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514 lines (437 loc) · 20.7 KB

File metadata and controls

514 lines (437 loc) · 20.7 KB

v3.0.20 20240408


  • fix: tc_ex using namespace std outside tars
  • fix: tc_port SigInfo use NoDestroyLifetime TC_Singleton
  • fix: RemoteTimeLogger not init twice
  • fix: free applicationCommunicator when application terminate
  • fix: servantprx/adapterprx tars_set_push_callback nullptr protected
  • fix: unit-test use tarsmock
  • fix: fix remote log sync bug when log size too big
  • fix: communicator _schedCommunicatorEpoll create use array
  • fix: tc_port exec out buff size limit
  • feat: tc_port add check pid alive
  • feat: tc_option parseString use static
  • feat: tc_port kill add return value
  • feat: tc_port add freopen
  • feat: epoll server destroyApp not call bug and destroyApp log
  • feat: add tarsmock to simulate tars framework
  • feat: tc_port add getCommandLine/getPidsByCmdline
  • feat: tc_socket: getLocalHosts support withLoopIp
  • feat: tars-tools.cmake add CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE&CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
  • feat: unit-test support TARS_SHARED_PTR
  • feat: support build_with_std_shared_ptr for python
  • feat: Application add getRemoteConfig
  • feat: tc_mysql support mysql 8.0
  • feat: EndpointInfo add vectorEndpointFToStr/strToVectorEndpointF/toNodeEndpointF to support multi network interfaces
  • feat: fix tc_socket getLocalHosts support ipv4
  • feat: EndpointInfo add toEndpointFs

v3.0.19 20240202


  • fix: tars-tools.cmake in windows
  • fix: tc_port fix forkExec bug
  • fix: remote logger remove ServerConfig::Context
  • fix: current not report one_way stat(useless)
  • fix: StatReport interface, remove parameters not used
  • fix: tc_option support parameter with ", like this: --test="abc"
  • fix: When the server actively closes the connection, RPC may cause memory leak issues
  • fix: push callback may crash
  • fix: KeepAliveNodeFHelper no singleton
  • fix: gzip compress coredump
  • fix: PingCallback set servantPrx
  • fix: remote config, when tarsconfig timeout not use local config file bug
  • fix: add: list(APPEND TARS_TOOL_FLAG "")
  • fix: trace, no not depend ServerConfig
  • fix: tars-tools.cmake set TARS_SSL/TARS_MYSQL/TARS_HTTP2 depends tarscpp compiler
  • feat: modify xxx_fcontext name to avoid conflict with other co lib
  • feat: rpc add time distr report
  • feat: tc_port add getDiskInfo/getCpuLoad/getUPTime/getPidStartTime/getPidMemUsed/getCwd/kill and support mac/windows/linux
  • feat: tc_port add closeAllFileDescriptors in linux/mac
  • feat: tc_file add joinPaths/toAbsolute
  • feat: Application first bind adminObj, then initialize, then bind other objs
  • feat: EndpointInfo add toEndpointF
  • feat: AdminF.tars add getPid
  • feat: ServantHandle in servant use shared ptr
  • feat: ClientConfig change to Communicator subclass, no global static object
  • feat: ClientConfig add context, when call other core tars server with this context, node_name in context
  • feat: add ApplicationCommunicator to support multi Appliations in one process
  • feat: support master-slave mode in frameworkPro
  • feat: Application add ServerBaseInfo in Application
  • optimize: bind after initialize when Applicaion start
  • optimize: RemoteConfig remove singleton
  • optimize: loading local ip list cache
  • optimize: AppCache only initialize once
  • optimize: global rolllog only init once

v3.0.18 20231106


  • fix: udp ipv6 bug
  • fix: unit-test get fd counts in mac
  • fix: udp send/recv bug when multi net threads in communicator
  • fix: servanthandle only keep one servant
  • fix: cmake /SAFESEH:NO
  • fix: cmake -fsigned-char only in unix
  • fix: epoll server fd leak in co mode
  • fix: tc_logger snprintf compiler warning
  • fix: epoll server queue mode in co mode
  • update NotifyF.tars, delete some interface not used
  • Optimize the initialization process of Current to improve performance
  • feat: Application add: getBindAdapter by obj
  • not compiler gtest mock(mac latest gcc gtest can not compiler)
  • support arm32 compiler
  • support cpu(i686) compiler
  • support arm cross compiler(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE)


  • 修复: udp ipv6的bug
  • 修复: mac下unit-test中fd的计算
  • 修复: 多线程的通信器模式下, udp收发包的bug
  • 修复: ServantHandle只保留一个Servant, 提高性能
  • 修复: cmake /SAFESEH:NO
  • 修复: cmake 默认打开-fsigned-char, 避免arm下编译的问题
  • 修复: epollserver 在协程模式下句柄的泄露(不影响业务)
  • 修复: tc_logger snprintf 中的编译警告
  • 修复: epoll server队列模式在协程模式下的bug
  • 更新NotifyF.tars, 删除了不再使用的接口
  • 优化了Current初始化过程, 提高性能
  • Application添加根据obj获取BindAdapter的函数: getBindAdapter
  • 不再编译gtest mock
  • 支持arm32的编译
  • 支持cpu为i686的编译
  • 支持了arm交叉编译, 支持CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE

v3.0.17 20231007


  • fix remote logger, set _logStatReport default value
  • fix time logger crash bug when comm not initialize
  • fix cmake clear install
  • fix tc_json double bug
  • fix commumicator ssl ctx init bug
  • fix tc_socket sizeof duplicate bug
  • fix push callbak onClose(ep)
  • fix http_call request use const
  • fix ServantProxy::invoke crash on QiLin OS
  • tc_autoptr add staticCast
  • open /MT in windows by default
  • push callback add onConnected
  • tarsregistry update self ip list
  • ServantProxy add tars_close, close fd of prx
  • hash code type use size_t
  • set max tars package size 100M
  • add tc_timeout_queue_map(key value cache+queue)
  • add tc_socket_async
  • Update


  • 修复: 远程日志未设置_logStatReport缺省值的问题
  • 修复: 通信器未初始化时, 按天日志可能会crash的问题
  • 修复: cmake清除installde问题
  • 修复: tc_json double类型解析的bug
  • 修复: 通信器ssl ctx初始化的问题
  • 修复: tc_socket中使用sizeof有误的问题
  • 修复: push callbak中onClose(ep)没有被回调的问题
  • 修复: http_call请求参数使用const
  • 修复: 在麒麟OS上, ServantProxy::invoke 的 crash
  • tc_autoptr 添加 staticCast
  • windows编译默认开启/MT
  • push callback 添加 onConnected回调
  • tarsregistry更新自己的ip list
  • ServantProxy 添加了tars_close, 关闭自己的句柄
  • hash code 类型统一修改为 size_t
  • 最大网络包调整为100M
  • 添加工具类: tc_timeout_queue_map(key value cache+queue)
  • 添加工具类: tc_socket_async
  • 修改

v3.0.16 20230810


  • please notice!!!! default value of bool in tars struct set to false
  • fix: tc_timer stopTimer clear all timer
  • fix: application init add globe lock, only main(const string &config)
  • fix: udp send/recv buffer set
  • fix: TC_NetworkBuffer, support C++17,
  • fix: TC_Http some packets causing infinite loops
  • fix: epoller syncCallback may cause crash
  • fix: TC_ThreadRWLocker tryWriteLock & tryReadLock bug
  • fix: promise compiler bug, TypeAt<0, char, int, double> n = 0, error: wrong number of template arguments (4, should be 2)
  • fix: tc_cgi open file with binary mode
  • TarsStructBase use virtual deconstructor
  • Optimize AdapterProxy::checkActive and force connection establishment if there are no services to choose from
  • comunicator reloadProperty add initialize
  • Add try catch when tcp setKeepAlive
  • AdapterProxy checktimout check
  • Rpc call record exeception in sync mode
  • In keepalive mode, tars_ping is called: When the response is no func or no servant, cancel keepalive
  • Do not enable keepalive in third-party protocol mode
  • When keepalive mode is enabled, each obj can independently set keepalive mode
  • tc_epoll_server manualListen/cancelListen use asyncCallback


  • 特别注意: tars协议中bool类型的缺省值改为false
  • fix: tc_timer stopTimer时清除掉所有事件
  • fix: 增加Application全局初始化锁
  • fix: 设置udp模式下send/recv buffer大小的bug
  • fix: TC_NetworkBuffer编译支持C++17,
  • fix: TC_Http 在某些异常包导致的死循环
  • fix: TC_Epoller syncCallback可能导致的crash
  • fix: TC_ThreadRWLocker tryWriteLock & tryReadLock bug
  • fix: promise 编译错误 TypeAt<0, char, int, double> n = 0, error: wrong number of template arguments (4, should be 2)
  • fix: tc_cgi 打开文件使用binary mode
  • 优化: TarsStructBase使用虚拟析构函数
  • 优化: AdapterProxy::checkActive 当没有服务时, 强制发起连接
  • 优化: 通信器comunicator reloadProperty 添加初始化判断
  • 优化: 增加try catch 当设置tcp setKeepAlive
  • 优化: AdapterProxy中检查超时的参数和逻辑
  • feat: rpc完善异常上报
  • feat: 启用keepalive模式下, 如果响应表示无服务或接口, 则取消keepalive
  • feat: 不要启用keepalive在第三方协议模式下
  • feat: 可以针对obj独立开启是否keepalive
  • feat: tc_epoll_server manualListen/cancelListen使用 asyncCallback

v3.0.15 20230415


  • Fix: adapter memory leak
  • Fix: set property report min = 0
  • Feat: add getTimeUs


  • 修复: Adapter未连接时可能的内存泄漏
  • 修复: Property上报min默认为0
  • 特性: 增加微秒接口

v3.0.14 20230307


  • Fix: tars2node to avoid warning
  • Fix: possible memory leaks
  • Feat: log add prefix
  • Feat: add tc_split
  • Feat: refreshReg when keep alive


  • 修复: tars2node to avoid warning
  • 修复: 可能的内存泄漏
  • 特性: 日志增加前缀
  • 特性: 添加tc_split
  • 特性: keepAlive的时候refreshReg

v3.0.13 20221117


  • Fix: TC_Port::getSystemMemInfo not close fd bug
  • Fix: threadpool waitForAllDone not quit bug in some time
  • Fix: tc_common str2tm add memset tm
  • Fix: QueueMode bug when fd=-1
  • Fix: tarsmerge bug when multi tars files, orderFileNames.erase(it->second) cause crash
  • Fixed the HTTP client crash when compiling with SSL and the unusable HTTP client when compiling without SSL
  • Fix: [MSVC][std:c++latest] Fix compiler error
  • Feat: tc_http dorequest support https
  • Feat: ServantHandle&async_callback支持右值引用参数
  • Feat: PushCallbackDemo


  • 修复: TC_Port::getSystemMemInfo异常时没有关闭句柄的bug
  • 修复: 线程池 waitForAllDone 有时候不退出的bug
  • 修复: tc_common str2tm 初始化tm(memset), 会导致时间获取不准
  • 修复: 服务QueueMode模式下fd=-1导致进错队列的bug
  • 修复: tars2merge 多层嵌套tars文件,当第二次移除同一元素时会崩溃 orderFileNames.erase(it->second);
  • 修复: [MSVC][std:c++latest] 修复编译错误
  • 修复: tc http在https模式下http doRequest的crash
  • 新增: 新增 PushCallbackDemo
  • 新增: tc_http dorequest 支持 https
  • 新增: ServantHandle&async_callback支持右值引用参数

v3.0.12 20220815


  • Fix: TC_Shm bug, can not delete shm after detach
  • Fix: http_call memory leak
  • Fix: tars2node list & map as interface paramters bug when http+json call bug
  • Fix: epoll server doResponse close connection when client close connection
  • Fix: getConnStatus bug that return all connections on all listen ports
  • Fix: the problem that no root servantproxy will not be called in the scenario where multi thread calls are started at the same time when serial calls are made(http mode).
  • Fix: Asynchronous callback if dyeing open, active enabledying is required
  • Feat: tars2node add tars_ping
  • Feat: add common_protocol_call, Support any short connection mode similar to http
  • Feat: Add server stat(Current)
  • Feat: Reconnect supports millisecond intervals, and supports reconnection only for those in active state in the master registration list, to avoid invalid operations after capacity reduction on k8s


  • Fix: TC_Shm 修复无法删除shm的bug
  • Fix: http_call内存泄露的bug
  • Fix: tars2node修复当list & map作为接口参数时, 无法通过http+json调用的bug
  • Fix: epoll server 根据 doResponse参数来主动关闭连接的问题, 避免管理连接不及时
  • Fix: getConnStatus 修复返回了所有监听端口的连接的bug
  • Fix: 修复串行调用的时候,同时启动多线程调用的场景,非根servantproxy对应的prx不会被调用的问题
  • Fix: 异步回调如果判断如果染色了需要主动enableDyeing
  • Feat: tars2node 添加 tars_ping
  • Feat: ServantProxy添加 common_protocol_call, 支持任何类似http的短连接模式
  • Feat: 增加服务端请求统计(Current)
  • Feat: reconnect支持毫秒间隔,并且支持只对在主控注册列表里为active状态的进行重连,避免k8s上缩容后无效操作

v3.0.11 20220628


  • Add: tc_port add some func(now only work in linux)
  • Add: tc_file listDirectory add ignoreHide
  • Add: tc_common add UTC2LocalTime
  • Fix: tc_clientsocket unix local socket bug
  • Fix: tars2cpp sendResponse use TarsOutputStream


  • Add: tc_port 添加了一些linux下的函数, 获取服务的启动时间
  • Add: tc_file listDirectory 添加 ignoreHide参数
  • Add: tc_common 添加 UTC2LocalTime函数
  • Fix: tc_clientsocket unix local socket bug
  • Fix: tars2cpp 回包时使用 TarsOutputStream, 减少一次内存copy

v3.0.10 20220606


  • Add: tc_clientsocket support unix local domain socket
  • Add: tc_http support unix local domain socket, Note that '/' used instead of '$' in the URL. If the port is 0, it is a local socket
  • Add: tc_docker use TC_Http::doRequest


  • Add: tc_clientsocket 支持 unix 本地套接字
  • Add: tc_http 支持本地套接字, 注意 url 中/使用$代替, 端口为 0 的情况下为本地套接字
  • Add: tc_docker 使用 TC_Http::doRequest

v3.0.9 20220530


  • Fix: update gtest to fix compiler bug in high gcc
  • Fix: makefile.tars support .cc .c
  • Fix: TC_NetWorkBuffer bug, Optimize doProtocolAnalysis & getBuffers bug cause crash
  • Fix tc_logger thread use unique_ptr
  • Optimize: rpc tars_hash use uint32_t and tars2cpp tars_hash use uint32_t
  • Optimize: move AppProtocol func imp to cpp
  • Add: tc_docker add exec
  • Add: tc_config add erase/eraseDomain
  • Add: servant add doNoFunc
  • Add: add tars interface push support


  • 修复: 更新 gtest 在高版本 gcc 下编译的 bug
  • 修复: 修改 makefile.tars 支持 .cc .c
  • 修复: TC_NetWorkBuffer 优化 doProtocolAnalysis 逻辑以及 getBuffers 导致的 crash(windows 下)
  • 修复: tc_logger 线程指针使用 unique_ptr
  • 优化: rpc tars_hash 使用 uint32_t 以及 tars2cpp 调用 tars_hash 使用 uint32_t
  • 优化: AppProtocol 增加实现文件
  • 添加: tc_docker 添加 exec 函数
  • 添加: tc_config 添加 erase/eraseDomain
  • 添加: 服务端 servant 添加 doNoFunc
  • 添加: tars 接口支持 push 接口

v3.0.8 20220429


  • Fix : EndpointManager updateOutter cause crash bug
  • Fix: notify & report add ServerConfig::Context(node_name)
  • Fix: ObjectProxy initialize & doTimeout no in same thread, may cause crash
  • Add: tc_json JsonValueArray add find func
  • Optimize: compiler not install openssl docs
  • Optimize: thread process may delay in epoll_server NET_THREAD_MERGE_HANDLES_THREAD mode
  • Add: TC_ThreadPoolHash::getThread
  • Add: LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG add millsecond time output
  • Fix: tc_http strnstr bug cause crash


  • 修复: 修复 EndpointManager updateOutter 并发导致的 crash
  • 修复: tarscpp 框架中, notify & report 时添加 ServerConfig::Context(node_name)
  • 修复: ObjectProxy 初始化和 doTimeout 不在同一个线程中可能导致的 crash
  • Add: tc_json JsonValueArray 添加 find 函数
  • 优化: 编译 openssl 时, 不安装 docy
  • 添加: TC_ThreadPoolHash::getThread
  • 添加: LOG_CONSOLE_DEBUG 调整为毫秒输出, 方便调试
  • 修复: tc_http strnstr 的 bug 导致的 crash

v3.0.7 20220328


  • Add: tc_json adds the function of merge
  • Fix: tc_endpoint sepEndpoint bug
  • Fix: there is no business interface callback if there is no available node during asynchronous call
  • Optimize: In the service model, after receiving data, it is inserted into the queue in batch
  • Optimize: the time occupation when parsing the protocol at the network layer, and release the network thread every 1ms to reduce the delay


  • 添加: tc_json 添加 merge 函数
  • 修复: tc_endpoint sepEndpoint bug
  • 修复: 异步调用模式下, 如果没有活跃的节点, 导致回调丢失的问题
  • 优化: 在服务模型中, 接收数据后, 批量插入队列
  • 优化: 网络层延时控制在 1ms 就释放, 降低服务的延时

v3.0.6 20220321


  • Add: test_tc_file add config unittest
  • Add: add tc_docker, docker api for tarsnode/tarsregistry use
  • Add: tc_http_async support unix socket(not work in windows)
  • Add: tc_http parsing supports scenarios where content-length does not exist
  • Fix: Tars.h compiler warning
  • Fix: single timer work cause memory leak in tc_timer
  • Fix: tc_socket bind, throw TC_Socket_Exception with ip port
  • Fix: tc_logger MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH -> 1M


  • 添加: test_tc_file 添加了一个配置的测试用例
  • 添加: 添加 tc_docker, 聚合和 docker api, 主要给 tarsnode/tarsregistry 使用
  • 添加: tc_http_async 支持了 unix socket(windows 下不工作)
  • 添加: tc_http 解析支持了 http 头中 content-length 不存在的情况
  • 修复: Tars.h 修复了一个编译警告
  • 修复: tc_timer 单任务仍然会导致内存泄露的问题
  • 修复: tc_socket 调用 bind 的时, 抛出 TC_Socket_Exception 并附带了 ip port
  • 修复: tc_logger MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH 调整为 1M

v3.0.5 20220301


  • support tarscpp server run container
  • Fix memory leak caused by timer
  • Fix crash caused by transceiver in case of connection timeout
  • Fix crash caused by epoller


  • 支持框架容器化运行
  • 修复定时器带来的内存泄露
  • 修复 tc_transceiver 在连接超时情况下可能带来的 crash
  • 修复 tc_epoller 可能带来的 crash

v3.0.4 20220118


  • prx supports automatic heartbeat (it needs to be configured and enabled)
  • prx supports multiple connections in the form of hash tag((test characteristics)
  • Add consistency hash unit test case
  • Solve the consistency hash exception during dynamic expansion and contraction of k8s
  • prx adds tars_open_trace, actively open the call chain
  • In the HTTP mode, prx automatically sets the host when the host is not set


  • prx 支持自动心跳(需要配置开启)
  • prx 以 hash tag 的方式支持多连接(试验特性)
  • 添加一致性 hash 单元测试用例
  • 解决 k8s 等动态扩缩容时一致性 hash 异常
  • prx 增加 tars_open_trace, 主动开启调用链
  • prx 在 http 模式下, 当 host 没有设置的情况下, 自动设置 host

v3.0.3 20211125


  • TarsJson support map<TarsStructBase ....> format
  • tc_epoller remove assert(info->_epoller == this), that will cause coredump(reason not known)
  • fix FFDLOG not work bug
  • fix _traceCall not initialize bug
  • tars2cpp add tars::TC_Common::equal when field is float or double
  • tars json support enum as map key


  • 修复 TarsJson 支持 Tars 结构体作为 Key

  • 去掉 tc_epoller 中的 assert 判断, 会导致服务 core, 原因未知(该问题还需持续跟中)

  • 修复 FDDLOG 不工作的问题

  • 修复_traceCall 没有初始化的问题, 会导致独立的客户端启用调用链抛异常

  • 修复 tars2cpp 生成代码对 double/float 直接用=判断的问题

  • TarsJon 支持枚举类型作为 key

v3.0.2 20211115


  • reset inner struct/vector/map when resetDefautlt
  • Fix the problem that the core will be when the independent communicator client Ctrl + C exits
  • fix TC_Coroutine rpc call not open co
  • fix co examples bug
  • fix service model, the connection obtained is TC_Transceiver, and fix this problem with TC_Transceiver is changed to Connection to maintain consistency with version 2. X
  • fix unittest compiler bug, need open cmath
  • fix tc_base64 crash bug
  • fix build error on windows
  • fix: fix tc_autoptr.h Type p to nullptr


  • 修复 struct/vector/map, 支持 resetDefautlt
  • 修复独立通信器的客户端 ctrl+C 退出时会 crash 的问题
  • 修复 TC_Coroutine rpc 调用时没有开启 co 的支持
  • 修复协程例子的 bug
  • 修复服务模型中, 获取的 Connection 是 TC_Transceiver 的问题, 改成了 Connection, 保持和 2.x 版本一致性
  • 修复 unittest 编译的 bug, 缺少了 cmath 头文件
  • 修复 tc_base64 的在某些字符下 decode 的 bug
  • 修复 windows 下的编译 bug
  • json 输出支持不包含空格的紧凑格式

v3.0.1 20211017


  • Built in support call chain
  • Fix some file utf8bom encoding and compilation errors under windows
  • Fix When the complex epoll server only pushes data, it does not update the link time, which leads to the problem that the link is closed
  • tars-tools.cmake adds variable settings to support k8s Web
  • Bug in tars protocol parsing when the repair package size is 20 bytes
  • Increase promise support


  • 内置支持调用链
  • 修复部分文件 utf8bom 编码, 以及 windows 下编译的错误
  • 修复 epollserver 在只推送数据的情况下, 没有更新链接时间导致链接被关闭的问题
  • tars-tools.cmake 增加变量设置, 支持 k8s web
  • 修复包大小 20 字节情况下, tars 协议解析出现的 bug
  • 增加 promise 的支持

v3.0.0 20210911


  • submit cor


  • 协程版本代码提交