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AVR parts vs Arduino core support

Part Family Core supporting Comments
tinyAVR 0/1/2-series megaTinyCore Any ATtiny ending in yz, where y is 0, 1, or 2, and z is 2, 4, 6, or 7
megaAVR 0-series MegaCoreX Any ATmega ending in 08 (32-pin) or 09 (48-pin)
AVR DA/DBs-series DxCore AVRxxxDAyy or AVRxxxDByy, where xxx is flash in k and yy is pincount.
AVR DD-series DxCore AVRxxDDyy - pincounts of 14, 20, 28 and 32 available
AVR EA-series DxCore planned AVRxxEAyy - Unreleased.
Classic tinyAVR w/>= 2k flash ATTinyCore Excludes: t20, t40, t28L
Classic ATtiny13 MicroCore
Classic ATtiny15 None Obsolete and out of production
Classic ATtiny20/40 None Functionally obsolete.
Classic ATtiny28L None Functionally obsolete, and has no SRAM.
Reduced Core ATtiny4/5/10/11 attiny10core Reduced core parts. Disappointing peripherals, and the CPU is gimped (fewer working registers, slower execution).
Classic ATmega ending in 8 MiniCore Like 328p/pb and so on. Used in nano, uno, pro mini. All are better w/MiniCore.
Classic ATmega ending in 4 MightyCore Like the 1284p and 324pb.
Classic ATmega16/32/8535 MightyCore Predecessors to the x4-series
Classic ATmega8515/162 MajorCore Aging parts with little to recommend them.
Classic ATmega ending in 0 or 1 MegaCore ATMega64/128/640/1281/1280/2560/2561. Parts ending in 0 have 100 pins, others have 64.
Classic ATmega ending in 5/50 MegaCore 64 or 100 pin parts with scant peripheral selection. Inferior versions of above.
Classic ATmega ending in 9/90 MegaCore As with x5/x50, only those extra pins can drive arguably obsolete, rarely seen passive LCDs.
AT90CANxx MegaCore Integrated CANBUS*for automotive applications.
ATmega###RFR/RFR1/etc None Integrated radio communiction functionality, but the RF stuff isn't documented publically.
RF HW design is hard and has legal complications, and the RF functionaliity uses either closed source lib or docs are hidden behind an NDA.
ATmega16HV/32HVA/HVB/HVrev2 None For controlling LiPo charging up to 4S. Scant documentation and evidence of bugs and repeated redesign. Just buy a balancing charger board.
ATA (ATAutomotive) None Little info available, and what is avaiable implies that they are not a good fit for hobbyists. Often the
AT90_____ not AT90CAN None Older parts, each family with a confusing peripheral (either USB or a fancy timer similar to modern TCD called a PSC
ATmega16M1/32M1/64M1,32/64C1 None, sadly Never sure why nobody made a core for these.

* CANBUS is a very complicated automotive network which is used almost universally in modern vehicles. Understanding how to work with it is no small feat. While external CANBUS IC's exist, the complexity of the CANBUS protocol makes these difficult to work with because everything has to be serialized and deserialized through SPI, and so it is preferred to use parts with an integrated . It might as well stand for "Confusing Automotive Network But Ubiquitous, Still"

Those ATmega16M1/32M1/64M1/32C1/64C1 parts

This family is the only set of parts that I think "deserves" a core and doesn't have one. The xxM1's absolutely beat the stuffing out of almost every other classic AVR in a 32-pin package, with the exception of the 328PB, where experts could argue about the relative merits. Every other classic AVR attempted to compete with the the 64M1 or even 32M1 will meet humiliating defeat on almost any metric. What makes the lack of a core even more surprising is that most of what is needed is straightforward, not hard to do. I think it would just be a matter of leg-work to get them working. If anyone is interested in doing this, start from MiniCore, adjust variants, tweak wiring_analog to use the slightly fancier ADC - especially if you wanted to implement all the fancy features (it's got differential capability and all that good stuff, see ATTinycore v2.0.0-dev variants for how I suggest handling differential ADC). Some of these parts have CANBUS support as well (I think this can be stolen from the libraries that use CANBUS on the AT90CAN parts, with little or no modification.

If you were to change that...

If someone else were to get most of it working, I would be happy to advise and would even be willing to add the code for PSC PWM via analogWrite (I will have an easier time than most, as I've worked so much with the similar TCD), ADC tweaks, and if you asked nicely, I could even try to make the LIN-USART work in USART mode (for the other things, as long as you're doing the legwork of setting up and maintaining the rest of the core, I'll implement them even if you ask me rudely. The LIN-USART looks little harder.