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Releases: SteamGridDB/steam-rom-manager

2.1.0 release

11 Jul 15:10
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  • Ability to select image providers both globally and per user configuration.
  • Markdown support.
  • Info button for each field.
  • ConsoleGrid support (not dead, huh?).
  • App list instant filter field.
  • Multi-language support.
  • Proper node-glob patterns support for glob and glob-regex parsers:
    • * Matches 0 or more characters in a single path portion.
    • ? Matches 1 character.
    • [...] Matches a range of characters, similar to a RegExp range. If the first character of the range is ! or ^ then it matches any character not in the range.
    • !(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches anything that does not match any of the patterns provided.
    • ?(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches zero or one occurrence of the patterns provided.
    • +(pattern|pattern|pattern) Matches one or more occurrences of the patterns provided.
    • *(a|b|c) Matches zero or more occurrences of the patterns provided.
    • @(pattern|pat*|pat?erN) Matches exactly one of the patterns provided
    • ** If a "globstar" is alone in a path portion, then it matches zero or more directories and subdirectories searching for matches. It does not crawl symlinked directories.


  • ng-select now supports multi-select.
  • Invalid configurations can now be saved.
  • Each image provider now runs in their own instance of web worker.
  • Fuzzy matcher was split into 3 parts: loader, matcher and service.
  • Code font from "Monaco" to "Hack".
  • Instruction were rewritten in markdown.
  • Parser form no longer uses Angular's form module. A new "recursive" module is now used to create parser form.
  • Drastically reduced the amount of css variables.
  • Layout changed to support CSS grid.


  • Observable settings load logic bug.
  • Url encoding bug (issue #27).


  • Color picker module can no longer be accessed and is used for development only.

Timeout bug fixed

12 Jun 20:44
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  • Url retrieving would silently stop after 3 timeouts. Now they stop after 3 failures, not timeouts, as intended.

2.0.0 release

11 Jun 16:26
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Why 2.0.0?

This release contains breaking changes and has a lot of code rewritten, thus deserving its 2.0.0 version.


V2.0.0 release breaks settings used by earlier releases. Be sure to remove apps added by previous versions unless you want to remove them manually.



  • 2 new options for fuzzy matcher.
  • Online image query option allows to specify search string for images.
  • Image urls can now be redownloaded per game only (without regenerating a list).
  • Specific account support added. This allows to make different configuration for different accounts.
  • New settings windows has been added.
  • Images can now be preloaded as soon as they are retrieved.
  • Images can now be filtered for non-related images (select this option in settings window).
  • Fuzzy matcher has it's own Event log option now. This will reduce the clutter.
  • Timeout support added for After requested timeout, images will continue to download.
  • New nagging message will now announce when all downloads are complete.
  • User configurations and user settings (new in this release) will now be validated. Incorrect structure types will be replaced with default values (it will add missing options for new APP versions).


  • Parser no longer needs executable location. If left empty, a file, returned by parser, will be used as executable. This allows to use custom batch files that do not require executable. Technically, any non-steam game can be added now.
  • Title prefix and suffix fields replaced by one Title modifier field.
  • Changed list data merging from title to appID. This means that games may now have the same titles, BUT they must have different executable path (case sensitive).
  • Image retrieve logic. Images are now retrieved in background, allowing user to view currently available images.
  • Internal data structure has changed to allow unique configurations for multiple apps per multiple user accounts per multiple directories.
  • Using the new API for SteamGridDB.


  • Properly show image url retrieve errors.


  • Prefered image list is removed as it is impossible to implement with background image downloader.
  • ConsoleGrid support, because it's dead.
  • Greedy mode option.

Backwards support

14 May 20:37
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  • Added support for AppName. I can now be changed, but all new entries should have appname in shortcuts.vdf. It should finally fix #6
  • Url download failure should now be shown only if all 3 retries were unsuccessful
  • From now on AppImage and .deb will be included in release
  • Removed binaries in .zip archive

Rewritten vdf parser and much more

06 May 17:28
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Note on

It does internal matching on it's own and will return many images that have nothing to do with your game. However, it does no harm so I decided to leave it that way (actual images are downloaded when you click next or previous buttons, thus bandwidth waste is kept to minimum). Some games also return 404 errors, just reminding that it's not this app's fault and nothing can be done to solve this on my end.


  • Completely rewritten vdf file parser (both mine and shortcuts.vdf) solves #2 and should solve #6 (not confirmed yet)
  • Generated entries can now be removed
  • All added entries can be removed (only those that are added since this release)
  • New image provider -
  • Glob-regex now supports leftovers, thus allowing ${regex}.ext. It will now remove .ext and pass remaining string to regex parser.
  • Glob and Glob-regex now properly replace ${title} and ${regex} with star (*). Earlier dir\*\${title}.ext would become dir\*\*. Now it will be replaced like this - dir\*\*.ext. This will eliminate a lot of "failed matches" messages and should increase node-glob performance.
  • Fixes #7
  • All image providers now have 40 seconds timeout and 3 retries. This should address #3

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.

Yet another fix for shortcuts.vdf

02 May 17:29
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  • shortcuts.vdf should now have recurring titles removed as intended. If you had titles disappear, it was because Steam changed AppName property to appname. That resulted in too many titles and Steam got confused. Simply re-adding all titles via SRM should fix it as it will delete duplicates.

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.

Fixed shortcuts.vdf corruption

01 May 20:37
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  • Added a temporary fix/hack, which should prevent shortcuts.vdf corruption if you have "LastTimePlayed" inside shortcuts.vdf. It also should properly throw error, preventing corruption before anything is saved.
  • Added "Greedy search" option which will search for images using both ${title} and ${fuzzyTitle}

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.

Bug and logic fixes

01 May 12:57
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  • Additional one time backups will be made with extension .firstbackup
  • Glob-regex now joins capture pairs. See here how it can be used
  • Alert component now times out as intended (previously it would just stay there until user clicked it or it received a new message to display)

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.

Removed Steam check

01 May 09:34
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Steam check is basically a guess work and it seems to be broken for some users.

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.

Added "offline" feature and changed user data location

01 May 01:04
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User data location has changed!
Before, user data was stored near app executable. From now on it is stores at: %APPDATA%\steam-rom-manager\userData (Windows) or ~/.config/steam-rom-manager/userData (linux)

If you have used Windows installer it will be deleted. Before using 1.1.0 installer please move user data to %APPDATA%\steam-rom-manager\userData. Those who used archives, will also have to move it to %APPDATA%\steam-rom-manager\userData.

From now on user data will persist between installations.

Linux binaries are completely untested, use at your own risk.