRuleInstance
  name: rating-rule-instance-aks-cost
  namespace: rating
  metric: ((ceil(sum(instance:node_memory_utilisation:ratio) * max(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes)/(1024*1024*1024)))/{memory} > (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum))) / {cpu} or (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum)))/{cpu}) * {price}
  name: aks-cost
  timeframe: 3600s
  cpu: "1"
  memory: "1"
  price: "0.5"

The resulted RatingRuleInstance will be:

kind: RatingRuleInstance
  creationTimestamp: "2021-08-19T23:06:12Z"
  name: rating-rule-instance-aws-cost
  namespace: rating
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: Rating
    name: rating
    uid: 5e8bf7fd-04dc-4786-8745-f2e690c1029a
  resourceVersion: "74473530"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 887ae58c-025e-41c6-8761-ad47960d36ce
  cpu: "1"
  memory: "1"
  metric: ((ceil(sum(instance:node_memory_utilisation:ratio) * max(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes)/(1024*1024*1024)))/{memory}
    > (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum))) / {cpu}
    or (ceil(sum(instance:node_cpu:ratio) * max(instance:node_num_cpu:sum)))/{cpu})
    * {price}
  name: aks-cost
  price: "0.5"
  timeframe: 3600s

Three keys have to be defined in a RatingRuleInstance:

  • metric defines what to query from Prometheus. Every valid PromQL expression can be used here.
  • name is the name of the metric
  • timeframe correspond to the time between every data processing run. It also defines the precision of your metric. Only values in seconds are accepted, as shown above. In case of wrong format, base value is used (60s)

As soon as this resource is created, the rating will pick it up and start processing frames.

Hint Before lowering the timeframe parameter too much, make sure your storage capatibilities can handle it (Depending of the metric, it can produce big storage imprint quite quickly). There's no mechanism yet to rotate the data in the database, and multiple, low timeframes RatingRuleInstances can generate lots of data.

It is also possible to use PrometheusRules to let Prometheus pre-process your customized metrics, and only let the rating query it. Consider this example:

kind: PrometheusRule
    app: prometheus-operator
    role: alert-rules
  name: prometheus-rating.rules
  namespace: monitoring
  - name: rating.rules
    - expr: (sum(rate(container_memory_usage_bytes[1h])) BY (pod, namespace) + on
        (pod, namespace) group_left(node) (sum(kube_pod_info{pod_ip!="",node!="",host_ip!=""})
        by (pod, namespace, node) * 0)) * on () group_left() usage_memory
      record: rating:pod_memory_usage:unlabeled

The expr key is the PromQL expression, and the metric become available to be queried as record, here rating:pod_memory_usage:unlabeled. This resource is better described in their documentation.

The most recent RatingRuleInstance is exposed to Prometheus, making all the values and labelset available for query building with promQL (in RatedMetrics, for example) You can expect to find each labelSet with their respective value plus the value of default ruleset as metric in Prometheus.

usage_cpu{[...], foo="bar"}

To get a list of the metrics exposed to Prometheus, query the /rules_metrics endpoint of the rating-operator-api.

$ curl http://rating-operator-api.rating:80/rules_metrics
request_cpu 1
usage_cpu 1
request_memory 1
usage_memory 1

Everytime a rated frames is written to the database, a RatedMetric is emitted. It contains informations about the metric, for other operators or applications to bind onto:

kind: RatedMetric
  name: rated-test-metric
  namespace: rating
  date: "2020-07-30T13:39:42Z"
  metric: test_metric

It only contains two keys:

  • date represent the time of the last data write
  • metric defines the metric to query from the API

Watching updates of this custom resource helps only querying new data from our system. Creation of a RatedMetric has to be done by the rating-operator, not the user.

It is possible to delete a RatedMetric to trigger the reprocessing of the given metric. In case of changes applied to an older set of rules, this is how one should act. More information on why here.