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This is a single-header C++17 implementation of variant, also known as a sum type, type-safe union, and discriminated union, where the types are stored in a binary tree fashion inside a union. The space required for a variant is the variant's largest contained type plus the size of an integral type, which serves as the index and keeps track of what the variant contains. For example, in a variant with 5 types A, B, C, D, E, type C will be the root node.

Index Class
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 E

Graphic representiation of how the elements are stored in a union:

---Union---	<-This, instead of this-> ---Union---
/	   \	 		        /	      \
      C (root node)			 E
    /   \				  \
   A     D				   D
    \     \				    \
     B     E			             C

While most other implementations have O(N) depth, this version, which you may have guessed after viewing the binary tree, only has O(log N) template instantiation depth. Accessing elements, like the get, get_if, and the get_unchecked method shall also have O(log N) depth.


The code emulates much of the standard implementation's behavior, described at cppreference. Differences are described below.

Efficiency and Quality of Life Features:

  • get_unchecked: To use this variant’s get function, use szLogVar::get<I>(yourVariant) or szLogVar::get<T>(yourVariant), similar to std’s version std::get<I> and std::get<T>. Thus, to use the get_unchecked version, use szLogVar::get_unchecked<I> or szLogVar::get_unchecked<T>, where I and T are the index and type to look up respectively. get_unchecked does NOT check if the variant actually holds the specified I or T, so only use this if you know for certain what the variant holds. This function is noexcept and, because of the lack of checking, is faster than get and get_if.

  • visit: This visit function has a bool template parameter called checkIfValueless. By default, it is true, so one can use it with the familiar syntax szLogVar::visit( Visitor, Variants…). When it’s true, it checks if any of the variants in Variants is valueless_by_exception, and if any are, will throw an exception. One can set the bool to false by calling the visit function like so: szLogVar::visit<false>( Visitor, Variants…). This proves useful if the user is certain none of the variants they want to visit will be valueless. It also uses get_unchecked to retrieve the types held in the variants for Visitor's invocation.

Note: This visit method isn't strictly standard. When the number of variants passed into the function is 1, the complexity isn't constant time. For any nonzero number of variants, the visit method uses a modified binary search, an algorithm that takes O(log N) time, to reach the correct index. This circumvents the limitations of function pointers that Michael Park describes here.


#include "../include/szLogVar/variant.hpp"
#include <iostream>

int main(){
    szLogVar::variant<bool, std::string> myVar{"ABC"};
    std::cout << szLogVar::get<1>(myVar) << '\n'; //prints "ABC"
    myVar = true; //Just assigned a bool to it, so no need for checking. Use szLogVar::get_unchecked
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << szLogVar::get_unchecked<bool>(myVar) << '\n'; //prints "true"
    myVar = "DEF";
    std::cout << szLogVar::get_unchecked<std::string>(myVar) << '\n'; //std::string again. Use get_unchecked<std::string>. prints "DEF"


Test name szLogVar time (seconds) C++17 std time (seconds) C++17 szLogVar time (seconds) C++20 std time (seconds) C++20 Test description
timeConvertCtor 5.174 29.164 4.813 29.278 Measures variant's converting constructor. Variant has 200 types.
timeDefaultConstruct 3.849 3.647 4.563 4.217 Measures variant's default constructor. Variant has 200 types.
timeGetIdx 10.379 43.626 9.93 45.857 Measures szLogVar::get and std::get, with a specified index. Variant has 300 types.
timeGetType 15.155 48.082 16.191 46.931 Measures szLogVar::get and std::get, with a specified type. Variant has 300 types.
timeSmallVariants 11.445 8.138 7.162 9.03 Measures default construction of 1000 variants with 3 types
timeSmallVariantsConvertCtor 12.118 11.828 7.273 12.161 Measures converting construction of 1000 variants with 3 types
timeTestVisit 12.136 21.419 12.697 24.207 Measures visit, with 5 variants with 5 types each.
timeVoidVisit 10.98 21.513 11.861 22.575 Measures visit with a lambda returning void, which allows for smaller template instantiation depth, with 5 variants with 5 types each.

szLogVar::variant displays a noticeable improvement in compile time if the variant holds many types, though its performance is very similar to std::variant when the types are few.

Flags used were -c, -ftime-trace, and -std=c++17 or -std=c++20 depending on the standard tested.

Compiler: clang++ version 12.0.0

Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0

Supported compilers:

C++17 on godbolt:

  • x86-64 clang 5.0.0 and above, with -std=c++17 flag
  • x86-64 gcc 8.3 and above, with -std=c++17 flag
  • x64 msvc 19.24 and above, with /std:c++17 flag

C++20 on godbolt:

  • x86-64 clang 10.0.0 and above, with -std=c++20 flag
  • x86-64 gcc 10.2 and above, with -std=c++20 flag
  • x64 msvc 19.28 (VS 16.9) and above, with /std:c++17 flag

Any compiler not listed here might be supported, but has not been tested.