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Releases: Ultimaker/Cura


08 Dec 14:50
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Profile added for 0.25 mm print core

This new print core gives extra fine line widths which gives prints extra definition and surface quality.

Profile added for Breakaway material

New material profile for Breakaway material, a new dry post processing support material, which can be used for models with flat surface area overhangs.

Layer view

The existing Layer View has been updated in order to see a live simulation of all the paths within a layer.

Quick camera controls

New buttons have been added to the interface that can quickly reposition the camera view of the buildplate.

Lock model on platform

The move tool has a new option to lock a selected model to the platform.

Faster profile switching speed

Duplicating and removing a profile could take Ultimaker Cura quite some time, it now happens instantly.

Faster printer selection

Removing a printer from the library is now instant. No more unresponsive screens.

Faster processing speed

A 5 - 10 % speed increase when calculating normals, loading models, and slicing.

Feedrate visualization

Feedrate visualization has been added to the Layer view. Using this gives the user an idea of the print speeds per model part, allowing for better control over prints.


It allows the printhead to be moved with on-screen controls. Contributed by fieldOfView.

Large model loading

A new feature has been added which unloads the layer view when switching to solid mode, speeding Ultimaker Cura back up without losing your G-code/layer view information.

Scripts folder

A scripts folder is now available in the Ultimaker Cura configuration folder. This folder can be loaded with post processing plugins scripts, which will automatically show in Ultimaker Cura. Contributed by fieldOfView.

Optimized workflow for crash reporting

Crash reports are automatically generated and allow the user, in case of a crash, to easily send their report with a description to developers.

Floating models enabled

In previous releases, models were dropped to the build plate when support was disabled. Models now float when the setting is enabled (even if creates an impossible-to-print situation). This can be used to stack separate models on top of each other.

Slicing tolerance

A new setting that affects the intersect point to influence the dimensional accuracy for diagonal surfaces. The user can select the behaviour: ‘Inclusive’ makes gaps narrower, ‘Exclusive’ makes gaps wider, and ‘Middle’ is the fastest to process. This can be used to create better tolerances for printed screw holes. Contributed by BagelOrb.

Optimized zig zag patterns

Zig zag patterns now print more consistently. Lines now have a 5 micron tolerance in which they are printed any way, resulting in longer connected lines. Contributed by smartavionics.

Aligned z-seam inner wall moves

Inner wall travel moves are aligned with the z-seam. This reduces the number of travel moves and reduces the chance of more unwanted seams.

Relative positioning of infill patterns

Infill patterns are now positioned relative to the center of loaded models and an offset can be applied to control the infill more precisely and adjust it to preference or strength. Contributed by smartavionics.

Line resolution

Enables the user to specify the minimum allowed distance value between two points in G-code to create lower or higher resolution polygons.

Custom mode changes

If profile settings have been modified in recommended mode under custom mode, a reset icon will appear to notify the user. Click the icon to show the changes that have been made, and revert back to the default profile settings.


  • Fix for layer numbers being displayed incorrectly when switching between solid and layer mode
  • Fix for Ultimaker Cura engine crashes on certain models
  • Fix for Uninstalling previous versions of Cura on Windows platforms
  • Fix for displaying visible settings
  • Fix for importing legacy .ini files
  • Prevent skipping user agreement dialog by pressing escape


18 Oct 12:01
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Faster start-up

Start-up speed has been cut in half compared to the previous version.

New color scheme

Color scheme has been updated to reflect Ultimaker Cura rebrand.

Updated UX design

The Ultimaker Cura logo has moved from the bottom to the top of the interface. Print status icons have been updated and repositioned.

Redesigned splash screen

A new splash screen on Ultimaker Cura startup has been added.

Top navigation bar improvements

The width of tab functionality changes accordingly to the word space (multilingual).

Print quality slider

A slider can now be used to control the quality profile in recommended mode.

Infill slider

Model infill can now be changed using a slider in recommended mode.

Changed layer view

Layer view icon, panel and slider have moved to top-right of interface.

Rasterized build plate

The build plate now shows graduations of 10 mm and 1 mm for easy model positioning.

Changed row of extruder buttons

Extruder tabs have become buttons and icons have been updated.

Add an "Export to Cura" button in SOLIDWORKS

SOLIDWORKS plugin can now be installed using an automatic installer.

Siemens NX macro

When a user updates models in Siemens NX and clicks the button, the updated models replace the models opened in Ultimaker Cura.

Skin removal width

Remove thin strips of skin from a model to prevent print head zigzagging, in turn preventing vibrations.

Skin expand distance

Cutting away skins on steep overhangs makes prints less sturdy. By expanding skins with the thickness of walls, features will be better supported. In addition, features such as towers on top of infill will be stronger.

Extra skin wall count

Printing extra skin directly on top of infill can lead to gaps, curling and pillowing. This is reduced by printing a wall around the skin first, and also improves the printing speed.

Minimum extrusion for skin

Will prevent filling small gaps that are probably filled already, resulting in less strings, better top details and faster prints.

PVA retractions

PVA (switch) retraction length is increased, minimum travel distance for retraction is decreased and max count is slightly increased, this reduces stringing by a lot at the cost of slightly increased print time.

Z seam options

Gives the user control over where to place the seam - hide it in convex corners or in easy to remove locations such as concave corners. Don’t let corner angles influence the seam position.

Quarter cubic infill

Similar to tetrahedral (octet) infill, but half of the lines are shifted half of the period up. This pattern sacrifices some rigidity of octet infill for greater toughness.

Cross infill

A fractal pattern infill that requires fewer retractions than other infill types. This is useful for flexible materials as it causes less material elongation. The internal structure given by this infill also assists flexible models having more resistance, while retaining ‘soft’ properties in all directions.

Layer start negative position

Layer start X/Y values can be less than 0 when the machine centre is zero.

PostProcessing stretch script

This new script performs "post stretch" algorithm to fix the problem of insufficient inner and outer diameters. Thanks to electrocbd for contributing.

Ironing speed settings

Ironing speed settings have been moved to experimental category.

Doodle3D plugin

Update Doodle3D plugin to connect with printers. Thanks to mith for contributing.

Bug fixes

  • Customized profiles are not sent when connecting to a printer
  • Sync z-hop with layer changes, thanks to smartavionics for contributing
  • Memory leaks on MacOS
  • Printer name not loaded when project file is opened
  • Doodle3D Wifi box was selected by default on non-UM3 printers


30 Aug 07:38
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Cura 2.7.0

Top surface skin

Specify print settings of the top-most layers separately in order to improve print duration and achieve higher quality top surfaces.

Print thin walls

An experimental function that enables features to be printed up to two times smaller than the nozzle size.

Ironing (a.k.a. Neosanding)

An experimental function that enables the heated nozzle to travel over printed top layers without extrusion to create a smooth finish. Made after an idea by Neotko.

Gradual support infill

Supports will print faster and with less material while improving overhang quality.

Support infill layer thickness

Users are able to configure “Support infill layer thickness” for thicker support layers.

Relative Z seam

A function that positions the Z seam relative to the bounding box of the model, so that the seam stays at the same location no matter what the position of the object is.

Prime tower purge

In order to prevent under extrusion when printing a prime tower, and to prevent a prime tower failing half way through a job, a feature has been added to wipe off oozed/purged material in the middle of a hollow prime tower before starting to print the next layer of it. The amount of material to purge can be specified in the “Prime Tower Purge Volume” setting.

First layer line width

A multiplier setting for the line width of the first layer of a print. Multiplying line width gives fewer lines but with greater width, which improves build plate adhesion.

Pause standby and resume temperature

Turn off the nozzle when printing with extended pauses to prevent burned filament and nozzle clogging. At the end of a pause, the nozzle will reach printing temperature before resuming a print.

Extruder per feature

Assign specific print features (walls, infill, skin, etc.) to a specific nozzle. A possible application of this would be to print an outer shell of an object with a fine nozzle at a greater level of detail while using a larger second nozzle to print infill faster.

Dark theme

A dark theme for Cura. Select this theme to reduce eyestrain when working in dark environments. Activate it by selecting “Preferences > Themes > Dark".

Top navigation bar redesign

The top bar user interface been improved so that “Prepare” and “Print” have moved from the right side of the interface to the left side.

New keyboard shortcuts

Models can now be manipulated on the build plate using hotkeys Q, A, Z, W, and tab keys. Q selects “move”, A selects “scale”, Z selects “rotate”, and W selects “mirror”. Use the tab key to navigate between settings.

Plugin browser

Easily download and install plugins using an integrated plugin browser. Go to “Extensions > Plugin Browser > Browse plugins” to select it.

Import SolidWorks files as STL

A new plugin that enables SolidWorks compatible .SLDPRT files to be imported directly into Cura, where they are automatically converted to .STL format. This plugin can be found in the plugin browser.

Zoom towards mouse cursor position

Cura preferences now include an option to zoom towards the cursor position on screen.

Increased scroll speed in setting lists

The scroll speed in the setting lists is now three times faster than previous versions.

Extra tooltips

Extra tooltips have been added to clarify the machine settings.

Polish now supported

Polish language support added. This can be selected in the preferences menu.

Chinese now supported

Chinese language support added. This can be selected in the preferences menu.

Bug fixes

  • Cura project Mac extensions
  • Crashes when adding printers
  • Jerk fixes
  • Z-hop over-extrusion
  • Material diameter in machine settings

3rd party printers

  • Peopoly Moai
  • DiscoEasy200
  • Cartesio
  • EasyArt Ares
  • 3Dator
  • Rigid3D
  • Type A Series 1
  • HelloBEEPrusa


21 Jun 10:57
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Cura 2.6.0.


24 Apr 08:39
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Cura 2.5.0.


04 Nov 13:39
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Cura 2.3.1.

To reproduce this release, build from all dependencies the commits that are tagged with "2.3.1".


19 Oct 15:37
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Cura 2.3.0.

To reproduce this release, build from all dependencies the commits that are tagged with "2.3.0".


02 Aug 09:05
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For Cura version 2.1.3.