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SerialUPDI is a UPDI upload tool which uses a normal USB serial adapter with the most trivial of modifications directly as a UPDI programmer It was written in 2020-2021 By Spence Konde and Quentin Bolsee based on the pymcuprog tool from Microchip, which is much, much, slower.

jtag2updi? Never heard of him

This page was formerly dedicated to discussing jtag2updi. jtag2updi was a program written in some of the most inscrutable C++ it has been my misfortune to work with, and it could be loaded onto a wide variety of AVR microcontrollers, and they could then be used as a UPDI programmer. The code was buggy, and very few people could make sense out of it. It's performance was passable, though, for example, Optiboot performed better at uploads, and both Optiboot and jtag2updi were stuck with baud rates 1/4th to 1/3rd of what the chip could be written at.. In late 2020, the first versions of SerialUPDI were created from pymcuprog, but the performance was very disappointing. In mid 2021, a push was undertaken to make it perform better than jtag2updi. The progress and the short time it took to make it exceeded all expectations. Since the 2021 performance sprint, SerialUPDI - which had write speeds as poor as 600b/s at the time this effort was started, advanced very rapidly. Within just a few days, speeds over 10k were achieved and within weeks it was faster than everything else. Since then some further performance enhancements, as well as ways to throttle it's performance to make sure it didn't overflow the part's receive buffer while it was writing

SerialUPDI is not perfect, but it's imperfections are small compared to those of jtag2updi, and less-initiated individuals are better able to improve it as compared jtag2updi - particularly as most of SerialUPDI's foibles are almost entirely due simply to it having not gotten enough attention from people who know how to write python - so things that should retry on failure or print error messages instead print stack traces, because something's throwing an exception and I don't know how to catch it. But the low level core that writes to the chip is largely fine. As of 11/21, we are no longer offering support for jtag2updi. The cores still support it, but it is not recommended. I will fix no bugs. If someone else wants to leap into this dumpster fire, by all means go ahead. I choose not to.. The only way that thing could be salvaged involves essentially rewriting it de novo so it wasn't a posterchild for how incomprehensible C++ can get.

Brief orientation: What is UPDI

UPDI is the interface used for programming all AVR parts released since 2016 (the "modern AVRs") (and debugging, but that's locked behind a proprietary interface that nobody has bothered to reverse engineer, even though you can snoop on the protocol with just a serial adapter and even though the large scale structure of the protocol is known too - c'mon guys, this is gonna be a walk in the park compared to debugwire). Unlike the old ISP interface, which was very SPI like (in fact, It seemed to be SPI with the reset pin used like SS, and a somewhat odd pattern of communication). This time, we have a somewhat more sophistcated interface that we're connecting to (they call it the Asynchronous System Interface (ASI)), and the communication method is via what looks suspiciously like they put another copy of the UART in, hardwired to always be in LBME (half-duplex single wire), 2 stop bits, even parity, and autobaud enabled and WFB (wait for break) as soon as it initializes. This talks to the ASI, which initially only lets you reset the chip and read the device ID and SIB (system information block).

To enable the programming or debug modes, a "key" is sent - there are three in the datasheet (programing mode, chip erase which as usual is how you unlock and erase a locked chip, and program USERROW which can be written even while the chip is locked). There is also a debug key, I don't know what it is, but if I had a working debug setup with microchip studio, it should be trivial to recover by snooping on the communications during debugging. I'd also wager that this is the way they configure what pincount a part is (since most of the AVR dies these days get put into 2-3 adjacent

Because it's basically a UART, and it looks like they simply copied the UART, only pointed it at the ASI. UARTs have 2 bytes of buffer on receive. Since halting for flash halts the CPU - but not the peripherals like the UPDI physical layer - it will buffer two bytes and lose dataon the third; this results in, at the end of the page being written, the programmer having written more bytes than the target received, causing the programming to fail at that point, because the the part is still treating the next command as data to write, and doesn't respond.

Wiring the hardware

Briefly, you connect Rx and Tx with either a 4.7k resistor or a small (signal) Schottky diode (band towards Tx). The RX like becomes the UPDI line. The diode is more tolerant of extra series resistance on the line, and doesn't require you to measure the value of the internal resister on the serial adapter, if there is one.

Required Hardware

There has been some debate and questions have been raised over whether the recommendations below are the best. More study is required.

  1. A USB serial adapter These can be had for as low as $1 on eBay and AliExpress based on the CH340G, slightly more for CP210x or "FT232". Ideally, you want to dedicate a serial adapter to this purpose for ease of use, rather than having to connect and disconnect things every time you want to switch between programming with it and using as a serial adapter
  2. a fast signal Schottky diode such as one of the BAT series (BAT43, BAT54) or any of many others (recommended) or a resistor (see below to figure out value)).
  3. 1 resistor, a few hundred ohms - 220 to 1k, even 2k is fine (may not be needed).
  4. A few jumper wires. Plan to replace these periodically if you use it a lot. Cheap dupont terminals don't last. Actual DuPont terminals (now made by Amphenol F. C. I) hold up much better, but they cost a fortune.

Serial adapter requirements

Almost any serial adapter can be used for pyupdi style programmer, as long as you take care to avoid these pitfalls:

  1. The FTDI FT232, (both the genuine ones, and the fakes. The FT232 fakes seem to be REALLY good fakes; I suspect that the counterfeiters got their hands on the masks or something) are by default configured to use less CPU time by polling the adapter less often. That works for most use cases – but UPDI needs on the order of 10 round trips (i.e. send message to target, receive it’s answer, repeat) per page. With the default latency timer setting of 16 ms, the performance implications are catastrophic. You can easily fix this on Windows and Linux. On Windows, Open device manager, under Ports (COM and LPT), locate the FTDI adapter. Right click -> properties. Click the Port Settings tab, and then the Advanced button. In the middle of left hand side, there is an option called "Latency timer", likely set to 16ms. Set it to 1ms). Click OK enough times to leave the dialog. you'll see the adapter disappear and reappear as the change is applied. On Linux, write the desired latency timer value in milliseconds to /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer. Configured properly, the FT232RL has very good performance (though it is worth noting that ALL serial adapters, at 460800 baud and up talking to a tinyAVR, will spend more time in latency delay than transferring data. The Dx-series spends more time transferring data (it requires fewer round trips and writes 512b at a time instead of 64-128), but it is still significant.
  2. Some serial adapters already have a resistor in series with the TX line – this is very common for the CH340 adapters (which often are hardwired for 5v logic levels, even when they have a switch for the Vcc output voltage. Note that that means DTR and RTS get pulled up to 5V even when set for 3.3V.) These typically are between 1k and 2.2k; If using the recommended diode method, you need only add the diode, not the second resistor. If you aren't going with the diode method for some reason, use a resistor such that the total is 4.7k (you'll need to measure it with multimeter unless you can follow traces to the resistor and read out the code (the three number codes - first two numbers are the most significant digits, and the third is the number of zeros they are followed by - 222 is 2200 - 2.2k, 471 is 470, (which of course means that 101 means a 100 ohm resistor, and 100 means a 10 ohm one!)). There are three approaches to measuring this; all with one end of multimeter clipped to Tx. Either a. look up the pinout of the serial adapter chip online and measure resistance to that pin, b. check all the pins on the chip. Only one will have a value of a few k or less or c. just go for the ends of the resistors, expecting one to have a 1-2.2k to Tx on one side, and 0 on the other.
  3. The UPDI protocol uses parity and 2 stop bits (parity can be disabled by a control register flag, but you need to access UPDI in the default mode using parity to change this). Adapters that do not support parity or 2 stop bits, such as the MCP2200 and MCP2221, cannot be used.

The TX resistor is ubiquitous on CH340-based adapters. On FT232 adapters, it is not usually present. I suspect this difference is due to the fact that the CH340 can output true 5v TTL serial, while most others are 5v tolerant, drive TX up to 3.3v. This can cause problems with slow rise times relative to the key threshold voltage that results in it registering as a high. 3. Some serial adapters have a dedicated LED to indicate Rx. While some fancy chips have an I/O pin that drives the RX led (the FT232, for example), a cheap adapter with an RX LED may have just put an LED and resistor on the RX line (in fact that's what that above mentioned green boards with switch and micro USB port did).. The load from an LED on the UPDI line will overwhelm any signal from the target and prevent communication (a LED on TX is fine - the adapter has plenty of drive strength, but a LED on RX must be removed because (like every other 12v-tolerant pin on an avr that isn't incredibly exotic the pin drivers are incredibly weak - If the chip is running at 5v, and thare is a 0.5mA load on the pin, the voltage on the pin will be 1 volt from the power rail, even though the load is tiny. So remove any LED on the RX line, or it will never work. 4. Devices that do not output a 5v HIGH level sometimes will work at low speed but not higher speeds. A 10k pullup between the UPDI/RX line and 5v will usually sort this out. 5. Bluetooth serial adapters will not work, for a variety of reasons; these issues are not surmountable.

I recommend the CH340 as the go-to serial adapter for several reasons:

  • They are dirt cheap and readily available on eBay/ AliExpress /Amazon. 7/$5 shipped on AliExpress for the most basic design (the black kind with the stupid voltage jumper on the end. The wider ones with rounded corners and ENIG surface treatment are no better electrically, though the build quality is better (if you buy the black ones described above, it is recommended to solder the tabs of the USB connector in place - their wave soldering process fails to solder these most of the time – actually the same thing is true of any cheap Chinese circuit board that plugs straight into a full size usb port).What you'd really like is a The better kind are what you find on eBay when you search for "CH340 6pin" - you want the black ones with the voltage switch. Until, that is, I bring my own design into production - it'll have voltage switching done, and a micro USB connector instead of a stupid full sized USB-A, full-sized 1117 3.3v regulator, and a color-coded power light to indicate the current voltage setting, and a general absence of gross design flaws (Avoid the cheap green adapters with the micro USB connector – those have design flaws in spades).
  • The bare chips are dirt cheap and readily available - and also dead simple to design with. Anyone, even the clown who designed those green boards I've been badmouthing, can do it (it looked like someone's first board, frankly). Heck, a working CH340G serial adapter was the first board I designed, too (at least I didn't try to sell my first version!).
  • They are - at most - a half second slower to write a full flash image with. For the price of one real FT232RL adapter, you could have half a dozen CH340's.
  • They generally work at the maximum speed with just the addition of the diode, and their latency is just long enough that you don't need to use -wd on Windows, even when programing tinyAVRs at 921600 baud (you do on Linux though)

And because most of the alternatives have problems:

  • The CP2102 doesn't support the top speed for Dx-series (345600 baud) - or, if you configure it to support that with the utility from Silicon Labs, you lose support for 460800 for tinyAVR.

  • The PL2303 you have to downgrade the drivers for, because they're all counterfeit parts based on an ancient version (sounds like they got their hands on the masks of an older revision), and manufacturer of the chip is sick of the counterfeiters getting free driver support.

    • I only have one PL2303 adapter handy, but as supplied, it had virtually no capacitance on Vcc - there was 0.5v ripple on a 3.3v line. It won't surprise you to hear that that caused problems for the thing connected to it. Adding a capacitor fixed that (okay, so what? Nobody else's serial adapter needs the capacitor added.... ) These devices appear to be strictly worse than counterfeit FT232RL or legit CH340's, while costing as much as the counterfeit FT232s (which work very well) and more than CH340's. Why are they still bothering to make these?
  • The FT232 requires you to change the timeout setting to get acceptable performance.

    • Most FT232RL's are said to be counterfeit; the "FTDI-gate" driver debacle is far behind us, but this may matter to you for other reasons.
    • It is probably not coincidental that most FT232 adapters from China are also of noticeably poor build quality. You can see the chip not centered, the passives slightly crooked, the solder looks duller than it should, as if the solder paste were old, I've broken off a capacitor during normal handling and none of the solder joints inspire confidence. They typically work fine, and some of them even have a 6-pin ISP header on them. (huh??? Well it's so you can program classic AVRs in sync bitbang mode; that’s currently broken in AVRdude, but I’m told the 7.0 release should fix that, which may change my recommendations). But they really don't inspire confidence.
  • As noted above, very few serial adapters output an actual 5v HIGH level though they are almost universally 5v tolerant (not damaged by 5v, but unable to output more than 3.3). These are sometimes flaky at higher speeds. CH340G does not have that issue - in fact, many "3.3v" CH340G's run at 5v, supply 3.3 to the Vcc pin and rely on the resistors in series with the RX/TX pins and the diodes on the target to not harm the target. I can't say I'm a huge fan of this method... (it is totally possible to make them run 3.3 or 5v just fine)

    • If that describes your adapter, and it starts failing at the higher speeds, try a 10k resistor between the UPDI line and 5V.
  • Everything except the CH340 needs -wd specified to program tinyAVRs at non-slow speeds (the speed above which it is needed varies).

  • The HT42B534 has a variety of unusual attributes. It might be the "Millennium Falcon of serial adapters" - It's faster than anything around when it works, but is incredibly fiddly and flaky and frequently doesn't.

    • It doesn't support arbitrary baud rates - no 345600 for Dx-series, or anything between 256k and 460.8k. This kind of sucks.
    • On the one hand, it uses standard windows CDC drivers; that's not a bad thing. (Not that I've ever found keeping serial drivers installed for other adapters to be a terrible burden.) Except when the standard drivers don't work very well - in this case whether it's the drivers or the hardware, it is incredibly prone to crashing.. Setting it to a speed it doesn't like not only doesn't have the desired effect, but the attempt blocks rather than terminating gracefully. SerialUPDI has a fairly short timeout built-in and errors; many terminal programs will just hang until you restart them or unplug the serial adapter and plug it back in. Sometimes it stays behind in device manager after unplugging it, particularly after it hangs.
    • Modem control inputs are wrong: All show off until any one changes state, then all show opposite of actual value. Inverted behavior continues until next reset.
    • The chip (though not the available adapters) have a VDDIO pin to set output voltages, i.e., a built-in level shifter. CH340 can only do 3.3V-5V, HT42 can do 1.8-5v. It would be a very nice feature if it was exposed in breakout boards and if these parts didn't have all the other quirks that they do...
    • They are almost CH340 cheap.
    • The latency is significantly lower than other serial adapters. Earlier during the spring 2021 optimization effort, after optimization for the "simpler case" of writing to a Dx-series (it is simpler in that there are larger pages, hence larger blocks of time spent, the speed of uploads was determined in large part by latency, rather than raw speed. This version performed significantly better on the HT42B534. Subsequent optimization allowed the speed of the other adapters to nearly equal that of the HT42B534, without the rest of it's quirks.
    • Unfortunately as a consequence of that, at higher baud rates it fails to program tinyAVR parts because it starts sending the next before a page write cycle is completed. while the other adapters have so much latency that they give the chip time for it's page write by default. This issue could happen with other serial adapters too and in the latest version of SerialUPDI, the tinyAVR parts can be programmed at these high speeds by choosing an option with write delay enabled.
  • If you find yourself with 2-4 serial adapters plugged in at all times (and who doesn't?!), FTDI's offerings get more attractive. They make an FT4232 with 4 serial ports from a single USB port. You do have to change the latency timer for all 4 ports. The only breakout board I found was fairly pricey even from China (it doesn't look like the chips are being copied), and it would be better if it had some normal 6-pin headers, but it otherwise replaces a 4-port hub and 4 CH340's.

A note on breakout boards

Some tinyAVR and other UPDI-using-part breakout boards have an on-board resistor. Sometimes this is a 4.7k one. That is NOT appropriate. I was part of the problem for a while. I think the original mistake came from people conflating the pyupdi resistor with a generally appropriate series resistor. When I started megaTinyCore, my early collaborator was making hardware with a 4.7k resistor; I assumed he was doing it right. This doesn't work with serial UPDI. It will work with dedicated programmers like jtag2updi, as long as they don't have their own resistor, or that resistor is an appropriate value. . Suffice to say, for a time it was a very common belief. I use 470 ohms now, but I can't find fault with a design over it not having the resistor. Expecting the programmer to be able to provide series resistance is not an unfair expectation,


  • Vcc, Gnd of serial adapter to Vcc, Gnd of target
  • Add either a resistor or Schottky diode between Tx and Rx (in the case of serial adapters without their own TX series resistor, an external one is needed. See the charts below.
  • Many adapters have a built-in 1k, 1.5k, or 2.2k resistor in series with Tx.
    • If yours does, you can simply install a diode from Rx to Tx, (band towards Tx). My top pick here is the BAT54C; it's in a tiny SOT-23 package (it's 2 diodes both with the "band" towards the pin that's alone on one side) Why? Because, assuming your serial adapter has the pins on 0.1" header, and TX and RX are next to each other (both extremely common) the diode fits right in between them. and with no lead that could later fatigue and break the result is less likely to be damaged by rough handling. Then if I want to more obviously mark it as a UPDI programmer, I might cut off the Tx, DTR and CTS pins. Serial adapters go for under for a buck a piece on eBay, so it's worth making dedicated UPDI programming ones.
    • If your adapter does not have a resistor in series with Tx, put a resistor (470-2.2k) in series with your diode - this is to protect both sides in the event of a total loss of synchronization where the target and programmer drive the pin in opposite directions, as well as damage if the adapter is plugged in backwards to an externally powered board (i.e., with board Vcc connected to programmer serial lines - part of the protocol to deal with a target that's nonresponsive involves a very long "double break", though I think even unprotected, most adapters would survive a lot of double-breaks).
    • If you don't have any small Schottky diodes on hand you can instead use a resistor - you want a total of 4.7k resistance, counting your resistor and the one on the adapter, between Tx and Rx.
  • Rx of adapter to UPDI pin of target. A small resistor (under 1k - like the 470 ohm one we generally use) in series with this on the target board is fine.
USB Serial Adapter
With internal 1-2k resistor on TX
This is the case in 90% of USB serial adapters.

internal resistor in adapter: 2.2k >= Ra

--------------------                                 To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
    internal    Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI---\/\/---------->
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |-------|<|---'          .--------| Gnd    470 ohm (100 ~ 1k)
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .`          |__________________
                Gnd|--------------------'             If you make a 3-pin connector, use this pinout


--------------------                                 To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
    internal    Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI----------------->
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |-------|<|---'          .--------| Gnd
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .`          |__________________

Also works great, convenient if still using jtag2updi without resistor built into it. Resistors should sum to less than 4.7k, preferably much less

--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
    internal    Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI----\/\/\/---->
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |-------|<|---'          .--------| Gnd     < 2.2k
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .`          |__________________
                Gnd|--------------------'           Series resistor between header and chip UPDI pin on target PCB
--------------------                                I use 470 ohm resistors.

Yes internal resistor on adapter
Yes resistor on target: several k or more:
This will often by 4.7k: it must be bypassed, replaced with a smaller one or shorted out.

--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|               ,----------------------------------.
    internal    Rx |--------------/                  | UPDI----\/\/\/--*-
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |-------|<|---'          .--------| Gnd       4.7k
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .'          |__________________

No internal resistor on adapter.
Yes resistor on target >= 100 ohms and not more than a few k.

--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
 No resistor?   Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI----\/\/\/------>
  Are you sure? Tx |----|<|------`          .--------| Gnd     > 100
 This is rare!  Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc     < 2.2k
                CTS|                     .`          |__________________    Resistor of around a few hundred to a few k

No resistor on target OR adapter:

Include A resistor in ONE of the three places shown below, whichever is easier to wire in,
the first and second positions, with nothing between Rx and target UPDI, are slightly preferable

Value of resistor should be a few hundred ohms, I'd default 470.

No internal resistor
--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
 No resistor    Rx |---------------------,--/\/\-----| UPDI---------------->
                Tx |--/\/\---|<|----\/\/'        .---| Gnd
 This is rare!  Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
                CTS|                          .`     |__________________

Resistor-based schemes - these have a narrower window of parameters under which they work reliably.
If you look at the UPDI line on a 'scope while it is malfunctioning, you will see that sometimes
the voltage is not going all the way down to ground when one side tries to assert it.

They are not recommended unless there is something keeping you from using a diode configuration.

However, if your choice is between a resistor and a silicon diode, as opposed to as Schottky one, always pick the Schottky, because the silicon diode will not work.

The PyUPDI classic:

                         4.7k resistor
No internal resistor
--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
 No resistor?   Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI---------------->
  Are you sure? Tx |--/\/\/\/\---`          .--------| Gnd
 This is rare!  Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
                CTS|                     .`          |__________________

Very much like the classic, except for the possibility of a resistor on the target. Must be 470 or under on the target.

Resistance should sum to 4.7k
--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                                  __________________
    internal    Rx |--------------,------------------| UPDI----\/\/\/------>
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |--/\/\/\/\---`          .--------| Gnd     =< 470
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc         \If resistor present, not more than 470 ohms.
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .`          |__________________

If the resistor on the target is much more than 470 ohms, you're going to want to bypass it. Alternately,
it may be easier to replace it with a 0 ohm resistor or bridge it with a piece of wire or even
just a blob of solder, and do the classic pyupdi. Note that using a diode will work with resistances on the target that are too much for it to work using a resistor.

The resistor (if any) in serial adapter, and the one you add should total 4.7k.
--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|                       ,--------------------------.
    internal    Rx |--------------,-------'          | UPDI----\/\/\/- *--->
  Tx---/\/\/\---Tx |--/\/\/\/\---`          .--------| Gnd       >470
    resistor    Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
  typ 1-2k      CTS|                     .`          |__________________     resistor of more than around  470 ohms - must be bypassed, replaced, or shorted.
or no resistor  Gnd|--------------------'

If there's no resistor in the serial adapter and the target happens to have a 4.7k resistor, you can do it without
any extra components, though you've got 4 wires involved instead of 3:

--------------------                                   To Target device
                DTR|              .-----------------------------------.
 No resistor?   Rx |-------------'      ,------------| UPDI----\/\/\/--*---->
  Are you sure?-Tx |-------------------'     .-------| Gnd       4.7k
 This is rare!  Vcc|---------------------------------| Vcc
 OR resistor    CTS|                      .'         |__________________
  bypassed      Gnd|---------------------'       Excessively - but conveniently - sized resistor.
--------------------                        These were (incorrectly) popularized for the first few years of UPDI

Why do we want a little bit of resistance (a few hundred) when doing the diode method? The classical response is "In case target and programmer are completely out of sync and try to drive the line in opposite directions" Note that on tinyAVR this isn't as much of a concern, as the output drivers on the UPDI/reset pin are so weak that it seems unlikely that they are capable of exceeding the maximum current per pin specification. Besides that, though, there's another reason: So that when (not if) you plug the connector in backward, but the target has external power too, there isn't a risk of the TX pin of adapter being damaged from trying to drive the positive supply rail low;

Jumper reliability

Don't expect frequently used dupont connectors to work reliably for long, unless you bought the good terminals (Amphenol is the current manufacturer, having bought Berg which bought DuPont's connector division eons ago), you want the highest spring force version, since you are using with a 3-pin connector (they spec the middle spring force for 10-40 pin connectors). Expect to pay 30-40 cents each, and if you put them side by side with the cheap ones (which are clones of the Harwin knockoff), there is no chance of mistaking the two. I think having 2 holes in a 5p housing empty may make it worse - I'm not really sure why this happens so fast with UPDI cables, but it seems to. I had similar problems with jtag2upd, but it seems to happen more with UPDI than other protocols and I don't know why. I have experiments in progress aimed at finding a way to make temporary connections to standard pin header that does not become unreliable over time. Dupont line bought pre-crimped that is in the form of ribbon cable is trash. Try to minimize your use of it. The kind that has individual wires is better.


Choose a Serial-UPDI option from the Tools -> Programmer menu of a core which supports this upload method (megaTinyCore, DxCore, and soon, MegaCoreX).


The tinyAVR core offers 57600 baud, 230400 baud, 460800 baud, and 921600 baud options. Except for the slowest, all are offered with and without a delay. This is due to the frustrating differences between how different adapters work on different platforms and with different operating systems, specifically on the matter of USB transaction latency. Windows always has more latency than anything else (big surprise there), but within that, different adapters have different behavior as well (if you're using an FT232RL, you already had to adjust that setting from 16ms down to 1 to avoid everything slowing to a crawl). When writing to tinyAVR parts, which are written by pages, there is a pause required while waiting for the "page-write" command to finish. This brief pause is provided completely by USB latency, with no need for further measures on some combinations of OS and adapter. On others it is too fast, and we try to talk to the target while the CPU is halted as part of the programming option. The most common symptom of this is write failing (often in the middle of the process) with a "problem with ST" recorded. If you get that, the version with the write delay will probably fix it. The write delay has a considerable negative impact on write performance (time per page written is dependent only on OS and adapter. The time does not depend on the baud rate) and should not be used if not needed.

At 57600, every adapter works with every part.

At 230400, every adapter worked on windows, and the CH340 adapter seemed to work on all platforms. This should not be used in the unusual event that you are programming a device while the target is running at less than 2.7V (doing that would require a special serial adapter that output lower logic levels or level shifting hardware) (to guarantee functionality, we need to increase the UPDI clock for 230400 baud).

At 460800, only the CH340 worked anywhere without the delay. This should only be used when the voltage on the target during programming is 4.5V or more.

At 921600, only the CH340 worked anywhere without the delay. This should only be used when the voltage on the target during programming is 4.5V or more.


Things are much simpler on the Dx-series (don't worry, the Ex-series will make it complicated again). DxCore offers 57600, 230400, 345600 and a "special" 460800 w/chunking for use with the HT42B534 serial adapter, which can't do 345600 baud (and any other adapter runs far more slowly with this option) and select the Serial Port from the Tools -> Port menu. No write delay option is offered as the DxCore parts do not have the concept of a page when writing, only for erase. And we erase the whole chip when we erase.

57600 baud maximizes compatibility with suboptimal adapters and/or wiring.

230400 baud is the "standard" speed for uploading, and is supported by all serial adapters I am aware of.

345600 baud (1.5x 230400) works out to be about the maximum baud rate for continuous writing, but not all serial adapters support it.

460800 baud for HT42B435 - this is a special workaround for the HT42B435 (I have described it's flakiness in general elsewhere). This breaks the write into chunks of 32 bytes, which results in a USB latency cycle being put after every 32-byte chunk, giving the target a chance to catch up. On any other adapter, this would slow you to a crawl. However, the HT42B435 has a very short latency delay. The net result is that it writes about as fast as other adopters can do at 345600 baud, while reading at an incredible 32kb/s. Everything else would get miserable performance with this option.

Note that this does not give you serial monitor - you need to connect a serial adapter the normal way for that (I suggest using two, along with an external serial terminal application). This technique works with those $1 CH340 serial adapters from eBay, AliExpress, etc. Did you accidentally buy some that didn't have a DTR pin broken out, and so weren't very useful with the $2 Pro Minis you hoped to use them with? They're perfect for this. Although the CH340 parts have the lowest performance, the difference between parts is now quite small (this was not the case prior to the optimization leading up to the 2.3.2 release, before which the speeds ranged from 125 bytes per second to just over 1k.

Future programming options

Two initiatives are progressing albeit at a grindingly slow pace that will improve the UPDI programming situation significantly

A CH340 adapter that isn't terrible

A new serial adapter has been prototyped and will at some point be prodced in quantity, based on a CH340 that does voltage switching right, and is generally free of eggregious design flaws. This will be available in my Tindie Store when it is availalble in quantity.


HyperUPDI is planned to pair a CH340G, a microcontroller, and a 12v cap-switching voltage booster into one board. It will use a new python script to upload instead of and most of the protocol will be handled by it's internal microcontroller. Because the microconroller will be able to buffer a huge amount of data in it's in SRAM (on the order of 3-6kb for data in the direction it's being sent in bulk. However when a normal terminal connects to it, and drives both DTR and RTS low (as they almost all do by default, it will act in pass-throught mode. Meanwhile if SerialUPDI is used to upload to it, this will be detected and a helpful error message returned tothe user telling them to select the correct adapter. It will support HV programming of both tinyAVR and DD/EA-series ones - but unfortunately, I'm having difficulty sourcing a key component with less than 18 months lead time as of early Q3 2022.

Technical details

UPDI protocol

The UPDI protocol uses a single wire for bidirectional communication with the target chip. To prevent collisions the target chip never initiates a transfer - the programmer sends a command and then waits for the expected response, if any. If it doesn't get a response, when it was expecting one, something went wrong. SerialUPDI will print a (generally thoroughly useless) error, which no worse than other UPDI programming tools (or programmers in general). The data itself is sent as though the data line was a USART in one-wire mode, with a special autobaud enabled. The autobaud behavior, and the fact that it talks to some supervisor instead of the normal running chip, is the main thing differentiating it from a normal serial port set for 8-bits, 1 start bit, 2 stop bits, and parity enabled (i.e., the data frames are 12 bit periods long. Theoretical maximum bytes per second is just shy of (BAUD RATE)/12 - At the minimum, it will always wait 2 bit periods between when the programmer finishes sending and when it starts transmitting. The weird thing is that when idle, autobaud works with just the sync character. Break will reset everything, but isn't required except to begin communication. That signals the start of a transaction and initiates and sets the baud rate to be used. There are at least 4 special modes available, each of which requires sending a 16-byte KEY: NVM programming mode, Chip Erase (this will also unlock locked chips after erasing), and Write User Row (write data to the user row, this can be - and generally is only - used on a locked chip and is rare outside of production). Finally there is the Debugging mode, which is not described in the datasheet, though the KEY is known (and could easily be sniffed if it wasn't). There could be any number of other keys that are not known outside of Microchip. We know they do a factory calibration. I imagine that it would be done using a different key (and likely with a bit that can be set to truly disable permanently - in some chips security measures are provided by what they call an e-fuse (not to be confused with the configuration fuses we have here through the origin of the name is the same) which is just a thin, weak interconnect within the chip that it can cause to "fuse" (like the circuit protection kind of “fuse") rendering a manufacturer only configuration mode unusable afterward). Th

In NVM programming mode, you can read the flash as well as the "data space" (the 64k address block the chip sees during normal operation. Addressing is either 16-bit (tinyAVR/megaAVR), or 24-bit (DX-series). In 24-bit mode, the high bit is set to access flash, and you write by manipulating the NVMCTRL registers and writing to the flash as though you were a bootloader, except that you can also write fuses, execute chip erase command, and of course write to the bootloader section of the chip, and whenever connected via UPDI you have the power to assert or release the UPDI reset state, which must be done in a specific pattern to ensure that the WDT isn't running, as it would reset the chip and you would be having a bad time. Note: Yes! This means that a programmer could be used to do paged erase and write! Serial UPDI doesn't have this feature. I don't know of any that do. It's not hard to implement and this may be changed in a future release. My thoughts on this are at the bottom of the document.

Upload and verify performance

BAUD FT232RL kb/s CP2102 kb/s CH340 kb/s HT42B534 kb/s
115200 8.7 W / 8.8 R 8.7 W / 8.8 R 8.4 W / 8.5 R 9.0 W / 9.1 R
230400 16.6.W / 16.4 R 16.3 W / 16.5 R 14.6 W / 16.6 R 17.7 W / 17.9 R
345600* 24.3 W / 23.4 R 23.2 W / 23.0 R 22.5 W / 22.1 R UNSUPPORTED
460800** N/A N/A N/A 24.7W / 32.7 R

** HT42B534 was run using a 32-byte block size, running with finite block size resulted in successful transfers for other parts, though the threshold block size varied - but a massive decrease in overall speed, similar to 115200 baud., as one will outrun the NVM controller writing at 460800 baud - I just had to see how it compared to the FT232RL. Both of them are running right up at the limit of the chip's ability to write data to the flash - and the FT232RL doesn't need any special measures taken and works with the tinyAVR parts too. On the other hand, the HT42B534 leads the pack at the (new as of 1.3.6) default of 230400 baud, and is dirt cheap (CH340-level prices). But back to the first hand, the HT42 flakey and either it, the generic drivers it uses, or both are quite buggy.

For comparison, on the Dx-series parts (which are easier to use as test subjects since they have more flash, so uploads take longer and are easier to time. These numbers were taken using a 128k test image, which is an optimal situation.

Programmer Read Write Notes
jtag2updi 6.6 kb/s 5.9 kb/s Running on 16 MHz Nano
Curiosity Nano 5.9 kb/s 3.3 kb/s Via avrdude - which is likely (hopefully!) not ideal
Optiboot Dx 10.6 kb/s 6.9 kb/s 115200 baud as supplied by DxCore

Because of the smaller page sizes and the more time-consuming rigmarole surrounding that, ATtiny parts are slower to program; the smaller the pages, the slower it is - but the time for programming the entire flash is still less for smaller parts because there is less data to write, because net programming speed (byres/second after overhead goes down more slowly than the flash sizes. The two write numbers are for parts with 64 byte and 128 byte pages, respectively.

BAUD FT232RL kb/s CP2102* kb/s - CH340 kb/s HT42B534 kb/s
115200 4.6, 6.2 W / 8.8 R 4.3,6.2 W / 8.8 R 3.6, 5.2 W / 8.5 R 3.6,7.2 W / 9.1 R
230400 7.5,10.0 W / 16.5 R 7.1,9.6 W / 16.4 R 4.9, 7.8 W / 15.6 R UNSUPPORTED
345600* 9.1,13.6 W / 23.4 R 8.5,13.2 W / 23.1 R 5.6, 9.5 W / 22.0 R UNSUPPORTED
460800 10.4,15.6 W / 28.2 R Not tested 6.0,10.4 w / 26.8 R UNSUPPORTED
  • The CP2102 does not, by default, support any speeds between 256kbaud and 460800 baud - but a free configuration utility from Silicon Labs enables customization of the baud rates in each range of requested speeds (though unfortunately, you can't define those ranges). I reconfigured mine for 345600 baud for development of with the Dx-series parts, which don't work at 460800, and did not bother to set it back to factory settings just to fill in the table; I would expect to see approximately 10kb/s and 15kb/s write speeds and around 26kb/s read speed.

(the above two charts were taken with 1.1.0.)

In this case, Sprog(64) = 2/3 Sprog(128), so tprog(16k) = 3/4 * tprog(32k)) (tprog(16k) = (16/32) * tprog(32k))/(Sprog(64)/Sprog(128)) = tprog(32k)) * (3/2)(1/2).)

No modern AVRs exist with page sizes of less than 64 bytes. Only 64b, 128b, and 512b exist. While many expected a page size of 256b for the DD-series - the most recent ATpacks show 512 (then again, they have other stuff copy-pasted from the DA/DB too still).

Part Series Flash range Page size Writes by Max. Speed R, W Full Write$ 230400 Max Read (921k) #
tinyAVR 0/1/2 2-16k/ 32k 64b / 128b Pages 28k/s, 10-16k/s < 2.7s < 5s 0.7s
megaAVR 0 8-16k/32-48k 64b / 128b Pages 28k/s, 10-16k/s < 4.0s < 10s 1.0s
AVR Dx-series 32-128k 521b Words 23k/s, 24k/s < 12.0s < 17s 3.0s
Dx-series w/HT42 32-128k 512b Words 32k/s, 24k/s ???? ????? My HT43B345 is acting up currently
AVR Ex-series* 8-16k/32-64k 64b / 128b Pages * ??k/s,10-16k/s * < 12.0s * < 17s Potentially fast AF
AVR Ex w/Optiboot 8-16k/32-64k 64b / 128b Pages * ??k/s,10-16k/s * >= 5.2s * > 5.2 Potentially fast AF

$ at maximum baud rate # These numbers are much less that is achieved during a verify process, but this may not be the case for the Ex particularly with optiboot. * Speculative, updated based on more recent information. The errata throws a monkey wrench into the calculations because we don't control the software on the target during UPDI, but we can't write the page buffer while it's erasing or writing, so we have to program each page, wait for write, erase the next page, wait for erase, then send the programming command and data, repeat. Reads, however, can be made much, much faster - I fully expect the eventual optiboot version to be able to take 460800, 921600 baud, and hence, we really could see read speeds like that. So at least we can make verify mad fast.

Note that word machines, despite supporting lower baud rates, actually program far faster, because they can be programmed 512b at a time (limit from the maximum of 255 repeats hence 256 writes of 1 word each). This reduction in the number of separate operations is a massive boon because each operation is a separate USB transfer, adding latency of between 0.5 and 2 ms depending on the adapter.

Note that ALL parts are compatible with 921600 baud for reads

Full write assumes using the fastest programming option to write the entire memory of the largest on the list with the FT232 except where noted. 230400 column is same, except at that baud rate.

As noted above, for reasons I don't really understand, my HT42B345 is connecting at 2400 or 4800 baud..... What a boondoggle 2 revs of the PCB and I bought 100 of the damned things. I'm now pissed at Holtek for a crappy product, so per my usual policy, until proven otherwise, I will hold a grudge for years will now assume that Holtec's engineers are incompetent and sloppy, and their products of unacceptably poor design and unfit for their marketed purpose. This serial adapter certainly was, and that's being kind - I would consider an HT42B534 adapter used anywhere in a product to be instantly disqualifying for all applications, and would need to test any Holtec part before designing with or recommending it.

Note - those numbers in the last chart were taken with SerialUPDI 1.2.3, versions of the core with later versions (megaTinyCore after 2.5.7 and DxCore after 1.4.6) may have different performance. Each version has a number of changes to performance. The versions right after we made it fast ran the fastest, and the bugfixes since then have more often than not cost a touch of performance in order to make the programmer work more reliably.

Observations on Speed

The following is based on the numbers above, test data not included, as well as examination of oscilloscope trace. Note that the 460800 baud data for the Dx-series is not directly comparable as it uses write chunking to artificially slow the writes to prevent overrunning the buffer on the target (which is barely a buffer) which the chip empties at a constant rate.

Approximately, write time can be modeled as: T = ceil(size / page size) * C + size / (baud in bits/sec / 12 bits/byte) where C in turn can be modeled as: C = (c * n) + d/(baud / 12)

12 bits to 1 byte because the UPDI protocol uses 1 parity bit and 2 stop bits.

The same relationship holds - with a different constant - for read and write with the size of blocks read substituting for page size.

d is the overhead in bytes involved in setting up each page; it depends on the series of the part in question.

c is a characteristic time depending on the serial adapter - the USB Latency. This is not actually a single consistent, constant value; potential values of it appear to be quantized and certain usb latency pauses within the upload process are of different durations.

n in a the number of separate USB transactions required to set up each page write, a function of the procedure used by the programming tool. Most of the optimization involved reducing this number; it is 2 for reads and Dx-series writes. For tinyAVR and megaAVR it is 4 when writing.

Monitoring the transactions on a scope, one can pauses with small exchanges p (small overhead)->(latency) repeated n times per page, followed by a write lasting a period of time proportional to (page size + d)

Within the region of interest, baud is large relative to d, so C is nearly constant

At low baud rates, T tends towards a inverse relationship with baud. At high baud rates, T tends toward a function of size, NVM version, and serial adapter only. Overcoming this limit requires reducing the number of USB transactions per page written, or block read.

Tread is the same on all parts; an unimplemented change could push it a bit lower by bringing N all the way down to 1 from 2. The practical impact, however, is very small; after the end of the performance enhancement push, Tread, reading in 512b blocks is dominated by the second term.

For the Dx-series parts as shown in the above table, with the full suite of optimization, Tread = Twrite. There is a simple way to improve this verification speed - the baud rate can be increased as fast as the hardware will keep up with since there's no 70us delay.

For tinyAVR, Tread is the same as Dx, but Twrite is far worse - not only is page size smaller but n 4 instead of 2 so C is twice as high. At 460800 baud, the second term is about a third the magnitude of the first for write (and the tinies will accept writes at 921.6 kbaud). The important thing to keep in mind is that these chips still program in seconds - and the page write is being committed during the time that one of these pauses is ongoing.

Thoughts on paged erase

There are 4 "erasure modes" imaginable (by me at least, and assuming the user desires a practical working chip. Obiously if you didn't care if it worked, you coudld erase a few pages at random, then write the flash normally, and observe that the sketch malfunctioned. But you could do the same thing by bitwise-ANDing other data with your hex file, or any number of other ways. but that's beyond the scope of further consideration), plus one subset of an erasure mode that can be more readily implemented and is of relevance in known use cases. My thoughts, where present, on the prospects are in italics after each line.

  1. Chip Erase always - simple, easy implement, and analogous to ICSP programming in the classic AVRs. That's what we do now. It is around 20ms counting overhead and latency. It's fast and easy.
  2. Erase as you go - reading the file you've been asked to write, every time you get to something in a different page than you were previously writing to, take a time out and erase that page. This is basically what the bootloader does, except that it would have the added disadvantage of the latency overhead (which is considerable). change nvm command to NOOP, change it to FLPER, ST ptr, ST *ptr, wait for the page erase then set nvm command back to NOOP, then to FLWR and proceed. That would be about 17ms delay per page. This would add like 4.5 seconds to the programming process for full 128k part. (versus the 2.6 it adds for a bootloader) to a programming process that may be taking only 11 seconds including verification: a hefty price. I don't really like the idea, I didn't work like hell to cut every unnecessary round trip to the chip and make this faster so I could throw away 7 latency periods and a 10ms page erase per page... On the other hand, some people seem to want this, and it's relatively easy to implement. It will never be a default mode, and I'm not particularly interested in it.
  3. Supply a hex file. Programming tool would calculate the fastest procedure that would clear all the pages needed, and no pages before the start of it (to spare the bootloader). Several variants of this are below I ain't gonna write a hex file analyzer for this, but if I ever implement 4c, and you want to write an analyzer function that will output a map like I described, I'd be happy to use it a. Make no guarantees beyond that. okay, doing this isn't hard, start with address of the page with first data erase with largest block starting with that page, go to address after the last byte that was erased, if that is in the hex file repeat until either file or flash runs out" b. As a, except that pages after the hex file would be left intact Would need to analyze the file to find the last page written and first page written, then go use same algorithm above except that we would erase that largest block that doesn't breach end of the region c. As b, except that that any page not written according to the hex file would bar left intact. Same net effect as 2, except with speed penalty on the order of under 0.25 seconds for any non-perverse file. requires full analysis, and basically ends up as 4 d. As c, and if a page was partially written, the old data there would be preserved, meaning it would have to read the last pager, modify that temporary data Dreaaaaam on! The best you'll get from me, ever, is a way to tell it not to erase pages. And if you then tell it to write to those unerased pages result is bitwise AND. If you want read-modify-write, then read, modify, and write yourself – you can do that now...just read the flash to a hex file, and merge it with the new one giving new file precedence - you can do that NOW, too.
  4. Erase pages according to an "erasure map" and those pages would be erased. Variants a. It's a 256-bit binary value, (or however many pages the part has). But it would need some encoding to make sure it was printable, and could be used in a command line. You can get about 6 bits per character before things get dicey. So 4 bytes to represent 3 of data if willing to decode it (43 bytes total), or 64 total if we just used hex and got 4 bits/byte. That's a mighty long argument to have to supply. But okay, chunk it 4 bytes at a time to process it.... Would be only slightly less annoying that 3c and awkward for the user b. Argument contains erasure list, ordered by address. _ means do not erase it and go to next address, 0-5 are 2^n page erase, skipping all pages between current address and next valid beginning of a block of that size. End of line means no further erasures. _01234554315554321 would skip page 0 to spare an existing bootloader, then erase everything except the last two pages and a 6 page "hole" before the midpoint (maybe it's got some data stored there because it's readable with lpm instead of elpm or mapped flash). _012345555555 would skip first page etc. I like something like this - but it deals badly with poorly positioned holes - it could need to be up to 256 bytes long if only erasing the first and last page, for example c. As b, except introduce additional characters: A, B, C, D, E for which would be analogous with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, except they would mean "skip that size block, starting from the next block of that size if current address isn't, including everything from here to there" like the numbers, only skipping instead of erasing, so _E555555 would skip the first 64 pages and erase the rest, and both _D5555555and _5555555 are the same. The advantage is for cases with large holes, Imagine application that occupied entire low flash, and has user data in the rest that we want to persist - except that final 4 pages need to be erased because that region is where you store data with firmware-version-specific semantics. 5555EEEDCB2 instead of 5555_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. You can still contrive perverse cases, like say, _0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0 which would erase every odd numbered page. *I think this is the way to go if I ever implement something more sophisticated than erase-as-we-go . I don't care if the user experience for erasing particularly perverse patterns sucks, only patterns that are realistically useful .
  5. Fractional Erase - erase up to a specified address only - this would be an extension to enhance Flash.h so that the data written with it would be preserved. if people start complaining this is an option. I haven't had anyone ask about this, though....

No matter how this is done though, the verify process needs to be significantly adapted so it doesn't care about the rest of the flash.

Brain teaser inspired by above

Writing over flash twice will result in bitwise and of the two. What's interesting about this is that you can even look at the start and it doesn't immediately look scary, particularly if neither was compiled with -mrelax, though close examination of the vectors will reveal that all is not well. You know that on a part with >8k flash without -mrelex every other word in the vector table is supposed to be 0x940C (0C94 in the order it's stored in flash - AVR is little endian), wiorth -mrelax it will almost always be alternating 0xC___ (__C_ in the hex file) and 0x0000 and on smaller flash parts, they use 1-word vectors and so there's no scattering of NOOPs, just a bunch of 0xC___ in a row at the start before program starts. You can see how AND would leave most of that intact. But you could still see that the rest od the values were different. What would be the give-away within the vector table?

It turns out there's a lot of order there, and the result will be basically guaranteed to be obviously invalid. Other bitwise operators are also obvious. The rest of the file has far more entropy, and it won't be as obvious

Suppose someone has 2 hex files. Assume they both fill the flash. This individual gives you one file. The file is either one of the two hex files, or it the result of combining the files using some bitwise operator The original programs are both very useful to you, and you've wired up hardware to his specifications. He swears that the hex file he gave you is one of the real program and works just great, and if it doesn't work for you, you must not have wired it right. What operation would he need to use to make the fake most believable?

The hex file doesn't work. You suspect he gave you the mangled file instead of a real one (he was clever enough to not alter the vector table, if he modified it at all). What would you look for to prove that he gave you a sham file? This individual is no fool (that's why he has two hex files both of which would be valuble to you) - so he didn't use -mrelax, and the vector table isn't obvious garbage, and he used a tool that recalculated the line checksums so the file wouldn'tbe rejected for that reason. Both hex files are for parts withmore than 8k of flash, but they may be for classic ATmega parts, modern tinyAVRs or AVnnDxpp types, but not xmegas./

What positive tests are there? What negative ones?

  1. vectors that land within the vector table. Vectors tend to come early in the flash, so this is quite plausivle

  2. If limited to a single operation, the only one with hope of not being immediately visually obvious (with the normal 2:1 ratio of digits replaced with an 8:1 or 1:2 ratio as would be the case with and and or respectively) is exclusive-or (if scrabling just one file, not would be similarly challenging to detect)

  3. Harder.

First determine with certainty what architecture he was targeting.

  1. If he was stupid enough to include CRC at end of file, which of course will fail CRC, that it fails is proof that he gave you a bunk file. If the last 2 bytes of the flash contain a CRC, that means it's a modern AVR. He's too smart for that though, and he doesn't know if you'll turn on CRC.
  2. Look for out instructions, and what registers they write to. There is a big difference here between classic and modern AVRs
Address Classic AVR Modern AVR
OTHERS Any SFR Not used
0x34 Any SFR CCP
0x3D Any SFR SPL
0x3E Any SFR SPH


  • Any in or out instructions targeting the high I/O space other than those 5 addresses those, if you are supposedly holding code for the modern AVRs, means you got the bunk code.
  • In r_, 3F; push r_; cli; (code) pop r_ out 3F, r_ is a common ideom. Any sign of it? If not, that's highly suspicous on both modern and classic AVRs.

He may not have mangled the vector table - but what about the ISRs? You should find many ISRs not used (pointing to BADISR, the same address. Count the ones that are not (not counting 0x0000). Search the hex for reti instructions. If there are fewer reti's than used vectors, he is either truly gifted and is using tricks like these cores do - or the file is bunk. If interrupt vectors are seen, yet no reti's were found at all, the file can only be bunk. Attempt to locate an ISR. Make sure it is a valid ISR - Does it clear the intflags? (assuming it needs to?) does it start with one or more push instructions? And end with matching pops followed by a reti. If you can find an ISR that couldn't possibly work, you know that either the file doesn't work, or "Or the sketch contains critical bugs, attempting to make your code work would take longer that reimplementing it de-novo if this is the real one. Unless you gave me the bogus one, your code is unfit and I am no longer interested in it" - that's enough for most engineer's egos to give in and admit they'd given you the modified file.d

One of the most obvious approaches however (though one that even a marginally clever adversary would have forseen and worked around) somehow is to search for invalid opcodes, and note their density. Invalid opcodes make up only a few percent of the instruction space. This should be 0 in an actual sketch outside of data sections. Any place that is in fact valid code should have zero word values that dont correspond to a valid opcode, save for the second half of a two word isn. We would expect things that were not valid instructions at the start and end of the code proper only, for progmem and variables copied to memory respectively. If you see the average density throughout, that implies that the code is effetively random, and is not a funtioning program.