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ASP.NET Web Forms Teamwork

This document describes the teamwork assignment for the ASP.NET Web Forms course at Telerik Academy.

Project Description

Design and implement a data-driven ASP.NET Web Forms application. It can be a discussion forum, blog system, e-commerce site, online gaming site, social network, or any other Web application by your choice.

The application should have:

  • public part (accessible without authentication)
  • private part (available for registered users)
  • administrative part (available for administrators only)

Public Part

The public part of your projects should be visible without authentication. This public part could be the application start page, the user login and user registration forms, as well as the public data of the users, e.g. the blog posts in a blog system, the public offers in a bid system, the products in an e-commerce system, etc.

Private Part (User Area)

Registered users should have personal area in the web application accessible after successful login. This area could hold for example the user's profiles management functionality, the user's offers in a bid system, the user's posts in a blog system, the user's photos in a photo sharing system, the user's contacts in a social network, etc.

Administration Part

System administrators should have administrative access to the system and permissions to administer all major information objects in the system, e.g. to create/edit/delete users and other administrators, to edit/delete offers in a bid system, to edit/delete photos and album in a photo sharing system, to edit/delete posts in a blogging system, edit/delete products and categories in an e-commerce system, etc.

General Requirements

Your Web application should use the following technologies, frameworks and development techniques:

  • Use ASP.NET Web Forms and Visual Studio 2015
  • Your UI should use server-side Web Forms UI rendering (ASPX pages and ASCX controls)
    • ASP.NET MVC and JavaScript UI controls are not allowed!
  • Use MS SQL Server as database back-end
    • Use Entity Framework to access your database
  • Use data-binding technique by choice
    • You are free to use data-source controls (like EntityDataSource and ObjectDataSource), model binding or manual binding in the C# code behind pages.
  • Use at least four data grids (table-like data UI components) with server-side paging and sorting
  • Create beautiful and responsive UI
    • You may use Bootstrap or Materialize
    • You may change the standard theme and modify it to apply own web design and visual styles
  • Use a Master page to define the common UI for the public, private and administrative parts
  • Use Sitemap and navigational UI controls to implement site navigation
  • Use the standard ASP.NET Identity System for managing users and roles
    • Your registered users should have are least two roles: user and administrator
  • Use the standard ASP.NET Web Forms controls (from System.Web.UI)
    • External UI controls from Telerik / Infragistics / DevExpress / etc. are not allowed!
  • Use UpdatePanels and AJAX where applicable to avoid full postbacks
  • Use at least three ASCX user controls that encapsulate some functionality
  • Use at least one file upload form to send files at the server side (e.g. profile photos for your users)
  • Use caching of data where it makes sense (e.g. starting page)
  • Apply error handling and data validation to avoid crashes when invalid data is entered
  • Prevent yourself from security holes (XSS, XSRF, Parameter Tampering, etc.)
    • Handle correctly the special HTML characters and tags like <script>, <br />, etc.
  • Create unit tests for your "business" functionality following the best practices for writing unit tests (at least 70% code coverage) - ~30% of the points for the project
  • Use MVP pattern in collaboration with the Dependency Inversion principle and Dependency Injection technique - ~20% of the points for the project
  • Use GitHub and take advantage of the branches for team collaboration.
  • Brief documentation of the project and project architecture (as .md file)

Optional Requirements

  • Nice looking UI supporting of all modern and old Web browsers
  • Good usability (easy to use UI)
  • Code coverage above 90% - bonus points


  • Record a short video showcasing your application
    • ~1-2 minutes, just show the interesting features
    • Do not record register/login functionality, this is not interesting...
  • Your application should be hosted locally (on IIS)
  • Register your application at Our Showcase System
    • Link to the video
    • Link to the GitHub repository

Public Project Defense

Each team will have to make a public defense of its work to the trainers (in 20-30 minutes per team member). It includes:

  • Live demonstration of the developed web application (please prepare sample data).
  • Explain application structure and its source code: ASPX pages, C# code, data-bindings, ASCX controls, etc.
  • Each team member must know everything about the project (what, why and how) and will be presenting it separately.