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213 lines (165 loc) · 15.9 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Introduced AbstractModuleUpgradeable: Enables compliance modules to be compatible with ERC-1967 and ERC-1822 standards.
  • Introduced ModuleProxy: ERC-1967 compliant proxy contract for Upgradeable compliance modules.


  • Upgraded all compliance modules to inherit from AbstractModuleUpgradeable and made them Upgradeable.



  • AbstractProxy: updated the storage slot for TREXImplementationAuthority from 0xc5f16f0fcc639fa48a6947836d9850f504798523bf8c9a3a87d5876cf622bcf7 to 0x821f3e4d3d679f19eacc940c87acf846ea6eae24a63058ea750304437a62aafc to avoid issues with blockchain explorers confusing the proxy pattern of T-REX for an ERC-1822 proxy (old storage slot was the slot used by ERC-1822) which caused errors in displaying the right ABIs for proxies using this implementation.


  • Compliance Modules:
    • Removed _compliance parameter from setSupplyLimit function of the SupplyLimitModule


No changes, republishing package.


Breaking Changes

  • TREXFactory Constructor: Now requires the address of the Identity Factory.
    • Reason: The Identity Factory is used to deploy ONCHAINIDs for tokens.


  • Compliance Modules:

    • Introduced Supply Limit Module: Restricts minting tokens beyond a specified limit.
    • Introduced Time Transfers Limits: Prevents holders from transferring tokens beyond a set limit within a specified timeframe.
    • Introduced Max Balance Module: Ensures an individual holder doesn't exceed a certain percentage of the total supply.
    • Added two exchange-specific modules:
      • Time Exchange Limits: Limits token transfers on trusted exchanges within a set timeframe.
      • Monthly Exchange Limits: Restricts the amount of tokens that can be transferred on trusted exchanges each month.
    • Introduced Transfer Fees : Collects fees from transfers (issuers determine fee rates).
  • IModule Enhancement:

    • Added a new function: function name() external pure returns (string memory _name);. This mandates all compliance modules to declare a constant variable, e.g., function name() public pure returns (string memory _name) { return "CountryRestrictModule"; }.
    • New function isPlugAndPlay: Added to the IModule interface. This function, function isPlugAndPlay() external pure returns (bool), indicates whether a compliance module can be bound without presetting. It is now mandatory for all compliance modules to declare this function.
    • New function canComplianceBind: Also added to the IModule interface. Compliance modules must implement function canComplianceBind(address _compliance) external view returns (bool), which checks if presetting is required before binding a compliance module.
  • TREXFactory Enhancements:

    • New function setIdFactory: Sets the Identity Factory responsible for deploying token ONCHAINIDs.
    • New function getIdFactory: Retrieves the address of the associated Identity Factory.
  • TREXGateway Contract:

    • Deployed as a central interface for the TREX ecosystem, facilitating various crucial operations:
      • Factory Management: Manages the Factory contract address, enabling updates and ownership transfers.
      • Public Deployment Control: Toggles the ability for public entities to deploy TREX contracts, enhancing security and flexibility.
      • Fee Management: Sets and adjusts deployment fee details, including amount, token type, and collector address, and enables or disables fee requirements.
      • Deployer Management: Adds or removes approved deployers and applies fee discounts, including batch operations for efficiency. Ensures streamlined deployment processes for TREX contracts.
      • Suite Deployment: Directly deploys TREX suites of contracts using provided token and claim details, with support for batch deployments. Incorporates fee collection and deployment status checks for each deployment, emphasizing security and compliance.
      • Status and Fee Queries: Provides functions to retrieve current public deployment status, Factory contract address, deployment fee details, and deployment fee status.
      • Fee Calculation: Dynamically calculates deployment fees for deployers, considering applicable discounts.
  • DvATransferManager Contract:

    • Introduced the DvATransferManager contract to streamline the process of internal fund transfers needing multi-party intermediate approvals.
      • Token owners define the transfer authorization criteria, including recipient approval, agent approval, and potential additional approvers.
      • Investors submit transfer requests.
      • Approvers are empowered to either sanction or reject these requests.
      • Transfers are executed only upon receiving unanimous approval from all designated approvers.


Smart Contract Enhancements

  • TREXFactory:

    • Modified the deployTREXSuite function to now auto-deploy a Token ONCHAINID if it's not already available (i.e., if the onchainid address in _tokenDetails is the zero address).
  • ModularCompliance:

    • Updated the addModule function to invoke the new isPlugAndPlay and canComplianceBind functions, ensuring compatibility checks before binding any compliance module.

Code Quality Improvements

  • Enhanced the GitHub Actions workflow by adding TypeScript linting (lint:ts) for test files, ensuring higher code quality and adherence to coding standards.
  • Executed a comprehensive linting pass on all test files, addressing and resolving any linting issues. This ensures a consistent code style and improved readability across the test suite.
  • Updated the push_checking.yml GitHub Actions workflow to include automatic TypeScript linting checks on pull requests. This addition enforces coding standards and helps maintain high-quality code submissions from all contributors.



  • Compliance module view methods no longer require the modifier onlyComplianceBound.


  • script for flattening contracts with hardhat


Version 4.0.0 of TREX has been successfully audited by Hacken more details here

Breaking changes

  • Token Interface :
    • transferOwnershipOnTokenContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
    • addAgentOnTokenContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call addAgent() instead, the function was a duplicate of addAgent() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
    • removeAgentOnTokenContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call removeAgent() instead, the function was a duplicate of removeAgent() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
  • Identity Registry Interface :
    • transferOwnershipOnIdentityRegistryContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
    • addAgentOnIdentityRegistryContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call addAgent() instead, the function was a duplicate of addAgent() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
    • removeAgentOnIdentityRegistryContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call removeAgent() instead, the function was a duplicate of removeAgent() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
  • Identity Registry Storage Interface :
    • transferOwnershipOnIdentityRegistryStorage() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
  • Trusted Issuers Registry Interface :
    • transferOwnershipOnIssuersRegistryContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
  • Claim Topics Registry Interface :
    • transferOwnershipOnClaimTopicsRegistryContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
  • Compliance Interface :
    • Compliance contract becomes Modular Compliance, the features used by legacy compliance contracts have to be translated under the form of modules.
    • TokenAgentAdded event was removed from the interface, as there is no more need to add the Token agent list on the compliance contract, the new compliance, in v4, is capable to fetch directly the list of Token agents from the Token smart contract, without any need to store that list in its own memory.
    • TokenAgentRemoved event was removed from the interface, for the same reason as TokenAgentAdded.
    • transferOwnershipOnComplianceContract() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, call transferOwnership() instead, the function was a duplicate of transferOwnership() and was removed to simplify the interface and increase coherence.
    • addTokenAgent() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, the new compliance, in v4, is capable of fetching directly the list of Token agents from the Token smart contract, without any need to store that list in its own memory.
    • removeTokenAgent() function was removed and cannot be called anymore, the new compliance, in v4, is capable of fetching directly the list of Token agents from the Token smart contract, without any need to store that list in its own memory.
    • isTokenBound() function was removed from the interface, as there is only one token bound to a compliance contract, the existence of a function such as isTokenBound() was not necessary, the preferred option was to provide a getter, getTokenBound(), for the token address bound to the compliance instead.
    • tokenBound is no longer a public variable and has to be accessed by its getter, getTokenBound()


  • TREXImplementationAuthority has been modified to allow token issuers to change the ImplementationAuthority to manage it by themselves, the interfaces and implementation of the contract changed, but the functions used by the proxies to fetch the implementation contracts addresses remain the same.
  • The change of TREXImplementationAuthority has to follow rules to ensure safety of the migration, these rules are enforced by smart contracts directly onchain. Tokeny's IA contract is the reference contract, other IA contracts are considered as auxiliary contracts and can only update implementations to the versions of implementation contracts listed on the reference IA by Tokeny, this is done to ensure security of the deployed tokens and prevent any malicious use of the upgradeability functions.
  • a factory contract has been added, to deploy new TREXImplementationAuthority smart contracts, only the IA contracts deployed by that factory or the reference IA are allowed to be used by TREX contracts, it is not possible to come with your own implementation of the TREXImplementationAuthority contract and use it for contracts already deployed by the TREX factory.
  • TREX Factory Contract has been added to the repository, this contract allows to deploy and set TREX tokens in 1 single transaction (deploys all contracts, initialize them and complete settings of contracts)
  • Trusted Issuers Registry Storage now maintains a mapping of truster issuers addresses allowed for a given claim topic.
    • This means adding/removing/updating a trusted issuer now cost more gas (especially removing and updating when removing topics).
  • Trusted Issuers Registry now implements a getTrustedIssuersForClaimTopic(uint256 claimTopic) method to query trusted issuers allowed for a given claim topic.
  • Identity Registry isVerified method now takes advantage of the new getTrustedIssuersForClaimTopic.
    • Verifying an identity should now cost less gas, as the registry now only attempts to fetch claims that would be allowed.
    • Identity can therefore no longer be blocked because it contains too many claims of a given topic.
  • update solhint and adapt all contracts to the standards
  • Modular Compliance, new functions and events :
    • ModuleAdded event was added to the interface, as the compliance contract becomes modular, this event is used to track the list of Modules added to a Modular compliance contract.
    • ModuleRemoved event was added to the interface, as the compliance contract becomes modular, this event is used to track the list of Modules removed from a Modular compliance contract.
    • ModuleInteraction event was added to the interface, this event is used to track all interactions done with bound modules and is emitted by the callModuleFunction() function.
    • getTokenBound() function was added to the interface, to help standardize the contract, the previously public variable tokenBound was set as private and this getter was added to retrieve the bound token address.
    • addModule() function was added to the interface, as part of the modularization of the compliance contract. This function allows you to add/bind a new module to the compliance.
    • removeModule() function was added to the interface, as part of the modularization of the compliance contract. This function allows you to remove/unbind a module previously added to the compliance.
    • callModuleFunction() function was added to the interface, as part of the modularization of the compliance contract. This function allows you to interact with any bound module.
    • getModules() function was added to the interface, as part of the modularization of the compliance contract. This function allows you to fetch the list of Modules currently bound to the Modular Compliance Contract
    • isModuleBound() function was added to the interface, as part of the modularization of the compliance contract. This function allows you to check if a module is bound or not to the Compliance Contract.
  • updated licenses from 2021 to 2022
  • All contracts proxification
  • Lint all contracts following best practices for smart contract development, update of solhint file to automate checks regarding this
  • Complete NatSpec for all functions and events


  • Update storage slot for ImplementationAuthority address on proxy contract to avoid storage collision



  • updated licenses from 2019 to 2021


  • fix bug on the try/catch of isVerified function to return false if the verification of the claim returns an error on the last claim checked on the ONCHAINID



  • Updated solidity to version 0.8.0
  • Update comments in contracts code
  • Update ONCHAINID imports with the proxified version (version 1.4.0)
  • Update all dependencies to the latest stable version


  • DVDTransferManager contract
  • Tests for DVDTransferManager functions (100% test coverage)
  • callComplianceFunction on OwnerManager to interact with any custom compliance function
  • complianceManager role on OwnerManager
  • exports for all contracts to be used in SDK
  • flat contract for DVDTransferManager
  • ONCHAINID proxified contract deployer for tests


  • flat contracts script : fix typo in token flattener command


  • Release & pre release flows (yarn -> npm)
  • removed useless lines on removeClaimTopics function
  • add try/catch in isVerified function to avoid errors with incompatible claims
  • removed useless lines on removeTrustedIssuer function
  • changed required key for roles on AgentManager contract (MANAGEMENT key -> EXECUTION key)
  • changed required key for roles on OwnerManager contract (MANAGEMENT key -> EXECUTION key)
  • import interfaces from openzeppelin instead of local copy
  • contract name : Storage -> TokenStorage