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File metadata and controls

executable file
42 lines (28 loc) · 1.61 KB


The climateR R package is an open source project, and we welcome contributions of all kinds: new lessons, fixes to existing material, bug reports, and reviews of proposed changes are all welcome.

Contributor Agreement

By contributing, you agree that we may redistribute your work under our license. In exchange, we will address your issues and/or assess your change proposal as promptly as we can.
Everyone involved in the development of Karl agrees to abide by our code of conduct.

How to Contribute

The easiest way to get started is to file an issue to tell us about a spelling mistake, some awkward wording, or a factual error. This is a good way to introduce yourself and to meet some of our community members.

  1. You can report problems or suggest improvements by [creating an issue][issues]. This allows us to assign the item to someone and to respond to it in a threaded discussion.

  2. You can submit a pull request (PR).

What to Contribute

There are many ways to contribute, from writing new pieces of code and improving existing ones to updating or filling in the documentation and submitting [bug reports][issues] about things that don't work, aren't clear, or are missing.

Comments on issues and reviews of pull requests are welcomed: we are smarter together than we are on our own.
Feedback is appreciated and encouraged as Karl is continually evolving to better serve the community.

This document was adapted from this file from Software Carpentry.