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File metadata and controls

104 lines (93 loc) · 9.15 KB

glamr 2.0

  • Reconfigure load_secrets for local handing of PDAP [2024-07-02]
  • Improve messages issued with load_secrets [2024-07-02]
  • Fix bug within pdap_bucket resulting from a missing parentheses [2024-07-02]
  • Resolve issue with datim_user when no user was stored, which resulting from the wrong object used [2024-05-23]
  • Update is_stored to return TRUE for "pdap" when working from Posit Workbench [2024-04-02]
  • Setup return_latest to provide key to latest file that exists in the MSD folder in PDAP when working from Posit Workbench [2024-04-01]
  • Have si_path() return the path to the MSD folder (Sys.getenv("S3_READ")) when working from Posit Workbench [2024-04-01]
  • Upload load_secrets and is_stored to work with PDAP, both locally and in Posit Workbench [2024-04-01]
  • Add PDAP function, pdap_access, pdap_secrets, and pdap_bucket, to work out of the PEPFAR Workbench environment with s3 [2024-04-01]

glamr 1.3

  • Update the ability to launch the folder path on any OS (previously just Windows) with temp_folder [2024-03-28]
  • Update convert_datim_pd to reflect new date structure output from DATIM [2024-03-21]
  • Change instructions to install from rOpenSci [2024-01-04]
  • Update pepfar_data_calendar with FY24 dates [2023-11-15]
  • Added an option to silence the output of temp_folder and return_latest for use within functions [2023-10-11]
  • New version documtnation style. Patches/very minor changes will be updated as a patch (X.X.X) and updates on this NEWS page will fall under the minor (X.X) version [2023-10-11]

glamr 1.2.0

  • Add in gen_ref_id to be used as a one off outside of a snippet [2023-10-03]
  • Include the list of 8 + 1 + 1 countries prioritized by PEPFAR in pepfar_country_list under the variable pepfar_accel [2023-08-03]
  • Resolve duplication occuring when running si_setup in .gitignore [2023-08-02]
  • Add additional file types specificed in usethis::git_vaccinate to ignore [2023-08-02]
  • Update return_latest to filter on the date modifed (mdate) rather than the date created (cdate) [2023-08-01]
  • Add Data_public folder to be generated when running si_setup [2023-04-13]
  • Modified file extensions to be ignored in setup_gitignore [2023-04-13]

glamr 1.1.1

  • Add set_key, get_key and get_keys for generic account credentials management
  • Add get_services as a lookup function for existing keyring services
  • Add get_account and set_account to group get_* and set_* into 1 function

glamr 1.1.0

  • Update pepfar_country_list and pepfar_country_xwalk to reflect FY23 PEPFAR funding countries [2023-02-23]
  • Print out the file name when using return_latest [2023-02-23]
  • Updates pepfar_data_calendar to reflect (1) Q4i close on 10 Nov [MER late close on 14 Nov] and (2) new FY23 PEPFAR calendar (removes FY21) [2022-11-28]
  • Add msd_release to pepfar_data_calendar and updated Q4 clean release date to match new calendar [2022-08-16]
  • Fully depricate my_pwd() [2022-08-05]
  • Migrate MSD/FSD related functions to gophr: apply_partner_type, browse_knownissues, clean_agency, clean_column, clean_indicator, clean_psnu, pluck_totals, remove_centralsupport, remove_mo, remove_sch, resolve_knownissues, source_info [2022-08-05]
  • Migrate API related function (DATIM, Pano, s3) and vignette to grabr: datim_dim_item, datim_dim_items, datim_dim_url, datim_dimension, datim_dimensions, datim_execute_query, datim_pops, datim_process_query, datim_query, get_levels, get_orguids, get_ouorglabel, get_ouorglevel, get_ouorgs, get_ouorguids, get_outable, get_ouuid, get_ouuids, identify_levels, identify_ouuids, lazy_secrets, package_check, pano_content, pano_download, pano_elements, pano_extract, pano_extract_msd, pano_extract_msds, pano_items, pano_session, s3_buckets, s3_download, s3_excel_sheets, s3_object_type, s3_objects, s3_read_object, s3_remove, s3_unpack_keys, s3_upload [2022-08-05]

glamr 1.0.5

  • Update pepfar_country_list and pepfar_country_xwalk to reflect countries that receive any PEPFAR funding (budgets for the current FY) instead of just those that report MER indicators (2022-08-02)
  • Add pano_extract_msds function to extract latest available MSDs from PEPFAR Panorama to local directory.
  • Add curr_date function for on demand formatting of Sys.Date() values
  • Add open_path function to help with navigating to directories and viewing with file content

glamr 1.0.4

  • Add pluck_totals function to filter dataframe to just Total Numerator and Denominator (2022-05-27)
  • Update references to old variable names in get_outtable, identify_levels, get_ouuids, get_ouuid, get_levels, get_ouorglevel, get_ouorglabel and resolve_knownissues as well as with the raw data. The new names went into effect FY22Q2 (2022-04-08)
  • Add DATIM UIDs to pepfar_country_list (2022-04-08)

glamr 1.0.3

  • Resolve grepel bug with datim_dim_items which kept the function from running (2022-04-15)
  • Create a new period calculation, convert_fy_qtr_to_pd, using fiscal_year and quarter column to make it easier to create a period variable when not using gophr::reshape_msd(). (2022-04-07)
  • Update both pepfar_country_list and pepfar_country_xwalk to include Benin, now reporting into PEPFAR starting in FY22 (2022-02-22)
  • Update source_info to look for FY20 MSD filename as a default as opposed to FY19 (2022-02-22)

glamr 1.0.2

  • Resolve bug with get_outable which did not use the user defined base url when running identify_ouuids, resulting in a user without a account to not access the table.
  • Fixed bug with resolve_issues that left of a column, breaking the function when run.
  • Removed paging from datim_dim_items to return full set of dimensions
  • Adjust source_info to handle dates for the FSD that are out of sync with the PEPFAR calendar.
  • Included removal of central supporting from resolve_knowissues by default, which can also be run separately using remove_centralsupport.
  • Update resolve_knownissues to handle working with financial data as well as MER.
  • Has resolve_knownissues check Rprofile to see if authentication is stored there (from set_email) if not loaded in session.
  • Update clean_agency to move State (State/AF, etc.) and USAID (USAID/WCF) subsidiaries under their parent agencies

glamr 1.0.1

  • Resolve bug with resolve_knownissues that resulted from having both targets and results for the same mechanism and indicator that need to be removed.
  • Add set of functions to store, access, and load Panorama credentials - set_pano, pano_user(), pano_pwd(), pano_session(), and load_secrets().
  • Add functions to discover and download output datasets from Panorama: pano_content(), pano_elements(), pano_unpack(), pano_extract(), pano_download(), pano_items(), pano_extract_msd()
  • Update pepfar_data_calendar with FY22 dates

glamr 1.0.0

  • Fixed source_info() to allow it to work correctly with FSD (misspelling in the filename).
  • Allow user to just flag, not remove SCH mechanism in remove_sch().
  • Resolve bug with new code for set_path, causing an error if any path was missing from the .Rprofile
  • The new temp_folder() creates and stores a folder in your Global Envir to use, which will be automatically be deleted on the end of your RStudio session.
  • Used pkgdown to create a site
  • If no username/password are provided to get_outable(), identify_ouuids() or identify_levels(), defaults to using datim_user() and datim_pwd()
  • Adjust get_outable()/identify_levels() output, changing community to community_lvl and prioritization to psnu_lvl to match other indicators.
  • Include two new function to convert dates to periods and periods to dates using convert_date_to_qtr() and convert_qtr_to_date().
  • New vigentte for project workflow added, vignette(package = glamr)
  • Update set_paths(), allowing for path_downloads and improve backend efficiency.
  • Store email in .Rprofile in addition to keyring using set_email() for use with googledrive::drive_auth() and googlesheets4::gs4_auth() without having to provide an email.
  • Add clean_filename() function to remove apostrophe and other pesky characters from a filename, especially for use when uploading to Google Drive.
  • Adjust load_secrets() to allow user to specify which accounts to load in a session.
  • Depricate mypwd() which has been superseded by datim_pwd().
  • Create source_info function to extract information from the file to use in the caption/source.
  • Adjust setup_gitignore() and setup_readme() to not duplicate text if its already exists
  • Add a missing append to setup_gitignore() to not overwrite existing file.
  • Add pepfar_data_calendar data frame to be used in conjunction with source info.
  • Add pepfar_country_list data frame to have a set of PEPFAR countries and their ISO codes.
  • Add pepfar_country_xwalk data frame as a cross-walk for PEPFAR, UN, CountryCode country names
  • Add datim_* functions for datim queries
  • Edited clean_countries() to account for short version of PEPFAR OU/Countries
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.

glamr 0.1.0

  • Prior to verion 1.0.0, updates were not captured.