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Releases: SteveGilham/altcover

[DEPRECATED] Habu series release 6a

02 Sep 20:08
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  • [VISUALIZER] Support OpenCover's output from C++/CLI assemblies compiled /Zi (line information only, zero column values)
    • account for (& simplify) the C++/CLI attribute decorations in method names
    • allow for (& simplify) gcroot<type::with::Cpp::namespacing ^> types in method names
    • allow source file selection for methods with code inlined from multiple source files

Habu series release 6

21 May 15:12
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  • Support deterministic builds /p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true, with or without --sourcelink//p:AltCoverSourceLink=true. Note that assemblies created by deterministic builds will be excluded by -l//p:AltCoverLocalSource=true.
  • Experiment with the ReadMe feature recently added to NuGet
  • Internal refactoring of the JSON processing following the replacement of System.Text.Encodings.Web in the previous release.

Habu series release 5

26 Apr 13:10
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  • Replace System.Text.Encodings.Web for JSON-escaping module, class and method names
  • [BUGFIX] issue #125 -- prevent an NullReferenceException is some cases of computing cyclomatic complexity (a failure to exactly copy the algorithm from Mono.Gendarme)
  • [ENHANCEMENT; API] issue #126 -- further generalise the relative-directory support for CopyAlways/CopyIfNewer from v7.4; extends the ContingentCopy MSBuild task

Habu series release 4

14 Apr 08:11
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  • Adapt to recent F# compiler optimizations that make function objects static if they don't close over their environment -- properly detect their owner functions for exclusion and for JSON format output
  • If the report format is JSON, ensure that the coverage file doesn't end .xml, and if not JSON, that it doesn't end .json (case-blind comparison)

Habu series release 3

01 Mar 16:57
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  • Merge-OpenCover cmdlet and OpenCover.Merge API. It should handle both strict (OpenCover, AltCover --reportFormat=OpenCover) and more relaxed (coverlet, ConvertFrom-CoverageJson, Write-OpenCoverDerivedState -Coverlet) interpretations
  • When --callContext indicates a method returning an F# async computation, then track all calls within the same async flow, just as with C# async methods from v7.2.800

Habu series release 2

19 Feb 17:46
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  • Move to Cake 1.0 as baseline for Cake support
  • [VISUALIZER] Support for LCov and Cobertura format reports
  • [VISUALIZER] For formats with only line-level information (e.g. LCov, Covertura or from coverlet), colour the whole line, and not just the line number gutter

Habu series release 1

16 Feb 11:16
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  • [BUGFIX] Issue 122 -- rework the method name tokenization for extracting the returnType (argumentList) signature extraction in the Cobertura output, fixing an off-by-one error that generated returnType argumentList) without the ( as well as the headline exception.
  • [NEW] Native JSON report formatting (--reportFormat=Json or equivalents), a superset of coverlet's JSON
    • AltCover classic mode -- just running the instrumented code and collecting results in the ProcessExit handler -- is not supported with --reportFormat=Json
    • ConvertFrom-CoverageJson cmdlet to convert from coverlet or AltCover JSON to a miminal OpenCover format
    • Preparing as Native JSON, to generate an LCov or Cobertura report at collection is supported
  • [VISUALIZER] Both versions will now consume and display from coverlet and AltCover JSON output
  • [BREAKING] the -x, --xmlReport argument or equivalent becomes just -r, --report since not all reports are XML
  • [BREAKING] the stop-gap --jsonReport collection option from v7.6 is withdrawn, and the related ConvertTo-CoverageJson cmdlet now produces the AltCover native JSON format
  • For both LCov and Cobertura output, coalesce cases of multiple sequence points per line into one entry per line
  • Extensions to coverlet's JSON format are as follows
    • Method has optional fields
      • SeqPnts (array of SeqPnt)
      • TId (integer tracking ID)
      • Entry and
      • Exit (arrays of timestamps)
    • BranchInfo has optional fields
      • Id (integer unique ID)
      • Times (array of timestamps) and
      • Tracks (array of tracking IDs)
    • SeqPnt is VC (visit count), SL (start line), SC (start column), EL, EC (ditto for end), Offset, Id, all integers, and optional Times and Tracks as for BranchInfo
    • Because int64 doesn't fit as a double, tracking-related timestamps are represented as Base64Encoded strings of the ticks count as a network byte order quantity Convert.ToBase64String(BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddresss.HostToNetworkOrder(ticks)))

Genbu series release 15

24 Jan 18:38
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  • [VISUALIZER] Move the global tool to the new 0.10 AvaloniaUI release
  • Monitor API
    • [BUGFIX] Harden the monitor API TryGetVisitTotals against race conditions in multi-threaded tests
    • Publish the AltCover.Monitor API as API (i.e. under lib/) in the main package altcover as well as in altcover.api (but not in; global tools aren't library compatible to be accessed through a package add reference). It's there next to the PowerShell assembly (per altcover ImportModule) if you want to manually link to it, though
    • Support writing unit tests involving the API back to net20 as well as netstandard2.0
  • Add --jsonReport option (and equivalents) to output the NCover or OpenCover data in a minified JSON format, like the existing --lcovReport option does for that format. The JSON is a direct map of the XML, with values appropriately typed.
  • Add a ConvertTo-CoverageJson cmdlet and a ConvertToJson toolkit API to post-precess existing NCover/OpenCover reports

Genbu series release 14

17 Jan 18:09
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  • [NEW] AltCover.Monitor API to track current coverage from running unit tests. Current implementation requires dotnet test, or other command-line testing with --defer set, in which the cumulative visit numbers are available, rather than everything having been dumped to file instead.
  • [BUGFIX] In OpenCover format output, only emit <File /> records relevant to the respective module, not for all source files encountered so far.

Genbu series release 13

13 Jan 15:54
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  • [BUGFIX] In some use cases, the error The "AltCover.ContingentCopy" task was not given a value for the required parameter "FileName". could be provoked by dotnet test (Issue #113)
  • Extend to other Build Action types (at least all those that my VS2019 Community Edition was prepared to mention) the "If /p:AltCoverInPlace is not true, then copy all files in the project included as <[Action] Include="./[some subdirectory]/..." with CopyToOutputDirectory of Always or PreserveNewest to the appropriate relative location wrt the intrumented files" behaviour added for the None action in the previous release. File an issue report if you have yet another build action type that you need copying for a not-in-place test scenario.